How to sync on iPhone 5s. How to sync iPhone to iPhone. stage. Selecting items to sync

The optimal solution to sync iPhone devices with personal computers and laptops are using iTunes. In principle, you can transfer data from a PC to an iPhone directly, simply by connecting a smartphone and a desktop cable. But, at the same time, various security problems arise. You will have to disable security locks in the settings, create risks of mutual infection with viruses and other untidiness.

Previous versions caused a lot of complaints from users, but in the end the developers overcame all the shortcomings, eliminated the shortcomings, and now the work is not difficult even for novice users.

Synchronization using a USB connection

The advantages of this method include the fact that your mobile gadget will simultaneously replenish the battery charge - two in one. Kind with healthy.

You can start, now you will understand how easy everything is done.

  • First, you need to connect the iPhone and PC with a USB cable. It is advisable to use exactly the cord that was included in the delivery of the phone. The bottom line is that if you use non-native connecting cables, this can lead to a decrease in the level of transmission of electric current through the USB interface. Which is not very good.
  • The second step is to specify the model of your mobile device in iTunes. This is necessary for the program to automatically make the optimal settings specifically for connecting your computer with a specific iPhone.
  • The third step is to open the file and folder manager and make the program tasks which folders and files to synchronize and which do not need.

From now on, whenever you connect your smartphone with a USB cable, the sync process will automatically start. It is very convenient, you don't even need to remember about it, everything is done by itself.

In some cases, it is not very convenient for the user that the process occurs every time and the launch of the process starts unauthorized. For example, if folders and files included in the list for synchronization were deleted from the hard disk of the PC, then, when automatic update states on the iPhone, all these files and folders will also be automatically deleted. It is likely that the user would not want to do this.

In this case, you need to go to the iTunes settings interface and simply turn off automatic synchronization.

From now on, to start the process, you will have to open iTunes and manually enable the process of comparing and transferring files.

Synchronizing iPhone with your computer using Wi-Fi

If you have an iPhone in your work latest models, then you no longer need to mess with the excuses, connect via USB every time. You can set up sharing over a wireless Wi-Fi network.

First, you need to make sure that both devices to be synchronized have a Wi-Fi connection and that the Internet connection is configured properly. In other words, both the desktop and the iPhone can already work with wireless Internet via Wi-Fi.

To set up, you will have to connect the PC and iPhone one last time using a USB cable. Log into iTunes and find settings. Switch to sync over Wi-Fi.

Now you no longer have to poke around with wires. Synchronization of the computer with the iPhone will start automatically under the following conditions.

  1. Both the PC and iPhone must be turned on and connected to the wireless Internet via Wi-Fi.
  2. iPhone must be in battery charging mode.
  3. If the mobile device is not recharging, data exchange will not take place.

As you can see, it was still not without wires. Then what is the advantage here? Will you be connecting your iPhone to your computer for recharging with the same USB cable that you used for regular wired exchange?

There is, however, the ability to synchronize the iPhone and when the PC is turned off - using cloud storage iCloud. But, this is a completely different story and a topic for another article.

And if you don't want wireless sync to start in automatic mode? The reasons have already been discussed in the previous paragraphs. Then you need to act like this. Open the iTunes settings interface again and find where you have to switch between automatic and manual mode. Uncheck automatic and check manual. That's all. Now, in order to sync something on your computer and iPhone, you will have to launch iTunes every time and turn on the process yourself.

Note. If your iPhone is a bit outdated, don't worry, that doesn't mean you won't be able to take full advantage of modern wireless technology.

This is possible, just in the case of the old iPhone models have to tinker with manual settings recognition of a wireless Wi-Fi network. Open the interface for configuring wireless networks on your desktop, and make all the settings in the order suggested by the Wizard. You will most likely have to install required drivers for a network card.

This article will discuss how to sync iPhone with computer via Wi-Fi. IPhone synchronization is carried out, as a rule, through the iTunes utility. But the methods can be different - via WiFi and using a USB cable.

Synchronization is needed to exchange data between an iPhone and a computer. For example, when a user bought an interesting movie to watch it on a laptop. But at some point he wanted to enjoy the same movie on his smartphone. Thanks to synchronization, he will be able to do this.

In this critical process, iTunes checks to see if the latest data is present on your laptop or mobile device. After that, it is determined what information will be synchronized. And then a specific method is chosen for this.

Front detailed description procedures on how to synchronize an iPhone with a computer via aytyuns, for those who do not know, we will tell you how to install iTunes and start the desired process. This requires:

  • Download the utility and install it (the version must be "fresh").
  • Open the utility.
  • Connected via cord USB phone to the computer found in the installed program.
  • In the overview tab, click on the item sync iPhone over WiFi.
  • Press the button confirming the operation, then pull out the cable from the USB port.
  • Mark the files to be synchronized and click on the corresponding button.

In the event that the mobile device and the computer are connected to the same Internet network, a new device with operating system iOS. If the smartphone is on charge and aytyuns is running on the computer, the whole process will start and end automatically. No active user action is required.

Sync via iTunes over WiFi

As you understand, on the iPhone you can not only wifi and master virtual networks, but also do something more interesting - for example, exchange information between this device and a computer, and vice versa. After such an exchange of audio and video files on the PC and in the media library, the aytyuns utilities will be exactly the same. This means that watching any movie or listening to a music track will be available from both your phone and your computer. No doubt it is very convenient. Next, let's take a closer look at one of the most convenient synchronization methods, but first you need to prepare.

Preparatory stage

Before starting all the actions, you need to take care of how to connect the device to the Internet. As a rule, at all mobile devices Apple has configured a Wi-Fi connection to the network. If there are problems with the connection, you need to fix it, and only then proceed to the main one.

Also, before starting all the actions, you should turn to the aytyuns utility to carry out automatic synchronization. First, you need to check if it is installed on the user's PC. And, secondly, it is important to check this program for "freshness".

What files are synchronized?

These are the following types of information:

  • Separate tracks.
  • Musical albums.
  • Text files (books, etc.).
  • Ringtones.
  • Photographs.
  • Video recordings.
  • Contact data.
  • Calendars.
  • Backups.

Process algorithm through aytyuns

So, after the preparatory steps, you can proceed directly to the most important thing - the exchange of relevant data between the computer and the mobile gadget. For this you need:

  • Open / run the utility on a PC or laptop (depending on which device you will be working with).
  • Connect iPhone to computer via USB cable (accessory must be original!). at the very top of the window on the left, the phone icon will pop up.
  • Click on this icon. In the settings of the utility, a list of all types of information that makes up the library is displayed. Any of these files that make up the library can be moved to the gadget from Apple.
  • Decide on the type of information that will be transmitted from one device to another, namely, specific files with video, audio, etc.
  • In the utility interface, check the synchronization checkbox (if this checkbox is already there, it means that the process is running and nothing needs to be done).

Reference. If a file is missing from the aytyuns file store, a number of tabs may not be visible. For example, if there are no podcasts, you will not see the tab with the corresponding name.

Also note that some types of information cannot be synchronized using aytyuns. In this regard, use iCloud to manage notes, bookmarks and mail. In addition, the iOS operating system has programs that can help the user transfer data, which can completely replace the synchronization function.

Reference. If at this stage a message pops up stating that the iPhone is already synchronized with the utility's media storage, then the device was previously connected to another PC. However, you should be aware of this (of course, if you buy a new certified smartphone, and not a Chinese fake). If you press a button that assumes the execution of an action to erase information, all previous data will be replaced with information from that computer. With which you are in this moment are working and to which the phone was connected. At one point in time, it is permissible to synchronize an iOS device exclusively with the 1st media library.

If the process was launched not in the utility under consideration, but in another program, for example, iCloud, a similar process in iTunes may be disabled. Here you should dwell on the following important points:

  • After the start of the data exchange process, the additional settings options will be displayed on the screen without fail. They need to be enabled for the process to be successful.
  • The last 2 steps in the above instruction (steps 4-5) need to be repeated for each type of content to be synchronized.
  • To save the process settings, you must click the apply button at the bottom of the display on the right.
  • Sometimes the process on the machine does not start, possibly due to software failures). In such a situation, you just need to manually press the sync button. After enabling this button, the action will start automatically whenever the iOS device is connected to the PC running the aytyuns utility.

And one more situation that requires attention - when information pops up about the impossibility of exchanging certain data. This means that the PC has not been authorized for this type of content.

If communication fails ...

It happens that there is no way to install the aytyuns utility for exchanging data between a mobile device and a computer via Wi-Fi. In such a situation, use the following guidelines:

  • Reboot your PC.
  • Make sure your computer and iPhone are connected to the same communication network.

Reference. Synchronizing data over Ethernet is not possible.

  • Recheck your firewall settings. If software is used on the PC to protect the device, you can contact the developers in the support service for using these programs.
  • Read the documentation for the router again. It probably contains information on how to open TCP ports 123 and 3689, and also UDP 123 and 5353.

Disconnecting a process

If you need to perform the opposite action, i.e. cancel (turn off) synchronization, follow these steps:

  • Run aytyuns on a PC or laptop, after making sure that the version of the utility is the most recent. If not, download and install the latest version of the program.
  • Connect your smartphone to your PC using a USB cable.
  • Above, in the left corner of the display, there will be a phone icon. It will appear as soon as you plug your iPhone into a port on your computer.
  • Click on this icon.
  • In the program settings (on the left in the window), mark the files for which you want to cancel synchronization.
  • In the main aytyuns window, uncheck the sync checkbox.

After that, all the information marked by you will be deleted from the smartphone's memory. And the last, final step of the process is pressing the apply button.

Those who have become the lucky owners of the iPhone should know that now it will not be so easy to download music, photos and other files to the phone. Company Apple iPhone created a special program for synchronizing the phone with the computer - iTunes. The program not only allows you to add files to your phone, but also has the function Reserve copy and an online store where you can buy new files. How to sync iPhone with iTunes will be discussed later in our article.

Installing and Configuring iTunes

The most important thing is to carry out all operations slowly and carefully. You do not need to put a checkmark wherever you will be offered. It's worth saying a little about installing iTunes... During installation, uncheck the boxes in the window shown below:

  • Use iTunes as a standard player for audio files (if you don't remove it, this program will open every time you start music)
  • Automatically update iTunes and other Apple software (it's best to update manually to avoid unexpected problems).

Also, when installing the program, you must disable automatic synchronization. If you did not do this right away, then you can disable the function after installation. However, in order to customize the program, you need to create an account in the iTunes Store.

Synchronization settings

After registration, enter iTunes, as shown below:

Now we turn off automatic synchronization: at the very bottom of the "Overview" - "Options" tab, uncheck the "Synchronize automatically if iPhone is connected" item. There you can also synchronize Wi-Fi and others.

For better work programs, it is better to disable automatic synchronization altogether. To do this, go to "Edit" - "Settings", go to the "Devices" tab and put a tick in the item "Disable automatic synchronization of iPod, iPhone, iPad":

Add and sync files

Now it will be very easy to add new files to iTunes. You can simply drag and drop videos, music, movies, photos or applications to the appropriate section of your media library. The function will work even with the command "copy-paste" or "Open with iTunes".

After adding music to your library, it will appear in playlists. It is best for each file to have a title in English, since during syncing iTunes may simply not find a file with a Russian name. You can find the video in the section of the same name, but iTunes downloads video files only in MP4 format:

All programs on your iPhone can be found in the "Programs" section:

With the right mouse button, you can uninstall programs you do not need or disable them. In this case, the program will be removed from the phone, but it will remain in iTunes. At any time, you can re-download the deleted application to your phone.

After each removal or installation of files, each time you need to click the "Synchronize" button at the very bottom of your window account... If you don't, iTunes won't show the new changes on your iPhone. You can add all new programs by simply dragging and dropping them into the window below:

This is a very convenient option that iPhone owners cannot do without.

Remember that it is better to carry out any operations manually. Therefore, everything that has the "automatic" characteristic should be turned off for more correct operation.

IPhone - " smart phone", Successfully performing the functions of a pocket computer. It is rightfully considered the most widespread on the globe. Apple has created its mobile brainchild on the iOS platform, making it closed. This means that the phone cannot be connected to a computer, like a USB flash drive, and synchronize, that is, exchange information between them. different types... To do this, you need to learn how to work with iTunes. It is difficult to "love" it the first time, so it is worth downloading the latest version, which is more understandable to the user.

To sync any Apple product, use special program iTunes. In its latest version iTunes 11.0.2, compared to the previous ones, everything is simpler. The principles of work became available for understanding even for the first time a person encountered it. Copy it completely free of charge from the official website of the company. After downloading the program file, install it on your computer. Turn off all applications on the iPhone, put it in standby mode. To synchronize via the USB cable (included in the kit), connect it at one end to your mobile device, and the other to your computer via USB port... ITunes will start automatically, or do it manually. It can be used to record movies, music, photos, data to the device, or create backups on a computer (store phone settings). The first tab will open where you specify the model of your iOS device. The button you need is located near the iTunes Store on the right side of the window. Now the screen displays all the information about your device: model, OS version, creation date of the last backup... Using the program menu, you can select the type of information to exchange with a PC, make settings for synchronizing the contents of the iTunes library (if it is full) with the IPhone. When the settings are done, click the "Synchronize" button - the process will begin. During synchronization, do not disconnect the USB cable from the computer. To avoid data loss, to interrupt synchronization, click "Cancel" at the bottom of the window. It is not very convenient to perform synchronization every time the device is connected to a computer. So cancel it automatic start: "Overview" tab - "Options" section - uncheck the "Sync automatically if iPhone is connected" item. Now, saving your nerves and time, start synchronization manually if necessary. Synchronization with a computer can be done wirelessly - via Wi-Fi. When choosing this method of synchronization, you need to connect the iPhone to the computer via a standard cable once, go to the "Options" menu of the "Overview" tab, put a tick next to the item "Synchronize with this iPhone via Wi-Fi". Now click "Synchronize" or "Apply". When synchronization is complete, the phone can be disconnected from the USB cable. It is important to take into account in this case: the iOS device must be connected to the power supply, Wi-Fi network- must be common for both devices. When syncing an iPhone over Wi-Fi, failures are possible. The router settings are to blame for this. You can fix the problem yourself. Go to Windows Control Panel. Find and open the "Network and Sharing Center" tab. general access", Go to the section" Management wireless networks". Click on the name of your connection right click mouse, open its "Properties". Go to the "Security" tab, set: security type - "WPA2-Personal", encryption type - "TKIP", specify the network security key, then "OK". Problems continue - restart devices: device, computer, router.

With iTunes, everything seems complicated for the first time, with further "cooperation" with it, the processes are "automatic". The procedure for synchronizing with a computer is the same for all Apple devices running on iOS. Namely: via Wi-Fi, via USB, in manual mode, in automatic mode.

Syncing your iPhone with your computer can be a daunting task, especially if you don't want to lose all the data you already have on your device:

  • music files, audiobooks or ringtones;
  • downloaded movies or TV shows;
  • applications;
  • photos or your videos.

Instructions on how to access your computer will make this task doable.

Sync iPhone to Computer Using iTunes

Synchronization is the easiest way to transfer information from your phone to your PC. This transfer of your data will keep it updated on both devices.

You must have one of latest versions iTunes and any of the connections - USB cable or Wi-Fi. To do this, just select "Back up to this computer"

Synchronization via USB cable

Now the data will always be updated as soon as you reconnect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable. Don't forget to open iTunes when doing this.

Wi-Fi sync

When charging an iOS device, data will be exchanged automatically.

If you cannot connect sync:

  1. Restart your PC and smartphone.
  2. Make sure both devices are on the same Wi-Fi network.
  3. Check the settings of the security software that are used for the PC or router.
  4. View instructions or contact support to find out the appropriate ports to identify your devices.

Transferring data from smartphone to PC using Windows

Taking advantage of Windows settings AutoPlay, you manually submit the photos and have full control over the process.

It's like importing photos from a digital camera to your PC or laptop.

By default, photos will be saved in the Pictures folder.

Using third-party programs

Some of them give you better control over the transfer process than iTunes or Windows. Some may be freely available or paid, while others may not work or be prohibited.

The most popular among smartphone users are iExplorer, SharePod or PhoneTrans Pro. By following their instructions, you will transfer all personal data, as well as music, video files, voicemail and SMS. A demo version of PhoneTrans Pro is available, but limited to 50 songs.

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