Calendar for the whole year php. How to write a php calendar for the month and year? PHP calendar script in English style

For making a best calendar with php script and code requires an expert who is efficient – ​​can solve the problems easily and produce a quality software in a very less time. This software should be simple and easy that allows easy operating and maintained. No need to find the programmer with the only knowledge of functions, classes or any other specific solutions. These can be easily found online at any time.

Best calendar php script and codes are very easy to develop for a good programmer in a very less time. Codes should be written in a short means writing a less waste and keep on reusing codes. Codes should be written in a format that can be extended and maintained.

Providing calendar to your website will add a new look and can attract new customers to it. It will add an extra function and make it classier. You don't need to do hard work for this. You can hire a good web designer or a freelancer to get your work done without any problem. It is the simple step to update your website and make it popular on search engines.

Eventro is a codeigniter based event management system. It's very easy to install with great minimalist design.

CIFullCalendar v2 is a server-side dynamic web application that is responsive to any layout of a viewing screen which uses CodeIgniter v2. The “Super Saiyan Fusion” power of CIFullCalendar allows users to organize, plan and share events to everyone. Simply, install it to your server and become a member then use the wonderful features by easily manipulating your events by dragging, dropping, resizing, clicking, touching, categorizing, linking and importing/exporting.

This calendar is for scheduling employees and/or spaces or you can use it as a multi-calendar. Amongst many options you can choose if only the admin can add items to the calendars/spaces, if a calendar is public, private or private for a group, if people have to login, if you want to see employees or spaces (shops, departments ) in the separate calendars (left blocks), etc….

This multipurpose AJAX Calendar can be used as event manager, reminder, planner, affiche, to-do list etc and will save You a lot of time for client-side scripting. It can be integrated in any type of Content Management Systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc.

This is the second version and a complete solution for jQuery fullcalendar plugin. Most admin themes on themeforest use this plugin and they are static updated, with this solution now they can get dynamic.


We give you the opportunity to schedule your company’s events in a beautifully designed calendar. Not for a company? No problem, maybe you are a person who is looking to be better organized.

CIFullCalendar+ is a server-side dynamic web application that is responsive to any layout of a viewing screen. The “Super Saiyan Fusion” power of CIFullCalendar allows users to organize, plan and share events to everyone.

A complete JavaScript calendar, with the base jQuery Fullcalendar and a PHP/MySQL backend.
Insert, update, resize, drag and drop drop items fast and easy with ajax calls.

Need a powerful, web-based shared calendar where you can schedule or book your own appointments, as well as share with a group and invite others?

Caledonian PHP Calendar is a user friendly, php based and multi-user calendar/scheduling script. It has so many great features like timeline, multiple calendars, shared calendars, event reminder, multiple language support and so on.

Ajax Expense Manager is a great small web application to those that want to manage their expenses and controls the money flow and current data to csv for other uses. With this application you can track real-time values ​​by the month, week and day as well by categories.

This is a complete solution for jQuery fullcalendar plugin, multipurpose calendar and can be used on other calendars due to the PHP class. Most admin themes on themeforest use this plugin and they are static updated, with this solution now they can get dynamic.

Reg4Class lets private tutors and teachers manage their students, classes, locations, schedules and finances online. Set your class hourly rates, add students, create lesson schedules, record attendance, keep track of finance balance.

Promoter is a calendar based PHP script that allows you to create events listings websites.

Events Calendar allows you to easily add to your website a powerful interactive calendar to present your events.

This scripts allows your website’s registered users to chat with each other. Online users are detected and shown in different color, making people to know who is online. This plugin do not require any third party plugins or configurations, hence can be run on any common php & mysql server.

As the administrator you have the control to add, edit, delete membership plans as well as manage/edit registered users.

This app enable your users to add events (including choosing the precise location on a Google Map) and be able to share that event on social networks and on their Facebook wall. Your users can also customize their event presentation by choosing a background.

This software allows you to synchronize a local folder with a demo environment and a working thus allowing you to facilitate the management of your site. Also synchronizes the entire database and does not need to have a dedicated server php, simply insert a file in caretella to synchronize and when the scanning software will notify you which files will be updated or are in conflict if modified by another user, you can also add files to ignore.

PHP LBEvents

PHP LBEvents is a php script that allow you to create and manage events to display on a calendar. You can create unlimited calendars with their settings and let user select it to display the events you want to show on it.

UCM Plugin: Calendar iCal

This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager before using this plugin.

Google, iCal & XML Event List Calendar for (music) festivals, seminars and business events. Built on jQuery and PHP, this calendar grabs your events from your Google Calendar, another iCal (.ics) stream or just an XML file, and turns them into a comprehensive list.

Weekly calender is a very simple php script which can be used to manage and display your weekly events in your website. With the admin panel you can add,edit and delete events.

Eventer, a PHP and jQuery based interactive events calendar, is a highly interactive calendar for presenting your events in a very highly interactive format.

Today we present to you a selection of plugins that allow you to easily create calendars with date selection, most of which are developed in jQuery and jQuery UI (user interface).

Almost all of these calendars are a full-fledged platform with good functionality, but some will have to be improved and finalized, but sometimes this is even a plus, since in most cases you, one way or another, need to customize appearance for website design.

This article is about how you can create an iPhone app-style calendar.

DatePicker allows users to select the current date from a drop-down menu. You don't have to worry about date formats because they are always correct due to the selection form.

Calendar is a javascript class that allows you to add an accessible and unobtrusive date picker. This class is an assembly of several elements that are often used by web developers and have already been completely redesigned by the MooTools team. We tried to include all the necessary properties, but keep the size as small as possible. To check out the class, check out the links below.

The plugin is a jQuery calendar widget with the ability to display the month. You can choose which month you want to display and by default it will display the current month. The plugin performs its function perfectly, despite the fact that it consists of only 100 lines of javascript code.

A calendar component that is very easy to modify and change its appearance.


* Create any number of months on a separate calendar
* Ability to display weekends and holidays
*Start and end dates
* Change appearance using CSS
* Ability to install several calendars on a page at once
* Optimization for better performance

This flexible and simple pop-up calendar is designed to work across all browsers. You can completely change and modify it regarding languages, dates and colors. A pop-up window displays the month over several years.

You can also optionally enter a date and the desired month will be displayed to you. The year can be displayed in either two-digit or four-digit format, and the month can be displayed in numbers or by name. You can also display any date or day using javascript.

This widget is perfect for combining server-side technologies to further develop a professional application.

You can easily integrate the DatePicker component into your web application.


* Ability to display along with other elements on the page
* Multiple calendars in one component
* Ability to highlight specific dates
* Ability to change appearance using CSS
* Ability to localize names of days and months
* Ability to set your own start day of the week
* Possibility of integration into the browser window

Calendar System is a simple calendar.

Tigra Calendar is a cross-browser javascript element that provides the ability to select dates from drop-down menus via HTML forms.

One Plans app will be able to support multiple calendars. It is also possible to display information in different calendars with each other. Each calendar is managed separately (unique password, separate settings, different appearance).

Multiple calendars running within one Plans application can be used on different websites. The application uses a very flexible recurrent event model.

The application supports multiple languages. You can manually set the start day of the week. Dates can be displayed in abbreviation format (mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, and so on). The application can use data from separate files or databases.

jQuery UI Datepicker is a highly customizable plugin that allows you to add date picker forms to your web pages. You can also edit the plugin's appearance and language, specify specific time periods, and easily add additional navigation buttons.

By default, the calendar is displayed as a small overlay via onfocus and is automatically closed with an onblur effect, or after the date has already been selected. You can easily embed a calendar into your web page using a div or span.

You can manage your calendar using hotkeys:

* page up/down – previous/next month
* ctrl+page up/down – – previous/next year
* ctrl+home – current month or open the calendar if it is closed
* ctrl+left/right – – previous/next day
* ctrl+up/down – – previous/next week
* enter – confirm the selected date
* ctrl+end – close without saving the date
* escape – simply close the calendar

This element allows you to select a date using a simple slider panel. By dragging the slider along the timeline, you can immediately change the date. Moreover, when the user wants to display other dates, the sliders automatically return to their original positions.

FullCalendar represents jQuery plugin, which allows you to create full-scale, drag-and-drop calendars. The plugin uses AJAX, and you can easily format it to the desired format (there is also a special add-on for Google Calendar).

The plugin provides the ability to select and drag events by date.

* full control via keyboard
* support for various display formats and separators
* unobtrusive
* possibility of design using css
* ability to display specific days of the week
* flexible localization option
* ability to highlight certain days of the week
* free distribution (by license agreement CC)


* works with one or more text input elements input type="text"
* ability to highlight certain dates
* automatically closes after selecting a date (as well as when pressing the today's date or close buttons)
* possibility of quick transitions using the "select" field
* automatically hides buttons if there is nowhere else to scroll
And also much more...

This component is a simple date picker form and a calendar.


* ability to add languages
* possibility of change current date
* ability to scroll with mouse wheel
* presence of buttons

Timeframe is a tested free component that runs on Github. It is possible to specify the date “from” and “to”.

Date/Time Picker is a simple date or time picker component. To open the calendar, simply click on the icon on the right side of the input field.

Another example of a simple date picker component. The calendar has three required positions: , and .

The plugin turns the jQuery UI date picker into an interactive component that is designed specifically for selecting a range of dates. This is an update.


jMonthCalendar is a full-fledged calendar with event support. You can simply set options and events, and it will do the rest for you. The plugin has the ability to be modified, which will allow the developer to interact with the calendar, when to display the change of months, and also edit the event when clicking on the notification window. jMonthCalendar now also supports hover events, as well as the alert(); trigger parameter; According to the standard, each event has a URL that leads to a page with detailed information.

VCalendar (Virtual Web Calendar) is a free application web calendar for creating and managing events online, in the form of a calendar, of course. This great and free solution can be used for web communities and any commercial or non-profit organizations. Unlike other online calendars, VCalendar is distributed with source code in various programming languages: PHP, ASP and ASP.NET (C#). This is done with the goal of adding new technologies in the future.

One of the important elements on the site is the calendar, with which your users can track events and new product releases. Or just read the notes or whatever else you can think of. After spending some time in this tutorial, you will learn how to create PHP script calendar for your website. We will not be limited only to programming, we will also pay attention to css and html structure calendar In a word, we will do everything, from start to finish!


Talk less, work more. Let's immediately start with the css styles of the calendar. The code below is compatible with the problematic IE6 browser.

/* calendar */ table.calendar ( border-left:1px solid #999; ) tr.calendar-row ( ) td.calendar-day ( min-height:80px; font-size:11px; position:relative; ) * html div.calendar-day ( height:80px; ) td.calendar-day:hover ( background:#eceff5; ) td.calendar-day-np ( background:#eee; min-height:80px; ) * html div. calendar-day-np ( height:80px; ) td.calendar-day-head ( background:#ccc; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; width:120px; padding:5px; border-bottom:1px solid #999; border-top:1px solid #999; border-right:1px solid #999; ) ( background:#999; padding:5px; color:#fff; font-weight:bold; float: right; margin:-5px -5px 0 0; width:20px; text-align:center; td.calendar-day, td.calendar-day-np ( width:120px; padding:5px; border-bottom:1px solid #999; border-right:1px solid #999;


The entire PHP calendar script code is basically based on a single function that requires two parameters: the desired month and year. It should be noted that in the middle of the function, I left space for the database. If you want, you can display the necessary events in the calendar grid. When writing this script, I used tables instead of div blocks, as they are more practical in case one day is full of events.

The English-language calendar script was taken as a basis, so I will provide two versions: a calendar in English and Russian style. Choose which one you like! The only difference is in the PHP code. CSS styles remain the same for both options.

PHP calendar script in Russian style

"; /* Headings in the table */ $headings = array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"); $calendar.= " "; /* required day and week variables... */ $running_day = date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); $running_day = $running_day - 1; $ days_in_month = date("t",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); $days_in_this_week = 1; $day_counter = 0; $dates_array = array(); /* first row of the calendar */ $calendar.= " < $running_day; $x++): $calendar.= " <= $days_in_month; $list_day++): $calendar.= " < 8): for($x = 1; $x <= (8 - $days_in_this_week); $x++): $calendar.= "

June 2012


PHP calendar script in English style

Basically, I don’t know why you need it. But, suddenly someone needs just this one. The code is almost the same.

/* Calendar generation function */ function draw_calendar($month,$year)( /* Start of table */ $calendar = "

"; /* Headings in the table */ $headings = array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"); $calendar.= " "; /* required day and week variables... */ $running_day = date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); $days_in_month = date("t", mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); $days_in_this_week = 1; $day_counter = 0; $dates_array = array(); /* first row of calendar */ $calendar.= " "; /* display empty cells in the calendar grid */ for($x = 0; $x< $running_day; $x++): $calendar.= ""; $days_in_this_week++; endfor; /* we reached the numbers, we will write them in the first line */ for($list_day = 1; $list_day<= $days_in_month; $list_day++): $calendar.= ""; if($running_day == 6): $calendar.= ""; if(($day_counter+1) != $days_in_month): $calendar.= " "; endif; $running_day = -1; $days_in_this_week = 0; endif; $days_in_this_week++; $running_day++; $day_counter++; endfor; /* Print empty cells at the end of the last week */ if($days_in_this_week< 8): for($x = 1; $x <= (8 - $days_in_this_week); $x++): $calendar.= ""; endfor; endif; /* Close the last line */ $calendar.= ""; /* Close the table */ $calendar.= "
"; /* Write the number in the cell */ $calendar.= "
"; /* Everything is done, return the result */ return $calendar; ) /* METHOD OF APPLICATION */ echo "

June 2012

"; echo draw_calendar(6,2012);


That's all! I hope this PHP calendar script was useful to you. Don't be limited by this code, make adjustments and expand the script. Anyone who plans to use the script or has already used it, please unsubscribe in the comments and leave a link to the page with the example.

The Zap Cal Library is an open source PHP library for reading and writing iCalendar files. The library has been in development for over 10 years supporting the Zap Calendar program, an open source application for the Joomla CMS, and more recently the iCalendar validator project at site. It is now available as a standalone library for PHP developers.

The Zap Calendar iCalendar Library is a PHP library for supporting the iCalendar (RFC 5545) standard. Several examples of reading and writing iCalendar files are included in the library

This PHP library is for reading and writing iCalendar formatted feeds and files. Features of the library include:

  • Read AND write support for iCalendar files
  • Object based creation and manipulation of iCalendar files
  • Supports expansion of RRULE to a list of repeating dates
  • Supports adding timezone info to iCalendar file

All iCalendar data is stored in a PHP object tree. This allows any property to be added to the iCalendar feed without requiring specialized library function calls. With power comes responsibility. Missing or invalid properties can cause the resulting iCalendar file to be invalid..

Here is an example of a PHP program to create a single event iCalendar file:

$title = "Simple Event"; // date/time is in SQL datetime format $event_start = "2020-01-01 12:00:00"; $event_end = "2020-01-01 13:00:00"; // create the ical object $icalobj = new ZCiCal(); // create the event within the ical object $eventobj = new ZCiCalNode("VEVENT", $icalobj->curnode); // add title $eventobj->addNode(new ZCiCalDataNode("SUMMARY:" . $title)); // add start date $eventobj->addNode(new ZCiCalDataNode("DTSTART:" . ZCiCal::fromSqlDateTime($event_start))); // add end date $eventobj->addNode(new ZCiCalDataNode("DTEND:" . ZCiCal::fromSqlDateTime($event_end))); // UID is a required item in VEVENT, create unique string for this event // Adding your domain to the end is a good way of creating uniqueness $uid = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . "@demo.. $uid)); // DTSTAMP is a required item in VEVENT $eventobj->addNode(new ZCiCalDataNode("DTSTAMP:" . ZCiCal::fromSqlDateTime())); // Add description $eventobj->addNode(new ZCiCalDataNode("Description:" . ZCiCal::formatContent("This is a simple event, using the Zap Calendar PHP library. " .."))); // write iCalendar feed to stdout echo $icalobj->export();!}

On the eve of the new year, a very trivial task arose - to create a calendar site, where for each month it was necessary to display its own calendar for the month. The first stage of solving the problem was the search for ready-made solutions. After searching through a dozen solutions listed on the Internet, the choice was made. Some versions turned out to be completely non-working, some were too cumbersome - they would have had to be cut down quite a bit to get the required result. So, let's look at how to write a simple calendar in PHP.

The basis of the script was found on the Internet, errors were corrected, some things were completed, in particular, the functionality of highlighting weekends with a separate CSS class was added.

Implementation of a monthly calendar in pure PHP without using mySQL, jQuery, etc. is given below:

"; // displaying the days of the week $headings = array("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"); $calendar.= " "; for($head_day = 0; $head_day<= 6; $head_day++) { $calendar.= ""; $calendar.= "

"; $calendar.= ""; ) $calendar.= ""; // set the start of the week to Monday $running_day = date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); $running_day = $running_day - 1; if ($running_day == -1) ( $running_day = 6; ) $days_in_month = date("t",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); $day_counter = 0; $days_in_this_week = 1; array(); // first line of the calendar $calendar.= " "; // output empty cells for ($x = 0; $x< $running_day; $x++) { $calendar.= ""; $days_in_this_week++; ) // reached the numbers, we will write them in the first line for($list_day = 1; $list_day<= $days_in_month; $list_day++) { $calendar.= ""; // write the number in the $calendar cell.= "
"; $calendar.= ""; // reached the last day of the week if ($running_day == 6) ( // close the line $calendar.= ""; // if the day is not the last day in the month, start the next line if (($day_counter + 1) != $days_in_month) ( $calendar.= " "; ) // reset the counters $running_day = -1; $days_in_this_week = 0; ) $days_in_this_week++; $running_day++; $day_counter++; ) // display empty cells at the end of the last week if ($days_in_this_week< 8) { for($x = 1; $x <= (8 - $days_in_this_week); $x++) { $calendar.= " "; ) ) $calendar.= ""; $calendar.= ""; return $calendar; ) ?>

The draw_calendar function receives the serial number of the month and year as input. The result of executing the function is the html code of the calendar for the given month. Using the above feature is easy and even a newbie to web development can do it. The example below will display a calendar for January 2016.

January "16

The output of the calendar caption, which includes the name of the month and year, was deliberately not included in the function so that it could be freely changed, and possibly removed altogether.

Php calendar for a year

From the above function you can easily get a PHP calendar script for a year, and for any year. To do this, it is enough to loop through all the months and for each of them call the function for displaying a calendar for the month.

However, this will require creating an array with a list of month names in Russian, since you can only get month names from PHP in English.

The code in this case will be as follows:

"January", 1 => "February", 2 => "March", 3 => "April", 4 => "May", 5 => "June", 6 => "July", 7 => " August", 8 => "September", 9 => "October", 10 => "November", 11 => "December");<= 12; $month++) { ?>


for ($month = 1; $month

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