Military equipment and technologies. The newest weapon of the Russian army: the best. Russian strategic bomber of a new generation - PAK DA

All ratings are conditional. But every year in our country new types of weapons really appear from the category “have no analogues in the world”. We will try to tell you about the most promising developments that have already entered the arsenals of the Russian army and navy or are on the way to serial production.

Iron Soldier "Avatar"

The outside world has less visibility to Russia's non-strategic arsenal than Russia's strategic forces. However, the military appears to have developed a range of non-strategic nuclear capabilities, including cruise missiles, small ballistic missiles and aircraft.

Of particular concern is Russia's apparent focus on low-income nuclear weapons, which one official called a "nuclear scalpel" linked to the doctrine of nuclear "de-escalation." This doctrine provides for the escalation of de-escalation, that is, the use of low-income nuclear weapons as a means of ending a conventional conflict on favorable terms for the Kremlin.

Modern warfare is an aerospace war. The one who is stronger in space will also win on Earth. In the summer of 2016, many American media outlets went into panic: "Now all US reconnaissance and navigation satellites can be eliminated at any time, and all US military operations will be successfully thwarted by Russia's new weapons." In Russia, this information has not been confirmed, but has not been denied either. Only the deputy commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces briefly said in a military manner that "at the end of this year, the anti-missile defense forces will adopt an anti-missile missile capable of intercepting targets at long distances." The project is so secret that one can only guess about the technical data of a new weapon capable of disarming the entire US army with one blow. Perhaps we are talking about the Gazel or Gorgon anti-missile systems, which were deeply modernized within the framework of the Nudol ROC. It is known that the new interceptor missile is designed not only to destroy nuclear warheads flying towards Russia, but generally to any targets in near space. In the Western press, she is already called the killer of satellites. The Russian anti-missile missile is said to be equipped with a powerful engine, the most advanced electronics and will be the fastest in the world. According to US intelligence, there have already been four successful test launches.

RPK-16: scribble, machine gunner!

Latest nuclear missiles

The Russian unclassified national security strategy states that nuclear weapons will only be used in the event of an attack with weapons of mass destruction on Russia or one of its allies, or in the event of an attack on Russia with conventional forces in which the fate of the state is at stake. The doctrine of "de-escalation", Putin's references to nuclear weapons in his public statements, and the widespread modernization of Russian non-strategic nuclear forces suggest that a classified strategy may involve the use of these weapons in a broader context.

The new lightweight (its weight is only 4 kg) 5.45 mm Kalashnikov RPK-16 light machine gun is a machine gunner's dream. It has a replaceable barrel, so in combat in the city, the machine gun can also be used as an assault rifle. Izhevsk gunsmiths have developed a new high-capacity magazine for the RPK-16 for 96 rounds - stitching, machine gunner! “In terms of weight, dimensions, shooting accuracy and versatility, this machine gun today has no analogues not only in our country, but also in the world,” says Andrei Kirisenko, advisor to the general director of the Kalashnikov concern. For the creation of this machine gun and for many other achievements in the development of weapons, military and special equipment, the Kalashnikovites were awarded the main prize of the II International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2016".

"Rosehip" - that still "thorn"

This risks lowering the nuclear threshold. And once nuclear weapons - any nuclear weapon - are used, the likelihood of a catastrophic escalation will skyrocket. Russia is also modernizing its general-purpose forces, aiming to make 70 percent of modern army equipment modern use of special services in Crimea, which Ukrainians refer to as "little green people" for the lack of identification marks - effective.

However, Russia's conventional forces face limitations. First, it is unclear how far Moscow is progressing in closing the technological gap with the Western military. Some of the capabilities are indeed modern, such as the sea-launched cruise missiles that the Russian Navy launched late last year against targets in Syria. Of course, this was the ability that the US Navy demonstrated in force against Iraq. While the Russian Air Force is throwing some kind of smart weapon against targets in Syria, most seem to be "dumb bombs."

The new Russian complex of electronic warfare (EW) "Rosehip-AERO" is able to intercept control of an enemy unmanned aircraft(UAV) in less than a second. Created by specialists of the United Instrument-Making Corporation (OPK), a member of the Rostec State Corporation, the complex suppresses the control signal of the drone, hacks it onboard systems, and also with an accuracy of several centimeters determines the coordinates of the place from where the control is carried out. Within a radius of about 10 kilometers from this "thorn" the sky will only be ours. The novelty of the domestic electronic warfare is intended not only to combat UAVs. "Rosehip-AERO" also suppresses command posts of communication, signals cellular networks, Wi-Fi networks, WiMAX and DECT. The newest electronic warfare system is mobile: the equipment is based on the KamAZ cross-country chassis and can be promptly delivered to the place of the combat mission.

The way "Tiger" is not given way out of politeness

Recently, Moscow has faced a new problem: the sanctions imposed by the West after Russia's aggression against Ukraine are blocking certain exports to the Russian defense industry. Closing the technology gap is likely to remain a challenge. A related problem stems from the dependence of Russian naval shipbuilders on a Ukrainian manufacturer of marine engines, the supply of which has now been cut off.

Why Zircon is dangerous for the states

The second limitation, primarily for the army, is that conscripts continue to make up a significant portion of the personnel. Again, this can be the deciding factor. Faced with low oil prices and Western economic sanctions, the Russian economy shrank by almost 4 percent, according to most analysts.

The GAZ-233014 "Tiger-M" - the ideal "predator" of the battlefield, was shown for the first time at the Army-2016 forum. The off-road armored vehicle is armed with an automated unmanned combat module equipped with a 30-mm 2A72 cannon. It is designed to defeat enemy personnel at a distance of up to 4 km, light armored vehicles - up to 2 km, and is also capable of shooting down air targets flying at an altitude of up to 1.5 km. The crew and troops of the armored car are reliably protected: the turret with the cannon is uninhabited and controlled remotely. The Tiger itself can also be remotely controlled.

Let's hit the enemy in the teeth with "Drill"

Russian ministries have been told to cut budget spending by 10 percent, although it is unclear if this applies to the military. If the oil price remains soft, the defense budget may not disappear. Recently, Alexei Kudrin, finance minister during Putin's first two presidential terms, said the cuts in defense spending "cannot be avoided," although they could be delayed by a short time... This could hinder efforts to modernize the army.

But they should be clear about Russian program and what they should do in return. Russia's strategic modernization program should not be overly alarming, provided two conditions are met. Second, the United States has begun to modernize its strategic forces.

In December 2016, state tests of the "Drill" planning bombs are completed. The General Director of NPO Basalt briefly describes the novelty: “There are no analogues in the world. A bomb without an engine. The distance when moving away from the carrier is over 30 kilometers. " It is known from open sources that the length of the aircraft ammunition is 3.1 m, and the mass is 540 kg. This is a cluster bomb, its striking part includes 15 self-aiming warheads. "Drill" can be used at an altitude of 14 km. Its gliding range in free flight is up to 30 km, so our bombers will not enter the zone of probable destruction of enemy air defenses. The bomb is capable of independently striking armored vehicles, ground radars, command posts and power plants of anti-aircraft missile systems.

The alliance has overall qualitative and quantitative advantages, but it must use its usual capabilities to maintain its edge. He needs a concept and a security structure to deal with the crisis in the Baltic states, where the Russian military has regional dominance. To the extent that the alliance maintains a strong traditional deterrent and defensive position, this will reduce the likelihood of a conventional confrontation and a situation in which Russia might consider using its non-strategic nuclear weapons.

Get NATO Long Range Grenade

The Russian defense concern Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET) has begun to create a networked strategic electronic warfare system with a range of over 3,000 kilometers. It will be capable of overwhelming NATO controls throughout Europe. A new subsystem has already been developed that will network and take control of the most "long-range" ground-based electronic warfare systems capable of suppressing radio communications of the strategic command link of a potential enemy at a great distance. - When repelling a massive threat in several directions, the coordination of the operation of the electronic warfare systems "Murmansk-BN" will completely block the information field of the enemy command posts. In terms of the effectiveness of deterring a potential aggressor, such a system is comparable to the deployment of the most modern strike weapons. Our national strategic electronic warfare system is an asymmetric response to the concept of network-centric control of warfare based on a single information and communication space, which is being implemented in the armed forces of the United States and NATO countries. And Russia has succeeded in implementing the network-centric concept in defense. A sample of a subsystem capable of destroying the enemy's information field has already passed state tests and is recommended for adoption. In the near future, one of the KRET enterprises will set up its serial production.

The modern Armed Forces of Russia are strikingly different from the army that was in the 90s and early 2000s. Today the Russian Armed Forces receive the most modern weapons. By 2020, the latest models of military equipment and weapons in the Russian army should be at least 70%. According to experts, over 19 trillion rubles could be spent on modernizing the army. Such a huge amount is envisaged by the new state program on military-technical priorities and armament of the Russian army.

The Chinese army tested a heavy rocket engine about 25 kilometers southwest of the capital. The military could conduct the test several hundred kilometers southwest in Taiyuan, the only additional test site for such units. But foreigners, especially Russian diplomats, should know that China has a full-fledged deterrent.

China, which had escaped precisely from the Cultural Revolution, believed that it had good reasons for such a demonstration. At the time, he was naked, fearing Moscow. Which brought the Trans-Siberian Railway from China to Europe in the fall of that year, the eastern route through Manchuria and Chita, crossed the military camp beyond the Sino-Russian border. Soviet Union made an offensive march.

Prospects for the next decade

The rearmament of the army is not only the supply of the already created modern technology... In Russia, the development of fundamentally new weapons is constantly being created, and decisions are being made on their maximum development. According to experts, in the next decade, the Russian Air Force will receive the latest types of weapons:

Beijing had an uncomfortable memory of Russia withdrawing from Port Arthur from the weak Qing empire of today's Dalian over the course of a century. Instead, overshadowed by the Soviet soldiers, there was a faction of mosques in the Chinese party. It was close to Beijing in the west, to Russia, and provided sufficient reaction time to respond in the event of an attack. The few nuclear weapons of their own, Mao's successors hoped, could be a deterrent for the Russians.

Russian missile defense of the future

The Iraqis were much more powerful and modern than the former People's Liberation Army of China. Their analysis was something like this: we are absolutely defenseless. Dodgy bombers and precision cruise missiles have disabled our missiles before we know we are being attacked at all. Within two weeks, the Americans are forcing us to surrender.

  • over 500 aircraft of various types;
  • over 1000 helicopters of various types;
  • over 200 state-of-the-art air defense systems that will merge into a unified aerospace defense system;
  • the latest fifth generation fighters;
  • new long-range aircraft;
  • upgraded and new ballistic missiles for the nuclear deterrent forces;
  • the latest types of high-precision weapons are a variety of bombs and missiles with the latest systems guidance;
  • new types of anti-tank weapons and new generation air defense systems;
  • new small arms.

Additional development will be received and automated systems command and control of troops. Perhaps in the near future Russia will have a super weapon operating on new physical principles. V this moment research is underway to create this super weapon. At the moment, he has the "secret" status. Also, the development of air-launched hypersonic missiles does not stop. They should appear before 2020. Hypersonic missiles will exceed the speed of sound by about 6-8 times. The first types of hypersonic vehicles should appear no earlier than 2030.

New mobile container missile systems in Russia

If America possesses this technique, the analysis will continue, and Russia will soon receive it. Dismembering China could be on the agenda again. The conclusion made by the Chinese leadership was clear: it is not enough to purchase some intercontinental missiles. The armed forces must be modernized. From an army of farmers, a professional army should develop into technical level world powers.

It should be an army that relies on the authority of the Chinese central government. If this does not happen, the People's Republic will soon or for a long time fall victim to the powerful capitalist powers in military uniform, as a hundred years ago, to the imperial empire of the Qing dynasty.

New nuclear strategic missiles

The core of Russia's shield is made up of strategic nuclear weapons. Its main representatives are the Sotka and Voevoda heavy liquid ICBMs. Their service life has already been extended three times. Today, they are being replaced by the Topol and Topol-M missiles, and promising new-generation nuclear weapons are and will continue to arrive.

Technological quantum leap

This is the political backdrop for the unprecedented act of force that led to the test of China's hypersonic flight this week. The arms budget has grown by double-digit percent each year for nearly 20 years. The tremendous success of the Chinese economy has resulted in the necessary taxpayers, the necessary technical know-how - and, above all, the necessary ability to allow largely a concept different from the previous limited view of the Maoist form. The result is a technological quantum leap in just 20 years.

Is a new nuclear weapon, which is produced in Votkinsk at the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. The RS-24 missiles will gradually replace the RS-20 and RS-18 ICBMs when their warranty periods have been exhausted. The Yars complexes began to be deployed in December 2009 after they passed the test. In November 2010, General S. Karakaev, commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, announced that mobile systems with Topol-M monoblock missiles would gradually be re-equipped with Yars mobile systems. In 2015, the Strategic Missile Forces units are being actively equipped with RS-24 Yars missiles.

Ten years later, the first semi-modern aircraft appeared, similar to the French and Israeli models of the 1980s. Ten years later, China found technical communication with the West. In an almost monthly rhythm, it features invisible combat aircraft, conventional combat bombers, combat helicopter, large space transporter, reconnaissance and combat drones; a new long-range bomber is expected soon. Even the current sixty-year-old Hong-6 bomber, a replica of the first Soviet jet fighter in the mid-1950s, is suddenly dangerous.

RS-26 Frontier - strategic missile system, using an intercontinental ballistic missile of increased firing accuracy. Nuclear weapons are being developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The development of the complex has been going on since 2006. In the period up to 2009, research was carried out by national research universities on the topic "Frontier".

Because China has missed it since the fall of modern electronics and a new cruise missile as weapons. The bomber no longer needs to face American hunters as a target. As Beijing learned from the Gulf War that television images of civilians are one of the most effective preventive measures against war, China is facing more and more of its bomber bases now in the center of residential areas as a result of rapid urban sprawl.

China's submarines are as good as the German ones

A decade later, copies of French and modern Russian air defense missiles appeared. He wants to speak urgently with Turkey. This week, the US Congress banned the integration of Chinese missiles into the NATO system in a budget slogan. It is an anti-aircraft missile weapon that, according to Washington, threatens the use of such ships in the western Pacific.

The first test launch of the RS-26 Rubezh in 2011 ended in an accident. The second and third launches took place in 2012 from the Plesetsk and Kapustin Yar test sites. During the launches, the anti-missile capabilities of the new missile were assessed. In 2013, the fourth launch took place. Since 2014, the Rubezh missile complex will be mass-produced at the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. Since 2014, the complex has been adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces. In the future, the new missile will replace the Topol-M ICBMs, as well as the Yars.

These mines are very effective blocking weapons, for example, for the Taiwan Strait. Such technological leaps are not due to the fact that hundreds of thousands of intelligent Chinese people can finally focus on their work instead of enduring political campaigns in the Cultural Revolution. Economic espionage is also behind the success.

Beijing's unofficial principle that patent rights are fair and meaningful only if China has ensured technological parity with large industries by all means - this principle can be seen prominently in the arms sector.

ICBM "Sarmat" RS-28

The prospective heavy ICBM "Sarmat" RS-28 is a new generation missile. It began to be designed in 2009. According to the original plan, it was supposed to be operational by the end of 2016. The purpose of creating a heavy missile was to replace the ICBM RS-20 "Satan" as part of the Strategic Missile Forces. The development of ICBMs is carried out in the city of Miass GRTs im. Makeeva with the participation of NPO Mechanical Engineering. The terms of reference for the design of a new generation ICBM was approved in 2011. In September 2012, a big council was held on the new rocket, where all the developers met, up to level 2-3. In early October, the Ministry of Defense generally approved the draft of a new ICBM, however, a number of comments and suggestions were indicated that the developers had to take into account in further design.

The update will continue. But this does not happen in the spirit of Wilhelmina. China maintains an unconditional claim for hegemony in its maritime court, but is rejecting actions such as Khrushchev's Cuban adventure. The armor is based on three assumptions. Third, arming should in no way cause two or more Chinese neighbors to form a formal alliance against Beijing.

There is an armament threat in East Asia

For this is often forgotten: no country on earth has as many nuclear states as a direct neighbor like China. There are currently four - Russia, North Korea, India and Pakistan. It could also be very fast - six - if it is Japan and South Korea in the crash program to develop nuclear weapons.

In May 2014, Yuri Borisov, Deputy Minister of Defense, said that work on the creation of the Sarmat ICBM was going according to plan, and that the missile was capable of flying through the South and North Poles. The production of ICBMs will be carried out by the cooperation of enterprises, which was formed by the State Regional Center named after V. Makeev - this will be the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant and other related enterprises. The construction of a full-scale model of the rocket was carried out in 2014. In 2015, the missile is to pass a throw test, as well as a number of other tests. In February 2015, the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant manufactured the first structural elements of the Sarmat heavy missile. It is likely that it is at this plant that the serial production of the RS-28 will be launched.

- This is the latest combat railway missile system. The design of the BZHRK began in 2012 at the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering. Until December 2014, there was a discussion about what types of missiles to use: based on the RS-26 "Rubezh" ICBM, the RS-24 "Yars" ICBM, or with the use of developments on the 3M30 Bulava SLBM. However, in December 2014, information appeared that the complex would be based on Yars or Yars-M ICBMs.

It is planned to carry out R&D by 2020, create and test samples of BZHRK, the delivery of super complexes to the Strategic Missile Forces should begin after 2020. This is a secret nuclear weapon, so there is little information about it. At present, in 2015, preliminary design of the BZHRK and experimental work is being carried out. The new complex was named "Barguzin". The deployment of a new BZHRK is planned no earlier than 2018.

Anti-tank weapon

Complex Cornet-D

The complex is an anti-tank weapon representing a missile system. It was designed by the chief designer Lev Zakharov at the Instrument Design Bureau in Tula. In 2011, the complex was tested. "Kornet-D" is the anti-tank name for the complex supplied to the Russian Armed Forces, the export version is called "Kornet-EM". The complex is equipped with a 9M133FM-3 missile by default.

The Hermes complex is an anti-tank product, which is a multi-purpose guided weapon system. Anti-tank weapons were developed at the Instrument Design Bureau of the city of Tula under the leadership of A.G. Shipunov. Tests of the Hermes-A anti-tank missile system, an aircraft version, as part of the Ka-52 armament were completed in the summer of 2003. After that, the Hermes-A was sent into mass production. The head of the KBP delegation in 2009 said that the helicopter version of the complex would complete flight tests and be put into service. To arm the Mi-28N and Ka-52 helicopters, serial production was launched in 2012. It was also announced that in the near future the Hermes missiles will be used with the Pantsir C1 air defense system.

MGK BUR is a small-sized grenade launcher with a reusable launcher and a one-time shot. This anti-tank weapon was developed by the Instrument Design Bureau of the city of Tula, based on the RPO-M flamethrower. MGK "BUR" was first demonstrated at arms exhibitions in 2010. This anti-tank weapon was adopted by the army in 2014. Serially produced from the same year.

RPG-32 Hashim

RPG-32 Hashim is a multifunctional hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. The anti-tank weapon was designed by order of Jordan by the Moscow State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Basalt". The contract for the design of the RPG-32 was signed in 2005. In the same year, the creation of a grenade launcher began. Anti-tank weapons were first shown publicly in Paris at the 2008 arms exhibition. Until 2011, anti-tank weapons were tested in Russia. At the end of 2010, an agreement was signed on the creation of a joint venture for the production of RPG-32 between Russia and Jordan - 50 to 50 contributions. In 2013, a plant was opened in Jordan for the production of RPG-32. The plant's capacity is 60,000 RPGs per year, there are plans for the supply of these weapons to third countries.

Small arms

Two-medium machine ADS

The two-medium assault rifle ADS is a unique small arms that can effectively shoot both under water and on land. This small arms is distinguished by the ability to fire from the left and right shoulder. Serial production of the unique two-medium automatic machine ADS is scheduled for 2016. The ADS developer is the Tula KBP. In 2015, it is planned to produce 20 units of ADS, on which the technology of production of the machine will be tested. In the serial version, based on the results of experimental military operation, minor changes will be made, which are mainly aimed at improving the usability of the machine. Foreign customers are showing great interest in the machine.


SVLK-14S is an ultra-precise sniper weapon capable of effectively hitting targets at a distance of 1.5-2 km. This small arms was created by Vladislav Lobaev. His companies KB of integrated systems, Tsar-Pushka and the Lobaev Arms brand are the first in Russia to develop and produce long-range and high-precision weapons, from the stock to the barrel. According to Lobaev, the main tasks of “Lobaev Arms” are divided equally - it is work with the power structures of Russia and the commercial component.

The most powerful small arms in terms of effective firing range from Lobaev Arms is the SVLK-14S sniper rifle. Initially, the SVL rifle was designed to accurately hit the target at a distance of over 2000 meters.

The SVLK-14S rifle provides very high firing accuracy. This small arms allows you to confidently hit targets at a distance of up to 2300 meters.

Sniper complex 6S8

The 6S8 sniper complex is the leader among Russian large-caliber rifles. The 6S8 sniper complex was created at the plant. Degtyareva. This rifle was created back in 1997, but for a long time, due to various reasons, it was not mass-produced and was not adopted for service. Nevertheless, after working on the mistakes and collecting all the developments over the previous 10 years, the degtyarevites were able to achieve the adoption of this rifle for service. It happened in June 2013. The ASVK large-caliber sniper rifle was put into service under the designation 6S8 sniper complex.

The 6S8 sniper rifle is designed to deal with special missions to defeat lightly armored and unarmored enemy vehicles, including openly deployed manpower, including group and other targets at a distance of up to 1,500 meters. The rifle can use a specially designed cartridge 7N34, as well as the entire range of standard cartridges with a caliber of 12.7x108 mm. This large-caliber sniper rifle is structurally made according to the bullpup scheme. This made it possible to reduce the weight and dimensions of the weapon, providing increased compactness and maneuverability. Overall, this sniper rifle turned out to be quite reliable and simple, which is incredibly important.

Surface-to-surface cruise missiles

  1. The BrahMos complex with the SK310 missile is an anti-ship cruise missile or a special cruise missile for ground targets. Work on the complex began in 1999 in adjacent design bureaus (for example, NPO Iskra). The rocket model was first shown at the MAKS-2001 air show. Tests began in 2001, and in 2004 they began their serial production. The complex was offered for export. In 2006, the BrahMos rocket was adopted by India. Many of its characteristics are identical to those of the Onyx and Yakhont anti-ship missiles.
  2. The KTRV hypersonic missile is a project to create the latest hypersonic cruise missile. Work on its creation has been carried out by the Dubna division of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation (formerly MKB "Raduga") since 2011. When creating a hypersonic missile, the results of tests on research and development "Kholod-2", as well as the experience of creating a hypersonic experimental apparatus "Igla" will be used. In August 2013, it was reported that the TRV Corporation had created a hypersonic missile, but it only flies for a few seconds.
  3. BrahMos-II is a project of a new hypersonic missile. The development has been carried out by NPO Mashinostroeniya together with the Indian company DRDO since 2008. The work was planned to be completed in 5 years. The BrahMos-II hypersonic missile was supposed to have a speed of 5-7M. In 2013, exhibition photos of the rocket model appeared.
  4. Zircon-S is a missile system with a hypersonic missile. The complex has been developed by NPO Mashinostroyenia since 2011. In 2012, there was a hitch with the design of the rocket, but since 2013, work has continued. In 2015, work continues, the issues of creating materials, technologies, demonstrators, as well as the concept of the combat use of the latest hypersonic missile are being addressed.
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