Quantum physics, materiality of thought. Psychology and quantum physics. Fulfillment of desires. Schrödinger's famous cat

Psychology and quantum mechanics.

I'll tell you a parable. There lived a cowardly little mouse who was very afraid of a cat, although in the depths of his soul he imagined, even visualized, how he chased this cat. And then a wizard appeared, he took pity on him and turned him into a dog. And this dog comes out to the edge of the forest, all confident in itself, but at the sight of the cat it runs away again.

All you need is a conscious approach

For nearly a century, “reality” has been a murky concept. The laws of quantum physics seem to suggest that particles spend most of their time in a ghostly state, lacking even basic properties such as a specific location and instead existing everywhere and nowhere at once. Only when a particle is measured does it suddenly materialize, appearing to take its position as if a roll of dice.

This idea that nature is inherently probabilistic—that particles have no hard properties, only probabilities until they are observed—is directly implied by the standard equations quantum mechanics. But now a series of surprising experiments with liquids have revived the old skepticism about this worldview. Bizarre results fuel interest in almost forgotten version quantum mechanics, which never abandoned the idea of ​​a single concrete reality.

When the wizard asked the dog who scared him so much, the dog felt ashamed and lied that he had met a panther in the forest. Then the wizard turned her into a tiger, because there was no one stronger than the tiger in the forest. And the tiger comes out again, all confident in himself, but at the sight of the cat he runs away and tries to hide in a hole. And then the wizard said: The tiger, whose cowardly heart beats a little mouse weaker than a cat, turned him back into a cowardly little mouse.

The experiments involve an oil drop that bounces on the surface of a liquid. The drop gently rewinds the liquid with each bounce. At the same time, ripples from past bounces affect its course. The interaction of the droplet with its rows, which form what is known as an experimental wave, causes it to exhibit behavior previously thought to be peculiar to elementary particles, including behavior that can be taken as evidence that these particles propagate through space like waves, without any or a specific location until they are measured.

And now about quantum mechanics.

Postulate. Matter consists of energy of a certain frequency.

String theory (the theory of everything) states that the smallest particle, a quark, is formed by energy in the form of a string. And depending on the frequency (tone) with which this energy vibrates, matter turns out this way. That is, the nature of the vibrations of the string determines the property of matter - charge and mass.

Particles on the quantum scale seem to do things that human-scale objects do not. They can tunnel through barriers, spontaneously arise or be destroyed, and occupy discrete energy levels. This new study shows that oil droplets driven by pilot waves also exhibit these quantum-like features.

According to some researchers, the experiments suggest that quantum objects are as defined as droplets, and that they too are driven by pilot waves - in this case, undulating waves in space and time. These arguments introduced new life into a deterministic theory of the microscopic world, first proposed and rejected at the birth of quantum mechanics.

Likewise, for people, intelligence alone is not enough; there must also be enough will in the form of energy to carry out their plans. By changing the vibration of the psyche or the internal state of spirit, you can change the external side of life.

Those. Depending on what frequency a person’s psyche is tuned to, such events occur in his life.
Energy of a certain quality attracts energy and vibration of the same quality. That's why they say that trouble doesn't come alone or money comes with money!

"This is a classical system that exhibits behavior that was previously thought to be human in the quantum realm, and we can tell why," said John Busch, a professor of applied mathematics at MIT who has led several recent droplet bounce experiments. The more we understand and can provide a physical rationale, the harder it will be to defend the “quantum mechanics is magic” perspective.

The orthodox view of quantum mechanics, known as the "Copenhagen Interpretation" after the hometown of Danish physicist Niels Bohr, one of its architects, holds that particles simultaneously reproduce all possible realities. The equations of quantum mechanics do not take into account how the properties of a particle solidify at the moment of measurement, or how at such moments reality chooses what form to take. A classic experiment in quantum mechanics that seems to demonstrate the probabilistic nature of reality involves a beam of particles moving one after another towards a pair of slits in a screen.

Postulate. The observer shapes reality.

The observer always influences what is happening because he realizes his unconscious reflexive expectations. Why always, yes, because we always try to predict the outcome of events.
It is unconscious desires and fears that materialize.

The matrix of materialization itself is located in the unconscious. The matrix is ​​a template, like in a factory, with the help of which banknotes are printed.

When no one is tracking the trajectory of each electron, it appears to pass through both slits at the same time. Over time, the electron beam creates a wave-like interference pattern of bright and dark fringes on the other side of the screen. But when a detector is placed in front of one of the slits, its measurement causes the particles to lose their wave-like omnipresence, collapse into certain states, and pass through one slit or the other. The interference pattern disappears. The great 20th century physicist Richard Feynman said that this two-layer experiment "has in it the heart of quantum mechanics" and is "impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way."

The matrix is ​​a reflexive ideological complex, in the form of unconscious attitudes, through which the surrounding reality is refracted.

Example: No friends Good work you won't find it!

In order for your destiny to change, you need to change the matrix that prints the same thing!
We strive to justify unconscious attitudes through our behavior.
How to change your destiny and get what you want!
From sales training: “It is not the product that is sold, but your inner state.”
Everything depends on the will (vital energy) and the position of the observer.
You can observe the world either from the position of a victim or from the position of a winner, there is no third option, since the brain divides into useful and useless, good or bad, it is unrealistic to remain neutral.

The idea that pilot waves can explain the features of particles dates back to the beginning of quantum mechanics. As de Broglie explained that day to Bohr, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg and two dozen other famous physicists, the experimental wave theory made all the same predictions as the probabilistic formulation of quantum mechanics, but without the ghostliness or mysterious collapse.

The probabilistic version advocated by Bohr involves a single equation that represents probable and unlikely particle locations as the peaks and troughs of a wave. Bohr interpreted this probability-wave equation as a complete definition of a particle. But de Broglie encouraged his colleagues to use two equations: one that described a real physical wave, and another that related the trajectory of a real concrete particle to the variables in that wave equation, as if the particle were interacting with and being moved by the wave rather than being determined by it.

Your will depends on the frequency with which your psyche vibrates. Imagine radio waves. One is rock, the other is lounge, and the third is chanson.

Negative thoughts and doubts rearrange your psyche to a different wavelength, and you move to a different resonance. And accordingly they suppress the will, that is, the energy to realize what is planned.

For example, consider the double slit experiment. In the de Broglie pilot wave image, each electron passes through one of the two slits, but is influenced by the pilot wave, which breaks up and passes through both slits. Like floats in a current, the particle is drawn to places where two wavefronts interact and does not go to places where they cancel.

Quantum physics and consciousness

De Broglie could not predict the exact location where a single particle would end up - just like Bohr's version of events, pilot wave theory predicts only a statistical distribution of results, or bright and dark fringes - but the two men interpreted this flaw differently, Bohr argued. that particles do not have definite trajectories; de Broglie argued that they do this, but we cannot measure the initial position of each particle well enough to infer its exact path.

A person cannot influence the wind and the wave, but he can use them, an example of this is windsurfing.
“Let it be done to you according to your faith”, in principle this is so! Faith is a great motivation! But faith is not the result of freedom of choice, but the result of an acquired reflex.

It will be for you - according to unconscious fixed attitudes and according to your matrix!

No matter how much you say halva, it will not be sweeter in your mouth. The matrix is ​​fixed by neural connections, that is, by actions and our reactions. As I told in the parable about the little mouse.

In principle, however, pilot wave theory is deterministic: the future evolves dynamically from the past, so that if the exact state of all particles in the Universe were known in this moment, their states at all future times could be calculated.

At the Solvay conference, Einstein argued against a probabilistic universe by trying to say, "God does not play dice," but he seemed ambivalent about de Broglie's alternative. Bohr told Einstein to "stop telling God what to do" and he won the day.

It would be more than 30 years before von Neumann's proof would be false, but by then the damage had been done. Later, Northern Irish physicist John Stuart Bell went on to prove the seed theorem, which many physicists today misinterpret as impossibility of hiding variables. But Bell supported the pilot wave theory. It was he who pointed out the flaws in von Neumann's original proof.

Visualization and positive psychology don't work here. Because you and I know rich people who spend their whole lives being poor and complaining that there is no money. And we know poor people who are trying with all their might and trying to prove that everything is fine with them. They are just trying to deceive themselves.

By the way, why would the universe help them if everything is “good” with them and they even talk about everything in the present tense. And if visualization worked, then all the teenagers who visited porn sites would be married to models! Supporters of positivism, of course, will say that he visualized incorrectly))) Well, of course!

A century down, the standard, probabilistic formulation of quantum mechanics combines with the theory special theory Einstein's relativity and evolved into the Standard Model, a detailed and accurate description of most particles and forces in the Universe. Approaching the strangeness of quantum mechanics has become a rite of passage for physicists. The old, deterministic alternative is not mentioned in most textbooks; most people in this area haven't heard of it. Sheldon Goldstein, a professor of mathematics, physics and philosophy at Rutgers University and a proponent of the pilot wave theory, blames the theory's "ridiculous" disregard for "decades of indoctrination."

Only the difference in potential, dissatisfaction with reality makes us get out of bed and do something!

Conclusion: Be sure that you deserve the best, but do not become attached to the goal, do not become its slave! The result does not always bring happiness, and it takes a lot of time and effort. Focus only on the process. If the process gives you vital energy, then you are moving in the right direction.

At this point, Goldstein and several others noted that researchers were risking their careers by questioning quantum orthodoxy.

Now, finally, pilot wave theory may be experiencing a minor comeback—at least among fluid speakers. “I want the people who developed quantum mechanics at the beginning of the last century to have access to these experiments,” Milewski said. “Because then the whole story of quantum mechanics might be different.”

If it takes energy, then it’s not yours. What you need is easy, what you don’t need is hard. Semyon Skovoroda.
Ignore negative thoughts - they suppress your will!

The world is like a game: rock, paper, scissors. And to achieve the desired result, you need to be able to change not only strategies, but also show different qualities, depending on the situation. Unconscious fixed programs often prevent us from acting appropriately to the situation.

The experiments began ten years ago, when Yves Couder and his colleagues at the University of Paris Diderot discovered that vibrating a silicone oil bath up and down certain frequency may cause droplets to bounce on the surface. They found that the droplets' path was guided by inclined contours of the liquid surface formed from the droplet's own bounces—a mutual particle-wave interaction similar to de Broglie's concept of a pilot wave.

Schrödinger's famous cat

In a groundbreaking experiment, Paris researchers used a droplet setup to demonstrate single- and double-layer interference. They found that when a drop bounces toward a pair of holes in a dense barrier, it passes through only one slit or the other, while the probe wave passes through both.

For example, you decide that you always need to be firm, but sometimes you need to be soft and give in somewhere, and so on. Or the henpecked man says: I will no longer bend to women, and he begins to oppress them, but in the end he was not interesting to women and remained so. The polarity has changed, but the result is the same.

This science is based on the laws of quantum physics, and the processes occurring both in an individual and in the entire Universe are considered as interdependent functions that manifest themselves in human contact with the environment.

The droplets may also appear to "tunnel" through barriers, orbit each other in stable "bound states" and exhibit properties similar to quantum spin and electromagnetic attraction. They are even destroyed by subsurface bubbles, which resembles the mutual destruction of matter and antimatter particles. In each test, the droplet has a chaotic path that, over time, produces the same statistical distribution in the liquid system as that expected of particles on the quantum scale. But rather, due to uncertainty or lack of reality, these quantum-like effects are controlled by what the researchers believe is “path memory.”

The very concept of “quantum psychology” appeared at the end of the 20th century. Famous authors in this area are the philosopher R. A. Wilson, Gestalt therapist Stephen Wolinsky, psychologist A. physicists M. Zarechny and M. B. Mensky. In America, an institute has been created and is functioning to deal with the issues raised by the new direction.

Quantum psychology is based on the concept that just as reality influences us, we, in turn, are able to change the reality around us. Moreover, science considers the evolution itself and the emergence of the Universe as a consequence of changes in our consciousness, and considers all objects of existence to be integral units (quanta) of one complex.

Each droplet bounce leaves a mark in the form of ripples, and these ripples chaotically but deterministically influence future droplet bounces and lead to quantum statistical results. The more path memory a given fluid has, the less its pulsations dissipate - clearer and more quantum, like statistics. "Memory generates the chaos that we need to get the correct probabilities," Kuder explained. In our system, the path memory is clearly visible. This doesn't necessarily mean that it exists in quantum objects, it just suggests that it would be possible.

Humanity acts as a single organism, in which the individual is considered as separate element systems. The new psychology uses the concept of “quantum consciousness” to explain the principles of the connection between one person and a single consciousness common to people.

A person is understood as a discrete state of a quantum system. The conclusion (experience) obtained by one person is considered as a measurement produced by a single consciousness, its separate unit. Based on the information received from the individual, the entire system makes some choice for further movement along the path of its development. Reality is seen as a consequence of a chain of choices of general consciousness in the process of evolution.

Thanks to this approach, the phenomena of clairvoyance and the simultaneous discoveries of scientists in different parts planets, and many others. If the consciousness of one has made any measurement in the environment, the entire organism will instantly know about it. Moreover, distance has no meaning for all humanity to receive information instantly.

The function that connects both individuals with each other and the entire complex as a whole is thought. Considering society, we can conclude that people generally do not independently reflect on the events taking place around them, but are in correlation with the consciousness of a certain social group with which they interact. It is part of another, more extensive, association, and so on until a single consciousness.

It is quite logical to assume that the quantum consciousness of all humanity is part of an even larger global one and beyond, ad infinitum.

Despite criticism of this approach from physicists who believe that psychologists are incorrectly applying the principles of mechanics, the direction has spread as a new revolutionary approach to human cognition.

How does reality control happen?

M. B. Mensky in his works allows for the possibility of one individual deviating from the choice of the entire system. It can increase depending on the energy potential of which the world differs significantly from the reality of the average majority. This can be explained by the emergence of a strong local anomaly, different from the consciousness of the average world.

When such a deviation reaches a large value, the probability of the realization of some seemingly incredible event increases. This explains many phenomena.

For example, in wartime, a soldier could walk through a barrage of bullets, remaining completely unharmed, if he needed to stay alive and complete some important task.

Since all human units of consciousness are simply separate parts of the whole, the “message” that arises between them can transmit such psychic energy, which, concentrating on one event, can make invulnerable a person important to many people.

Another important guiding principle comes from experiments conducted by quantum physicists, where it was observed that the outcome of the experiment depends on the expectations of the experimenter. It was concluded that “the observer influences the observed phenomenon.”

The application of the principles becomes clear: “We ourselves create our reality”, “Man is a mind that contemplates the Universe and creates it, attracting certain events and situations to itself.”

Psychologists claim that the knowledge that has become the property of science today has been known for centuries and was used in Buddhism, shamanism, the Vedas and Kabbalah. Experts have developed exercises for materializing desires and recommend getting rid of negative emotions, practicing meditation, creating images of your dreams and directing them into the Universe.

And although quantum psychology is based on correct theories, in its simplified interpretation of physics it leads a person away from solving pressing problems and the true state of affairs.

According to orthodox scientists, empty dreams do not contribute to resolving crisis situations. Unsatisfied desires and experiences often lead a person to change and encourage action. This interpretation is consonant with the Christian concept, which is based on the principle of spiritual growth and human development through inevitable suffering.

If you push emotions deep into yourself, refusing to acknowledge them and not giving them a way out, such an approach (which is confirmed by modern research) will lead to the accumulation of negativity inside the body, and this can cause various diseases.

Quantum psychology is still at the very beginning of its development. She still has to solve the difficult problem of using modern discoveries to all

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