Blue screen with ntfs sys error. How to fix NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM blue screen errors (0x00000024). For computers with Window XP installed

Sometimes NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM errors like " blue screen"hardware related may be caused by damage random access memory(RAM). If you are experiencing random computer reboots, sound signals When booting or other computer malfunctions (in addition to BSOD 0x24 errors), it is very likely that there is memory corruption. In fact, almost 10% of application crashes on Windows OS are caused by memory corruption.

If you've recently added new memory to your computer, we recommend temporarily removing it to make sure it's not causing the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error. If this action resolves the BSOD, then this is the source of the problem, and therefore the new memory is either incompatible with some of your hardware or damaged. In this case, you will need to replace new memory modules.

If you haven't added new memory, the next step is to conduct a diagnostic test of the existing computer memory. A memory test will scan for hard memory failures and intermittent errors that could be causing your 0x24 Blue Screen of Death.

Although latest versions Windows contains a utility for testing RAM, I highly recommend using Memtest86 instead. Memtest86 is a BIOS based testing software, unlike other test programs that run in Windows environment. The advantage of this approach is that the utility allows you to check ALL operating memory for NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM errors, while other programs cannot check memory areas occupied by the program itself. operating system and other running programs.

Various errors and failures cannot be called a rare occurrence in Windows 7. Particularly unpleasant are those that are accompanied by a BSOD, after which it is impossible to continue working without troubleshooting. In this article we will look at the reasons for the appearance of a blue screen with the ntfs.sys error in the “seven” and how to eliminate them.

The specified driver is a tool for interacting with volumes formatted in a file format. NTFS system. If it is damaged or does not work correctly, reading and writing data to such disks will be accompanied by errors. There are also factors that indirectly influence this driver behavior. Below we will talk about how to eliminate all possible reasons occurrence of this BSOD.

Reason 1: Errors on the hard drive

Errors or so-called bad sectors on hard drives(we are talking about HDD now; if an SSD is used as system media, the recommendations described below will not work) are divided into software and physical. In the first case, we are dealing with data corruption due to system failures, virus attacks, sudden power outages or shutdown button "Reset". Physical “bads” appear due to damage to the surface of the “pancakes”. Both of these types of problems can cause the driver to crash and result in a blue screen.

In some situations with software bad sectors Only formatting or using special software, for example, helps. With its help, you can fill the entire disk space with zeros, which is guaranteed to help get rid of all data. If the cause is physical problems, the only way out is to replace the hard drive and install a new Windows on it.

Most often we need to save data and continue using the system, so we can use the built-in utility chkdsk.exe to correct errors. In the article below you will find instructions for its use (paragraph "Command line").

Next, we will talk about how to check and fix it if Windows refuses to boot due to an ntfs.sys error. We will need installation (bootable) media with the Seven distribution kit, preferably the version installed on the PC.

  1. We boot the computer from the created flash drive. Don't forget that you need to do some BIOS settings before doing this.
  2. In the first window of the installer we call "Command line" keyboard shortcut SHIFT+F10.

  3. Since we need to fix errors on system disk, you need to determine its letter. This is done using the command below.

    Here d:— expected drive letter. The goal is to discover the folder "Windows". If it is not in the list of directories, check volumes with other letters.

  4. We have decided on the disk, now we can start checking and fixing it. The command is:

    Here chkdsk– launch the utility, d:— the drive letter defined in paragraph 3, /f– an attribute that allows you to correct found errors, /r– a parameter that gives the command to restore damaged sectors.

  5. We wait until the utility completes the task and reboot the machine. We do not pay attention to the error that occurs after the check is completed.

Reason 2: RAM

The ntfs.sys driver runs during system startup, having previously been loaded into RAM. If everything is not in order, an error will inevitably appear. This happens for various reasons - due to overclocking, physical malfunction of the slats, or due to insufficient volume.


If you've been overclocking your RAM to improve overall system performance, it's likely that the settings you've chosen are preventing the modules from performing their duties properly. In such a situation, you should reset the BIOS settings to default values ​​or set automatic selection of frequencies and timings. After this, you need to check if an error appears.


Physical faults can be identified using special programs or system tool memory checks, and can only be eliminated by replacing faulty modules.

Lack of volume

Lack of RAM can also cause a driver error. There are two solutions here: stop using programs that run in background(those that “hang” in the notification area, and those whose activities can only be seen in "Task Manager"), clean startup or install additional modules RAM.

Reason 3: Drivers

The system contains drivers that affect the operation of ntfs.sys. These are programs that manage disk controllers. If you use additional expansion cards to connect hard drives, you need to update their hardware. If such equipment is not used, the corresponding system files may be damaged and the situation will only be corrected by restoring them.

Please note that this technique should be used with caution in cases where an unlicensed software is installed on the PC. copy of Windows or there was installation of design packages that changed system icons, themes, loading screen, and so on. There is a risk of completely making the OS inoperable. Instructions are below.

There is a way to spend this procedure in a situation where Windows refuses to boot. The disk will help us with this disaster recovery ERD Commander, the image of which must be placed on removable media.

  1. After loading, select the system of your bit size from the list.

  2. We don’t connect to the network, since we won’t need it.

  3. You can also do nothing with drive letters. It doesn't matter which button you press.

  4. Determine the keyboard language (just leave the default value).

  5. We wait until scanning of disks to detect installed systems is completed. Click on the item found and move on.

  6. At the next stage, a window will appear with a list of available tools. We are interested in the lowest point.

  7. Select a system file recovery tool.

  8. Will open "Master", in the start window of which we click "Further".

  9. We leave the recovery parameters as they are, and then launch the operation.

  10. We wait until the process completes and reboot.


The recommendations for resolving the blue screen with ntfs.sys error given in this article will only help if the operating system has not experienced a global crash for some reason. Under such circumstances, one will have to resort to reinstalling Windows. To avoid getting into similar troubles in the future and to avoid losing data, you should remember that the file system may be damaged, and avoid emergency reboots, as well as protect your computer from viruses.

Hello, dear readers of the educational Internet resource WindowsFan.Ru!!!

Probably nothing frightens a Windows user as much as the sudden appearance of a BSOD or, as they say, a blue screen of death.

A BSOD crash of the operating system is accompanied by an almost complete failure of all functions and the stopping of critical processes, as well as the appearance blue background with an error message. In the very first version of Windows, the death screen looked quite scary and was a dark blue background with a random set of characters.

In more later versions the meaningless gobbledygook has been replaced with informative text indicating the error code as well as the system file, incorrect work which became its cause. In Windows 8 and 8.1, the screen of death became less repulsive, but at the same time less informative.

Instead of detailed technical information, as it was in Windows 7 and more earlier versions, the user sees a sad emoticon and a message about the need to restart the computer. Below is short description errors indicating their code. A problematic system file may also be indicated. The background color of the screen of death in Windows 8 and 8.1 has also changed from poisonous blue to cyan.

The appearance of the death screen is usually always unexpected. It can occur either when starting or shutting down the computer, or during the operation of the operating system. As for the reasons for the system crashing in BSOD, there can be many of them.

Crooked installed driver, RAM failure, sudden stop of a critical process, overheating motherboard And central processor, physical and logical errors of the magnetic disk surface - all this can lead to sudden termination Windows operation and the death screen appears.

What to do when a BSOD appears

The appearance of a Blue Screen of Death does not necessarily indicate the “real death” of the computer or Windows; it is rather a defensive reaction to some kind of problem that is interfering with the normal operation of the system. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is try to determine the source of this problem.

In some cases, the reason that led to the system crash is obvious. If the death screen began to appear after installing a new software, making any changes to the configuration files, or after connecting a new device to the computer, then most likely the source of the problems lies in recent user actions.

In such cases, it may be sufficient to remove it recently installed programs or driver, rollback to an earlier state of the operating system, or replace the faulty device. To determine the exact reasons for the BSOD, you need to know the error code.

You can find it right there on the screen, in the second or third line. However, since Windows restarts immediately after the Blue Screen of Death appears, in order to rewrite this code you will need to disable automation. To do this, in the Run window, execute the command sysdm.cpl, in the window that opens, switch to the “Advanced” tab and in the parameters uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox.

Software and hardware errors

You can find a description of the BSOD codes themselves on specialized sites, such as The reasons leading to the appearance of BSOD can be divided into two large categories - software and hardware. The first category includes various damage to system files, records boot sectors, the effects of viruses, as well as malfunctioning software.

The second category includes power failures, overheating of critical hardware components, incorrect operation of devices connected to the computer (flash drives, USB hubs, disks, wireless modems), RAM modules, and physical errors. hard drive.

The easiest way to determine whether the problem is hardware or software is to try booting from a regular Live-CD. If the death screen continues to appear, then most likely the cause of the problem lies in the hardware itself.

Alternatively, you can try to identify the source of the problem using special utilities for testing PC hardware. To check the hard drive, for example, you can use the MHDD utility, and to test the RAM, use the Memtest utility.

Some common BSOD errors

But as we already said, install cause of BSOD The easiest way is to look at the error code. Here are some of the most common examples of BSOD.

NTFS FILE SYSTEM or 0x00000024. This error appears when the ntfs .sys driver fails. Its cause is the presence of bad sectors on the hard drive, SCSI or IDE drivers, as well as data corruption on the disk or directly in the PC memory.

In mild cases, the error can be treated with the standard chkdsk utility. If using chkdsk does not give the desired results, you should carefully check the hardware of the disk subsystem. The Blue Screen of Death can be caused by incorrectly functioning controllers and damaged IDE and SCSI cables.

INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE or 0x0000007B. Another common BSOD error indicates problems accessing the system logical drive. The error may be caused by malicious software, incorrect Windows installation, damage file system, disk controller, incompatibility hardware, incorrect BIOS settings a,memory allocation conflicts.

The problem can be fixed by updating the BIOSa, SCSI controller firmware, removing recently installed hardware, or running Chkdsk with the /f/r parameters.

STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED or 0xC000021A. This software error, indicating a driver, user application, or third party service. The solution may be to update drivers (or, conversely, roll back to an earlier version), remove recently installed third party programs and services.

DATA BUS ERROR or 0x0000002E. An error indicating a hardware problem. The most common reasons that cause it are a defect in RAM, malfunctions of video memory and RAM level 2 cache (L2). Error 0x0000002E can be caused by damage to the magnetic surface of the hard drive, as well as an attempt by the hardware driver to access a non-existent address in the range 0x8xxxxxxx.

The error is treated by replacing “suspicious” hardware components, updating the BIOS software, SCSI controller and network cards, replacing or updating device drivers, running Chkdsk with /f/r parameters on the system partition. It also wouldn’t hurt to check the quality of the contacts on all computer boards.

Instead of a total

As you can see, the reasons for the appearance of BSOD in Windows 8 and 8.1, as well as in earlier versions of the OS, can be very diverse. Unfortunately, on this moment There is no single algorithm for eliminating Blue Screen of Death errors. Their number amounts to several hundred and each of them may require a purely individual approach.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, do not try to fix BSOD errors yourself, especially when it comes to hardware problems. The exception is clearly obvious errors caused by connecting to a computer external devices, as well as software failure. In other cases, it is better to entrust the removal of the death screen to professionals.

This is where I’ll probably end my story for now, until we see you again, my dear friends...

In almost all Windows systems that use NTFS as the main file organization structure, it is quite common to encounter a failure in the ntfs.sys file. A blue screen (Windows XP or higher versions, it doesn’t matter) displays the full NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, which often indicates violations in work hard disk and entails damage to the file system itself. But this is only a general case, since there can be many more reasons for the appearance of the same stop code. It's easy to fix the problem. How to do it? Read in the article.

Error in the file: what is the reason?

The ntfs.sys system component is the most common driver file, responsible for the ability to read data from NTFS partitions, as well as write information to such sectors. In other words, the driver communicates between the file organization of the hard drive, the operating system and the hard drive itself.

But why then does a failure appear in the ntfs.sys file? (in Windows 7, for example) contains a special stop code and also gives a recommendation for checking the hard drive. Here, as concomitant reasons for the appearance of such an error, you can also add the following:

  • random system failures;
  • incorrectly set operating mode hard drive SATA;
  • disk damage or critical errors;
  • inconsistency, incorrect installation or outdated drivers;
  • errors in the system registry.

System rollback

So, if the user receives an ntfs.sys component error message (blue screen), the first thing to do is try to fix the problem with a normal system restore.

If you perform such an operation in automatic mode If it doesn’t work, use the F8 key at startup and select load the last known known configuration.

When ntfs.sys crashes (blue screen), Windows 10 cannot be restored using this method. It will take quite a long time to move from one menu to another. But in all systems, for the purity of the solution, if recovery does not work, it is better to boot from removable media, followed by calling the command console. By the way, it is the command line that in most cases offers the most effective tools for troubleshooting problems in broken systems.

Disk check and NTFS partition recovery

If you look closely at the message present on the screen, you will notice that there is a recommendation for an immediate check of the hard drive.

Thus, if an error occurs in the ntfs.sys file (a blue screen prevents normal boot), after starting from a disk or flash drive, in the diagnostics section, call command line(Shift + F10) and first of all write the line to check the hard drive chkdsk c: /f (if a message appears about the impossibility of executing the command, agree, and the check will be performed when you reboot).

At the end of the process, exit the console (exit command) and restart the system. If the ntfs.sys component fails again (the blue screen appears again), boot from the media, but in the command line enter the file system recovery line chkdsk c: /p, then try exiting the console again and rebooting.

Changing SATA mode

However, due to the incorrectly set operating mode of the SATA hard drive, the above methods may not give the desired result.

In this case, when you turn on your computer or laptop, use the BIOS settings, where among the hard drive parameters you need to find SATA mode and switch it from AHCI to IDE. Checking hard When loading a disk from removable media, it is recommended to do it in IDE mode.

Windows crash: updating and rolling back drivers

Drivers also play an important role in the occurrence of such failures. If the normal start of the system is impossible, you can try to boot it in Safe Mode. You may need to remove or reinstall some installed drivers. If the failure occurs after an incorrect update, it is better to use the rollback tool in Device Manager.

The best option is if you have a constant Internet connection and use downloading with support network drivers, will be the use of automated updater programs (for example, Driver Booster). They are able to independently find updates for all drivers available in the system and install them from official resources without user intervention in the download and integration process.

Registry issues

If the system can be booted somehow, you should thoroughly clean the registry. It is recommended that only specialists do this manually, and ordinary users can be advised to use simple portable utilities for automatic login.


If the system has been exposed to viruses and does not boot even after applying the solutions described above, you will have to check it. But how to do this, since the start turns out to be impossible?

Here they come to the rescue disk programs with the general name Rescue Disk, with which you can boot like a recovery disk and use an in-depth scan of all existing partitions. Perhaps this will help solve the problem.


It remains to add that the methods discussed help in almost all cases. When restoring NTFS partitions, you can also use the sfc /scannow command to check and restore system components. This is not always necessary, but as an additional means, in general, it will not hurt.

In different Windows versions the user often has to deal with the sudden appearance of errors that appear in the form of a BSOD screen and make working with the PC impossible. One of the most common errors can be considered a blue screen of death failure with code 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. Despite the fact that the causes of this error are quite varied, its elimination in most cases is possible using available methods.

Causes of blue screen of death 0x00000024

Microsoft claims that most often the 0x00000024 problem is caused by an error in system file Ntfs.sys.

Methods for fixing the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error

Although 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM is a rather serious problem, fixing the error in almost all cases does not require the use of complex tools and can be done by the user independently.

Checking the disk for errors

Before moving on to drastic ways to fix the problem, if a failure with code 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM occurs, you need to identify errors on your PC hard drives.

  1. Scanning using built-in Windows tools. To do this you need:
  2. Open the “My Computer” window, click right click mouse on the icon of the disk or partition that requires scanning.
  3. Select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
  4. The properties window is equipped with a “Service” tab, after going to which you need to click “Run check”.
  5. Checking the disk from the console. To carry out such a check, you need to open the command line and enter a command with the following syntax: chkdsk partition_letter: /f

For a more complete understanding of the above instructions, you can watch the video:


A common situation is when the failure in question occurs due to incorrect configuration of device drivers. It is likely that the drivers are damaged or their versions are out of date. In this case, you should remove and reinstall the drivers first of all for those devices that were recently added to the system. In addition, you need to check for the presence of new versions on the device manufacturer’s website and update the driver versions in the system, if this is possible.

Registry errors

Since error 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM can be caused by corrupted entries in the OS registry, fixing it may require restoring the entries associated with the error. The procedure can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Manual editing of registry values. It is recommended that this be carried out only by specialists, since entering values ​​incorrectly can damage the system and lead to PC inoperability.
  2. Cleaning the registry using specialized software. This method is the safest and most effective. Using tools such as, for example, Scanreg.exe from Microsoft or utilities from third-party developers, you can scan and fix many problems, including those related to error 0x24.

Return to previous state

To prevent the occurrence of many errors, including 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, it is very in an effective way The system may return to a state where the failure did not occur. In order to carry out the procedure, you need to complete only three steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and open All Programs.
  2. Select the main menu item “Standard”, and in the drop-down list - “Utilities”.
  3. Run the System Restore utility and perform a restore by setting the switch in the first window of the tool to the appropriate position.
  4. The system will be returned to its earlier state and error 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM will no longer appear.

The operation of the product is described in detail in the video:

Recovery Console

The Recovery Console is a powerful tool for fixing many OS problems, and error 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM can also be resolved using the tool. You need to do the following.

  1. Boot a PC that is throwing an error using installation media. Once the Setup dialog box appears, press F10 to launch the “Recovery Console”.
  2. To restore an NTFS partition that is supposedly damaged, you need to enter and execute the command:

chkdskdriveletter: /p

  1. Enter the “exit” command, which will close the recovery console and reboot the system.

Thus, using relatively simple methods, you can restore your PC and eliminate error 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM.

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