The connection was reset: browser bug fix. Err connection reset page connection unavailable Solving the issue with detailed analysis

Today, when working with Internet resources on a daily basis, users quite often encounter a situation where, instead of the expected access to a page, the user receives a message that the connection has been interrupted. Typically the error given is ERR_CONNECTION_RESET or "Connection Reset". Why might this occur? this error? How can you fight it? Now we will try to figure this out. To resolve the error, we will use several basic methods.

What does error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET 101 mean?

If you try to understand the cause of the failure, you can conclude that it occurs in several cases. For example, your Internet pages may be blocked by system security measures. This may be due to the unreliability of the resource or the likelihood of containing threats. Error code 101 ERR-CONECTION_RESET in some cases may indicate incorrect settings web browser. As a rule, this concerns the settings of proxy servers. Also, sometimes situations arise when problems arise in the network itself. Because of this, accessing the Internet simply becomes impossible.

Correcting the hosts file when an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error appears

First of all, you need to look at the hosts file. Blocking settings can be specified in this file. you can find this object in the main directory of the system. To do this, first in this folder you need to go to the System 32 directory, and then to the etc directory. The hosts file is hidden in most cases. Therefore, in order to see it, you first need to set the appropriate options in the view menu for displaying hidden objects, such as files and folders. Just open it up this file it won't work either. Here you need to use the command context menu, which can be called up by right-clicking the mouse. Next, you need to select “Open with...”. As an editor, you can use standard Notepad or any other text editor of such kind. Now you need to look at the contents. Everything below the line indicating the local host address and the next line with one, after which localhost is written again, must be deleted. These are special blocking records. After this, you just need to save your changes.

Network and web browser settings

Error code 101 can still occur for the simple reason that the browser settings are incorrect. As an example, let's look at a popular internet browser Google Chrome. Let's assume that the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error appears when trying to visit a website. How can I fix it? this situation using settings? Quite simple... To do this, you need to go into setting the parameters by clicking on the button with three buttons or a wrench. After you scroll down the window a little, you will need to go to show additional settings, then you need to go to the Network section. There should be a line to change the proxy server settings. It needs to be activated. In the new window you need to select browser properties. After that, in the settings settings local network automatic detection of these parameters is set. In this case, if the provider does not provide for the use of a proxy, then the corresponding scripts do not need to be used. By the way, the same applies to the settings of the Internet Explorer browser or any other browser. Disabling proxy settings altogether is general rule for all Internet access programs. The same applies to the settings of Internet Explorer or any other Internet browser. Disabling proxy settings is generally a general rule for all Internet access programs. As for the connection parameters that are used to configure local protocols and networks, as a rule, it is necessary to set the automatic acquisition of DNS, IP addresses, etc., unless something else is set by the provider. The problem in this case can only be incorrect data entry, so you just need to check that it matches what was provided when creating the connection. Usually there is also a checkbox next to the line that disables the use of proxies for local addresses.

Antivirus and firewall exclusion lists

Internet resources are quite often blocked by the security system. This is what the error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET indicates (connection reset). There is a fairly simple way out of this situation: you need to add the browser itself, which is used for Internet surfing, to the list of exceptions in the firewall by setting a new rule. Blocked resource in antivirus package must be marked as trusted, but only if it is so.

Troubleshoot network problems using the command line

The ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error, which indicates that the current connection has been reset, can only be associated with problems in the local network itself. To fix the problem, you can use various fixer programs. Name of this type programs comes from the English word “fix”, which means “to fix”. But in the general case, you can do it even simpler. To begin, you need to open the command line from the Run menu. In the console that appears, you need to enter the command ipconfig/all, and then press the enter key. Usage of this product makes it possible not only to scan the network for problems, but also to automatically fix identified failures.

Optimization using third-party programs

In some cases, you can resolve the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error using a specialized software. For example, you can use the AdvancedSystemCare software package, which has own module, designed to optimize your Internet connection. This program allows you to increase the speed of network access. It can also detect potential and existing failures when trying to open certain resources. User participation in this process of course not required. However, you need to understand that this is a backup rather than a primary method for eliminating errors of this type. Great care must be taken when working with this module. There have been cases when automated error correction did not lead to the desired result, and even had the completely opposite effect.


The problem of the occurrence of the failure described above in itself is not critical. However, to solve this problem, you first need to determine the cause of the problem. If we approach this issue from a practical point of view, then we can perform all the necessary operations in the sequence that was outlined in this review. It should be added that the article did not consider possible causes of failures associated with the activity of viruses. Some of the malicious objects can block pages on the Internet.


In recent days, cases of users contacting me with a request to solve their problem have become more frequent. They cannot access a certain site, namely Lyra. When I try to log in, a window appears saying “Page not available.”

Or it is written in English - “ERR_CONNECTION_RESET”, which translated means “The connection was reset”. And the most interesting thing is that users cannot log into different browsers, even in Internet Explorer. Panic immediately sets in, people don’t know what to do.

To begin with, I tell everyone, there is no need to panic, you just need to find information on the Internet and try to fix your problem.

1. Check the host file, which is located at -

2. Scan your computer for viruses.
Such a check never hurts. I advise you to check the treatment utility dr.web cureit. You can download it from. site

3. Clean the system with any program, for example CCleaner.

In all browsers, the program will clean up, including cookies and cache, which is very important.

4. The problem may be due to your ISP if you are using a proxy server. If you are using a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you do not need to use a proxy server, set the appropriate settings: Click on the tool menu > "Settings" > "Advanced" > "Change proxy server settings..." > "Network settings" and uncheck the "Use a proxy server for local connections".

5. Check your Internet connection. Reboot all used routers, modems and others network devices.

6. Error 101: net err: connection reset - connection reset occurs when displaying pages in a web browser and means that the server is offering to change the protocol used for this site to a more suitable one. If we talk in simple words, then when viewing pages in a browser program, situations sometimes arise that certain sites require a different browser operating mode to view the content, and the latter cannot provide it, resulting in error 101: net err: connection reset and the connection is reset. This happens because some programs, such as antivirus and firewall, can block the browser from switching to a different operating mode (protocol).
First of all, try disabling all security programs such as antivirus and firewall. If disabling these programs helps, you need to check and correct their settings that are responsible for blocking applications and protocols.

7. And lastly...If all else fails, but you really want to log in, do it through a Tor browser or an anonymizer. The Tor browser will change your IP address and you will be able to log in.
Yesterday I did just that while helping a friend from Germany. We entered Lyra. But then she scanned the computer for viruses, found Trojans, deleted them, and then was able to log in through a regular browser.

Try it, everything will work out. And don’t forget that you have me, I will always come and help...))

Taught the lesson

Users of Android phones and tablets often encounter the error "err proxy connection failed" that appears in the browser (standard, or Google Chrome) when trying to open a website. It is possible that the exact same error message can be seen in other browsers. Since the reason for this error is not in the browser, but in the settings Android systems. To be more precise, in the proxy settings.

The error itself means that the phone cannot connect to the proxy server. I think we need to explain what this means. When we connect the phone to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or via mobile Internet (cellular network operator) then usually connecting to sites and servers different programs goes directly. From your device, through your provider/operator directly to the site server or program. When for some reason on your Android phone proxies are configured, then the connection is already going through the proxy server, which is specified in the settings. And if the settings are entered incorrectly, or the proxy server does not work, then the error “No Internet connection” appears in the browser on your phone. (provided there is a connection), with the description “There is a problem with the proxy server or the address is incorrect” and the code ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED.

To check, in Wi-Fi settings network to which my phone is connected, I registered some kind of left-handed proxy server. After which the Internet on the phone stopped working and an error appeared when connecting to the proxy server. It is clear that it is unlikely that anyone will specifically manually set proxy settings and then look for a solution to this problem. But this also happens, believe me.

I think that individual programs They can also change proxy settings in Android, after which the Internet stops working. And not only via Wi-Fi, because you can also set these parameters for connecting via mobile Internet.

In any case, if on your phone (Samsung, Xiaomi, Sony, LG – it doesn’t matter) If the error “There is a problem with the proxy server or the address is incorrect” appears, then you need to check the proxy settings and disable them. Most likely this is the problem.

How to fix "err proxy connection failed" error on Android?

First, I’ll show you how to get rid of this error when you are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. As happens most often. The names of settings sections and menu items may vary slightly. Depending on the phone and Android version.

You need to go to the settings, to the Wi-Fi section. Next click (or press and hold) on Wi-Fi network to which you are connected. A menu will appear in which you need to open the properties of this network (Manage Network Settings).

You need to open it in properties Extra options (if it is needed) and check that the “Proxy” settings are set to “No” or “Disabled”.

After that, save the settings and check whether the sites open in standard browser, Chrome, or whatever you are using. The ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED error should go away.

If a proxy error appears when connecting via mobile Internet

In the case when your phone is not connected to Wi-Fi and you are using mobile internet (from your operator) then the proxy settings need to be checked in the settings of the mobile access point. On Samsung phone this can be done in the "Connections" section - " Mobile networks" – “Access points” – by selecting the access point of your operator. There will be a “Proxy” item, in which you need to select “Not installed”.

But most often, of course, the proxy parameters are set precisely in the properties of the Wi-Fi network.

An incomprehensible, but humanly speaking, simply treacherous refusal of a browser to open an Internet page “overwritten” by the user’s unquenchable interest is a rather unpleasant event. And it’s not at all funny when a person suddenly loses the opportunity to communicate with friends through a certain social resource. However, from this article you will learn how to fix the network conflict “Error code err connection reset - connection reset.”

My own admin...

Let’s not bore you, dear reader, and let’s move straight to specific solutions. However, let's agree on one thing - you need to act consistently, so to speak, without jerks and omissions. Without any doubt, your problem will be resolved, and unhindered access to your favorite site will be restored, if you first carefully study the presented material and only then proceed to the practical implementation of a specific solution. Well, good luck to you, and let’s get started!

What to do if your browser blocks access to only a few sites

It is worth noting that this recommendation should not be applied in situations where antivirus program“carefully” blocks entry to a specific site, the search reputation of which is very questionable, and accessing the resource poses an actual (reasonable!) threat of infecting the user’s OS with malicious code. Be wise and do not make unjustified mistakes!

So, if your browser has, as they say, “cut off your social oxygen” and you cannot access, for example, your VKontakte page because it doesn’t even load, do the following:

  • Go to the Start menu.
  • Click on the “This computer” section and you will find yourself in the service Windows window conductor.
  • Opening system disk(C:\) and follow the path: Windows -> System32 -> drivers -> etc.

  • In the last folder, you need to select the “Hosts” file and holding the cursor on it, using right button mouse, call the context menu.

  • Using the “Open with...” tab, select the standard Windows tool “Notepad”.
  • Further actions are very simple - find your “blocked” Internet resource (site address) and remove it from the list provided.
  • After closing the notepad, agree to save the changes made.

If you do not find the “hosts” file in the “etc” folder, then you should use the “Show hidden folders and files" (more detailed information you will find how to do this ).

In most cases, the editing process mentioned above hosts file, helps. Otherwise, we move on to the next scenario for restoring access to the “blocked” site.

Making changes to browser settings

Sometimes the problem “error code err connection reset - connection reset” is resolved by correcting some parameters of the Internet browser itself. Let's look at an example Google browser Chrome, what exactly needs to be done in such a situation.

  • Call the main menu of the program - click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser program.
  • Select the “Settings” item.
  • Scroll the active screen to the end and activate - “Show additional...”.
  • Now find the “Network” section and click on the “Change proxy server settings” button.

  • In the “Browser Options” window that opens, click on the “Network Settings” button.
  • Press the “OK” button twice, alternately.

Other network problems and how to fix them

A user's machine may have several options for connecting to the Internet. Meanwhile, this kind of network branching is often the reason for the “short-term” inability of the browser when trying to access the Internet. To fix this kind of network conflict, follow the instructions below.

  • Call the command console - press the hotkey combination “Win ​​+ R”.
  • Type - cmd.

  • IN command line write “IPConfig /ALL” and press “Enter”.

Windows OS, so to speak, will independently correct the connection error and access to the “unloadable” site will be open again.

In conclusion

Of course, not all solutions to the mentioned error fit into such a narrow framework of the presented article. And yet, we will mention one additional tool for restoring browser functionality. Of course, we are talking about a small, but quite useful program"Ccleaner". If you have not yet installed it on your PC, then hurry up to do so.

Because in the context of the topic at hand, you need to subject system partition Thorough cleaning of the OS, as well as troubleshooting Windows registry(about the “healing” properties of “CCleaner”, read ). And don’t forget that sometimes standard anti-virus tools can block (which seemed suspicious to them) the loading script of certain Internet resources. That's all, value safety!

“Web page is unavailable - err connection reset” is one of the most common problems that can be encountered when actively using the Internet browser from Google. It is interesting that such a nuisance has nothing to do with the version of the operating system that is currently in use.

That is, the message can easily appear on the popular seven, and also take the following form: “err connection reset in Windows 10.” However, this interesting fact It doesn’t help at all to look for a way out of the situation, which is simply necessary for full access to the Internet.

The very reason for the “err connection reset” message may differ in each specific case, so treatment will require a whole range of preventive procedures.

How to fix the error?

So, the message “err connection refused” appeared. What to do? The first step in the treatment process is to verify the correct path that the user is trying to navigate. To confirm this action, it is recommended to try to switch to some other Internet resource. If the result is still the same, then you need to check your Internet connection. Alternatively, the err connection reset error code may also arise due to the forgetfulness of a person who does not pay the subscription fee for using the service on time.

Next possible reason– infection with harmful programs. Therefore, you will need to run an antivirus program and perform the necessary diagnostics to get rid of the “web page unavailable err connection reset” message.

Theoretically, the ubiquitous Cookies could also lead to this problem. Google solves this situation this way:

  1. Launch the browser and go to the settings menu (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the screen).
  2. Select the “advanced settings” option.
  3. Next: “Privacy” – “Content settings” – “Cookies”.
  4. Perform the removal procedure.
  5. Close the window and check if the Unknown error err connection reset?

A possible source of this situation could be your firewall and proxy server settings. In the first case, you need to launch the application and add the Internet browser you are using or a specific network resource to exceptions.

In the second option, go through several stages:

  1. Re-enable your browser settings.
  2. Find the “proxy settings” menu in the program’s advanced options.
  3. Select the “LAN Settings” option.
  4. Set to automatic operation.
  5. Save and close the dialog box.

Sometimes, in order to cure a PC from this disease, it will be necessary to obtain additional data, since a similar message may be associated with completely different error codes. Naturally, the correction will require a slightly different technique.

Solving the issue with detailed analysis

So, the full version of the problem may look like this - error 101 net err connection reset connection reset. How to proceed?

The following options often help:

  • Disabling additional plugins installed on the system.

The next type has the number “2” in the code. To fix it, you will need to launch CCleaner and thoroughly clean everything related to your recent work on the network.

To solve problem 104, there is already a solution - you need to use the proxy parameters correctly. If situation number 105 occurs, there is a high probability that the user is trying to use several wireless connections on the computer at the same time. The fix looks like this:

  1. Through the “Start” button, go to the “Run” command.
  2. Enter "cmd".
  3. Then the next order “IPConfig /ALL”.
  4. The operating system should automatically correct the problem.

The last option is indicated by the numbers 102, and is usually associated with the problem of switching to popular social media in our country – “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”.

What to do:

  1. Navigate to the path: Windows-System32-drivers-etc.
  2. Find and open the file called “Hosts” with notepad.
  3. Search for lines containing the names of these resources.
  4. Delete them.

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