Amoled technology. Differences between AMOLED and Super AMOLED technology. Comparison of AMOLED and Super AMOLED technology.

Today, in the manufacture of screens for mobile phones two types of matrices are used: AMOLED and IPS. In this article we will tell you what is the difference between screens built on these types of matrix and point out their differences.


Key benefits of IPS technology

First displays on technology IPS appeared in 1996. But these were rather experimental devices. Mass production of such screens began just a few years ago. During the time from the first screens on such a matrix to modern displays, all the shortcomings were taken into account and errors were corrected. Today we can state the fact that IPS screens have firmly entered our lives.

Therefore, if you want to know what type of screen to choose for your mobile device, we explain the differences between them. When choosing a new smartphone or tablet, you must consider many factors, such as the processor that is mounted, the battery, or one of the components that spends more time looking at during use: the screen.

The screen is the main channel for successful use. Just as much as the processor of the device, if your screen is not suitable, it will drain the entire user experience as the user will not appreciate the quality in everything you see. Revolving around screens are a large number of acronyms that define the quality and definition of the images or colors displayed or their power consumption, which, although you have seen them thousands of times in device specifications, you may not know what they mean.

The main advantages of IPS matrices over competitive technologies are:

  • Best color rendition. Unlike AMOLED screens at IPS colors are not “enhanced” artificially. Thanks to such honest color reproduction, IPS displays are loved by everyone who works with photographs. Photographers, photo editors and representatives of related professions. IPS screen gives a bright and rich picture, if that is what it is. If the picture is dim, then on a screen built on a matrix IPS it will be dim. Because of this, not everyone evaluates this advantage positively.

IMPORTANT: On AMOLED screens can also convey “honest” colors. But this is achieved through software settings that give pre-embellished pictures a more believable look.

For starters, not all screens use the same technology to display images. Let's find out what's behind these acronyms and what characteristics set them apart from the rest. The remaining screen-related acronyms refer to the materials or type of construction of each of these screen types.

Creating this type of panel has really low cost, but requires high power consumption. This is an insurmountable obstacle, given the generous screen sizes of modern mobile devices. Such devices include these types of panels.

  • True white. AMOLED screens simply cannot display white correctly. IPS screens, on the contrary, produce true white color. No blue or yellow tint like competing technology. Pure white color affects the entire image as a whole. Therefore, applying a shade to it can distort the entire picture.
  • No color distortion when viewing the screen at an angle. Some may overlook this advantage of IPS. But imagine that you are in the company of friends watching some interesting video from your smartphone. There will always be someone for whom the screen of your smartphone will not be fully expanded. And if your screen is not IPS, then this will be immediately visible when it is positioned at an angle. This effect has long been felt by owners Sony Xperia Z.

IMPORTANT: When unfolding the AMOLED screen, the color rendition shifts to the cold spectrum or the picture begins to “red” or “green”.

It was able to eliminate the air that exists between the outer glass and the other layers that make up the screen. The claim that many studies were responsible for denial later, and this was demonstrated with subsequent screens with more high density pixels. They simply turn off the pixel of that color or reduce its intensity so that its energy efficiency is not in doubt.

So much so that they can even oversaturate the colors. Something that some users don't like too much. With this matrix system, you can extend the life of the screen and reduce consumption. The downside to this technology is that definition is lost in high-contrast images or with text, although the effect is unlikely to be noticeable on high-pixel-density screens.

Big maximum brightness . This advantage is especially pronounced when using the smartphone screen in bright sunlight. If you have it built on an AMOLED matrix, then the bright rays of the scorching sun will force you to look for shade in order to see what is happening on the screen. The whole point is that IPS-The matrix uses an LCD screen with its powerful backlight. U AMOLED screens, every pixel is illuminated. What “physically” does not allow the screen to be bright.

Regardless of the type of panel the device will install, it will contain a certain number of pixels in the screen array. The number of pixels on a screen determines the sharpness of the image it will provide, so it is important that they have as many pixels as possible.

Resolution and Screen Definition

Each of these acronyms is subject to a set standard that defines the specific number of pixels the panel must display. Nothing further from reality.

Although this concept is socially established, it is not entirely correct. In fact, when we refer to the number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions that have a screen, which, as you have already seen, refers to these terms, we have to talk about the definition of screen.

  • Detail and sharpness. There are people among us whose eye structure allows us to see pixelation, even at the best Full HD screen. These people definitely don't need to buy a smartphone with a screen AMOLED. Otherwise, using it will lead to great disappointment. Modern screens AMOLED gradually “cure” this childhood disease. But, it is still present on most budget devices.
  • LED burnout. U AMOLED organic LEDs may burn out on screens. Which is reflected in the different brightness of individual parts of the screen. According to the developers of such screens, the service life of the LED is 6-10 years. But, in practice, they can burn out faster. U IPS there is no such problem.

Cheaper production technology. A trivial but important advantage IPS. The cost of a smartphone consists of various modules and components. The screen is an important and expensive part of a smartphone. The cheaper the screen, the cheaper the smartphone will be.

Instead, to be semantically accurate, resolution should be used to indicate the number of pixels on the screen. That is, what pixel density the screen has. From 5 inches to 13 inches screens. How is it possible that they all have the same number of pixels if their screen size is more than twice as large?

This is where the resolution value comes from, usually related to the screen's pixel density, which expresses the number of pixels per inch of screen. This indicates that while all of these screens have the same number of pixels, a 5-inch screen is smaller than a 13-inch screen, so images will be sharper and their edges better defined.

Pros of AMOLED technology

  • High Contrast. When comparing IPS With AMOLED the second screen will seem more colorful and saturated. Organic LEDs allow you to make the picture as contrast as possible. Which causes the effect of “embellishment” in color rendition.

IMPORTANT: Special tests show that the contrast level AMOLED screens reach ratio 30000:1 . Whereas IPS this indicator is equal 1500:1 . The difference is significant.

With all the information we've given you, this should be enough for you to be able to determine on paper which screen offers the best quality. However, numbers are not everything, and personal perception of the images displayed on the screen is always subjective.

Nothing is written about sympathies. Therefore, if you need to decide between two devices with different screen technologies, on equal terms in resolution, density or definition, do not miss the opportunity to see them in person and your eyes will determine which type of screen is best suited for your smartphone or tablet.

  • Absolute black. If one of the advantages IPS was “real” white, then AMOLED The screen allows you to display absolute black. This is achieved due to the fact that AMOLED individual pixels on the screen are illuminated. Whereas IPS The entire screen is illuminated. Which has a negative impact on black people.
  • Less energy consumption. Everything is simple here. Individually backlit pixels consume less power than backlighting the entire screen, like IPS. “On paper,” this advantage seems very important, and for many, a turning point. But, in practice, this is not entirely true. The resource consumption of your gadget is influenced by many other factors. From the style of using the device to the energy saving technologies used by the developer.
  • Faster response time. AMOLED The matrix allows us to produce screens with a shorter response time compared to IPS screens. This allows the picture to change faster. But this advantage in the speed of changing the picture is so insignificant that in reality it is simply not visible.
  • Less thickness. IN AMOLED screens do not need backlighting. This saves space. It is due to this advantage that there are ultra-thin smartphones on the market today. If this indicator is important to you, then choose smartphones with a screen AMOLED.

Which screen is better for a smartphone: IPS or AMOLED?

To summarize, it can be noted that both popular screen technologies for smartphones have both their pros and cons. Of course, it may seem that IPS There is a longer list of advantages, which means this technology is better. And in some cases this is true.

The screen is undoubtedly one of the star elements on any mobile device, and we are talking about a smartphone or tablet. Not only is it the one we play and the one we see, but it is the one that consumes more battery. This is why the technology behind these panels is so important.

Anyway, don't be blinded by trade names. Two screens created with the same technology do not necessarily have to be the same, since they depend on many factors that are sometimes beyond the control of even the final installer of the device. Always, before buying any device, go to a store and try it out for a while. If they let you take it out for a spin and see how it handles under sunlight better than better.

But what is much more important is how the manufacturer implements these advantages in practice. In most cases this cannot be done. Although they have already appeared IPS screens that actually outperform even a more advanced matrix Super AMOLED.

Please note that you cannot use your tablet for internet browsing, such as watching or playing videos. For each of these applications, there may be differences in aspects such as response time or external brightness, which may change the screen type and technology that is most suitable for you.

These screens have a sequence of panels, each of which has a clearly differentiated function. The farthest one is the white light source that takes care of luminosity. Then you will find special layer. This is a polarized filter that rotates light 90 degrees. This is the same as the fifth layer, but the last one is rotated 90 degrees so that it does not transmit the light coming from the first filter. If only these three layers existed, you would see a black screen even though the first one would emit white light.

High-quality screens on IPS-the matrix can boast Asus ZenFone 3 Max, LG G5 SE, Apple iPhone 5s and some other models. But is it really worth discounting? Samsung smartphones with their advanced screens Super AMOLED?

The question often arises on the Internet: which display is better? And as a rule, the debate most often flares up between AMOLED and IPS, so we will discuss these two technologies, which have become the most popular thanks to smartphones.

Between these two filters there is a layer consisting of liquid crystal. This material changes its properties depending on whether it is used electric charge or not. This is done at each pixel level, and when we apply load, we get the light to pass through all the layers or not. Just after and before the second filter we have a colored layer that colors this light to give us the color we want. For each pixel we have 3 sub-pixels with red, green and blue colors, which are combined with different shades to give a full range of colors.

Let's talk first about IPS technology:

IPS technology (which stands for in-plane switching) was originally created for LCD displays, in order to eliminate some of the shortcomings due to which the characteristics of the then TFT displays were significantly inferior to conventional CRT monitors. The main disadvantages were the low response time, which made it impossible to play fast-paced games properly.

The last layer is the one that we can already touch with our fingers, and this is a normal crystal. On these screens, basically, the light is in background should always be turned on to ensure images are displayed as quickly as possible. As you can imagine, this is somewhat unacceptable for a mobile device since the battery has limited capacity.

Various technologies that use this method. A transistor is used per pixel to improve aspects such as contrast or response time. The following are based on this. In this case, the layer including the liquid crystal is improved. The problem is that if you put two transistors on a glass area, you let in less light, then you have to draw more to give the same brightness. In return, you get better viewing angles and more true-to-life colors.

The second and more serious problem was the very small viewing angle, due to which it was necessary to look at the monitor at a strictly right angle, otherwise, when viewed at an angle, the colors were so distorted that you could not understand anything, to the point that you could not understand anything at all.

The invention of IPS technology was a significant breakthrough, thanks to which response times were significantly reduced and viewing angles became acceptable. Now it was time to play games and work with images.

Its main feature is that it tries to reduce annoying flashes that can occur on screens by reducing the air that exists between the layer you see and the others. It improves aspects such as viewing angles, brightness and image quality.

LCD displays have the problem that they cannot produce light themselves. Therefore, there is the idea of ​​​​using other materials that can emit light without using a backlight. Promise, consumption reduction, best time response, more realistic colors, and finally final screens.

The main advantages of IPS technology:

  • Good response time
  • High-quality color rendition
  • Good viewing angles
  • Clear picture

Disadvantages of IPS technology:

  • Requires more powerful lighting
  • Consumes more energy
  • Smartphones that use this technology are usually a little thicker, due to the backlight

Now a little about AMOLED:

Among the various nomenclatures used by the manufacturer, you can find. Additionally, the life of the panel is much more limited than other methods. It is better, therefore, when we go outside or into an enclosed environment with lights. It uses a green-dominant sub-pixel setting. Because the pixels are smaller because we have more on one screen, there is less noticeable loss of sharpness.

Among the elements that must be observed when choosing a smartphone, screen quality is an important factor. Yes, because it is through it that you will view images, videos, TV series and films, and the display is not good, the image quality will depend.

AMOLED technology (which stands for Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) is an advanced OLED technology, which is organic compounds that emit light using electricity.

Thanks to AMOLED technology, production became possible thin smartphones, since it does not require backlighting, unlike IPS. At the same time, AMOLED has better contrast compared to LCD, as well as good viewing angles. But the main thing distinctive feature AMOLED from IPS is low power consumption because this technology allows you to activate only those pixels that are required at the moment, unlike IPS where all pixels are lit while the screen is on.

Nowadays, every manufacturer has the technology used in their displays. But did you know that each acronym is used to identify display media and which one is correct? The difference between them is the alignment of the liquid crystals.

Each small dot filters the backlight to project colors on the device's screen and ultimately form images. In the case of black, the crystals are never completely black and are more opaque as the backlight remains on. This light remains all the time. . Thus, through the gap between the red, green and blue colors emitted by each point on the screen, you can create white and the millions of colors needed to form an image on a phone screen. The battery has a decrease in consumption, especially on a black background, as the pixels are erased and not supplied. Additionally, you can create thinner, lighter displays because fewer layers are required to create images. The result is even thinner, lighter and more responsive screens.

The main advantages of AMOLED technology:

  • No backlight required
  • The element is thinner, allowing for the production of thinner smartphones
  • No backlight saves energy
  • Good contrast

Disadvantages of AMOLED technology:

  • More complex and expensive production
  • The picture is less clear than IPS
  • Less bright picture than IPS
  • Colors fade over time

As a conclusion, we can say that there is no winner here; rather, you need to choose from needs. If you need good color reproduction and this is extremely important to you, then take IPS; if it is important for you to have a longer battery life, choose a smartphone with an AMOLED display.

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