How to connect a tablet to a megaphone modem. How to connect a modem to an Android tablet - making the virtual world mobile. Possible problems and ways to solve them

If you have been using various mobile gadgets for a long time, you may soon discover that it is not suitable for full-fledged work with the Internet, and you will need to find out how to connect the modem to Android tablet.

As for the last function, the main means of accessing the Internet on the tablet is.

However, this method has a number of disadvantages, the most important of which is the local coverage of such a connection, which in most cases operates within a radius of several tens of meters from the router.

At the same time, setting up other methods of accessing the network is quite problematic.

Thus, the organization of traditional wired connection is associated with many technical nuances and non-trivial solutions, the need for which is determined by the lack of a full-fledged network card.

Therefore, almost the only alternative to Wi-Fi can be a 3G or 4G modem, which allows you to access the Internet from an Android tablet anywhere in the coverage area. mobile operator.

The implementation of this method is also associated with the need for certain custom settings for tablet and Internet, which will be described in detail in this article.

Equipment needed to connect the tablet to the Internet

The first necessary condition for creating network connection for an Android tablet is the presence of a USB port through which the modem will be connected.

Most data models mobile designs By default, they are equipped with such a connector, but some budget options may not have it.

Micro-USB has become a modern modification of the USB port, which is also widely used for mobile device equipment.

To connect the modem to this connector you will need a special adapter cable.

Advice! Such adapters are divided into client and host (OTG). The first type is intended for connecting the tablet to a computer, electrical outlet, etc., while the second type adapter allows connection external devices such as a modem or external HDD, directly to the mobile device itself.

And of course, you will need the modem itself. Now there are dozens of manufacturers and hundreds of models of 3G and 4G modems on the market, the configuration of each of which has its own nuances.

Therefore, this article will describe only the basic principles of configuration using the example of several of the most common devices.

Setting up a special modem mode

To function on an Android tablet, the modem must be switched to a special “modem only” mode.

If Huawei or ZTE brand devices are used to connect to the Internet, then this stage is greatly simplified.

The fact is that there is a specialized utility called 3G Modem Mode Switcher for ZTE and Huawei, which makes it possible to switch the modem to required mode with one click of the mouse.

If a device from another manufacturer is used, then it is necessary to proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • The modem is connected to the computer using a cable. Moreover, it should be the only active means of accessing the network.
  • Then open the Task Manager (the easiest way to do this is to right-click on the My Computer icon) and find the modem in the list of devices.

  • Then go to its properties by selecting the appropriate item context menu. On the “Modem” tab, you need to remember the values ​​of the “Port” parameter.

  • Next we will need the help of the HyperTerminal utility. Having launched it, write the name (any) of the new connection.

  • After this, a settings window will open, in which in the Connect using item you should specify the value of the “Port” parameter of the modem. In our case this is COM4.

  • Now you need to manually edit the configuration file. To do this, follow the path File-Properties, the Settings tab and the ASCII Setup button. In the window that opens, activate the Echo typed characters locally checkbox.

  • In the terminal that opens, type the command AT and Enter. If the command completes successfully, a small window with the message “OK” will appear. Then enter the following command AT^U2DIAG=0 and press Enter again.

Advice! IN this mode The modem cannot work fully when connected to desktop computer. To give him back standard settings it is necessary to repeat all points of the algorithm, but at the end enter the command AT^U2DIAG=255.

If the modem is not flashed by any operator, then it is also necessary to pre-setting its network parameters.

Specific instructions highly depend on the device model and the Internet provider used, so all their variety will not be discussed in this article.

Internal Internet setup on an Android tablet

After connecting a properly installed modem, you need to change some network settings in Android itself.

This can be done in a standard way through the user interface.

First, go to the settings menu and select Wireless networks - Mobile communications.

It is also important to check whether the Data transfer checkbox is activated. Then open the APN access points section and create a new point using the appropriate command.

For example, if you are using a SIM card from MTC, then in the address field you must enter, name and password – mts, MCC=250, MNC=01.

For Megafon, this configuration will look like this: address – internet, name and password – Gdate, MCC=250, MNC=99.

However, most users purchase pre-flashed modems from mobile operators that are configured as needed.

If you have just such a device, then in the menu for creating a new APN point it will look like this:

Advice! It is best to use for these purposes Internet Explorer, which most correctly displays the debug menu.

  • For getting full access For all functions, enter the default login and password – admin.
  • Now you can start with the settings themselves. In the Routing drop-down menu, you must specify the Mode value. In the same Encapsulation menu – PPPoE.
  • You will also need to specify the values ​​of the VPI and VCI parameters, which depend on the user’s region and the selected Internet operator. Detailed tables of these values ​​can be easily found online.
  • You need to find out the Username and Password value from your provider. They are also often indicated in the service agreement.
  • At the end, you will need to save the settings using the Submit button.

If you follow exactly the exact step by step instructions described in this article, you can easily set up wireless 3G or 4G on your Android tablet, which will allow you to access the Internet from almost anywhere, which is much more convenient than traditional Wi-Fi.

Video material:

The main requirement that the owner makes of his tablet computer is, of course, unlimited . Of course, you can always use Wi-Fi, but, unfortunately, it is not available everywhere yet. The second way to always be connected to the Internet is to use a 3G modem. You can also connect to usb tablet modem for ease of use. Next we will talk about the features of connecting the modem and the process of connecting it. Let's consider how to connect a 3g modem to a tablet.

One of the most important features of tablets is their design. Many Chinese tablet PCs that contain the Android operating system should support a standard connection via a simple USB connector. But, as practice shows, this function does not always work, which confuses many, especially novice PC users. The reasons for this phenomenon may be incorrect settings or the lack of necessary drivers. One way or another, when connecting a modem to a tablet, the user may not see absolutely any effect. In this case, you should switch the modem to “modem only” mode, and the problem will disappear by itself. In addition, it is possible.
It is important to disable the PIN code verification that the modem does. If this is not done, the settings that will be entered will not be saved on the tablet.
Connecting a 3g modem to your tablet is easy!
As soon as the modem is inserted into the tablet for the first time, the Software and Driver Installation Wizard will automatically launch. There is no need to describe anything here, because... If you strictly follow the instructions of the wizard, you can easily install required driver and check the operation of the modem itself. But it is important to save a copy of the files that are on the virtual modem, just in case.
The next step is to disable the PIN code verification function by clicking on the corresponding button. Next, you should switch the modem to “Modem only” mode. In this case, you definitely need to turn off the Internet and install, or run, if you already have it, Hiper Terminal. After finishing the program, you need to disconnect the modem from the connector, not forgetting to use the “Safely Remove” function.

Setting up a 3G modem

In order to configure the modem, follow all the steps in a clear sequence:
1. Find “Settings” in the menu, and then select “Wireless Networks”. Having found item 3G there, you should not forget to check the required box;
2. Next, go to the “ Mobile network", check that the "Data Transfer" button is turned on. If not, turn it on;
3. Next you need connect the modem itself to the tablet and wait about half a minute, at this time 3G is determined by the system. In the process of determining it, the red cross should disappear from the icon indicating the connection;
4. Click on “Access Points” and add a new one using the “New Access Point” button. After entering all the necessary data, be sure to go to the menu and save the changes;
5. After the operation performed in step 4, the new access point will appear in the tab with all access points, and if everything is done correctly, then after a certain period of time it will become active and the 3G icon will start to glow;
6. If the access point does not become active, you need to restart the tablet, while removing the modem. And, after restarting, reinsert the modem and check the 3G icon.
However, many problems associated with connecting a modem to a tablet cannot be solved on their own, and if after all the manipulations done the access point remains inactive, use the services of a specialist. The same is possible.

How to connect a 3G modem to a tablet video

Can different ways. But if the gadget does not have a SIM card slot, and there is a need to use the Internet in places where there is no wireless network, then the only option is to connect a 3g modem. Made in the form of a flash drive, it will help you catch the net wherever there is coverage. cellular network. Below we tell you how to connect a modem to your tablet and avoid possible problems.

When buying a modem, it is important to decide on the operator cellular communication so that it has coverage in the place where the device will be used. Today the main choice is Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2 and Yota. Which option to choose is a personal matter for everyone. But it is worth noting that for traveling throughout the country, Megafon and MTS are better suited, since they have the largest coverage and usually catch even in the outback. Tele2 is a fairly budget option, but there are a lot of places where the connection will not be received, or the signal will be too weak. Beeline is an option for everyone; there are good tariffs, but far from the most profitable. Yota will appeal to those who like to fully manage their services. The operator is relatively young, so not all users trust it.

A device from one manufacturer does not work with SIM cards from another service provider. It is possible to change the firmware of the accessory so that it works with any SIM, but this is quite problematic and unsafe from the point of view of the further operation of the modem.

Advice! The modem is usually sold with a SIM card and an connected tariff, so when purchasing, you should clarify which tariff is connected, and if necessary, switch to a more optimal one.

Regarding the device, the options may be as follows: model with Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G distribution. The first type is the most convenient, as it does not require physical connection to the device, and the whole setup is just to turn on Wi-Fi. 3G modems are rare today, but they can come from friends or just lie idle on a shelf. The downside is that the connection speed will not be the highest, but if the buyer is only interested in surfing or working with mail, then this option is quite suitable. 4G modems provide high speed connection, which is enough for the most different tasks– from just chatting on the Internet to online games.

Connecting a modem

Connecting your device to the Internet using a USB modem is not difficult. If the device is new, then there will be no problems at all, since they provide support for such devices, and usually there are no problems with installing drivers. If the tablet is old, then nuances may arise, for example, Prestigio and Lenovo models with a release date more than 5 years ago did not have OTG support, that is, they did not know how to work with USB devices even through the appropriate adapter.

You can connect a 3G modem to an Android tablet directly via a USB connector, if provided in the device, or via an OTG cable. When choosing the latter, you should first find out which output is provided in the tablet. Yes, old ones Samsung models did not have the microUSB output that is familiar today, but their own format with a wide plug. In modern models, new Type-C format.

OTG cable

When the adapter is purchased, you need to connect the usb modem to the Android tablet via this cable. The system must detect the device. In some cases, you will be automatically prompted to install drivers for the device; you must agree with this. After installing them, the Internet will automatically start working.

Advice! If the driver is not installed automatically, then it can be downloaded from the official website of the cellular operator or downloaded from Play Market. The instructions for the modem will indicate what exactly needs to be downloaded.

If the device is detected by the accessory, but driver installation has not started, and the Internet does not work, you should configure it manually.

Possible problems

Sometimes it happens that connecting a modem to a tablet ends up with the device perceives it as a flash drive or does not see the modem at all. The problem may be that the modem was originally designed for PCs or laptops, and tablet compatibility is a secondary feature. In this case, the user needs to configure it in such a way that it is perceived by the mobile device only as a tablet, and not as a storage medium.

  1. You need to connect the device to your computer and install all the proprietary software from the included disk or directly from the accessory’s memory (different manufacturers offer their own options).
  2. After installing the software, you should log into it and look at the settings menu. Among other things, there will be a “modem only” option. It should be activated.
  3. In addition, it is immediately recommended disable pin code verification so that this does not create additional inconvenience.

After completing these steps, connecting the USB modem to the tablet will not cause any other problems.

Another point that may occur in different manufacturers tablet – required turn on USB support modem. To do this, the user must enter the tablet settings and find the “mobile data” item or click on the “more” button. In the submenu that opens there will be an item “USB modem”, you should tick it and save the data.

An important point to know about Yota modems is that it will not work until the user creates a tariff for himself. To start using the Internet from this company, you need not only to connect it to your tablet and set up a mobile connection. The owner needs to download the branded application from the Play Market. The SIM card will be registered there, a certain numeric code will be assigned to it (there is no subscriber number in the traditional sense), and after that the buyer himself configures the tariff parameters. After completing these steps, the Internet will start working.

Popular tablet models according to buyers

Samsung tablet Galaxy Tab A 10.5 SM-T595 32Gb on Yandex Market

Tablet Apple iPad(2018) 32Gb Wi-Fi + Cellular on Yandex Market

Tablet Huawei MediaPad M5 Lite 10 32Gb LTE on Yandex Market

Apple tablet iPad Pro 10.5 512Gb Wi-Fi on Yandex Market

Tablet Microsoft Surface Pro 5 i5 4Gb 128Gb on Yandex Market

If you are the lucky owner tablet computer with the support wireless internet via external 3G modem and at USB connection There is no modem for the long-awaited connection to the Internet, then do not worry, this article will help you make simple settings of equipment to solve this problem.

Not always, but they still happen tablets for which to connect a 3G modem, you must ensure that the modem operates in "modem only". The fact is that many modern USB modems consist not only of a 3G module with a SIM card slot, but also have internal memory and card slot microSD memory . It turns out something multifunction device, which not all tablets are able to fully digest. After all, initially USB 3G modems created for laptops and desktops personal computers, having more powerful hardware and operating system. Therefore, for ease of connection and getting rid of unnecessary CDs with drivers, all programs and drivers are recorded on internal memory modem Agree, this is convenient - you inserted the modem and went to drink coffee, while all the drivers and programs are installed by the computer itself, the user just has to click on the “Connect to the Internet” button.

Some budget tablet computers cannot “digest” such complex modems without additional preparation, because when connected, they first of all see the internal memory of the modem with some unfamiliar drivers written for Windows And MacOS, not for Linux(Android), on which the tablet is running, so the tablet cannot install 3G Internet connection.

Therefore, before using 3G modem with such capricious tablet computer you should do a little magic on the modem on your computer and turn on the “modem only” mode to disable the CD emulator with drivers and microSD adapter. (When using a modem with a PC or laptop that does not have modem drivers installed, do not forget to do the procedure in reverse order and enable all additional modem modules)

Before using this method, do not forget to copy the drivers and software from a virtual CD modem.

This information will not be erased from the modem's memory, however, it may not be available for reading in the future. Therefore, we recommend saving it first.

1. For modems HUAWEI E1550, E1750 a set of commands is known that allows you to manipulate the functions of turning on and off the internal CD-ROM, flash drive and the modem itself.

  • AT^U2DIAG=0 (device in modem only mode)
  • AT^U2DIAG=1 (device in modem + CD-ROM mode)
  • AT^U2DIAG=255 (device in modem + CD-ROM + Card Reader mode)
  • AT^U2DIAG=256 (device in modem + Card Reader mode, can be used as a regular flash drive without installing modem drivers)

If you use the command AT^U2DIAG=0, then the modem will be be detected by devices only as a modem, which is what we need.

How to switch a 3G modem to modem-only mode on a computer running OS WINDOWS.

1.) Connect the modem to the computer, cancel all installations that have started. Launch the program Hyper Terminal(Hyper terminal)

Start -> Programs -> Accessories - Communications - Hyper Terminal

If you do not have this program, you can download it from the Internet

2.) The “Connection Description” window appears. In the "Name" field, write any word as the name of the connection and click OK.

If the window does not appear automatically, select “File” - “New connection” from the menu.

3.) In the "Connection" window, select "Connect via": Huawei.... and click OK

4.) In the next "Connection" window, click the "Change..." button and get into the "Properties" window your_connection_name"

5.) On the "Options" tab, select the checkbox of the key WINDOWS then click “ASCII Options” -> Display entered characters on screen, click OK twice.

6.) Click on “Cancel” (do not dial the number)

7.) If you now enter AT^U2DIAG=0 and press the ENTER key, then the modem should receive a response message “OK” and the modem will switch to “modem only” mode.

For ZTE AT modems commands are as follows:

  • AT+ZCDRUN=8 disable CD
  • AT+ZCDRUN=9 enable CD

How to connect a 3G modem to an Android tablet?

1.) Depending on tablet computer, you must first set the modem to modem-only mode as described above. If the modem has already been switched to this mode before or you have new model tablet computer that supports modems in normal mode, then move on to the next point.

2.) Go to the menu:

Settings->Wireless networks->Mobile network

3.) Make sure that the “Data transfer” checkbox is checked. If not, then install it.

Connecting a USB 3G modem and wait about 15-20 seconds until it is detected and the network icon appears. Click "APN Access Points". To add a new point, press the “Menu” button on the tablet.

5.) Select “New access point” and enter the details of your operator. If your 3G modem is locked to work only with a specific operator, then most likely some of the data will already be entered.

Mobile operator data:

APN: Beeline "", MTS "", MegaFon "internet"

"Username: Password". Beeline: beeline/beeline, MTS: mts/mts, MegaFon: gdata/gdata

MCC for all operators 250

MNC Beeline: 99, MegaFon: 02, MTS: 01

After entering all the parameters, press the “Menu” button on the tablet again, and then “Save”

6.) Returning to the “Access Points (APN)” list, make sure that the configured access point is selected and wait 10-15 seconds. The 3G icon will appear(or just "G" if there is no 3G coverage or the signal is weak)

7.) Check the operation of the Internet by launching any browser.

If loaded desired page then that's all setting up a 3G modem for a tablet Android computer completed, otherwise check again step by step that the steps taken are correct.

Most tablet models have the ability to connect to the Internet via a special USB modem, also called a 3G modem. Expensive modern models have outputs for USB devices that easily connect to the tablet. Cheap analogues (including Chinese ones) implement connection using an adapter cable. Most often, it is the “Chinese” tablets that do not see the 3G modem when the user tries to connect it.

Why doesn't the tablet see the modem?

Yes, it so happened that many Chinese tablets little-known brands operating under the management Android systems, only formally have the function of connecting a 3G modem. You connect the modem to the tablet, launch a special utility program on Android, but... the 3G icon does not appear, and there are no signs of connection. What to do, why does the tablet not see the modem? The reason for this is the lack necessary drivers, which support modem operation or incorrect settings.

The main essence of the problem is that manufactured 3G modems (USB) are usually defined by the Android system as memory drives or, simply put, “flash drives”. In some cases, when you connect such a modem to a computer, you can see an additional CD-ROM. The Android OS has not “learned” to work with such devices in order to instantly switch to the required parameter, so our current task is to reprogram the 3G modem using a computer (not a tablet!) into a special “only modem” mode.

Instructions on how to switch modem mode

The Hyper Terminal program is required, it can be found in Windows XP through Start - Programs - Accessories - Communications. Users who have another Windows version(“seven” or Windows 8), must download this application from the Internet by asking in the Yandex or Google search: download hyper terminal. So, you have connected the 3G USB modem to your computer, launched the program, now let’s carefully look at how to configure it:

1. First, a window for selecting a country, city code, etc. appears. Just click OK because... These data will not play a big role in our case. Next window – also click OK.

2. The Hyper Terminal program opens along with a small active “Connection Description” window. Enter any name and click OK.

3. Connection window: select the name of the 3G modem in the last item where it says “Connect via”. If after this another additional window appears, click OK. The result of the actions will be one active window of the Hyper Terminal program.

4. The fun begins: select “File” – “Properties” from the menu. In the new window, click on the “Options” tab and on this tab we find the “ASCII Options” button. Find the item “Display entered characters on screen” and check the box next to this option, click OK.

5. Close all windows except the main program window. In the field where the cursor is blinking (like Word editor), enter the following parameter: AT. If “OK” appears in response, then everything is in order - the connection with the modem has been established successfully. Enter the following command: AT^U2DIAG=0 (you can copy directly from this text) and press Enter. The "OK" message should appear again. Now you can close Hyper Terminal, because... We just switched the 3G modem to the mode we need for the tablet.

Note: To return the settings to the initial state, do the same steps, but the command will be different: AT^U2DIAG=255

Install a 3g modem on your tablet

Now we need to connect and configure the 3g modem on the tablet. We connect, wait 20-30 seconds until the 3G network icon appears and create an access point (“Menu” – “New access point”). Depending on the mobile operator you choose (Beeline, Megafon, MTS), we configure the access point parameters. Then select “Menu” – “Save”. Restart Android.

If your tablet is not equipped with a 3G module, then away from Wifi access points you will not have many options. Typically, in such cases, a connection via a smartphone is used.

The “access point” mode is activated on the smartphone, after which the tablet connects to the smartphone via. But, this method not very convenient. Firstly, in “hotspot” mode, the phone consumes a large amount of energy and its battery drains quickly. Another drawback is speed. With this method of connecting the tablet to the Internet, the speed is extremely low.

But, there is another option. You can connect a regular 3G modem to your tablet and have fast internet without connecting to a smartphone. If you are already wondering how to connect a modem to a tablet, then you have come to the right place. Now we will look at two ways to connect a 3g modem to a tablet.

In order to successfully connect the modem to the tablet, you must first connect it to to a regular computer and configure. To be more precise, the modem needs to be switched to the “modem only” operating mode so that it is not detected by the tablet as a flash drive. Below are two ways to configure the modem.

Method No. 1. Configuration using the 3GSW program from ZyXel.

  1. from ZyXel to your computer;
  2. Launch the 3GSW program;
  3. In the 3GSW program, click on the “Modem only” button;
  4. Close the 3GSW program by clicking on the “Exit” button;

Method No. 2. Setting up a modem using HyperTerminal ( backup method, only use it if method #1 didn't work).

  1. Download and install the HyperTerminal program on your computer;
  2. Connect the 3G modem to your computer;
  3. Open the modem properties in Device Manager;
  4. Go to the “Modem” tab and copy the information about the port number and speed;
  5. Launch the HyperTerminal program, in the window for creating a new connection, enter any name;
  6. Next, enter the information about the port number and connection speed that you copied from the modem properties;
  7. Enter the command “ate1” and after HyperTerminal responds with the message “Ok”, enter the command “at^setport=”a1,a2;1,2,3” (without quotes);
  8. Wait until the “Ok” message appears;
  9. The setup is complete, the modem can be turned off;

After you have configured your modem on your computer, you can proceed directly to connecting the modem to your tablet. To do this, simply connect the modem to the tablet using USB OTG cable, about which we have already ordered in the article about.

You may also need to install an application on your tablet to set up the connection. For example you can use free application(application required).

This application creates a widget on the desktop. By clicking on this widget you will be taken to the program interface. Here you can enter the access point, username, password, as well as other data necessary for successfully connecting to the Internet via a 3G modem.

If the PPP Widget application refuses to work and reports a “No driver” error. Then you can download and install it yourself. To do this, just copy it to your tablet in the sdcard/pppwidget/lib folder.

It seems that with the stories that Android is very convenient and crazy functional system need to wait. In standard usage scenarios everything is more than wonderful. Until the next non-triviality knocks on the door, requiring intensive reading of multi-page Talmuds to correct some self-evident trifle. This is what happened with USB modems. No, when you have a Huawei e 173 in your hands, everything works immediately after connecting it, but other variations of the alphanumeric combination of the name and markings on “ whistle" immediately poison the joy of owning cheap oh replacement desktop computer. In other words, for the most part, an attempt to connect an external modem is not entirely successful. More precisely, not at all successful. A typical example is a product from the same Huawei, labeled mf100.

The first attempt to connect device to device, a modem to a tablet, led to it being defined in the settings as a modem (thank you for that), which did not stop the Android OS from refusing to connect with contempt for the owner. All the shamanism with replacing the APN, searching for another SIM card, checking the account, removing the PIN code, fiddling with the “Mobile Network” settings did not lead to anything good - the modem was visible, but did not connect to the network. You don't have to look far to find the reason - it shows Linux's true colors. It may have been refined (and mutilated) by Google programmers, but this is Linux. And its main problem, in fact, is how to launch a certain device if there are either no drivers for it in the kernel, or there are, but the wrong ones? The reasons for the non-traditional orientation of the modem when it works in a Linux-like environment may lie in all sorts of other little things, for example, in incorrect settings and the inability of the system to automatically detect the device. Both the first and second have a universal solution, in its simplicity approaching the construction spaceship housewife in her kitchen.

The solution is to create configuration files manually and slip them into the right places in the system, telling it what and how to read from there. In other words, you take out the tambourine, worn out by many years of battles with Linux, from the closet, aim at the monitor screen and quickly, quickly type multi-page commands, copy-paste the configuration, shove everything in its place and reboot the device. All this is described in the competent link (– what files to create, where to create, how and what to write, so that the tablet will have mercy and allow you to go online. This red-eyed approach in the 21st century borders on slight deviations in logic. To put it mildly. No, I understand that seasoned Linux users and system administrators will not be intimidated by long commands in a black terminal window, entered in the quiet of the night directly from the tablet. But, pray tell, why the hell would everyone else do this? Imagine - you bought a car and filled it with gasoline. And on the on-board computer screen it says “to turn the key, dial the following 63 commands,” to turn on the turn signal, dial the code “349fj 340i 9ut 304fj 309j 8fsodkfji” for 3 seconds. How long will you have this car? It’s the same with a tablet – why does trying to connect the most obvious addition to a mobile device cause such difficulties?! After all, manufacturers should anticipate the most obvious use cases for their products? Or has the race for gigahertz and gigabytes finally replaced a reasonable approach to business? No answer.

Let's approach the problem more simply, without damaging your vision with small numbers in the terminal.

So, connecting the MF 100 (and others) modem to the tablet is simple and relatively fast.

1.Get Root rights(let framaroot, unlock root or instructions from our website help you with this);

2.Install the drivers for the modem and the management utility for it from the disk or virtual storage of the modem itself (when you connect it to Windows, autorun will work);

3.Download the program 3 GModemmodeSwitcher( 6meRyGv 4CdWzW) and run it as administrator ( right button mice)

4.Switch the modem to “modem only” mode (if necessary, everything will go back using the same program, in case you need to use the modem like a flash drive later)

5.Find the micro-USB to USB-OTG cable. Connect the modem through it.

6. In the settings, turn off Wi-Fi, go to the “Mobile network” tab (it can be hidden in the “Next” sub-item and check the “allow data transfer” checkbox there. In the APN settings, specify the address that is specified in the tariff of your operator ( moreover, 3g, and not EDGE or GPRS address, if the modem supports this function). The address can be found on the page with your tariff on the official website.

7.In the operator selection sub-item, indicate “automatically”.

8.Restart your tablet. The network icon and E will appear on the device, but first you may be asked for a PIN code. The connection will be automatic. To avoid entering your PIN three times and wasting your time and nerves, turn off the PIN code request in your phone settings by inserting a SIM card there for a couple of minutes. Connection waiting time will be reduced.

What should you do if you do not have an MF 100, but a different modem model and the connection does not occur, the modem is not visible to Android? Don’t despair, don’t throw the modem into the toilet, everything will work out fine the other way. We carry out everything up to point 5 inclusive. Next, download the PPP Widget application ( pppwidget), install it on the tablet (Root rights must be activated in advance), install the widget on the desktop (it will appear in the standard widgets tab). In the application, tap on settings and first set the checkboxes to “auto-detection of device”, “auto-start connection”, enter your access point and PIN code in the two corresponding fields (everything is simple and familiar there).

IN system settings tablet, completely disable all checkboxes and monitoring of the traffic limit in the Mobile network.” They are still not used and only get in the way, since the system does not see the device. Restart the tablet with the USB whistle connected. If the modem's PIN code is disabled, its detection will be faster; on average, two minutes pass from the start of the tablet to the start of access to the network. Be patient, don’t rush into settings again!

It happens that automatic detection modem does not work - then uncheck this useless checkbox in the widget settings, remove auto-sleep, check whether auto-sleep of the modem is disabled. Restart your tablet again. In the widget, select “connect” and point to the modem (a list will open with what you have connected to USB). The tablet will begin dialing to the network and will most likely complete it successfully.

NOTE! For those who have a CDMA modem rather than a traditional GSM one, in the settings you need to change the dial-up number from 999 to 777! (the exact combination of numbers starting with seven is in your contract with the operator, which is given with the modem). In the widget, the transition from GSM to CDMA is in the settings.

That's all, have a stable mobile connection!

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