How to completely disable Windows Defender (Microsoft Defender). Enable and disable Windows Defender How to remove native antivirus on Windows 10

Latest versions operating systems in the form of "eight" and "ten", in addition to the huge number of innovations presented, were also distinguished by the fact that they have a built-in active system protection service - the so-called Windows Defender (not to be confused with a firewall). By and large, it is not particularly needed, especially when the user uses other tools like antiviruses. However, not everyone knows how to permanently disable 10, for example, so that it does not cause problems in operation. There are several basic methods that will now be discussed.

How in the completely simplest way?

Not all people who use the tenth version of Windows in their daily work know about such a service. In the absence of antivirus software, its messages may appear, say, during the installation of certain programs, blocking the execution of the process. However, if you understand how to disable Windows 10 Defender permanently, you can use the simplest solution.

It consists, as you might have guessed, in the installation of any antivirus package. Naturally, this disabling will only work until the antivirus is removed from the computer. That is, if the user is going to use such protection constantly and not uninstall such a package, we can talk about disabling the defender, although in this case, this concept is very conditional. Nevertheless, it will work as an option.

Even when you enter the “Control Panel” through the standard “Start” menu or through the control command in the “Run” menu bar (Win + R), when you try to access the “Windows Defender” section, the system will simply display a message stating that this service is disabled and does not monitor the computer.

Login via the options menu

In principle, you can disable this service when entering the corresponding section through the update and security menu, called up from the settings settings (again, if there is no antivirus).

Here you need to turn the sliders off in the real-time protection and automatic sample sending line. True, the question of how to turn off Windows 10 Defender permanently is not resolved in this way. The service will automatically activate after approximately 15 minutes. But if antivirus software is installed, the fields to disable it will be inactive. This method is suitable, for example, when installing some program, nothing more.

Disabling Defender via Group Policy Editor

But now let’s move on to solving the problem of how to permanently disable Windows 10 Defender. For this, as one of the most effective ways you can use it, accessed by the gpedit.msc command entered in the Run menu.

Here you need to go down the parameter tree in the computer configuration and find required section. Depending on the version of the “ten” itself, this can be either Windows Defender for the initial version, or Endpoint Protection for the final version. How to permanently disable Windows 10 Defender in this case? Yes, just set the service status to disabled in the right window ( Turn Off). After this, you don’t even need to reboot the system. The service will be deactivated once and for all.

How to disable defender permanently: registry

Another method is to use Although, by and large, it duplicates group policies (or vice versa), it is still the most effective. Please note that if the disabling has already been done in the Group Policy Editor, you will not be able to make any changes in the registry.

However, let's see how to permanently disable Windows 10 Defender through the system registry. Here, in the HKLM branch in the Software section, go to the policies section, and then in the Microsoft directory find the Windows Defender we need. Now in its settings you should create a DWORD parameter, name it DisableAntiSpyware (if it does not exist) and assign it the value “1”. If the specified parameter is available, we simply change the value from 0 to 1, that’s all.

Additional programs

If you don't want to do such things, you can use special programs like Win Updates Disabler. Such utilities have special tabs where the names of components that can be deactivated are indicated.

We find the corresponding service in the list of disableable elements, simply check the box next to it and apply the changes made. And, naturally, this program was given only as the most simple example, but today on the Internet you can find not even dozens, but hundreds of such utilities. However, they are all initially in their own functionality very similar. The only difference is in the interface and the names of modules or tabs. But the main services of the system are called the same everywhere. So there shouldn’t be any particular difficulties using them.


In principle, as is already clear, the issue of complete shutdown is resolved quite simply. True, it is best to deactivate this service either through group policies or through the system registry. Naturally, if the user does not intend to remove the antivirus. This will be the simplest way. On the other hand, if you use special utilities, do not forget that they will constantly monitor the system in terms of its disabled components in background, often using unreasonably high RAM consumption and placing additional load on CPU. However, with sufficiently large amounts of RAM, this will not be noticeable.

Yes, and one more thing: if the antivirus software is removed from the computer for some reason, and the defender was previously disabled manually using the two above methods, it is better to activate it again, since without this the system will be at risk. And so - at least some, but still protection.

However, it is up to everyone to decide for themselves which method of disabling or enabling protection to use, what means to ensure security to use. But the fact that it is impossible to leave the system without protection, even the most primitive one, is not even discussed. Therefore, before deciding to disable it, think a hundred times.

Many people would like to remove Windows Defender from the list of programs on their computer, or at least disable it. There is some need for this, since the application clogs RAM and hard drive space. Moreover, this program is not needed at all for most users, since almost everyone has it installed antivirus programs, which cope with the system protection function much better, while Windows Defender (the English name for Defender) can consider even harmless programs to be malicious.

The program, in principle, is not bad, but it is still very crude and does not cope well with the tasks assigned to it. It is better to protect the system using other methods.

What is Windows Defender

Conventionally, we can say that Windows Defender is the simplest antivirus program. It provides basic protection against dangerous programs, so to speak, “out of the box.” This application first appeared in the OS Windows Vista, continued to exist in the seven and acquired new functions in the eight and ten.

On latest operating systems Defender has already begun to resemble a more or less normal antivirus. But in the first two operating systems it is still a very crude program. Its only advantage is that it is free. And given that it may conflict with antivirus programs, you should not take it seriously, even if it is a component of the system.

Defender or antivirus

Of course, in this unequal battle, antivirus software definitely wins. Because even the simplest, hastily made applications will defeat viruses that the defender is not even aware of. This is not a full-fledged antivirus, but just a component of the system. And it doesn’t protect against more malware, and there’s no talk of security against hacker attacks.

How to disable Windows Defender 7: method one

Exists two ways, with which you can disable this application. The first is to go into the program settings, and the second is to disable the service that supports its operation. Let's start with the first one. To do this you need to do the following:

How to disable Windows 7 Defender: method two

The second method of disabling this component involves stopping the service responsible for its operation. This method is no more complicated than the previous one.

How to remove from the system

Unfortunately, the removal of the defender standard means is impossible, since this software belongs to system components. But with the help third party applications it is possible to do this. Another thing is, is it worth doing? If the answer is yes, then you need to install the program. You can download it at:

Its interface is very simple. After launching this application, you only need to press one button, and this component will no longer be in the system.

Before installing this application and using it, it is advisable to create backup copy or download important files to another drive, since removing Windows components can lead to unpredictable consequences.

It is also advisable to disable Defender itself using the above methods. Windows application Defender Uninstaller is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. With the help of such simple actions you can remove this system component.


The easiest way is to simply disable this application and not think about whether it should be removed from the system. In principle, this component takes up little space on the hard drive, and therefore its presence will not cause much harm. If you want to free up RAM and take the load off the processor, then simply turning it off is enough.

In case of critical memory shortage hard drive you can easily remove Defender and the information in this article will help you.

Video on the topic

Most users are distrustful of the built-in services that Microsoft offers. After the release of Windows 10, people increasingly began to enter the query into the search lines, how to remove Windows 10 Defender? In this article we will look at this issue in detail and is it necessary to do this?

What is Windows 10 Defender and why is it needed?

Windows Defender is a built-in antivirus system, it was back in 7, and still does an excellent job of its functions. However, in our country they always blame antiviruses for everything and don’t even realize that the system already has its own protection. Why is this all happening? The fact is that this defender also needs updates, like any other antivirus programs. He gets them with standard Windows packages Update. This is where the whole problem lies - most users in our country use a pirated version of Windows, they immediately delete the service Windows updates. This is a completely natural fact, through certain time Antivirus signatures become outdated and it stops recognizing modern viruses.

Conclusion: if on your personal computer a licensed OS is installed, then the solution remove protector will be meaningless. Especially if you decide to replace it with free Avast or pirated versions of NOD or Kaspersky. If a pirated OS is installed on your PC, you will need to remove the protector.

Is it possible to remove Defender in Windows 10 and how to do it?

Windows Defender cannot be removed, but it is disabled. In many cases, it turns off on its own when you download an antivirus program to your computer, but if this does not happen and you decide to get rid of Windows Defender, That this procedure is done as follows:

  1. First of all, we dial Win+X, and then select the command "Run";
  2. You will need to enter in the line gpedit.msc, and then click OK;
  3. Open the “Computer Configuration” folder, then go to “Administrative Templates” - “Windows Components” - “Endpoint Protection” - “Real-time Protection”;
  4. Double click on the icon “Turn off real-time protection”;
  5. A window will open in front of you, in it we will need to switch to the position "Enabled" and then click OK;
  6. Restart your computer.

Windows Defender is a program built into the operating system that allows you to protect your PC from virus attacks by blocking the execution of the latest code and warning the user about it. This component is automatically disabled when installing third-party antivirus software. In cases where this does not happen, as well as when “good” programs are blocked, manual deactivation may be required. In this article we will talk about how to disable antivirus on Windows 8 and other versions of this system.

Before disabling Defender, you should understand that this should only be done in exceptional cases. For example, if a component prevents installation the desired program, then it can be temporarily deactivated and then turned on. How to do this in different editions of Windows will be described below. In addition, we will talk about how to enable a component if for some reason it is disabled and there is no way to activate it using normal means.

Windows 10

In order to disable Windows Defender in Ten, you must first get to it.

There are other options for disabling the application, which are described in the article available at the link below.

Next, we'll figure out how to enable the program. Under normal conditions, the Defender is activated simply, just move the switch to the position "On". If this is not done, the application will activate on its own after a reboot or after some time has passed.

Sometimes when turning on Windows Defender some problems appear in the settings window. They are expressed in the appearance of a warning window that an unexpected error has occurred.

In older versions of "tens" we will see this message:

There are two ways to deal with this. The first is to take advantage "Local Group Policy Editor", and the second is to change the key values ​​in the registry.

Please note that with the next update, some parameters in "Editor" have changed. This applies to the two articles linked above. At the time of creation of this material, the required policy is located in the folder shown in the screenshot.

Windows 8

Launching the application in G8 is also carried out through the built-in search.

You can reactivate real-time protection by checking the box (see point 3) or by clicking the red button on the tab "Home".

If the Defender was disabled in the block "Administrator" or there were failures in the system, or some factors influenced the change in the application launch parameters, then when we try to launch it from the search, we will see the following error:

In order to restore the functionality of the program, you can resort to two solutions. They are the same as in “Ten” - setting up local group policy and changing one of the keys in the system registry.

Method 1: Local Group Policy

  1. You can access this snap-in by using the corresponding command in the menu "Run". Press the key combination Win+R and write

    Click "OK".

  2. Go to the section "Computer Configuration", in it we open a branch "Administrative Templates" and onwards « Windows components» . The folder we need is called Windows Defender.

  3. The parameter we will configure is called "Turn off Windows Defender".

  4. To go to the policy properties, select the desired item and click on the link shown in the screenshot.

  5. In the settings window, set the switch to "Disabled" and click "Apply".

  6. Next, launch Defender in the manner indicated above (via search) and enable it using the corresponding button on the tab "Home".

Method 2: Registry Editor

This method will help activate Defender if your Windows versions absent "Local Group Policy Editor". Such problems are quite rare and occur for various reasons. One of them is to force the application to be disabled by a third-party antivirus or malware.

Windows 7

Open this application in “seven” you can do it the same way as in Windows 8 and 10 – through search.

You can enable protection by checking the box that we unchecked in step 4, but there are situations when it is impossible to open the program and configure its settings. In such cases, we will see this warning window:

You can also solve the problem by configuring local Group Policy or the system registry. The steps that need to be performed are completely identical with Windows 8. There is only one minor difference in the name of the policy in "Editor".

Windows XP

Since support for Win XP has been discontinued at the time of writing this article, Defender is no longer available for this version of the OS, as it “arrived” with the next update. True, you can download this application on third-party sites by entering a query like this into a search engine "Windows Defender XP 1.153.1833.0", but this is at your own peril and risk. Such downloads may harm your computer.

Even though Windows Defender is capable of providing some level of protection, it does have some drawbacks. Let's figure out how to disable it partially or completely.

Is it worth disabling the defender?

Windows Defender is software product Microsoft company. This feature first appeared in Windows 7, and since then it has been actively improved and improved. Defender is designed to keep malicious files out of your system, and it does a good job. However, it may not be as effective as large antivirus programs with huge virus databases. For this or other reasons, you may want to disable it on Windows 10, where it is installed by default. But since it is installed with the system, this may not be as easy as removing any other software. Be sure to think about how exactly you will protect your computer after disabling the antivirus; do not leave your computer without protection at all.

How to disable Windows 10 Defender

In version 10 Windows settings on disabling the defender have changed somewhat. As before, it can be disabled through Settings, Local Group Policy, or through Registry settings. Let's look at each of them.

Disabling Windows Defender through Settings

To disable Windows Defender through its settings, do the following:

This method will indeed disable Windows Defender, but unfortunately not permanently. After an update or even a simple restart of the computer, Windows Defender will turn on again. Therefore, this method is only suitable when you need to pause the defender, and not disable it completely.

Disabling Windows Defender via Local Group Policy

Changing your computer's Group Policy settings will help you disable Windows Defender once and never have to think about it again.

To do this:

These instructions will help you disable Windows Defender completely, once and for all. While this item is enabled, Windows Defender will not be enabled even manually.

When you try to start Windows Defender, you get a message saying it's turned off.

Disabling Windows Defender through the registry

If you want to disable Windows Defender through the registry, be careful. Any careless modification to the registry can harm your computer, be careful what you do.

To disable the defender through the registry:

Video: Disabling Windows Defender

Disabling the Windows Defender icon in the system tray

If for some reason you want to disable the Windows Defender icon in the system tray without directly disabling Windows Defender, you can do this.

It is quite possible to hide the Windows Defender icon without disabling it

Follow these steps to disable this icon:

These steps should remove the Windows Defender icon from your computer tray. If you continue to use Windows Defender, it may return to its original place after the update and then you will need to disable it again.

Programs to disable Windows Defender

There are a number of programs designed to disable Windows Defender. They work extremely simply, so we will consider only one of them. But even when using any such program, you can easily achieve what you want.

For example, the Destroy Windows 10 Spying program can help you. It is designed to disable tracking functions operating system, those that somehow collect data without user participation. And it can also help disable Windows Defender; to do this, just check the “Disable Window Defender” checkbox in the “Settings” tab of the program.

Check the box "Turn off Windows Defender"

Windows Defender Issues

Users may occasionally encounter problems when using the Windows Defender antivirus system. Below are the most common problems and their solutions.

Table: errors when working with Windows Defender

Error 557If Windows Defender won't start and displays error 557, it's usually because you're using a different antivirus. Using third party antivirus Windows Defender stops working. But it happens that you have already stopped using another antivirus, and Windows Defender still gives an error.
  1. Make sure to completely remove your previous antivirus. Temporary files or junk in the registry may be preventing you from starting Windows Defender. You can install the old antivirus again and remove it again.
  2. Download all current ones Windows updates. An unused defender may not have been updated for a long time.
Windows 10 Defender won't updateWhen you try to check for updates in Windows Defender, you receive an error message stating that definition updates cannot be checked, downloaded, or installed.
  1. Disable Windows Defender using any of the methods suggested above.
  2. Remove Windows folder Defender, which is located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft.
  3. Turn on Windows Defender. The program should download again in the form of a fairly significant update and after that you will not have problems with updates.
Windows Defender won't startWhen you try to start Windows Defender, you see a message saying that the application is disabled group policy, in turn, the use Windows settings 10 to enable it also does not help - in the settings window the switches are inactive and the explanation: “Some parameters are controlled by your organization.”
  • enable Defender using the Local Group Policy Editor;
  • enable the defender using the registry editor;
  • update defender to the latest version.

How to disable Windows 10 Malicious Software Removal Tool

This utility is used by Microsoft to remove programs that are marked in the database as “Malicious”. Disabling Windows Defender will get rid of it too, but if you want to disable only the removal tool malware, then you can do it like this.

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