How to restore visual bookmarks in mozilla firefox. Installing, configuring and restoring visual bookmarks Mozilla firefox visual bookmarks disappeared

Developers of search services are doing everything to make life as easy as possible for users - the functionality is being simplified, the time to master it is decreasing, the interface is becoming more and more concise. Today we will talk about how to recover lost visual bookmarks in Firefox. During the story, we will look at several ways to solve the problem.

Let's move on to the immediate consideration of the topic of the article. There are several ways to get back visual bookmarks in Firefox.

For ease of understanding, we will divide the further narration into several logical blocks.

Changing settings

By default, this option is enabled, but due to negligence the user could change the browser settings, or this is the machinations of ill-wishers (for example, viruses).

In any case, to correct the situation it is enough:


It is worth understanding that the selection of pages does not appear instantly. It is compiled based on user preferences, in particular, on transitions to various sites and so on. For this reason, clearing your browsing history may also delete the collection. If the browser is configured correctly, it will begin to display over time.

Let's sum it up

There are several reasons why visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox may disappear. This problem can be solved experimentally and by elimination. The procedure, even if it requires time, will pay off handsomely in the future.

There are many useful sites on the Internet whose addresses you want to save. This purpose is served by bookmarks - a special archive where web resources are added for further viewing. Yandex browser also has an option to add to bookmarks - to save the site, you need to click on the star in address bar or use the combination Ctrl+D. But what to do if you accidentally deleted a bookmark (or tab, as they are also called) or they simply disappeared after reinstalling the system?

Recovering bookmarks

If you deleted a saved site, do not restart your browser. The Yandex browser has an undelete function, which can be accessed in the bookmark manager:

The deleted bookmark will come back. After restarting the browser, this function no longer works, so you won’t be able to get your lost tabs back. You can try to roll back the system to a checkpoint - there is a chance that the web browser files will return to the state when they still contained the necessary data:

When you roll back the system, all changes that were made after the date you selected will be canceled. If the function of saving checkpoints has been disabled, you will not be able to roll back the system.

Data synchronization and export

If you do not want to lose your tabs, then take care of saving them as an html file or enable synchronization. To save in HTML format:

To restore bookmarks in Yandex Browser, use the “Copy from” option. HTML file" Specify the path to the bookmark file and click “Open”. All the tabs you previously exported will return to their place.

To avoid hassle with exporting/importing files, use synchronization, which is carried out using account on Yandex. if you have Mailbox on Yandex, that is, a profile with which all data is synchronized.

In the window that appears about enabling synchronization, click the “Change settings” button and specify what data should be saved in the profile. You can access them from any computer: you just need to enable synchronization in Yandex Browser and go to your profile.

Visual widgets on the scoreboard

Yandex Browser has a “Tableboard” on which visual bookmarks are saved. They change on their own, showing frequently visited sites. Therefore, if you forgot about a site and did not visit it for a long time, then it may well disappear from Tablo.

In most cases, visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox are installed using extensions. Failures that manifest themselves in the disappearance of these elements may be associated with errors in the operation of the plugins themselves or the web browser itself. Let's look at how you can restore these elements in Mozilla by reinstalling the extension or from a previously created backup if they are lost for unknown reasons.

Restarting the plugin

The most likely cause of trouble with the browser is that it stops working. installed plugin. There may be several reasons for this, for example, viruses or a system failure could change the browser settings. To resolve the issue, do the following:

1. In Firefox, open the settings menu by clicking on the button with horizontal stripes.

2. In the drop-down menu, open add-ons.

3. In the Extensions tab, select your visual bookmarks extension and click Enable or “Enable”.

All you have to do is restart Mozilla, after which the visual bookmarks should appear as before.

If your browser blocks add-ons

Some extensions refuse to work after updating Firefox because the browser cannot check their compatibility with new version. You will not be able to use them until the add-on developer adapts it for updated browser. However, at your own peril and risk, you can bypass this limitation:

1. Go to the configuration editor by entering about:config;

2. Use the search function to find the line xpinstall.signatures.required;

3. This command is set to “true” by default in Firefox; change it to “false” by double-clicking on the line or pressing Enter.

After this, the application will not require a mandatory signature for add-ons and your visual bookmarks will be able to work in the browser. However, there are no guarantees that they will do this without errors.

Reinstalling the add-on

If suddenly your panel has completely lost previously installed add-ons, then install them again:

1. Using the method described above, from the Mozilla control panel, enter the add-ons section.

2. In the side menu, open the first item that allows you to install new add-ons in Mozilla.

3. In the directory that opens, use the search bar to install required extension. For example, if you have used Speed ​​Dial before, enter the name in the search form and press Enter.

All you have to do is select the desired add-on from the proposed options and agree to its installation. When the process is complete, restart the browser - this way you can restore old visual bookmarks.

If you used Yandex elements, then there is an even simpler way to restore them. You need to go to, where click on the icon for installing visual bookmarks, after which the extension will be installed automatically.

Making a backup of browser settings

To do this, you can use the built-in backup feature:

  1. Go to the bookmarks menu, select the command that displays them all;
  2. In the “Library” window that opens, click on the import and backups tab;
  3. In the drop-down list you can choose to create or restore the elements we need from the archive.

Browser settings are backed up automatically on a daily basis. But so that any of them, including visual bookmarks, can be quickly restored at any time, it is better to back them up periodically yourself, especially since the archive copy does not take up much space on the disk.

To create a backup, you can also use a small utility called MozBackUp. The application is old, but nevertheless works well on all modern Windows operating systems and successfully backs up settings latest versions Firefox. Working with MozBackUp is quite simple:

1. After installing and launching MozBackUp, you will see a welcome window, click “Next”;

2. In the profile operations section, select “Save”;

3. Specify the directory on the disk where the backup copy created by the utility in PCV format will be stored;

Almost every PC user has worked with browser bookmarks at some point. These components help you quickly navigate to interesting saved pages, which makes life much easier. But when you reinstall the browser or operating system bookmarks disappear. This can also happen for other reasons. Therefore, every user should know about restoring interesting pages in browsers. Below we will talk about what is in Google Chrome. What secrets will help you quickly find and go to an interesting page on the Internet?

Briefly about solving the problem

When thinking about implementing the task, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are several solutions to the problem. It all depends on the circumstances and the desire of the user.

How to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome? Can:

  • carry out synchronization;
  • return visual bookmarks;
  • use the import and export of bookmarks;
  • copy the bookmark file manually;
  • open tabs for the current session;
  • find required pages in history.

In fact, everything is extremely simple and clear. All these techniques will be discussed further!


How to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome? It's best to take advantage Google mail. In this case, when you log in from any PC, all saved bookmarks will be copied automatically.

To bring your idea to life you will need:

  1. Login to Google Chrome.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the button with the image of a man (leftmost).
  3. Enter the data from your Google mail in the window that appears.

During the first synchronization, you will be offered a list of data that can be linked to your profile. By checking the box next to "Bookmarks", the user will solve the problem being studied. All that remains now is to add interesting pages to bookmarks, and then, if necessary, log into the browser from the selected profile.

Through settings

How to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome? The following technique will help solve the problem of saving interesting pages even after deleting the browser. But this technique must be used in advance.

There is a special setting that allows you to import and export bookmarks. This is what we need!

The guide to saving interesting pages looks like this:

  1. Go to an Internet browser.
  2. Click on the button with 3 dots (or horizontal lines) in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. In the menu that appears, go to "Bookmarks", then to "Bookmark Manager".
  4. Click on the "Arrange" button.
  5. Select "Import to html...".
  6. Specify the location where you want to save the bookmark file.
  7. Give the document a name.
  8. Click on "Save".

This technique saves all bookmarks in the program into a separate file. It can be used in the future. For example, if a person deleted Google Chrome. How to restore bookmarks?

In this case you will need:

  1. Go to "Settings", "Bookmarks" and "Bookmark Manager". The transition is carried out in Chrome.
  2. Click on "Management".
  3. Select "Export from html".
  4. Find and specify the path to previously copied bookmarks.
  5. Confirm action.

A few seconds after submitting the request, the user will be able to enjoy the restored pages.

Visual bookmarks

Some people are interested in how to restore visual bookmarks in Google Chrome. This question doesn't come up very often, but the answer is still useful.

To do this you will need:

  1. Click on the "Add bookmark" button.
  2. Find the desired page and select it.
  3. Click on "Add".

A special extension is responsible for visual bookmarks. To restore it, you will need to contact Google store. The corresponding application is downloaded and installed, after which the service starts working.

Search on PC

How to restore Google Chrome bookmarks? You can find a file with interesting pages on your PC. This document is saved somewhere else in the OS, after which it is inserted into a specific path if necessary.

Chrome bookmarks are stored at: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default. We need the Bookmarks file. It is copied to the PC, and then transferred via specified path at the right time.

By the way, if you right-click on it and select “Restore previous version,” you will be able to return previously saved bookmarks.


Now a few words about how to work with restoring bookmarks (tabs) during the current session.

You can do this:

  1. Open your browser settings and go to "History". By clicking on the page of interest, the user will be redirected to it.
  2. Go to the main menu of the browser. Click on "History" - "Recently Closed". Select the desired page.
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + T on your keyboard. The tabs will open in reverse order.

Ready! From now on, it is clear how to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome in one case or another. Even a novice user can do this.

Visual bookmarks are a very convenient thing, the use of which helps many users quickly find frequently visited pages. However, after system failures, unsuccessful reboots, or incorrect update these applications, this browser function may disappear, after which the question arises, how to restore visual bookmarks?

Fortunately, in order to do this, you do not need to install any add-ons or special programs– we will use it for recovery standard tools Windows.

How to restore visual bookmarks in the browser?

  1. We launch the browser you use on your computer using any in a convenient way– from the Start menu, desktop or taskbar.
  2. In the top service panel of the browser window, you need to expand the “Bookmarks” menu and select the “Show all bookmarks” section. The same can be done by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + B. This will open the bookmark library dialog box - it is this that contains the tools we need.
  3. Next, click on “Import and Backup”, then select “Restore”. The browser will offer options on how to restore visual bookmarks:
  • from an archival copy;
  • from file.
  1. Choose the right option, after which the bookmark directory should be displayed. If this does not happen, you need to click on the “Select file” link and specify the full path to the required file. You can now close the Bookmarks dialog box. Please note here that the browser automatically saves backup copy bookmarks once a day. The changes you have made must be saved by confirming the replacement of existing bookmarks in the window that will open by the system.

In addition, you can restore visual bookmarks by selecting the “Import from HTML” link in the “Import and backup” item. This method only works if your visual bookmarks were previously saved in separate file in HTML format:

1) in the top menu of the browser, select “Settings” and indicate “Advanced”;

3) a dialog box will open in which you will need to select the “Extensions” tab;

4) here you will need to find and select the line of the required plugin, after which the visual bookmarks will be restored.

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