2 Yandex on the computer, how to remove the new one. How to properly remove Yandex.Browser from a computer running Windows. Standard way to remove Yandex browser

Yandex browser is a modern tool for using the Internet. True, compared to its analogues, it has some disadvantages. Therefore, the question often arises of how to remove the Yandex browser already installed on your computer. Let's look at what methods you can use to remove Yandex browser and what you should consider in this process.

Clearing activity on the computer

Before you start uninstalling the program, you should close all processes that may be associated with the Yandex browser. This is not so difficult to do, just use our instructions and carefully follow all the steps.

First, close all active browser windows:

This is only the first step, then you should disable all activity in the task manager:

This way, you will disable all processes that may cause the program to be unable to be uninstalled. Once you have completed everything, you can begin complete removal the Yandex browser itself.

Standard way to remove Yandex browser

There are several ways to remove a program, but first we will look at the simplest and most standard method.

You should begin uninstalling the program only after disabling active processes associated with Yandex.

To remove the Yandex browser program from your computer, just follow these steps:

How to remove Yandex browser using CCleaner

In addition to the standard method of uninstalling a program, there is another option. In this case, you will first have to download CCleaner. You need to do this as follows:

As soon as the installation process is completed, you can begin to remove Yandex browser. To do this you will need to do the following:

As you can see, the second method of removing Yandex browser is not so complicated. It is enough to follow the conditions of our instructions and try not to rush.

The main feature of this method is that removal can be done without cleaning active processes. If you run the uninstall, CCleaner will close all browser-related processes and prompt you to close all active windows.

Video instructions on how to remove Yandex browser

If you still have any questions, also watch the video instructions with step-by-step steps to remove the browser from your computer.

Many people like Yandex Browser for its speed, adaptation to customer requirements and content additional options (voice assistant and others). But due to the abundance of services and high load on low-power computers, this browser is also often abandoned. Let's give detailed description How to completely remove Yandex Browser from your computer.

Ways to remove Yandex Browser

You can get rid of programs different ways. A standard one is built into the system itself, allowing them to be installed and restored. But a more effective option is to use third-party utilities.

Using standard means

To uninstall any program, you need to open " " and work with sections of this system application. We'll tell you in more detail how to remove Yandex Browser from Windows 10 or 7.

  1. Open the Start menu and type “Control Panel” in the search bar. In the seventh version operating system It’s easier to find a link to this section; it’s located in the right column of the Start menu. In the tenth, go to “Control Panel” from the search results.
  2. Find the "Programs and Features" section. Under this heading there will be a link “Remove programs”,
  3. After going to this section, a list will open in front of you installed programs.
  4. Find the “Ya.Browser” entry in the table, click on the line with it with the right mouse button and in the appeared context menu click the "Delete" button.
  5. Confirm your actions and wait for the process to complete.

Experienced users don't like to use standard means deletion, since it leaves behind registry entries and files with custom settings. The accumulation of such “tails” negatively affects the performance of the computer. For this reason, only special utilities can solve the problem of how to completely remove Yandex Browser.

Using Revo Uninstaller

The Revo Uninstaller utility will help you get rid of not only the browser, but also its traces on the system. It is available in several versions; the free version is enough to remove programs. The best option is a version that does not require installation and is distributed free of charge. Download it from the official website and unpack it. Next, follow these simple instructions:

  1. After starting the program, a window will appear in front of you with all the programs installed on your computer.
  2. Find “I” in it. Browser", select the line with this program and click the "Delete" button in the panel at the top of the window.
  3. After completing the procedure, select a moderate search for browser traces.

These simple steps will help you quickly solve the problem of how to remove the Yandex browser from your computer.

Using CCleaner

This program has wider functionality than the one described above. Download and install it from the official website free version to get started. Launch the program to get started:

  1. On the left side of the window, select the “Service” section. In it, go to the “Uninstall programs” tab.
  2. Find “Ya.Browser” in the list and click on the “Uninstall” button located on the right. Confirm your actions and wait for the procedure to complete.
  3. Then go to the “Registry” tab and click on the “Search for problems” button (in the lower right corner).
  4. Wait for the list to appear and the analysis to complete. Then click on the “Fix Selected” button, make a backup copy of the changes you made and delete all the values.

Restart your computer for the changes you made to take effect.

What to do if Yandex browser is not uninstalled?

In some cases, the browser cannot be removed using all of the listed methods. This is due to the fact that he launched a hidden process in the system, which cannot be stopped using uninstallers.

Let's figure out how to disable Yandex Browser so that you can get rid of it.

  1. First of all, you need to remove the browser and other Yandex services from . The easiest way to do this is to use the CCleaner utility. In the "Services" section, find the "Startup" tab. Remove from it all Yandex services and other programs you don’t need. After this action, the computer will start up faster.
  2. The process can be forcibly terminated using the standard “Task Manager”, called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del. Find in the list of processes those initiated by the Yandex publisher. Select any of them, click right click mouse and in the context menu click “End process tree”.

If you want to remove the browser, but cannot find it in the list, then you need to install new version browser. Only after the update has been completed will it appear in the program lists.

How to remove Browser Manager?

If you installed Yandex Browser as an addition to third-party software, then along with it you will receive useful and not so useful utilities. One of them is the Browser Manager. This utility is designed to manage your computer's browsers, but it is rarely used. For this reason, users often have the question of how to remove Browser Manager from Yandex.

This can be done in the same ways that were used to uninstall browsers:

  • standard;
  • Revo Uninstaller;
  • CCleaner.

The only difference is that you will need to search in the lists for the line “Browser Manager”. You will also first have to clear startup and the list of processes in the Task Manager.

Cleaning the registry

If you do not want to use any Yandex applications, you can clear the registry of them.

You need to act according to the instructions:

  1. Open the Registry Editor by pressing the Win + R keys. In the line that appears, enter the regedit command. Click OK or Enter.
  2. After a new window opens in front of you, press Ctrl+F. In the search bar that appears, enter “yandex”. Then click on the “Find Next” button. Please note that the “Computer” branch is highlighted on the left side of the window; then the search will be carried out across the entire system, and not in a separate directory.
  3. Manually clear the registry of all branches related to Yandex. So that after deleted files the system continued searching, press F 3. This must be done until the system reports that no files were found for your request.

This is one of the most available ways rid yourself of Yandex services, including its Browser Manager. This program will no longer bother you with notifications while surfing the Internet.

How to restore Yandex Browser

Users often send us the following questions: “If during operation the cleaning utility accidentally deleted Yandex Browser, how to restore it?” In this case, there is no need to do anything special. To restore Yandex, just install it again.

The program will not only restore its settings, but will also open the same pages that you used during the last session. The data is stored indefinitely. This became possible by placing some of the utility files in other folders.

Now you know how to remove Yandex Browser from Windows computer, fully. If you have any questions or problems, please ask them in the comments. Share the information you receive with your friends, discuss the articles with them.

Good afternoon friends. Now, all over the world, there are a great variety of browsers that are different in nature. Some are more suitable for personal PCs. Others are laptops, others are tablets, mobile devices And so on.

From all this variety, each user chooses a browser for himself. In the first days of my acquaintance with the Internet, I mainly used Opera. I tried it at that time Mozilla Firefox. I really didn't like this browser. And the name is wonderful - Mozilla!

But time passed. Browsers were simulated. Friends advised me to try Mozilla Firefox, I tried it and started using Mozilla mainly. A similar situation, I think, happened to you, only with other browsers (or maybe with the same ones!).

After some time, I noticed that Mozilla took quite a long time to load. I just didn't have enough patience. Despite everything, this browser has become quite slow. Yes and when used on it search engine Yandex, when moving from page to page, Yandex began to constantly ask you to enter the code into the captcha. Agree - it gets boring!

And on this issue, my provider advised me to use the Yandex browser. Once I installed it, I was quite pleased with it. In this browser, you can enter any question, for example, “Examples of infographics,” not only into the search bar, but also directly into address bar browser. Yandex browser has quite fast loading, he transferred all the bookmarks from Mozilla. Overall, I liked it! Although, what surprised me, the design is almost identical to Google. Even in the settings. But that's their business.

But despite this, I learned that many users this browser I do not like. I think for some reason of my own. Therefore, I decided to write this article “How to remove Yandex browser?”. It is advisable to do this in such a way as not to leave traces on the computer!

How to remove Yandex browser through the control panel

This is done quite simply. If you have Windows 7, go through Start to the Control Panel (in Windows 8 you need to click Windows keys+ X). Next, select the “Category” section at the top right and “Uninstall a program” at the bottom left.

We will see a list of programs installed on our computer. Select Yandex browser and click delete in the top menu. Our program will be deleted.

But there is another method. In my opinion it is of better quality. IN this method We will use the Revo Uninstaller program.

How to remove Yandex browser using Revo Uninstaller

This free program, which is specially designed to remove other programs. Moreover, it does it better than deleting it through the control panel. For example, I used this software to remove such a common virus as .

First thing this program need to download . Then, simply click “Install”, and the program is installed. We will see a window that shows all the programs installed on our PC:

Choose the desired program, and click on the “Delete” button at the top of the menu. They will ask us again whether we are really going to remove this software? We click "Yes".

Yandex Browser largely repeats the popular Google Chrome and is liked only by a small number of users. Many people don’t like the minimalistic design, interface and large amount of advertising. Removing Yandex Browser is more difficult than other programs. The browser leaves behind a large software footprint.

Closing active windows and ending browser processes

The Windows operating system does not allow uninstallation to run running programs. This is the first reason for difficulties when removing a browser from Yandex. To completely disable the program, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Close all active browser windows (tabs);
  2. Launch the task manager (right-click on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, select the manager in the context menu);
  3. Find all processes named Yandex and end them (right-click on the desired item in the menu, select the “End” action).

After the program has finished running, you can begin uninstalling it. There are several convenient ways to completely uninstall without harming your computer.

Ways to remove Yandex Browser

To remove, you can use the standard Windows uninstaller or the CCleaner utility. CCleaner program It is recommended to use it in any case to clean the registry and temporary files remaining after removing the browser.

Uninstall via Control Panel

This method uses the internal capabilities of the operating system. You need to launch the Start menu, which is located in the lower left corner of the taskbar. At a later date Windows versions(8-10) The menu icon is not labeled, it looks like a round colored button.

In the menu that appears, select “Control Panel”. On Windows 8-10, you can use the built-in search.

A window will open containing the main features of the operating system. Here you select the “Programs and Features” section. The user will be redirected to the next page where you can delete or change the software installed on the computer.

In this window you need to find the Yandex browser.

To delete, click on it with the left or right mouse button and select the “Delete” action.

The uninstaller will ask you to confirm the action.

After the program is uninstalled, a window will appear confirming the deletion with a request to indicate the reason why the user did not like Yandex Browser.

Uninstall using CCleaner

Download CCleaner from the official website of the developer. Versions on other sites may contain viruses and unwanted software. After downloading and installing the utility, you must:

  1. Launch CCleaner;
  2. Go to the “Service” section;
  3. Find Yandex Browser in the list of installed programs;
  4. Select it with the left mouse button;
  5. On the right, click on the “Delete” button;
  6. Confirm the action and wait for complete uninstallation.

Regardless of the method of uninstalling Yandex software, you should clean the registry and temporary files on your computer:

  1. Launch CCleaner;
  2. Go to the “Register” section;
  3. Click the “Search for problems” button and wait for the scan to finish;
  4. Click the “Fix” button, confirm or refuse creation backup copy files;
  5. Click "Ok".

Hello, friends! If, for some reason, you are no longer satisfied with the Yandex browser, and you would like to delete it and start using another web browser, then it is not at all difficult to do.

If you are satisfied with it, but various problems increasingly arise during its operation, then we will figure out how to completely remove the Yandex browser from your computer, along with registry entries and various files. After this, you will be able to reconnect to your computer and start using it from scratch.

Removing Yandex browser from your computer

On Windows 7

To do everything on a computer or laptop, you can use the capabilities of the operating system Windows systems 7. This is done through “Removing and changing programs”.

You can open this folder as follows: click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”. If you don’t have the “Control Panel” item on the right, then type these words in the search bar and find the desired item in the results.

The “Uninstall or change programs” window will open. In the list of programs installed on your computer, find “Yandex”. Click on this line, and then click on the “Delete” button at the top. Or you can right-click on the line itself and select the item that appears.

In the next window, confirm the selected action.

After this, the Yandex web browser will be removed from the computer, and you can start using another one that is suitable for you.

On Windows 10

The same can be done on the ten.

Right-click on the “Start” button. From the drop-down menu select “Control Panel”

Set “View: Large icons” and select “Programs and Features”:

In the window that opens, find Yandex, right-click on it and select “Delete” from the drop-down menu.

If Yandex browser is not in the control panel

It also happens that in this case you will not be able to remove this program, because it simply will not be there. To solve this problem we can try to find the folder where the browser was installed and delete it.

Usually the path to the folder we are interested in is:

System drive (C) – Users – Username – AppData – Local – Yandex.

It is the Yandex folder that you need to delete.

However, by default the AppData folder may be hidden; to make it visible, go to the Windows Control Panel and select “File Explorer Options” (for Windows 10) or “Folder Options” (for Windows 7).

Go to the “View” tab and turn the switch to “Show” hidden files, folders and disks."

After completing this operation, try again following the path:

System disk (C) – Users – Username – AppData – Local – Yandex

This time all your folders should become visible and you can easily remove Yandex.

If for some reason you were unable to solve the problem and remove it, you can use the Revo Uninstaller program; read the description of the actions in the next paragraph of the article.

Uninstalling a browser using Revo Uninstaller

If you have problems with the Yandex browser, then the previous methods may not help, and after installing it again, everything will happen again. In this case, you need to delete not only the browser itself, but also all residual files and registry entries that it created during its operation.

There are quite a few different programs, both paid and free, that will help you completely erase unnecessary programs from a computer. I will show you how to completely get rid of Yandex browser using a free, fairly simple example. Revo programs Uninstaller. On the official website you can download for free setup files for the program and its portable version (does not require installation on a computer): https://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html

I have downloaded Portable version Revo Uninstaller program, unpacked the archive and launched executable file. The interface language was English. To change it, go to “Settings”, the fourth button in the top menu, and select Russian.

First, the program will do everything using the built-in uninstaller. That's why this process will be the same as in the first paragraph. In the first window you need to click the appropriate button.

In the next window, check the box “Delete browser settings, browsing history and other data?” and click “Delete browser”.

After everything is done, you need to get rid of the remaining files and registry entries. Mark the “Moderate” or “Advanced” item with a marker - in the selected mode, the program will search for files, and click “Scan”.

First, the found registry entries will be displayed. Check the boxes that are not needed and click on the “Delete” button below.

Please note that you only need to mark those items that are highlighted in bold, so as not to disrupt the operation of the system.

Confirm the execution of the selected actions in the window that appears by clicking “Yes”.

Now check the boxes unnecessary files and folders that are associated with the Yandex browser, and click “Delete”. We confirm everything in the appropriate window.

If you ticked all the boxes and pressed the button mentioned above, then this window will close itself, if you erase certain files and folders, then when the process is completed, click “Finish” in this window.

Now you can safely install the Yandex browser again on your computer, and the problem that arose will most likely be solved.

If you again do not have a browser in the list of installed programs, you can use the “Hunter” mode. In the top menu of the program, click on the “Hunter Mode” button.

On your desktop you will have a crosshair in the upper right corner. Using the mouse, you can move it around the entire desktop. This sight must be aimed at any element of the program that needs to be deleted. This could be a shortcut on the desktop or in the Quick Launch panel or startup panel.

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