Using master clip effects in Premiere Pro. What plugins are useful when working with Adobe Premiere Pro CC Effects in Adobe Premiere

This time, an easier way is considered. So, apply to a group of selected clips, effects: Gaussian Blur and Black and White.

On the timeline we have a group of clips:

Result in the Program window:

Now, let's go to the Project window. Copy the sequence and name it, for example: sequence_copy.

And in the window: Remove effects, leave a checkbox only for the item Video effects and click on the button: OK.

We look at the picture in the Program window, without applying effects. Since the method described above, you can only remove all effects, not selective ones.

Now open the sequence: copy_sequence, select all clips (Ctrl+A).

Run the command: Edit > Copy (Ctrl+C).

Open the main sequence, select all the clips and execute the command: Edit > Paste Attributes (Ctrl+Alt+V).

In the Insert Attributes window, in the Effects list, uncheck the box before the effect: Black and White. And click on the button: OK.

We look at the result: the Gaussian Blur effect remains in the Effect Controls panel.

Now you can delete the sequence in the project window: sequence_copy. If necessary, you can save the project with two sequences under a different name (for rollback).
*In the Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015.3 update, there is no need to do different manipulations to remove one effect from all clips. Just in the window Remove Effects (Remove effects) turn off unnecessary effects. Previously, it was only possible to turn off all effects, and not select from the list those that we want to remove.
*Using effect emblems in . An effect badge is an icon in the timeline that makes it easy to see if an effect has been applied to a clip. Click the settings icon in the timeline and select "Show Effects Badges" to show the badges in the timeline.
In Premiere Pro, effect emblems can be of different colors. By looking at the color of the emblem, you can determine if an effect has been applied, an inline effect has been changed, and so on.
A. Gray effect logo, B. Purple effect logo, C. Yellow effect logo, D. Green effect logo.

*If after applying the effect the settings do not work, then check the button: Global mute effects. If it is not there, then click on: Button editor, then drag the button fx on the control panel Program, and enable / disable it accordingly.

Effects are various special effects that, depending on the algorithm embedded in them, perform certain actions, whether it is a change in the brightness and contrast of a clip, or a change in its transparency. The good thing is that it allows you to change various parameters of the effect. This, in turn, opens up endless possibilities for us to work with the image of the film.

In Adobe Premiere, all effects are divided into built-in and standard.

Built-in effects are effects that are initially assigned to any clip by default. These include: the effect of transparency (Opacity), movement (Motion) and speed (Time Remapping) - for video clips, and the effect of volume (Volume) - for audio. You can view them by clicking on the name of one of them in the clip title (see below):

Standard - these are the effects that we manually add to the clips ourselves. They are divided into Video Effects (Video Effects) and Audio Effects (Audio Effects). All of them can be viewed in the effects library in the Effects panel:

By the way, I would like to say a few words about the Effects panel. All the effects and transitions in the Effects panel are scattered in folders, to open them you just need to click on the small gray triangle. There is a search box at the top of the Effects panel. A very handy thing when you know the name of the effect, but don't know what folder it is in. In addition to all this, the developers of the program have given us the opportunity to create folders with frequently used effects and transitions. To do this, click on the image of a small folder in the lower right corner of the panel and the folder will be created.

So, you have selected the effect you need in the Effects panel. In order to apply it to your clip, you just need to transfer it to the Timeline, to the clip to which you want to apply this effect.

Here we see all the effects that have been applied to this clip. They are divided into two groups: Video Effects and Audio Effects. In addition to the default effects, here is the effect Brightness & Contrast (Brightness and contrast), which we added in the previous paragraph.

Click on the gray triangle to the left of the effect name in the Effect Controls window to expand the nested list of options.

Move the sliders to adjust the effect's parameter settings. Adobe Premiere has a huge number of effects. Some of them have only one parameter for setting, and some can have as many as 20. So you can easily customize any effect "for yourself" while focusing on viewing the frame in the Program window.

As you probably already guessed, several effects can be applied to a clip at once. They are applied in the order in which they are located in the Effect Controls window. Sometimes the order in which the effects are applied has a significant effect on the final image of the movie. In cases where the order of effects does not suit you, you can change it by simply dragging and dropping.

If you applied an effect to a clip and you don't like it, you can delete it by simply selecting it in the Effect Controls panel and pressing the Delete key.

Sometimes it happens that you pulled on different sliders, changed something here, changed something there and it turned out some kind of garbage. Then you sit and think: how to return everything to its original form, and here the saving Reset button is the best fit for us, which will return all the effect settings to their original state.

If you need to disable an effect without deleting it, you can use the Toggle the effect on or off button. It is located to the left of the effect name. By clicking on it, the icon will disappear and the effect will be disabled.

It happens that after adding an effect to a clip, the program does not have time to calculate it and a red bar appears above the clip. As I wrote in previous articles, this means that you need to additionally visualize this segment. To do this, set the work area using the work area strip and run the Sequence=>Render Work Area command or simply press the Enter button.

In this article, we looked at static effects and their settings. There is also such a thing as dynamic effects, but I will introduce you to them in.

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How to make video effects in adobe prime pro video tutorial

Effects for video and animation in the program
Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Here you will see the fifth video lesson from the Course " Adobe Premiere Pro»

In the video tutorial below, you will learn about effects to enhance your video. In a programme
Premier Pro has a huge number of video effects. With the help of them
You can either improve or degrade any video.

All Adobe Premiere Pro video effects are divided into two groups. The first group includes all
three effects. They are called "fixed effects" because they are applied on
timeline panels automatically when adding video to the panel

The second group is in the "Video Effects" folder. There are many of them and you can add them selectively.

So let's start with fixed effects. To do this, go to the panel "Effect Controls"
designed not only to work with video effects but also kkk transitions kkkk, all
effects are on the left.

There is no point in describing video effects further with words, so watch Artem's video lesson
Lukyanov, which he specially recorded on this interesting and necessary topic,
about which beginners almost always have questions.

But, after watching this lesson, I hope that questions on video effects in a programme
You will no longer have Premier Pro SS and you will already be able to run on your own
"Video Effect" folder and apply them one by one to your video project,
and also remove previously applied, but already unnecessary effects.

After the 15th minute it will also be shown how to apply animation effect on video.

There will be questions write

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if you plan to visit it later (How to make effects for video animation
Adobe Premiere | video effect in adobe prime pro video tutorial)

In addition to being able to apply effects to track items and clips in a sequence, Premiere Pro can apply effects to master clips.

A master clip can be called a parent clip, and all sequence clips created from that master clip can be called its child clips.

Unlike normal sequences, multicam sequences, and compilations, master clips are objects in the Project panel. Examples of master clips are merged clips, subclips, and synthetic clips (such as adjustment layers and color masks).

If the project contains several elements that refer to the same file on disk, then each of these elements is an independent master clip. Thus, there cannot be a parent-child relationship between the elements of the Project panel. Such a link can only exist between the main clips of the project and the clips of the sequences in the timeline.

When you apply an effect to a master clip, the effect is automatically applied to all sequence clips (child clips) created from that master clip.

Use Master Clip Effects in Premiere Pro

    To apply an effect to a master clip in Premiere Pro, you need to drag the effect from the Effects panel to the Project panel. Source monitor or .

    To apply an effect to multiple Master Clips at the same time, select the desired items in the Project panel, and then drag the effect you want to apply to those items.

    Adjust the effect parameters in the panel Effect controls.

    Insert master clip segments into sequences. All effects applied to the main clip are transferred to all parts of this clip that are part of the sequences.


    The effects work regardless of whether the sequence clips from the master clip were created before or after the effect was applied.

A red line is displayed under the FX icon of the corresponding clip to which the master clip effect has been applied. In addition, a new tab called "All" has been added to the "Effects Control" panel, which displays the applied effects.

Important Notes

  • Panel Effect controls controlled by focus. This means that if the panel Source monitor the main clip is loaded and the focus is on the panel Source monitor, then on the panel Effect controls main clip loaded.
  • If an individual clip in a sequence is selected in the Timeline panel and the focus is in the Timeline panel, the panel Effect controls the selected track item is loaded.
  • To view or change the effect of a master clip while having a sequence clip, use the Synchronize Frame. This will load the main clip corresponding to that sequence clip into the Source monitor. Double-clicking an episode clip only loads that segment, not the main clip. On panel Effect controls in this case, the effects of the track item are displayed, not the master clip.

Turn master clip effects on and off on thumbnails

To see an accurate reproduction of a clip in a thumbnail, you can display master clip effects on the thumbnail. The effects on the clip thumbnail in the Project panel can be adjusted.

For example, you can use a transform effect on a master clip instead of a motion/opacity effect.

Most Premiere Pro video effects are available, except as described below.

  • Internal Effects: Motion, Opacity, Speed
  • Warp Stabilizer effect
  • Anti Rolling Shutter effect

Master clip effects cannot be prerendered. For this reason, CPU-intensive effects should be avoided, as they may degrade playback on the source monitor.

Audio effects cannot be applied to master clips.

Display thumbnail with master clip effects

Selecting Source File Settings in the Effect Controls Panel

On the Main tab of the Effect Controls panel, you can set preferences source files for RED, ARRI, CinemaDNG, DPX and Sony F65 formats.

Load the master clip into the source monitor and adjust source file settings such as white balance, saturation, and exposure. Selected settings from source files can be saved as an effect preset for later application to other clips.

They can also be copied to other clips. For example, you can select source file settings for one clip and apply them to other elements of the project by copying and pasting.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the difference between a master clip and an on-disk clip?

Importing a media file from disk into the Project panel in Premiere Pro creates a master clip. Each time the same media file is imported into Premiere Pro, a separate master clip is created.

Thus, a Premiere Pro project can contain several different master clips pointing to the same media file on disk.


Use the Reveal in Explorer (Windows) or Reveal in Finder (Mac) commands to find the media file on disk that matches the selected clip.

How to determine what is loaded on the panel Effect controls- main clip or track element?

Here are some hints to help you determine the type of the loaded element:

  • Clip name. In the case of a track element, the clip name will be preceded by the episode name. In the case of the main clip, on the panel Effect controls only the clip name is displayed.
  • Headings. In the case of a track element, on the panel Effect controls the headings of the Video Effects and Audio Effects sections are displayed. In the case of a master clip, there are no such titles.
  • internal effects. In the case of a track element with a video component, the Video Effects section shows the effects Motion , Opacity , and Change of time. In the case of a master clip, these internal effects are not shown.

Can master clip effects be applied to sequences?

No, you cannot directly apply the Master Clip effect to a normal sequence or a multicam sequence.

What types of effects can be applied to master clips?

Launching the Premiere Pro program for the first time, the first thing that catches your eye is a lot of different panels and icons, each of them performs a specific function. However, some of them take a long time to complete. To simplify the work in the program, there are various plug-ins. They can be easily downloaded from the official website. In addition to simplifying the work, they can also perform some functions that are simply not in Adobe Premiere Pro.

The most popular and useful plug-ins for Adobe Premiere Pro

ProDAD Mercalli Plugin

This plugin replaces standard function "Warp Stabilizer". If jerks and image jitter were observed during the video, then this plugin will allow you to quickly get rid of defects. Practically does not freeze when processing heavy projects, even on weak computers. After using it, your video will look more professional.

Neat Video Plugin

A very heavy plugin that requires a significant amount of system resources. However, it has no analogues. It does the best job of noise reduction in captured videos and allows you to adjust the clarity.

Magic Bullet Colorista II plugin

In order to perform color correction, professionals often turn to this tool. It has many options. In principle, there is no need to use other plugins to work with color. It adjusts the brightness of the image in various tones, from light to dark, works with masking and much more.

FilmConvert Pro Plugin 2

The best styling plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro. Allows you to apply various effects to the video that are used in the film industry. For example, you can make a video that will resemble an old movie and much more. In total, the plugin provides about two dozen effects for styling.

Magic Bullet Looks Plugin

Performs two main functions - color correction and styling. It is in demand by users due to its lightness, does not create excessive load on the processor, thanks to the use of a video card.

Plugin LUT Buddy

Another useful styling plugin. Corrects video quite quickly, compared to a similar built-in function. Due to this, it is quite popular.

In this article, we have reviewed the most popular plugins that can be useful for both professionals and beginners.

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