Turn off the PC after a certain time. How to turn off your computer at a certain time. Other programs for scheduled computer shutdown

Processing large amounts of data on a computer requires time, which a busy person does not have in abundance. Some operations, such as video rendering, antivirus scanning of the system, downloading files from the Internet, are performed without user intervention, but not all programs can offer the function of disabling the system automatically.

Many ordinary users are wondering: how to automatically turn off a computer, similar to the shutdown timer on household appliances (washing machine, microwave oven, etc.)? Our article will discuss the main options for activating this mode using standard tools and using third-party software in Windows 7 and 10.

The ability to automatically turn off the computer was provided in advance in the earliest Windows operating systems. This method involves working with the main interface of the system – the command line. It is universal for any version of Windows and is the easiest to use.

To do this, we perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the menu “Start/Programs/Accessories” and select the program "Command line" or enter the name in the search bar.
  1. Enter the command in the console "shutdown". Help appears on the screen indicating the parameters and their corresponding arguments.

To shut down the computer normally, we will use two arguments:

  • "/s"‒ shutdown the PC;
  • "/t"‒ time of the countdown timer until the task is completed (indicated in seconds).
  1. For example, you need the computer to shut down in half an hour. Without leaving the console, enter the command “shutdown -s -t 1800” and press “Enter”.

Attention! The command must be without quotes.

Immediately after activating the computer's auto shutdown, an indication of the remaining time appears in the Windows Control Panel.

  1. To cancel this action, enter through the command line « shutdown -a".

There is a more simplified way to activate this mode, without having to enter characters into the console. To do this, in the search menu bar "Start" we register "shutdown -s -t (time in seconds)" and confirm the action with the key « Enter".

Disabling automatic computer shutdown on Windows is done in a similar way.

Using the Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler is a standard Windows tool that can be useful if you have scheduled your computer to shut down at a specific time and date. It is also used for interval (regularly repeated) actions. For example, you want your computer to shut down on its own every day at 17:00 or reboot every 12 hours.

As an example, we will show how to set the computer to automatically turn off at 17:00 every day.

To use the scheduler, you need:

  1. Go to “Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools” or “Programs/Standard/Service” and run "Task Scheduler". It’s even easier to write this name in the search bar in Start.

In the window that opens, create a simple task by clicking on the button of the same name.

  1. The task creation wizard will open, which consists of several steps. First, you need to come up with a name. We will write "Auto shutdown". Then click "Further".

  1. In the “Trigger” item, you must specify the interval for starting the task. We choose "Daily".

There you also need to indicate the time and date of the trigger.

  1. On the menu "Action" the user specifies the process that should occur after the trigger is enabled. We need a parameter "Run the program".

  1. The name of the program - « shutdown". In the argument field we write «- s—f"(separated by a space without quotes).

In the last window we can double-check the conditions and parameters we specified and click the button "Ready".

The computer will automatically turn off at a specified time, regardless of the operation being performed, workload or other conditions. This method is useful as a safety net (if a person forgot to turn off the PC at work) or parental control (limit the time children spend in front of the monitor).

AnvideLabs shutdown timer

After standard Windows tools, we move on to a review of the small and simplest-to-manage Shutdown Timer utility from the domestic developer AnvideLabs. It is characterized by its minimalism, practicality and unification with all Windows, including seven and ten. The software is freely available and in Russian.

To start using the program:

  1. Enter the address of the developer's website http://anvidelabs.org/programms/toff in the browser line and download the program.

  1. In the window of the running program, the user can select an action, ranging from simply turning off the PC to disconnecting the mouse, keyboard, and even the Internet connection. Below is the condition for the program to operate. At the bottom there is a timer for entering the exact time to start the action. Here you can activate the countdown.

  1. Like last time, we will configure the computer to automatically turn off at 17:00. Enter the time and press the green button. The countdown has begun.

When you click on the cross in the upper right corner, the utility is minimized to tray and does not interfere with your work.


  • Russian-language interface and minimalistic style.
  • Several actions available.
  • Completely free.
  • The timer is locked with a password at the discretion of the administrator.
  • Suitable for Win 7 and 10.


  • It is not possible to schedule auto shutdown by date or set its interval.

Timer-alarm clock TimePC

The next program in the review is TimePC, developed by the administration of the site http://www.loadboard.ru. This solution compares favorably with the previous one due to the presence of a scheduler and the ability to not only turn off, but also turn on the PC at a given time. The program is extremely simple and functional at the same time. It can be called the “golden mean” between multifunctional combines and miniature “plugs”.

In order to acquire the TimePC program, do the following:

  1. We go to the website http://www.loadboard.ru and find an article with its description and a download link. Download and install the software on your PC.

  1. TimePC signals the launch with an audible greeting and immediately takes us to the settings menu.

  1. We are primarily interested in the point "Off/On PC". Here you can choose between entering or exiting hibernation mode. The trigger is set by time and date.

  1. The built-in scheduler is of greatest interest. In it you can specify an action for each day of the week. The frustrating thing is that you can’t set the interval here—it’s either absent or infinite.

  1. In the window "Running programs" It is possible to associate a specific action with turning on the computer. For example, you can add auto-start programs or ringtones as an alarm clock.


  • Wide functionality.
  • There is an action planner.
  • You can put the system into and out of hibernation mode.
  • Binding a trigger for launching programs or files.
  • Russian-language interface.
  • Completely free software.


  • The system requirements do not list Windows 10 (however, it works on it).
  • The structure of the utility is decentralized - there is no single main window.

Switch Off

The multifunctional Switch Off program from Airytec has a large number of settings and provides a lot of options for controlling your computer. This manager is an excellent alternative to standard Windows tools. The program is free, has convenient controls and clear descriptions of the buttons.

To work with the program you need:

  1. Download the full version of the Switch Off distribution from http://www.airytec.com/ru/switch-off/get.aspx and install it on your PC.

  1. The running program is minimized to tray. A custom task is managed by clicking on the program icon with the left mouse button. The schedule item is responsible for the PC auto-shutdown condition and can be used at any intervals (daily, weekly, once, etc.).

The action item allows you to select one of the available functions. Of great interest is the parameter "Predefined Commands", where you can specify any command and link it to a time or event.

  1. The task management menu opens by right-clicking and contains the same commands, but with parameters preset by the developers.

The screenshot above shows the variety of conditions implemented in Switch Off for just one task from the list.


  • Complete freedom in managing the system: launching any task at any time with any number of repetitions.
  • Possibility of planned disconnection from the Internet.
  • Very simple program structure.
  • The interface is entirely in Russian.
  • There is a command editor.
  • Free software.
  • Supports 32 and 64-bit systems.


  • The interface is entirely implemented in the form of context menus on the taskbar, which is not very informative.
  • Doesn't officially support Windows 10 (but works).

What to use?

Today we told you about how to configure automatic shutdown of your computer using Windows and using utilities downloaded from the Internet. This function is relevant for everyone, without exception, in the office and at home. The only question is how to do it.

In our article we have given many ways to implement auto-shutdown of a PC. All of them are good, but some may be more or less suitable for a particular person.

If the user has experience working with Windows and knows how to configure it, then it would be preferable for him to manage auto-shutdown through the standard CMD console and task scheduler. The advantage of this solution is that there is no need to download and install third-party programs, as well as the wide functionality of the Windows scheduler.

For inexperienced and unpretentious people, we recommend choosing “Shutdown Timer” and TimePC. The small functionality is compensated by the presence of a clear description and fairly convenient controls.

For everyone else who doesn't want to delve into control panels, but needs to fine-tune their system, we recommend using Switch Off. A large list of pre-installed tasks, a new task constructor and a command editor make this unprepossessing utility a professional manager.

Surely every PC user sooner or later wondered what would be nice if the computer itself could stop working at a strictly defined time that we need.

Such a useful function may, for example, be needed when we download movies at night and go to bed, because it is no secret that in many regions of Russia night Internet traffic is much cheaper than daytime traffic or is not charged at all.

And in this case, we will have to try hard not to oversleep in the morning in order to turn off the PC in a timely manner and stop downloading files.

We may also simply forget to turn off our computer when we are late, for example, for work. In general, as they say, cases are different. Therefore, the function of automatically turning off a PC is absolutely necessary for everyone.

Setting a timer to automatically turn off your computer is an easily solved problem

In fact, there are an incredible variety of ways to solve this problem - from the built-in tools of the Windows operating system (all configurations - 7, 8, 10) to programs specially developed for this purpose.

The simplest and most accessible methods of how to set a shutdown timer on a computer or laptop and where you can download such a shutdown timer for free in Russian will be discussed in this article.

Set the shutdown timer using Windows tools

Perhaps the most accessible ways to set a timer to automatically turn off our computer are the useful tools provided in the operating system itself to solve this issue. I'll tell you about the two simplest of them.

Method 1. Set the timer via the command line

So, first we need to open the command line. This can be done in two ways - either through the “Start” menu - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Run”, or by simultaneously pressing two “R + Win” keys on the keyboard.

Call up the “Run” window by simultaneously pressing “R” and “Win”

In the window that appears, enter the following: “ shutdown -s -t N."

Attention! N is the time value in seconds before the required automatic shutdown of the computer.

Let's say we need the PC to turn off after 10 minutes, therefore, through simple mathematical calculations in our heads, we get the value N = 600 seconds. We substitute this value into our formula “ shutdown -s -t 600″, which we enter in this form into the “Run” window, as shown in the photo:

Write the required command in the “Run” line

Thus, there are 10 minutes left before the computer automatically turns off. After this time, the PC will be turned off and all programs will be closed. In this case, we will be given the opportunity to save our work, as is done when we normally end the session and turn off the computer manually.

Note: In order to force all programs to close when the scheduled time expires, we add the “-f” parameter to our formula.

To force the computer to shut down without saving open documents, add the “-f” parameter

If for some reason you change your mind about turning off the computer using the set timer, then you can cancel your action by calling the command line again, in which you now need to enter the command “ shutdown -a".

After executing this command, we will see a pop-up window indicating that the automatic shutdown of the computer has been cancelled.

Naturally, this method of starting a timer is not entirely convenient for regular use. Therefore, it can be easily improved if you follow these instructions:

Note: In order to change the shortcut icon to any other one of your choice, right-click on our shortcut, then select “Properties”, then “Change Icon”.

Method 2: Windows Task Scheduler will help you shut down your PC automatically

Another simple way to set a time to automatically shut down your computer is to use the Windows Task Scheduler. To implement it, follow the step-by-step guide:

  1. Simultaneously press the “Win” and “R” keys and call the command line;
  2. In the line that appears, write the command “ taskschd.msc" and click “Ok”, thus calling the Windows system task scheduler;

    In the “Run” window, write the command “taskschd.msc” and click “OK”

  3. In the menu on the right of the “Task Scheduler”, select the option “Create a simple task”;

    In the task scheduler, click “Create a simple task”

  4. Now come up with a name for the task and click “Next”;
  5. We indicate the task trigger, for example, “one time” and click “Next”;
  6. Now set the date and time to run the task and click “Next”;
  7. Next, select the desired action - “Run the program”, continue “Next”;

    Select “Run a program” and click “Next”

  8. The last window of the Task Scheduler “Run a program” appears and the line “Program or script”, where we enter the command “shutdown”, and in the line “Add arguments” we write “-s”, click “Next”.

    Fill in the lines “Program or script” and “Add arguments”

Now, strictly at the specified time, the task scheduler will launch a program to automatically turn off the computer.

Universal timer programs for turning off a PC

Above, we looked at ways to achieve automatic shutdown of a computer or laptop at a designated date and time without resorting to third-party programs, but only using the Windows system itself. Now it’s worth talking about the software that will help solve this problem even easier.

The PowerOff program will help you cope with the task

And the first program that we will look at will be a small universal utility with a timer function PowerOff.

A multifunctional panel opens before us, with the help of which you can perform not only a programmed shutdown of the computer, but also many other tasks.

Install the Shutdown Timer on your computer

After installation, a program shortcut appears on our screen, and the utility itself starts automatically.

The Timer interface is simple and concise, and in general the program is quite nice and copes with the functions assigned to it very well.

SM Timer will turn off your computer at the right time

Managing the program is incredibly simple - you just need to set the desired time and click the “OK” button, the utility takes care of the rest.

How to set an automatic shutdown timer for Windows - video

Often, a computer that was previously working normally suddenly begins to turn off spontaneously. Determining why a computer turns off on its own is not so easy. But almost any user with minimal knowledge of the hardware of the device and the principles of software operation can eliminate this kind of problem, when its cause has already been identified. It is the reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon and methods for detecting them that will be discussed below.

There are several main reasons why a computer may turn off spontaneously:

Overheating of PC components

If spontaneous shutdowns begin some time after starting work, the problem is most likely due to overheating of certain PC components. The most common causes of a malfunction in this case may be faulty cooling system fans or a layer of dust on the radiators.

You should pay attention to exactly when the computer turns off:

  • Shortly after loading the operating system, shutdown is preceded by short, short-term system freezes - most likely, the central processor is overheating;
  • After receiving a serious load, for example, simultaneous launch of several “heavy” applications - overheating of the processor or video card;
  • Problems with the cooling of the video card are the reason why the computer turns off during the game.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to visually inspect the computer hardware, followed by servicing all cooling systems and cleaning the PC. Radiators should not be heavily soiled; fans installed on top should rotate evenly, without jamming or sharp sounds.

Maintenance is carried out in the following order:

  1. Expansion boards are dismantled;
  2. The power cables, hard and optical drives are disconnected from the system board, and the board itself is removed from the case;
  3. Existing cooling systems are dismantled;
  4. The radiators are cleaned of dust and dirt, this operation is convenient to carry out with the fan removed using a small-width paint brush (20 - 30 mm); it will be useful to simultaneously brush away dust from the entire surface of the motherboard;
  5. The contact surfaces on the radiators, central processor and video processor are cleaned of old heat-resistant paste, followed by a layer of fresh one;
  6. Faulty or stuck fans are replaced with new ones;
  7. All systems are installed in the reverse order.

Important: It often happens that there is simply nothing to replace a faulty fan. In this case, you can try to “reanimate” the old one. To do this, just remove the sticker or pull out the rubber plug from its back side and drop 2-3 drops of machine oil into the opened hole, while simultaneously turning the blades by hand. Then put the plug in place or seal the hole with tape (it’s better not to use the old sticker) and install the fan in place.

Malfunctions of the power supply and PC power supply

Often, especially in rural areas, the reason why the computer turns on and turns off immediately is the mains voltage. This can be easily checked using a simple Chinese multimeter. The nominal network voltage is 220 volts; the PC power supply must remain operational in the range from 200 to 240 volts. If the readings of the measuring device are outside the specified range, you should either contact the management company (alternatively: a familiar electrician) or get a good voltage stabilizer.

Another common variant of problems with the electrical network may be faults in the electrical wiring inside the house, for example, burnt sockets or twists in junction boxes. It is worth paying attention to whether computer shutdowns coincide with the moments of turning on/off powerful consumers of electricity: electric heater, electric stove or kettle, refrigerator, etc. If such coincidences occur, you should inspect the home electrical wiring yourself or with the help of a specialist. This is especially important because malfunctions of this kind are fraught with much more serious consequences than problems with a computer.

The most common problems with the power supply are the following:

  • Overheating as a result of fan failure or severe contamination;
  • Failure of circuit elements (usually capacitors);
  • Overload caused by installing new devices, for example, a powerful video card.

The easiest way to check whether the problems lie in the power supply is by temporarily replacing it with a known good one and, preferably, a more powerful one. If after this the spontaneous shutdowns stop, the following should be done:

  • Check the operation of the fan and, if necessary, replace it, or try to revive it as described above;
  • Clean the internal elements of the unit from dirt and dust. This can be done by removing the top cover and using the same narrow paint brush;
  • Inspect the capacitors installed on the board, if they are swollen or have liquid leaks underneath them, replace them with new ones;
  • Disable recently installed devices: if after this the system’s functionality is restored, replacing the power supply cannot be avoided - it is operational, but not designed for increased power consumption.

If all these steps do not help, the power supply requires replacement or qualified repair.

Important: When inspecting the power supply capacitors, it is worth paying attention to the motherboard, especially to the capacitors installed in the power supply circuits of the processor and video card.

Some more useful tips specifically for the situation when the computer turns off during the game:

having no physical defects

Another reason why the computer turns off on its own during operation may be viruses and other programs containing malicious code. There are hundreds of thousands of such programs, and their list continues to grow steadily. Digressing a little from the topic of the article, we note that there are many ways to introduce viruses into a system. This can happen, for example, when downloading programs from the Internet or installing from pirated disks, when connecting removable media and mobile devices. Therefore, the presence of an anti-virus program today is an indispensable attribute of the system; moreover, the program itself and its signature database must be regularly updated.

How to cure a computer infected with a virus

If, in searching for the reasons why the computer turns off by itself, no defects in its hardware are identified, it is necessary to diagnose the presence of viruses. To do this, you will need a boot disk or USB flash drive containing antivirus software. You can find the appropriate software and instructions for working with it on the website of any company that produces anti-virus software. It goes without saying that this work must be done on a “clean” computer.

After creating a “cleaning” disk, you need to boot the infected computer from it. To do this, you will need to enable booting from DVD-RW or USB drive in the BIOS. After downloading, you need to run the anti-virus program in the “virus scanning and treatment” mode. This process can last a considerable time, up to several tens of hours, which depends on the capacity of the hard drive and the amount of information stored on it.

When you receive a message that the scan is complete, you should restart your computer. More often than not, all the troubles end there. But, often, when system files are affected by a virus that cannot be removed, the OS will not be able to boot and will have to be reinstalled.

Minor troubles

Although the above mentioned fairly simple situations, in practice everything is often even simpler. For example, the on/off button may simply stick. on the front panel. In principle, it is from this button that you can start troubleshooting. To check it, you can turn it off and start the computer by bridging the corresponding contacts with a screwdriver. If it stops turning off, all that remains is to replace the button.

If you don’t want to go to the store for a cheap part, you can carefully disassemble the button by tearing off the caps of the small plastic rods that hold it together. Wash the flexible metal plate inside it with alcohol or cologne, put everything back together and lightly melt the remaining rods with a soldering iron. As a temporary option, you can connect a Reset button instead of the power button. By the way, sticking this button causes spontaneous reboots.

Another interesting defect that the author of this article once encountered. One day, after two days of unsuccessful troubleshooting, when all the main components of the motherboard were checked using specialized equipment, it turned out that the problem was in the speaker soldered into it. In its place was installed another one, roughly pulled out of a cheap Chinese alarm clock that had fallen under the hot hand.

Another fairly common situation that repairmen often encounter is a computer installed in a narrow niche, closed on all sides except the front. Sometimes, the role of such a niche is played by a compartment for installing a system unit in a computer desk. What can you do, not all furniture makers understand computers. In this case, it can be quite difficult to prove to the owner that his desk needs work by using physical force to remove a piece of fiberboard behind the computer and that the small gap there for interface and network cables is not enough for normal ventilation.

Considering the above, it is better to use some diagnostic utility, such as AIDA. The program does not require installation and is launched by clicking on the executable file. To monitor the temperature of the main PC components, you need to select the “Sensors” item in the program menu and check their readings. At the same time, it is advisable to heavily load the system by running one or more resource-intensive programs, for example, checking for viruses. It is advisable that the sensor readings do not exceed 70 °C anywhere. In some systems (most often AMD developers are guilty of this), processor temperatures of up to 100 °C are allowed, but this is undesirable. In any case, sensor readings of 70 °C or more are a reason to think about the state of the PC cooling system.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the phrase that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This statement is true not only for people, but also for computers. Therefore, in order not to agonize over the question of why the computer turns off by itself, it is worth monitoring its condition from time to time. To do this, you can use the built-in BIOS tools that display the readings of the chipset and CPU temperature sensors. It should be borne in mind that these readings may be underestimated, because when viewing BIOS parameters, the load on the processor will be minimal.

There are times when you need to turn off your computer after a certain time. For example, you turned on downloading a large file overnight, so as not to wait for the download to complete, you can set a countdown timer to turn it off. There are a huge number of programs and utilities on the Internet that perform similar tasks. Moreover, almost all torrent clients have a shutdown function after the download is complete. But I just gave you an example; at the time of writing this article nothing else came to mind.

So, first you need to call the command line. Press the key combination R

A command window will appear Execute, enter there cmd and click OK

A command prompt will appear, enter the following

shutdown /s/t 3600

Then press the Enter key

Where the number 3600 indicates the number of seconds before turning off, exactly seconds, not minutes.

1 hour = 3600 seconds
2 hours = 7200 seconds
3 hours = 10800 seconds

The above method is suitable for Windows 7 and Windows 8; for the Windows XP operating system, you need to specify a hyphen instead of a slash.

shutdown -s-t 3600

Yes, I almost forgot, it may also happen that you change your mind about turning off the computer or want to change the timer, then you just need to cancel the specified operation. We also write the following in the command line:


and press the Enter key

If you want to learn even more about the capabilities of the utility built into the Windows operating system, then use the command line to call help. How to do this is below.

Usage: shutdown

xx:yy ]

No pairs. Display help. Same as with the /? parameter.

/? Display help. Same as without parameters.

/i Displays the graphical user interface.

This parameter must come first.

/l End the session. This option cannot be used with

/m or /d parameters.

/s Shuts down the computer.

system, launching all registered applications.

/a Cancels system shutdown.

This option can only be used during the waiting period.

/p Immediately shuts down the local computer without warning.

Can be used with the /d and /f options.

/h Switches the local computer into hibernation mode.

Can be used with the /f option.

/e Specifies the reason why the computer shut down unexpectedly.

/m computer Specifies the destination computer.

/t xxx Specifies a delay of xxx seconds before shutting down


Valid range: 0-315360000 (10 years); default value: 30.

If the timeout period is greater than 0, the

parameter /f.

/c "comment" A comment with the reason for restarting or shutting down.

The longest length is 512 characters.

/f Forces closure of running applications without warning users.

The /f option is used if the /t option

a value greater than 0 is specified.

/d xx:yy You must specify a reason for rebooting or shutting down.

"p" means scheduled reboot or shutdown.

"u" means the reason is user defined.

If neither "p" nor "u" is given, reboot or shutdown

are unplanned.

xx is the major reason number (a positive integer less than 256).

yy is the minor reason number (a positive integer less than 65536).

Reasons on this computer:

(E = expected, U = not expected, P = planned, C = determined


Type Main Auxiliary Header

U 0 0 Other (Unplanned)

E 0 0 Other (Unplanned)

E P 0 0 Other (Planned)

U 0 5 Other faults: System not responding

E 1 1 Equipment: Maintenance (Unscheduled)

E P 1 1 Equipment: Maintenance (Planned)

E 1 2 Equipment: Installation (Unplanned)

E P 1 2 Equipment: Installation (Planned)

E 2 2 Operating system: recovery (planned)

E P 2 2 Operating system: recovery (planned)

P 2 3 Operating System: Update (Scheduled)

E 2 4 Operating System: Setup (Unscheduled)

E P 2 4 Operating System: Setup (Scheduled)

P 2 16 Operating system: Service pack installation (Planned

2 17 Operating System: Patch Installation (Unscheduled)

P 2 17 Operating System: Patch Installation (Planned)

2 18 Operating system: Installing a security patch (Unexpected

P 2 18 Operating system: Installing a security patch (Zapa

E 4 1 Appendix: Maintenance (Unscheduled)

E P 4 1 Appendix: Maintenance (Scheduled)

E P 4 2 Appendix: Installation (Planned)

E 4 5 Application: Not responding

E 4 6 Application: Unstable

U 5 15 System failure: STOP error

U 5 19 Safety problem

E 5 19 Safety problem

E P 5 19 Safety issue

E 5 20 Loss of network connections (Unplanned)

U 6 11 Power failure: Cable disconnected

U 6 12 Power failure: General problems

P 7 0 Crash caused by deprecated API function

Code: 6583071

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today, I want to tell you about how to turn off your computer after a certain time without installing any programs.

You may ask, why is this even needed? Let me tell you that this is a very useful thing! For example, my beloved cousin cannot just fall asleep without watching something before bed.

She turns on some movie on her laptop and puts on computer shutdown timer, for example, for forty minutes.

He falls asleep in about thirty minutes, and the computer turns off on its own after ten minutes! I think it's very convenient! Firstly, the PC will not work in vain all night, and secondly, it saves electricity!

How to set your computer to turn off automatically

I’ll say right away that this is a very simple and easy method. To begin with, you will need to open the system program window ““.

To do this, press two keys on your keyboard at the same time Win+R.

If, for some reason, one of these buttons does not work, then click Start, there will be ““ on the right.

In the window that opens, in the input line, enter the following command and press Enter:

shutdown /s /t 900

A message like this will appear in the notification panel:

What is it? shutdown /s /t – command to control the computer shutdown timer, just copy it from my website, and here is the number 900 , this is the number of seconds after which the computer will shut down on its own. Change this parameter at your discretion. 900 seconds is 15 minutes, if you need, for example, for 2 hours, then you should enter shutdown /s /t 7200 .

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