Why when I play. What could be the reasons when the computer or laptop turns off in the game. A blue screen appears

The modern computer industry is developing at a rapid pace, games are becoming very realistic and exciting. Therefore, more and more people are not averse to playing modern 3D games, especially online games are very addictive. At the same time, many users are faced with an unexpected problem, shutting down the computer during the game. Let's figure out why the computer turns off during the game, and also try to eliminate the causes of this ailment. Typically, the problem occurs when running heavy and fast-paced games in which the resources of the computer are used to the maximum.

A very common reason why the computer turns off during a game is dust contamination of the cooling system. central processing unit and video cards. Because of this, they overheat. Overheating of the video adapter occurs especially often, while various distortions "artifacts" may appear on the monitor screen. If the temperature of the video card reaches maximum values, it can simply burn out or the computer turns off.

In order to avoid overheating of components during the game, it is necessary to promptly clean the computer system unit or laptop from dust. The system unit of a stationary computer, it is quite simple to clean, you just need to open the side cover and vacuum the insides. Wherein Special attention to devote to cleaning the cooling system of the processor, and the video card. With laptops, things are a little more complicated and if you did not have previous experience in disassembling them, then I recommend contacting the service. Also, when cleaning your computer from dust, I recommend changing the thermal paste between the chips and the cooling heatsinks.

Advice! Try to clean your computer from dust at least once every six months, this will be the key to its stable operation when running modern games and applications that heavily load PC resources.

Insufficient power supply unit.

Another very common reason why the computer turns off during a game is insufficient power supply. The problem pops up quite often if you installed a new productive one on old computer or added any components to the system unit. At the same time, due to the heavy load, the power supply gives out its resources to the maximum and starts to simply turn off, since it cannot provide power, for example, to a powerful video card.

Advice! When choosing and buying a power supply for a computer, I advise you to choose only branded models with good declared characteristics. I do not recommend buying Chinese "no name" models, because, firstly, they often do not correspond to the declared characteristics and fail very quickly.

As a rule, the stability of the operation of all computer components depends on the quality of the power supply. If you are one hundred percent sure of installed unit power supply, then you will not have any questions: why the computer turns off during the game, since you will be sure of the high-quality power supply of the components.

Why does my computer turn off during a game? Driver conflict? System errors?

Quite often, during games, the computer turns off and appears. In this case, the problem may be like software: incompatibility installed drivers on the video card, chipset, sound adapter and other components, and hardware: problems with RAM or hard drive.

In order to fix the software error, you need to look at the blue screen error code, as well as examine the system log. In order to see what errors are in operating system, go to the "Computer Management" panel, find the "Event Viewer" item there, then open " Windows logs" - "System".

In the system events window, we look for errors and see why they occur. Next, we deal with them. In case of hardware failures, it can also crash blue screen death when the computer's RAM or HDD malfunctions. In order to determine whether the problem is in it or in the hard disk, it is necessary to perform tests using special programs. So much for random access memory MemTest is suitable, but for testing hard disk Victoria program.

The presence of viruses.

Rarely enough, but there are times when the computer is turned off due to its infection with viruses. In order to exclude this moment, I advise you to install an anti-virus software... Thus, you will ensure your safety when working on the Internet, as well as when connecting various removable media with information. If you do not want to install the anti-virus, you can periodically scan your computer using the Dr.Web Cureit utilities or the KVRT utility from Kaspersky Lab.

Incorrect operation.

I would like to say a few words about the operation of laptops. If you often play computer games on a laptop, then try to provide it with good cooling, since due to the compact size of the case, the components of the laptop are very close to each other, thereby very hot. Due to the small ventilation holes, the cooling system does not cope with its task, as a result of which overheating occurs. Therefore, I recommend for amateurs to play games on laptops, to purchase a special cooling pad.

The game starts but crashes right there? Below we will look at why games crash at startup and how to deal with it.

What is Departure?

There can be a huge number of reasons why the game crashes at startup, and here we will give only the most common examples of errors. Unlike a situation where, which is usually due to the lack of necessary files, crashes can be caused by both hardware and software failures.

If the game responds at startup, but after a short time crashes to the desktop again, it is worth, first of all, to look for a way to solve your specific error. You can find some of the answers in.

But what if the game crashes without displaying error messages that could be used to identify the problem? In such cases, it is difficult to immediately determine why this is happening.

Why does the game crash and what to do about it?

  1. Lack of RAM / video card memory.

The crash of the game often occurs due to a lack of RAM on the computer, this is especially true when trying to run demanding modern games on old PCs.

If so, try:

  1. Increase the amount of system memory your graphics card can use with the ATI Catalist Control Center, a useful graphics card management utility, by setting the maximum number in the UMA Frame Buffer field.

These actions may slightly improve the performance of your computer, which may resolve the issue with the game crashing.

  1. Conflict with antivirus, firewall, firewall.

This error is often encountered when pirated games are not installed correctly. The software that protects your computer may recognize the game as malware and disable it when you try to launch it. If you are sure that the installed game will not harm the system, try to disable program data.

  1. Problems with libraries Microsoft Visual C ++, DirectX, PhysX

Sometimes without finding required files the specified packages, the game may crash without an error message. This happens most often when the correct PhysX version is not available. If this is your problem, then the solution is very simple. Try the following:

  1. Check which versions of packages are installed on your computer and whether they are compatible with the system. This can be done in the Add or Remove Programs tab of the Control Panel menu. You can read about version compatibility both on our website () and on the official websites of manufacturers.
  2. Download distributions from the official sites and install the missing versions.
  3. If this does not help, reinstall all previously installed package versions.

When installing more old version Nvidia PhysX - Nvidia PhysX Legacy, you must first remove more new version, then install the old one, and then reinstall the new one! Doing everything in a strict sequence is important to eliminate the error.

  1. Video card driver problems
  1. Viruses

The presence of viruses on the computer often causes the inability to start the game or crashes of games and programs when trying to start. Before trying to solve the problem differently, it is recommended to check the system using antivirus and, if possible, remove all malware.

  1. Overheating of the computer

If your computer or laptop overheats, games and programs may also crash, and the system will start to run much slower. This is less often the reason for the crash at startup, however, if you try to launch the game on an already overheated PC, it may crash. What to do, if the computer overheats frequently?

If you have a laptop, then the problem can be easily solved by purchasing a cooling pad.

In any case, in order to avoid overheating, it is not recommended to keep the computer or laptop in the state of high load(active use of programs, games, long download torrents) for too long.

If all else fails

If the above methods did not help to fix the game crash on startup, you should try to look for a solution to a specific error. Even if the game crashes without messages, you should at least try to find solutions to the problem for this game.

If the game freezes, displaying the standard windows message, click Show Problem Details and try to find a solution that matches the value in the Exception Code line.

Although games crash on startup is a fairly common problem, the steps listed in this article help in half the cases. Did you follow the instructions and the game keeps crashing? Check out other articles on our website and you will be able to launch the game without crashes.

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Like any other technical device, your computer can behave contrary to your wishes from time to time.

For example, during the game, spontaneously turn off, and at the most tense and crucial moment. Needless to say, the situation is not the most pleasant. Let's figure out for what reasons the computer can shut down spontaneously and what needs to be done to fix this malfunction.

First, let's see how the computer behaves after trying to turn it on again - does it work as if nothing had happened or does it turn off again?

The computer turns off immediately after turning on

There may be several reasons for this.

1. The Reset button goes down. Check the position of the button after pressing - it returned to its previous state or not. If the button is stuck in the pressed position, it continues to send a shutdown signal to the computer, and as soon as the processor is loaded, it immediately starts shutting down again. Return the button to its normal position and the problem will be resolved.

2. The processor overheated during the game and did not have time to cool down while it was turned off. In order to eliminate this malfunction, you need to understand its causes, which are directly related to the cooling system.

3. Overheating of the video card. The reasons and remedies for this malfunction are the same as for processor overheating.

4. The power supply is defective. You can find out if you replace it with another one that is known to be working properly, and the computer will then work in normal mode.

5. Swelling of electrolytic capacitors. They can be easily recognized on the board: they look like small flat-topped barrels. If the top of the "kegs" is raised and swollen, they must be replaced.

Eliminate CPU overheating

A computer's processor is its most important unit: without a processor, any computer becomes just a piece of meaningless hardware. During intensive work the processor generates heat, and the higher its load, the more it overheats.

In order for the processor to perform its functions properly, you need to constantly cool it, otherwise, due to overheating, it will simply fail, and you will have to buy a new one - and this is not a cheap purchase at all.

The processor is cooled by a powerful cooler that drives the air flow over it. To make things go faster, a multi-fin heatsink is glued to the processor plane with special thermal paste, which draws excess heat onto itself and dissipates it through its fins. But over time, dust accumulates on the cooler and radiator. If not removed, over time, it clogs all the cracks, and heat dissipation deteriorates.

To prevent the processor from overheating, you need to periodically remove dust from all the "insides" of the computer, on which it has accumulated, with an ordinary vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air. This should be done carefully, only with the power off and, if possible, without touching the surface of the circuit boards with the vacuum cleaner pipe. After removing the dust, you need to remove the radiator, remove the remnants of the old thermal paste from it and apply a new one.

Perhaps so much dust has collected that it broke one of the coolers - on the processor, video card, power supply, etc. In this case, you need to replace it with a serviceable one, otherwise even after cleaning. New cooler should be no less powerful than the old one - if it turns out to be more powerful, it is even better, if only there is enough power from the power supply.

Other reasons for shutting down your computer

In fact, the computer can shutdown spontaneously during the game for a variety of reasons. For instance:

- the power of the power supply unit may be insufficient to ensure the operability of the system unit at full load;

- UPS is faulty - battery replacement is required or a malfunction has appeared in the control unit;

- insufficient voltage in the mains - its level can be checked by measuring with an ordinary tester, and if the device shows less than the standard 220 V, you will have to buy a voltage stabilizer;

- the extension cord or filter through which the computer is connected is out of order;

- one of the connecting wires is out of order.

These are just some of the reasons why your computer might shut down.

If you have checked everything mentioned above, but the malfunction has not been eliminated, then you will have to call a specialist for help.

If the monitor turns off during the game, but the PC itself is working, the essence of the problem does not always lie in the monitor.

The problem may be a connection error, malfunctions of the video card, or other components, as well as for other reasons. Below we will look at the reasons why such a popular nuisance can arise.

Since the monitor display goes blank during gameplay, but the computer still works, you need to start by checking the most obvious cause of the problem.

First, you should turn off the PC, and then turn it on, watch the monitor.

  1. When you turn on the computer, did the monitor clear up and immediately darken? Perhaps this is due to the backlight lamps that are installed in LCD monitors. They could well have burned out.
  2. Is the monitor display dark, but very faded when illuminated under the backlight? Surely, the point here is a malfunction of the voltage inverter.

To understand what is the cause of the malfunction, disconnect the monitor from the system unit. If the inscription "No signal" or something similar does not appear on the display, then you cannot do it on your own.

Repair will be able to solve the problem. In the worst case, you will have to purchase a new monitor.

Turn off the display

Your monitor turns on, works great, but after 15 or 30 minutes it goes out right away. What's the problem?

By default, Windows has a special function “turn off the screen after a certain amount of time”. It's all about her. "It just can't be!" - many will say. Maybe. But this should definitely be checked.

It would be silly if, because of such a trifle, you spend a lot of nerves and time trying to find out why the monitor goes out during the game. In addition, the check itself will take no more than 2 minutes.

Instructions for Windows 7

  • Select the following item: Start - Control Panel - Power Options.
  • Select the Power Plan Setup tab.
  • In the "Turn off screen" tab, select the "Never" field.

On Windows 8 and 10, the procedure is almost the same.

Instructions for Windows XP users

  • Right-click on the desktop, select "Properties".
  • Go to the "Screensaver" item.
  • Press the "Power" button (bottom right).
  • You see the field "Disable the display", select "Never".


Another very popular reason why the monitor turns off while playing is moisture. Believe it or not, if a laptop or PC is left standing in a humid room for a long time, it causes certain malfunctions in its operation.

As a result, the monitor turns on and off quickly. This is because condensation accumulates in it, which, of course, will not do anything good.

What to do in such a situation? Do not turn on the computer for a while, let the water evaporate. Thus, you solve the problem (if, of course, this is the problem).

Have you cleaned your laptop or system unit for a long time?

The problem is as old as the world, but nonetheless. How long have you been cleaning your own Personal Computer? If for a long time, then the problem may be just this. And now you are trying to understand why the monitor goes blank immediately after loading the game.

Dust can interfere with the operation of RAM or a video card, so it is advisable to clean the system unit as soon as possible. Or take it to the nearest service center- let them clean it up. From now on, do not start your computer to such a state.

Poorly connected wires

Another reason why the PC monitor turns off during a game is due to poorly connected wires. This is about the cable from your monitor to system unit(more precisely - to the video card).

  1. Perhaps you accidentally caught it, pulled it.
  2. Maybe someone from your family did it, or maybe your favorite dog or cat.

In any case, this must be checked first. For this:

  • Disconnect the wire from both sides.
  • Blow out and wipe.
  • Then plug it back in.

It may well help. At first, it is advisable to disconnect the cord only from the side of the monitor. If the inscription "No signal" appears on it, then there are two news for you. Good - everything is fine with him, he did not break, bad - you still do not know why the monitor turns off during the game.

Another popular problem is cable damage. In order to check this, you need to find the same cord, connect it.

RAM problem

Quite a rare situation, but it does happen. If the monitor goes down during the game, then it is possible that your RAM is simply out of order, or you installed new RAM that is not compatible with your processor or motherboard.

In the first case, it is advisable to diagnose the RAM using special program called MemTest. In case of incompatibility, only a complete replacement will help you.

Video card

Often the monitor goes blank due to a broken video card. After all, just this element is responsible for displaying the image on the display. And the cord from the monitor is connected to it.

  1. The most reliable method to make sure that the monitor goes out because of the video card is to connect another, try to turn on the PC. You can get it from friends or acquaintances.
  2. As another option, you can connect someone else's monitor (again, you need to borrow it from friends). If this is not possible, then just skip this step and move on to the next.

The monitor or display on the laptop may be turning off due to severe overheating of the video card. The cooler (special fan) is broken, the cooling system does not cope with its task.

To verify this, turn off your personal computer and wait half an hour or more. If the problem was precisely overheating, it should turn on in standard mode. In this case, you will need to resolve the issue with the cooling of the video card, or its replacement.

Video card driver conflict

One more common reason, due to which the monitor turns off during your favorite game - this is a conflict of video card drivers. In order to check this, you must perform the following steps:

  • Start - Control Panel - Device Manager (for more convenience, you can select a view mode called "Large Icons" in the upper right corner).
  • In the new window, click on "Video adapters", after which the name of your video card will be displayed.
  • Click on it with the right mouse button, select "Properties" and see the state. If the video card is working properly, it will be written in the new window.
  • Select Resources and read to see if there are conflicting devices.
  • If all is well, close all windows. Click on the desktop with the right mouse button, select "Display Resolution" and select the minimum - for example, 800x600 pixels. Click "Apply" and restart your personal computer. If it turns on, the problem is completely eliminated.

The video card driver is not working correctly

If the device does not work normally, conflicts were found, or the previous method did not help you, then we will act more aggressively:

  • Boot the computer again into safe mode and go to "Device Manager".
  • Open the "Display Adapters" tab and find your graphics card.
  • Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Delete" (this is the standard procedure for removing the selected driver).
  • Confirm uninstallation and restart your computer. It should start up normally.
  • Install the driver on the video card from the included disk, or download it from the official website.
  • Restart your PC again to make sure your monitor doesn't go blank anymore.

It is advisable to install drivers exclusively from disk.

Defective processor or motherboard

This is probably the worst possible option. It is a breakdown of the processor, or short circuit in the motherboard often lead to the fact that the screen quickly goes out, and the computer continues to function.

The system manager may still work. In particular, coolers will spin as usual, creating the illusion that everything is fine. But in such situations, a replacement may be required. motherboard or processor, and this will have to fork out.

Nevertheless, problems with the monitor could begin for other reasons, but in this particular case, it is advisable to entrust the diagnostics of the computer to experienced specialists.

Monitor Resolution

In 90% of cases, this problem begins to worry users due to the fact that they have set very high settings on their monitor.

Each individual model only supports a specific resolution and refresh rate. If you select options that exceed its capabilities, then the screen goes blank when the game starts.

  • A special inscription "Out of range" appears.
  • The display just goes black.

For owners of old monitors

However, there is one more important point. And it occurs, as a rule, among owners of older monitors with a resolution of 1024x768 or 1280x1024 pixels.

The thing is that game developers prescribe a specific resolution in their creations by default. It is usually much higher than 1280x1024 pixels. That is why the monitor turns off in the game. He just doesn't support too high resolution(or refresh rate).

This problem has been observed in S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Far Cry 3, and other games. Then many gamers complained that the screen goes blank during the game.

Decide this problem simple enough:

  • You need to find the configuration file. He may have different name, however, it is always in .ini format. It is located in the game folder or in "My Documents". More precisely, you can find out on Google by the name of the game.
  • In the configuration file, you should find the line that specifies the permission, and then change it to your own, save.
  • Everything, you can play.

Thus, the problem when the computer monitor goes out in games will not bother you anymore.


We really hope that one of the above methods helped you solve the problem. If the monitor display still goes out, then perhaps the reason is faulty equipment. In this case, it is better to look for other solutions to the problem, or go straight to the service center.

Probably, all fans of computer shooters, adventure games and other gaming pleasures faced the problem of spontaneous shutdown of the game. Why does the game turn off?

Let's take a look at the reasons and solutions.

Why does the cliff happen?

The main reasons a game crashes are usually four main factors:

  1. There is not enough computer power.
  2. The PC is overheated.
  3. Failure of firmware.
  4. Outdated patches.

Low power

If the game is designed for more high power than the one that your computer (and in particular, a video card) can boast of, the game will freeze, and sometimes you will be thrown out of it. In order to find out for sure whether a shutdown occurred due to the fact that there is not enough power, you need to take a few simple steps:

  • on special content, you need to select the number of component devices and their types and carry out a calculation based on these data;
  • you need to find out the power of individual elements on the official websites of the manufacturer's representatives. The information will be in the "Specification" section. There you can also approximately calculate the total power.

It is also possible to check the cause of the shutdown by disconnecting individual components. If, without any parts, the computer starts up and does not turn off, then it means that the point is, indeed, in power. You can turn off drives in the form of flash drives, remove disks from the drive, temporarily disable office equipment.

Overheating of equipment

The next reason for the shutdown of the game and the computer is overheating. Sometimes even the most advanced users forget about one very important need - cleaning the computer from dust, cleaning parts, internal elements, as well as timely cooling equipment.

If a specialized cooling device fails, then it should be quickly replaced or repaired. Otherwise, a breakdown can lead to catastrophic consequences, and not only to the constant cutting down of your favorite toy. As a result of the accumulation of dust on the parts, the efficiency of the heat sink is greatly reduced, and this leads to an increase in the load.

Therefore, the most common problem of shutting down the game can be a blockage in the cooling system. Clean the computer, check these parts for serviceability and you can continue to work. By the way, if you are using a laptop, you can purchase a dedicated cooling pad.

The problem is a hardware / software failure

If it is a hardware and software failure, then there are more serious reasons. It could be a simple mismatch system requirements specified in the instructions for installing the game. That is, the computer simply does not "pull" the toy, and its installation files for some reason are loaded incorrectly or not completely.

There are also problems with the drivers. New versions of utilities for your type of video card can help. Do not exclude simple breakdowns of hardware parts, breakdowns of the PC itself, in the end, just a faulty condition installation disk game or incorrectly copied to your computer.

The patch problem

Patch - service pack with additional functions to improve the gameplay. Perhaps, the game has been installed "raw" (outdated or unfinished) mods that prevent the program from working correctly, which leads to "crashes". In this case, it is recommended to install the game client latest version, but without mods, and it is best to do this from the official game server (there are programs without internal errors). If the problem still persists, then the problem is not with bad patches.

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