Repositories for cydia. What are Repositories (repo) in Cydia, a list of useful repositories? Repositories for cydia in Russian

Despite the fact that Apple is continuously developing and improving its mobile platform, the number of users who do not want to be tied to the store App Store, doesn't get smaller. iPhone and iPad owners want access to alternative sources.

By default in the directory unofficial applications Cydia only has a few main repositories. Adding new ones is very simple - you just need to go to the Manage -> Sources -> Edit -> Add section and specify the address. Today in our review is a selection of third-party sources with useful tweaks. For the sake of these same tweaks, users decide to modify their iPhone and iPad using the jailbreak procedure.

Repository by Ryan Petrich

Ryan Petrich is the most famous developer of unofficial iOS applications in jailbreak circles. It was he who created such utilities as Activator, DisplayRecorder and OverBoard. And like any iOS developer, he has his own repository in which he uploads test versions of his software. Petrich repository address –

BiteSMS Repository

BiteSMS is a popular iMessage replacement for jailbroken iPhones. It allows you to type new SMS or respond to messages without interrupting other tasks, from anywhere in iOS 7. In addition to quick replies, the messenger allows you to use a number of other functions not available in the Apple client: answering machine, sending messages on a schedule, blocking SMS with a password, avatars, quick insertion of emoticons, ready-made templates, signatures, etc. New beta versions of BiteSMS can be found in the repository of its creators -

Couria Beta

When talking about jailbreak alternatives to the Apple messenger, one cannot fail to mention Couria. We talked about this tweak not long ago. iPhone compatible add-on iPod touch and iPad, allows you to use the Activator capabilities for the standard iMessage application. With Couria, you can assign any gestures to quickly write an SMS or respond to short messages from the desktop, lock screen or from applications. To download the program you need to add a new source to Cydia

iCleaner Pro Repository

As you download and use apps in iOS 7, changes occur at the system level. And these changes do not always have a positive effect on OS performance. iCleaner Pro is designed to increase the efficiency of iPhone and iPad. This is a very powerful software package with extensive capabilities for cleaning the OS from “garbage”, and is also localized into Russian. You can find iCleaner in the repository

Repository StatusBarFix2

Users of jailbroken devices are complaining about problems with top line iOS 7. On some iPhones and iPads with the Cydia store installed, it does not display correctly from time to time. The problem can be solved with a small patch. In the source of the creator of StatusBarFix2 you can find other fixes for jailbroken gadgets. Download Repository –

TeamXBMC Developers

XBMC is an excellent multimedia center and program for managing video files, photos and music on your computer, on the Internet or local network. XBMC was originally created as a media center application for the first generation Xbox. Later it began to support Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and then came out on iOS. Free program is in the repository

CoolStar Repository

The repository is an excellent source of new software development and applications. Here you can find a number of solutions for working with command line, as well as a useful add-on called RecordMyScreen for recording screencasts. Video is recorded in MP4 format at up to 30 frames per second. The main difference between the tweak and Screen Recorder is that it is free and supports hardware acceleration of encoding. Repository to be added to Cydia -

ParrotGeek Software

Another great technical repository. ParrotGeek Software includes both fixes and fixes for jailbreaking, such as patches for MobileSubstrate, as well as quite functional utilities. For example, ParrotGeek recently debuted a tweak that allows you to bypass protection against uncertified Lightning cables and accessories in iOS 7 Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler. Repository –

Karen Pineapple

Karen Pineapple is recommended for all fans of old school consoles. It will be appreciated primarily by fans of the original Duke Nukem, Mario and other popular characters and toys. Download Repository –

SiriPort repository

Russian developers from the SiriPort project are releasing software solutions that allow you to use voice Apple assistant on old iPhones and iPad. One of the latest developments - SiriPort.Ru - allows you to install Siri on iPhone 4 with iOS 7. The tweak not only provides installation GUI, but also allows you to connect to Apple servers and fully work with voice assistant. Previously, the developers translated Siri into Russian. The address of the creators of SiriPort is

Bonus: HASHBANG Productions

Most of the sources described above contain developments that expand the functionality of iOS. The HASHBANG repository is a repository of visual addons. With their help, you can change the design, animation and some elements of the iOS 7 interface. Among the well-known solutions are ScreenFade and Tap To Unlock. Link to add to Cydia –

After you have installed the wonderful Cydia program on your iPhone, the first question that will pop into your head when working with it is: What are repositories? Below we will try to answer this question and look at how to add new repositories, as well as compile a list of the most useful repositories.

A repository is a specific repository where various information about applications, their updates and other data are stored. All information is mainly presented in the form of files that can be further distributed over the Internet. The Cydia program works as follows: it collects information about various applications from many Internet resources that are designed specifically to work with it. These resources are called repositories. Anyone can create them and upload their own selection of applications for the Cydia program. There are a huge number of such repositories.

When you install Cydia, it already contains a number of repositories. The largest is BigBoss. It contains more than a hundred different applications and programs. Thus, in order to install a new application on your iPhone, you must first add a repository to Cydia, in other words, a site on which the required application is stored.

Adding a repository in Cydia

It is worth noting that under no circumstances install unknown applications from Cydia, as this may lead to the loss of all data from your device.

List of the best repositories for Cydia


iPhone Storage (enable battery percentage display)

Niklas Schroder:

Pushfix (Push and YouTube Fix)

Ranbee: http:/

RupertGee iCydia:

Ryan Petrich (themes, tweaks, VLC Media Player)

ZodTTD: (almost all emulators, VLC4iPhone)


And also some Russian repositories - flash player for iPad and many other programs. - tweaks. - Tweaks, programs, fixes. - hacks, add-ons, programs. - the repository contains free games and applications for iPhone and iPod Touch.


Commander of the ship February 5, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Collection of the best repositories for Cydia (ios 6.x)

  • Lumber room *


Finally, we all waited for the release of an untethered jailbreak for iOS firmware 6.0/6.0.1/6.0.2/6.1. You can download the Evasi0n program right now from the development team’s website. In the first minutes, 270,000 visitors were registered on the site. Personally, I was able to download the program only once from the 10th time.

And so, after successfully installing the jail on my iPhone 3GS (I still can’t part with it and buy a newer one, they release new models too quickly), I decided to install the program that I used on previous firmwares, Installous. But imagine my disappointment when I found out that this project was closed. And I started looking on the Internet for a solution to this problem. There were many similar programs, but they were all up to iOS 5.x, which was very disappointing.

But after a couple of hours, I accidentally wandered onto a site (one of many), where the development team offered to add their repository to Cydia, which will allow you to install broken applications via iTunce. After thinking. Since I had nothing to lose, I decided to install this repository, which, as I later read, contains a set of the most useful repo for iOS6.x. Well, more about this.

Let's taste it
So, we jailed our device and installed Cydia. Now we need to add the repository offered to us in Cydia.
Everything is done quite simply, add the repository and enjoy life.
I don’t think there’s much point in describing the process itself; I’ll show you everything through screenshots.

If there are errors during installation, do not be too alarmed. The servers are terribly overloaded. Personally, I installed the repository more than once and not the first time. The main thing is patience, soon the excitement will subside and it will be possible to painlessly add working repositories.

This assembly includes such well-known repositories as:

Important! For the installation to go smoothly, you need to check that you do not have any of the repositories included in this package installed.

After successful installation we get the following list:

Installing AppSync.
Everything is done in a few simple steps:
  • Go to the added repo;
  • Click on AppSync for iOS 6.x;
  • Then at the top right there is an install button and a Confirm button
  • Reboot the device.
  • All is ready

Now you can download broken iOS applications and install them via iTunce. Everything is easy and simple.

OK it's all over Now. The whole process will take you from 10 to 20 minutes (this is the maximum). My advice is to wait a couple of days so that you can safely download and install the necessary repositories.

Ask your questions, I will be happy to answer! See you again!

Tags: iphone, jailbreak 6.x, cydia

After jailbreaking and installation Cydia the user encounters a standard application store, practically devoid of many important tweaks that will significantly expand the functionality of your iPhone or iPad. Anyone can expand the library of available tweaks by adding additional sources, called repositories. There are a great many of the latter, but not so many that are truly useful. Below are those that (together with the standard ones) cover at least 95% of the entire tweak heritage.

Material on the topic: .

Zodttd - repository for nostalgics - the source of applications from the father of all emulators built for iPhone, iPad. This list of ancient gaming platforms whose projects you can run on your Apple device includes: SNES, NES, GBA, GB, Nintendo 64, Playstation One. Despite some discomfort in management, these applications will find their audience. Recently merged with Macciti.

XBMC - a powerful media center for a small phone - with the advent of increasingly powerful Apple devices, previously only PC and Xbox friendly, media center XBMC becomes relevant for iPhone/iPad. At the same time, the interface has been redesigned for Touch devices and has become more convenient for use on small devices.

SinFul iPhone Repo - old repository, updated quite often. The arsenal includes both mirrors for fairly well-known tweaks and its own content.

iDwaneo Repo - a repository known not so much for the abundance of hacks, but for one specific type of them. DLC- tweaks that reveal in-game content, or simply cheats for games on iOS. Many will find the right (but not worthy) use for them.

iThemes - decorate your phone - a repository with a collection of selected themes for iOS, has its own client for accessing and quickly installing the desired shell cover, and can quickly determine which tweaks you need.

XSellize - has everything is a collection of almost all existing tweaks (this is a plus), but there is no sufficient quality control (this is a minus). But the servers are very stable. In fact, there are many more repositories, but installing everything, much less a lot, is not recommended.


  • Dependency management system used when opening file system very fragile thing. If at least one package or source record is lost, consequences may range from the failure of a single tweak to the failure of Cydia.
  • All applications located in the same chain must be installed from the same source! Otherwise, there are either problems with the installation or problems with a particular application.
  • The time for downloading directories is already quite long in the case of standard repositories, because you download countless security keys every time you download Cydia. Think about it.
  • Do not install repositories from the Myrepospace domain - they often have few applications, or are mirrors. These sources often “die”, leaving not only the user, but also the software his phone.
I hope this article helped you. If there is a repository that you would really like to see here and the reason why, write in the comments.

If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our

BigBoss remains the last standard Cydia repository with jailbreak tweaks and themes coming to it after the archive of the ModMyi and ZodTTD/MacCiti repositories. Did you know that there are other repositories from which you can download cool and useful add-ons?

And we are not talking about pirated repositories and other unreliable sources. We are talking about third-party repositories maintained by honest developers. They have beta versions of the system, pre-releases and various jailbreak tweaks that you won't find anywhere else.

We have collected for you the best and most reliable third-party repositories, adding which you will get access to many new tweaks and additions.

How to add a repository in Cydia

First you need to add repositories to Cydia. Many people already know how to do this, but for beginners we will go through all the steps again.

1) Open the Cydia app and go to the tab Sources:

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2) Click Edit in the upper right corner of the screen.

3) Then click Add in the upper left corner of the screen.

4) A window will appear for the repository URL. Enter it manually and then click Add Source.

If you entered correct address, Cydia will download the repository as shown below.

5) When you're done, click Return to Cydia at the bottom of the screen.

If you do not encounter any errors during the process, you have successfully added the repositories. If something doesn't work, check the URL is correct and try again. Change "https" to "http" only if so indicated in the repository address.

Third party repositories for Cydia

Now you know how to add repositories, you might be wondering which ones to add. We have compiled a list for you of the best and most reliable.

Ryan Petrich repository

Ryan Petrick is one of the most influential jailbreak developers. It publishes beta updates to its repository from time to time. To add it, use the following link:

CP Digital Darkroom

CP Digital Darkroom (Carlos) has created many useful tweaks for jailbroken devices over the past few years. It also has its own repository, where tweaks appear earlier than in BigBoss. Add it from the following link:


CydiaGeek has been creating tweaks that change appearance and the operation of the iOS system, he often publishes them in his repository even before they appear in BigBoss. Link:


LaughingQuoll has built its reputation by developing many popular tweaks. Many of his projects appear first in his repository. Link:


If you like to change themes, then be sure to check out the JunesiPhone repository. There are dozens of tweaks and additions that allow you to completely personalize your device. Link:


NullPixel publishes interesting tweaks and utilities that haven't even appeared in BigBoss yet. Link:

Previously, Ca13ra1 often released tweaks, but now he is doing more serious things. However, his repository continues to live, and various jailbreak tweaks are still appearing there. Link:

Sticktron's Lab

Sticktron also rarely releases tweaks, but there are several in its repository interesting additions, which are supported by system versions from iOS 6 to iOS 10. Link:

Rob311 is another developer from whom you can't wait to see new tweaks. Various tweaks still occasionally appear in its repository, including basic iOS improvements and additions for the Activator application. Link:

What else do you need to know

Please remember that you are adding third-party repositories to your device without any guarantees. While we trust the developers we included on the list, we still need to warn you about the potential threats of such repositories.

Unlike standard Cydia repositories, third-party ones often do not have filters that separate spam from other files. Developers can upload whatever files they want to their repositories, and there is no way to control them. So add third-party repositories at your own risk. We've warned you.

Be wary of repositories that offer paid tweaks for free. These repositories are called private, and often files from them can break the operation of your device. In addition, they steal from the authors of jailbreak tweaks, depriving them of honest income.

Also remember that a large number of repositories can slow down Cydia. The application updates all sources every time it is launched, and the more repositories, the more information it needs to load. Select only the most necessary repositories and do not add everything in a row.

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