Line drawing program. Programs for drawing on a graphics tablet. Professional drawing programs

Nowadays computers are tightly entered into all spheres of life. modern man... They are no longer the lot of professionals who use them for complex mathematical calculations or creating special effects in films. The modern PC is the center of communication, entertainment and human development. It is suitable not only for games or correspondence with classmates. Software developers are constantly expanding the available functionality. Graphics is a priority in PC development. It is possible to create masterpieces using a computer not only for a professional, but also for an ordinary user.

Consider what programs you can use to turn your computer into an art studio.

All programs discussed in this review are free.

Paint - a program from the standard set

The Paint program appeared to users along with the first Windows version... It is with her that a novice user begins to get acquainted with the possibilities for processing graphics on a PC. With the release of Windows 7, Microsoft has significantly redesigned the application, bringing the interface to new standards and expanding the functionality.

The main functions supported by the free graphics editor from Microsoft:

  • pruning;
  • inserting textual explanations;
  • ready-made figures;
  • 9 types of brushes.

The presence of the program in the OS distribution determines that for the first time a user makes drawings on a computer in Paint. The program is launched by default from the section of standard applications in the start menu.

For advanced users or artists, the editor is unsuitable, as there is no support for layers, textures and other important functionality

GIMP - graphic editor for design and photography

The graphic editor GIMP began to be created in 1995 in the form of a graduation project. For 21 years of development, the program has become a powerful competitor to paid editors. This application is often referred to as a free counterpart. Adobe photoshop, but the developers disagree with this position.

GIMP is designed to work with raster graphics but has partial vector support. It is possible to connect a graphics tablet for drawing and other specialized equipment.

The main functions that the GIMP paint program offers:

  1. correction of photographs, restoration of unsuccessful frames;
  2. cutting layouts for web designers;
  3. drawing from tablets;
  4. support for many formats, including .psd;
  5. expansion of functionality due to easily installed plugins;
  6. proprietary file format that supports layers.
GIMP is direct proof that free apps can outperform commercial software

MyPaint - the app for digital artists

Drawing on a computer is a fun process, as an artist can go beyond the usual limits.

The raster editor MyPaint was created specifically for those who want to create

It allows you to create not just an image, but a whole picture, thanks to an extensive set of brushes.

Features of MyPaint app:

  • The lack of borders on the canvas. This allows a computer of any size. In this case, only the occupied part is saved.
  • Accessing commands through the momentary keys.
  • An extensive set of brushes. There were not enough ready-made brushes - create your own, the program contains all the functionality for this.
  • Multiplatform. works under Linux, Windows, Mac OS.

Graffiti Studio - creating full-fledged graffiti sketches

Users began to draw on a computer already 20 years ago, but they have recently moved into narrow specializations. The Graffiti Studio program is for those who appreciate contemporary street art. It is proposed to use carriages, walls, cars as a canvas.

The functionality of the application allows you to:

  1. choose from over 100 colors;
  2. form smudges;
  3. apply markers;
  4. adjust the thickness of the lines;
  5. use 3 drawing methods;
  6. publish and save finished work.

Artweaver is a free analogue of Adobe Photoshop

Who said that a graphic editor must be a commercial product ?!

Boris Erich also disagreed with this and created Artweaver

It is aimed at professionals and hobbyists who have previously used commercial bitmap graphics editors Corel Painter or Adobe Photoshop.

Let's consider the functionality of the application:

  • Emulation of classic effects. The picture is easily converted into a natural-looking artistic image using this function.
  • Filters, transparency, layers. You can save the data, if necessary, in your own .awd format.
  • Compatible with .psd, .jpg, .bmp and other formats.


The SmoothDraw program will help you create a graphic drawing from scratch. An extensive set of tools is available to the user:

  1. brush;
  2. pencil;
  3. feather;
  4. pen;
  5. other.
The program is focused on creating images from scratch and the developers have taken care of the ability to create drawings on graphics tablet

PixBuilder Studio - mini Photoshop replacement

The graphic editor PixBuilder Studio was dubbed a miniature replacement for Photoshop right after its appearance.

Indeed, the application offers an extensive set of functions:

  • work with layers;
  • correction of brightness, contrast;
  • standard effects - blur, sharpness;
  • creation of web graphics;
  • support for gradients, masks;
  • transformation of the image.

A set of functions allows you to use the application to replace Photoshop and analogs by non-demanding users. Professionals don't like the lack of a number of features. But the size of the distribution kit is only 3 MB, and the computer requirements are minimal. The program works smartly even on outdated PCs. The application has support for several languages, including Russian. This simplifies the learning process for beginners.

Inkscape - replacement for the vector editor Corel Draw

Free vector graphics editor Inkscape will easily compete with commercial Corel Draw. The distribution of the program is completely free, and releases are made for Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

Unlike bitmaps, vector graphics editors use directional lines for drawing. This makes it possible to quickly scale the image and not lose quality. I found application of vector graphics in the printing industry and in the exchange of drawings.

Inkscape features:

  1. Native image format and support for sharing with others, including import from Corel Draw.
  2. Keyboard shortcuts to access functions.
  3. Tools for creating and modifying objects.
  4. Various operations with contours.
  5. Plugin support.
Inkscape can be used by professionals and amateurs for web design, creating office and technical illustrations, in printing

Livebrush - for those who like to paint with a brush

Livebrush app is different from other editors

The only one user accessible the tool is a brush. But she has a lot of options and settings. This makes it possible to create without limiting yourself.

The user can create new brushes on their own or download from the network. In this case, a brush can be not just a line, but also a model of a complex shape.

Graphic tablets

A gadget called a graphics tablet is considered to be the lot of professionals. Although this PC drawing device will come in handy for those who come across graphics editing. It is connected via a regular USB cable, and it is not difficult to set up the tablet. You just need to choose programs for drawing on a graphics tablet.

The tablet comes with an electronic pen or nib. It allows you to edit complex paths, create masks, retouch, and so on.

Important! Not all graphics tablet programs are suitable. Feature support must be present directly in the application. Photoshop, GIMP and other advanced editors can do this.

Users who have worked with the tablet for a month or two usually have no idea how they previously did without it.

Summing up, we note that to replace expensive commercial graphics products free counterparts is quite real. All you have to do is change your habits, as functions may be in unexpected places or require the loading of separate plugins. But you won't have to spend money on buying licenses.


FotoSketcher is a free graphic editor with which you can turn a photo into a drawing using a large number of effects. The program transforms images into drawings, made with pencil or paints, in a different style. Instead of a regular photograph, you will get a picture painted by the hand of an artist.

With FotoSketcher you can discover the artist in you, turning photo images into paintings. Photos taken with FotoSketcher will be noticeably different from pictures taken with a camera, if you try, you can create a real work of art in this wonderful program.

The name of the program FotoSketcher in Russian can be translated as a photo sketch (sketch or sketch). A photograph (image) as a result of modification becomes a drawing, or painting.

In FotoSketcher, you can create images not only in the form of drawings made in different techniques, in the photo editor you can improve original photos: add or decrease brightness, increase contrast, color saturation, resize, crop an image, sign a drawing, add watermarks, send to print etc.

You can download FotoSketcher from the official website of the developer. The program works in operating system Windows, the application has a Russian interface language.

fotosketcher download

After launch, the main window of FotoSketcher will open. In the upper part of the program window there are two panels: a menu bar and a panel with buttons. The program is controlled from the menu bar.

The buttons provide access to the most demanded functions of the program. Almost any graphics editor has similar functions: open an image, save an image, copy to the clipboard, paste, undo, crop, resize, add text, send to print, etc.

By default, in the main window of the program, to demonstrate the possibilities, an initial image is open on the right side of the window, and a processed drawing made in the form of a picture drawn by hand is open on the left side of the window. You can practice with this image, or add a picture from your computer to the editor.

The program can be controlled not only with the mouse, but also with the help of "hot keys". Click on the "Edit" menu item. In the context menu that opens, you will see which commands correspond to the keyboard keys.

Creating a drawing in FotoSketcher

Select the initial image, open it in the program, and then click on the "Picture Options ..." button. This will open a new "Drawing Options" window. Here you can load the parameters (if the parameters were saved before), save the parameters, or reset the parameters to default.

First you need to choose a drawing style. A wide variety of effects are available in FotoSketcher:

  • 6 pencil sketch effects
  • 2 ink pen sketch effects
  • 10 painting effects (watercolor, oil)
  • 7 stylized effects (cartoon, mosaic)
  • 3 other effects
  • 1 option without effects (frame, texture, text)

In the "Drawing style" setting, you must select one of the presented styles: drawing made with a pencil, ink, painting, cartoon, mosaic, etc.

Moving the mouse cursor over a certain style, you will see that a fragment of the image made in this style... This makes it easier to choose the right option.

After choosing a style, a fragment of the picture will be displayed in the "Drawing options" window. This fragment can be enlarged to show the full size of the image in a reduced window size. This thumbnail can be moved with the mouse in order to see different areas of the future drawing.

Now you can modify the image in accordance with the selected style: adjust the color intensity, contrast level, etc. Each style has its own settings. Using the Brush Guide button, you can change the size of the brush with which the drawing will be made.

Apply various filters to give the image the desired look. Experiment in order to create a painting done in a certain style based on your ideas. First, try to create a simple drawing, and then, after acquiring the necessary skills, you can move on to creating more complex images.

After choosing the settings, click on the "Draw!" Button. The project has been processing for some time, so wait for it to complete.

After finishing processing, save the image to your computer. If the result is noticeably different from what you intended, then you can try to create several options before settling on a more suitable drawing.

This image shows that this is no longer a photograph, but a painting painted in watercolor. The author of these lines studied at an art school as a child, so I tried to make the drawing look like it was done with watercolors (I liked watercolors the most).

Likewise, you can be creative by converting photos into paintings painted in different styles.

In the final version of the image, you can enclose it in a frame, add a caption to the picture. Try, create, create portraits, landscapes, etc. In order for you to get good pictures, you need independent experience in the program.


Free program FotoSketcher is a graphic editor for image processing. With the help of FotoSketcher, ordinary images are transformed into paintings by the artist's hand. The program has a rich selection of effects in order to turn a photo into a drawing made in different styles of painting and graphics.

Trial version

AKVIS Sketch allows you to turn a photo into a drawing.

Now you do not need to masterfully own a pencil to create an original work of art.
It is enough to have a little imagination and AKVIS Sketch!

The program turns photographs into sketches made pencil or coal, allows you to create not only black and white pencil sketch, but also color drawing and also get the effect of watercolors and pastels.

The drawings created by the program can compete with the real works. Sketch allows you to get amazingly high quality results, similar to the work of an artist.

If you've always dreamed of learning how to draw, but didn't know how, try AKVIS Sketch!

The program features two main styles that allow you to create drawings with different types shading: Classical and Art... Each style comes with a selection of ready-made presets.

An intuitive interface, the ability to select parameters using a quick view window, a tooltip bar and a rich collection of presets will help you quickly get started with the program and learn how to create your own masterpieces.

The transformation of a photo into a drawing takes place before your very eyes. Frame tape allows you to track the process of converting a photo at different stages and get pictures of different degrees of elaboration without changing the effect parameters.

With the help of the program, you can prepare illustrations for a book or article, create a unique greeting card, an interesting avatar, a poster or a picture on the wall, a print for a T-shirt.

The program is good not only for processing portrait photographs, but also types of nature, architectural monuments. Sketch is used by professionals to showcase features

Computers, which entered our life not so long ago, have already become excellent helpers for us. Smart machines greatly facilitate work in all areas of human activity. Computers especially help creative people like artists. Surely many people know how difficult it is to paint by hand. Rubbing paints, preparing the canvas - all this is a very long and dreary process, after which the desire to create is completely discouraged. And the process of creating a picture itself? One wrong move or smear and that's it. The picture will have to be redrawn. After all, it is almost impossible to correct the error.

All this greatly interferes with the creative process. But we already live in the XX century. Already a long time ago, various appeared on a graphics tablet and even a smartphone. Now you can use your own as a canvas. Personal Computer... But in order to create on your gadget, you need a special program for graphic drawing. And sometimes find good app pretty hard. But this article is meant to make it easier for you. After all, we will consider best programs for drawing.

Graphic drawing

The technical process reached the artists as well. Now anyone can create a masterpiece using their gadget. However, many painters are still skeptical about graphic painting. And in vain! After all, drawing with the use of new technologies has a lot of advantages. We will talk about them.

Perhaps the first thing worth noting is the savings. Artists are forced to constantly acquire canvases, paints, different kinds brushes. And this is very costly, because professional ones cost a lot of money. When you draw on your computer, you do not spend a dime. All you need is a mouse or graphics tablet.

Another advantage is huge functionality. Professional programs for drawing have a lot of settings. You can change the sensitivity of the brush, pencil, transparency, etc. Using all these settings, you can create a real masterpiece.

or a computer mouse?

Well, we talked about the benefits of drawing with a PC. Perhaps now it is worth discussing the basic tools for writing virtual paintings. Surely those painters who have entered standard Paint at least once understand that drawing with a mouse is rather inconvenient. In order to create virtual masterpieces, precise position and corresponding kinetics of hand movement are required. An ordinary computer mouse cannot provide all of this to users. Therefore, special tablets have been developed for artists and designers, which are also called digitizers.

Usually, a special stylus-pen is included with such a device, with which you can work with a digitizer. Essentially, an artist works with a tablet like a canvas. The device connects to a PC via USB. Then the user writes his masterpiece on a tablet with a pen, and the drawing appears on the screen of his monitor online.

Can I draw with the mouse?

Many aspiring artists do not have the funds to buy a professional tablet. It is for this reason that many are interested in the question: "Is it possible to draw on a computer with a mouse?" In this part of the article, we will try to answer this question.

Drawing with a computer mouse is quite possible. Moreover, you can do it very well. The main thing is talent and desire. As an example, we can cite the recently released video that conquered the Internet. In it, the guy, using a mouse and standard Paint, was able to draw the famous portrait of Leonardo da Vinci "La Gioconda". The program also plays an important role in drawing. It is necessary to choose the one that has extensive functionality. In addition, you need to perfectly learn how to use all the functions that the software provides you. In this article, we will look at programs for drawing on a PC, which have the most complete functionality.

On the this moment there are many different applications. Despite this, the questions about which programs for drawing on a graphics tablet to choose do not diminish. Are you interested in this too? Then the article is for you. After all, now we will consider the best programs for drawing on a graphics tablet.


Perhaps, we will start our acquaintance with drawing programs with Paint. This standard program, which is present on devices with software from Microsoft. It has a rather meager set of functions, but even with them, with the proper level of skill, you can create good drawings.


The program we're going to look at now is Inkscape. An excellent program for drawing in Russian. The main advantage of this software is its simplicity. The developers have created an intuitive interface that even a child can understand. On the left panel you can see the full one (brushes, pens, pencils, etc.), on the top - the parameters for the tools, and at the bottom is the palette. Everything is indicated by standard icons that are understandable to everyone. But what u programs easy in mastering the interface does not mean that it is intended for beginners. Inkscape has tons of customization options. It will take a lot of time to figure it out.

Many are looking for free programs for drawing. Inkscape is one of them. This program used by both experienced and novice artists. Inkscape uses the generic SVG format. Thanks to him, you can create illustrations and even animation without any problems.

Is this software suitable for beginners? There are tons of Inkscape tutorials out there. Therefore, novice artists and animators do not have to master the program on their own.


Gimp is one of the most powerful The program has huge functionality. Besides drawing, you can use it to edit photos, cut layouts for websites, and more. Perhaps, main feature programs - support not only a graphics tablet, but also other, less popular input devices. Another great feature is the support for homemade plugins. If you have programming skills, then this feature will greatly facilitate your work.


Livebrush is an excellent drawing program that is based on an engine called Adobe AIR. This fact can scare off many, because software written on this engine is famous for its instability. But don't worry. Livebrush functions very smoothly, and even if the RAM consumption is exceeded, the program runs without lags and crashes.

As for the design, the program pleasantly surprises with its interface and menu. They not only look pretty, but also inspire creativity. For example, the canvas has a fairly realistic hue, and the brush is exactly the same as the ink painting technique.

In terms of functionality, there are quite a few different settings in Livebrush that will allow you to create your own unique style. In addition, the program allows you to work with both vector and with. In order to switch between these two modes, you must press the corresponding key, which can be found on the top toolbar.

The downside is the lack of customization. You will not be able to customize to your whims. For example, the toolbar is always on the right side, and unfortunately you won't be able to change this.

Graffiti studio

Quite a specific and narrowly focused program. As the name suggests, Graffiti Studio is an editor where you can create your own graffiti. Of the interesting features, you can notice the ability to choose a background. For example, you have the opportunity to leave your masterpiece on a wall, carriage, bus, etc. The wide range of colors is also pleasing (there are more than a hundred of them in the editor). Plus, Graffiti Studio has tons of customization options. You can create streaks, apply different markers, change the distance from the surface, and more. We can say that Graffiti Studio is a real writer simulator.


Need a graphic drawing program that's right for beginners? MyPaint - the best choice... A simple and intuitive interface, coupled with an unlimited canvas size, gives you a lot of room for imagination. And a huge set of brushes allows you to paint in almost any manner. By using the Create Your Own Brush feature, you can discover a new, unique style. Among other things, MyPaint supports hotkeys, the use of which will greatly facilitate the work on the work. You can customize them at your discretion in a special menu.

Corel painter

And since we have touched on programs for beginners, it would be unfair to keep silent about software for professionals. Corel Painter is the best graphic painting program at the moment. The application was developed by the well-known company Corel specifically for professional designers and artists. In the arsenal of Corel Painter there is immense functionality, which you will probably spend more than one month studying. Already at the first visit, about 30 brushes will be available to you. For each of them, you can select up to 20 different types of villus arrangement. In addition, the program contains the so-called texture brushes of foliage, metal, asphalt, etc. Special attention deserves a palette. Corel Painter has a huge variety of colors. Tellingly, each color on the computer looks the way it would look in real life. Since the program provides many possibilities, a huge manual has been written for it, which is already built into the software. In it, the creators tell in detail about each function, its application. This guide is so long that the creators did not dare to localize it for the Russian segment. That is, Corel Painter is not Russified. And this is a huge disadvantage. Another drawback of the program is the price. In order to use this offer, you will have to fork out and give the developers about $ 380. But it is worth noting that the price fully justifies itself. In this program, possessing skill, you can create real masterpieces.

MAXON Bodypaint 3D

MAXON Bodypaint 3D is an excellent 3D painting program. Using this software, you can easily create a high-quality texture or volumetric sculpture. MAXON has many different tools that allow you to transform standard objects into highly detailed masterpieces.

Using this proposal, you can create professional textures for video games. But it should be noted that 3D drawing is a very laborious process. It will take a long time to learn how to draw three-dimensional sculptures.


Where can I get high-quality drawing programs for Android? Sometimes inspiration finds a painter in the most unpredictable places. Sometimes, during a boring couple, a muse may come to you. But what if you don't have a graphics tablet at hand? You must use your smartphone. But in order to draw with your phone, you need special programs for drawing on Android.

Best graphics software for mobile devices can be safely assigned to the brainchild of Artflow Studio - the ArtFlow application. It is delightful mobile program, which in terms of features and functionality is not inferior to its PC counterparts. A huge number of tools, tons of settings and many colors. Drawing with this app is a pleasure. In addition, I am glad that ArtFlow is distributed absolutely free. Download the program from Play Market anyone can.

Turn your digital photos into works of art! SoftOrbits Photo to Sketch Converter converts pictures to sketches in just a few button clicks and a few slider tweaks.
Photo to Sketch Converter produces a colorful hand-made drawing out of an ordinary photograph, laying accurate pencil strokes even if you can "t hold a pencil. It makes converting photos to sketches fun!

Surprisingly, converting photos to pencil sketches is not that difficult even if you are not an artist. In fact, all you need to turn a picture into a sketch is a computer equipped with photo to sketch software. Program is fast, tiny and extremely easy to use. Open a picture, move the sliders until you like the result, and click "Save" to produce a wonderful pencil sketch!

Numerous presets are available to allow converting photos into pen or pencil sketches, creating color drawings or watercolor paintings in just a few moments. You can tweak each preset to create a drawing that matches your desired style just perfect.

Put your cursor right on each of the pictures and you "ll see an original image.

Creating a wonderful colorful sketch with accurately laid pencil strokes could not be made easier. You don "t have to be able to hold a color pencil or even own one! All you need to turn a photo into a color sketch is Photo to Sketch Converter.

Photo to Sketch Converter allows producing color and black-and-white sketches equally easy. Draw with colored pencils by ticking the "Color Sketch" box to convert a photo into a color sketch, or clear the box to draw with a graphite pencil. Converting images to sketches and saving them as JPEG files will only take a few clicks and tweaks. Change photos to sketches with multiple art options.

Want a number of photos converted into sketches with all the same options? Turn photos into sketches no matter how many you have! The available batch mode allows Photo to Sketch Converter to convert pictures to sketch easily even for beginners. In batch more, Photo to Sketch Converter can convert a single picture or process entire folders. Just make sure to adjust all the settings before you begin, and you "ll be rewarded with a bunch of perfect sketches in just minutes!

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