Enabling numlock when loading windows 10. Enabling Num Lock when loading Windows. Set NumLock to On by Default

Have you ever had this situation: Turn on your computer, wait for the password entry window to log into Windows, enter the password using the additional numeric keypad, press ok and... BAM!!! Incorrect password. A little surprise and then you realize: “Oh yes, the NumLock light is not on.” Press the key NumLock and repeat the password. The password has been accepted, you are logged in.

How to enable NumLock when booting Windows? So that NumLock is always enabled at boot.
1. Click the "Start" button and select "Run";
2. In the "Open" field, write the command regedit and click "OK";
3. In the left part of the "Registry Editor" window, we sequentially go through the registry branches to the subsection Keyboard:
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard

4. Left-click on the subsection Keyboard and in the right part of the window we find the string parameter InitialKeyboardIndicators;
5. Click right click mouse on this parameter and select the menu item " Change";
6. In the "Change string parameter" window, in the "Value:" field, enter a number 2 ;
7. Click "OK" and restart your computer;

A post for those who are the “lucky owner” of a laptop Asus Zenbook (second factory name UX32VD). The laptop itself is not bad, lightweight, has a long battery life, fast, good sound, but there are also disadvantages that appear completely unauthorized.

Turning it on in the morning, I discovered a problem - pressing letters or numbers, the computer does not print the necessary characters, but executes different commands, opening windows and launching unknown programs (by the way, for those who have had this happen and you don’t know where to click to close it all and return to the desktop, either press the button Esc(upper left corner of the keyboard), or approximately the 3rd button from the left in the very bottom row of the keyboard - Windows icon).

How to deal with this and “fix” it?

If this happens, it's on your computer. NumLock button pressed, you just need it disable (by clicking on it once).

Everything is much worse for me... - on my computer and keyboard basically there is no NumLock button.

What to do if NumLock is not on the keyboard?

While I was looking for the reason on the Internet, I figured out how to solve the problem myself, so I’m sharing all the methods I tried with you.

1) First of all, everyone can google the problem on the phone (since it was impossible to write anything on the laptop).

While I was reading, I found a report from a person who, due to the inability to write something on the keyboard, opened a test available on his computer and, copying from there one letter at a time, and when he was lucky, according to the word, he wrote an urgent letter to someone, since he did not have time to fix it. Well, that’s also an option. Without fish, you know.

So here is the most common answer - "Check your computer for viruses".

Even if you are sure that your computer is clean, this step still won’t hurt.

2) It also helps that it won’t “cure” the problem, but will help deal with it once.

2) As I already wrote above - look NumLock button on the keyboard and just click on it to turn it off.

3) It can also help key combination Fn + F11 or Fn + ScLk

4) If all else fails, but you have a keyboard that connects via USB- use it! Connect an external keyboard and press the NumLock button on her.

5) External keyboard I didn’t have one, it wasn’t interesting to reboot, there were no viruses, the Fn + F11 combination didn’t help, I’m simply not capable of the perversions of copying one letter at a time, the ScLk button was also missing.

Then I remembered about the function Special abilities Windows, there it is screen keyboard, which allows you to press buttons with the mouse.

How to find On-screen keyboard And Special abilities on your computer?

Control Panel -> Accessibility -> Accessibility (I was not mistaken when I wrote “Accessibility” twice; on my Windows 8 this tab is exactly along the path of 2 options :)).

(for the lazy - copy and paste the following line into Explorer - Control Panel\Accessibility\Accessibility)

Click on Screen keyboard.

It’s funny that this version of my keyboard did not have the ill-fated NumLock button (if yours does, try it right away).

But I saw the ScLk button. I pressed the mouse first Fn (it lit up gray), then ScLk.

Hooray! NumLock has finally been defeated and disabled.

I hope that the article helped you, if so, I will be glad to repost or comment. If you have your own way to solve the problem, share with us!

Thank you for your attention and trouble-free operation of your devices!

First, open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard branch. Double-click on the "InitialKeyboardIndicators" value and change it to "2".

Now expand the “HKEY_USERS” directory. Repeat the above process several times, changing the value of InitialKeyboardIndicators in each folder from the HKEY_USERS directory.

Start at HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard and change the InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2. Then repeat the process for the folder below the .DEFAULT folder. Its name begins with "S-".

Continue working with the remaining folders in HKEY_USERS, changing the value of the Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators parameter in each of them.

Second step: Use this trick (or disable Fast Startup)

After finishing working with the registry, all you have to do is restart your computer and Windows 10 should automatically turn on Num Lock. But it doesn't work that simple. The Fast Startup feature, also known as hybrid boot, will ignore our settings and Windows will continue to start with Num Lock disabled.

We found two ways to solve this problem. Of course, you can simply turn off Fast Startup, but we've discovered another option that allows you to keep the benefits of hybrid boot.

After running the .reg file, turn off your computer. Do not reboot it, but select the “Stop working” option.

Turn your computer back on. When you get to the login screen, press the Num Lock key once to turn it on. Don't enter your account. On the login screen, find the shutdown button and select Shut Down, turning off your computer once again.

The next time you turn on, you will see that Num Lock is already enabled on the login screen. It looks like our actions caused the Quick Start feature to automatically turn on Num Lock every time you boot. Yes, it's a weird trick, but it works!

In addition, you can disable the Fast Startup feature after making changes to the registry. If the above trick did not help you, try the option of disabling fast startup.

To do this, open Control Panel, go to Hardware and Sound, Power Options, and then click on What the Power Buttons Do. Click the "Change unavailable settings" link at the top of the window, scroll down the list of options, and uncheck the "Enable fast startup (recommended)" option. Click "Save Changes".

After this, your computer will boot a little slower. If your system is installed on SSD drive, the loading time will increase by only a few seconds. But Num Lock will turn on automatically every time.

Ideally, Windows should provide an option to automatically activate Num Lock by default. Well, for now, we will have to use workarounds to perform this, in general, simple action.

Good afternoon, comrades. Let's talk again about improving modern operating systems in order to increase the comfort of their use. Starting with Win8, it began to actively implement an account system Microsoft records, in its infancy, copied from AppleID systems and Google accounts, in order to synchronize settings between different devices working on the same account. And in Windows 8.1, I really liked the way it worked. There, even the location of program icons in the Start menu was synchronized and after installing the program, the shortcut immediately fell into place. In Windows 10, it’s a little worse, but I’m used to it and won’t give up. But all this has one drawback - the need to log in to the system with a password every time the system boots. There is a way to disable this password request completely, but Windows 10 itself suggests setting a four-digit PIN code for faster login (by the way, this feature is also available in Windows 8.1 and 8). And somehow it happened that after all my reinstallations of the system (I constantly write instructions from my computer), I became too lazy to turn off the password, I taught myself to enter the PIN code and very rarely turn off the computer. But there is one problem with these PIN codes... It turns out that when the system starts, before the user selection window, the system does not turn on one of the system Locks. But, as we found out from our foreign colleagues, this can be corrected, which is what we will do now.

So, launch the registry editor, press Win+R, enter regedit and press OK.

Opening a thread

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard

Open the InitialKeyboardIndicators parameter, change its value to 2 and click OK to save.

Next, go to the HKEY_USERS section, in this section there is a default directory and several (usually 4-6) directories with names starting with S- (except for the one that ends with _Classes). In each of the branches of this section there is a Control Panel\Keyboard branch, for example in default:

So, in each Keyboard directory we need to set the InitialKeyboardIndicators parameter to 2.

After all the values ​​in the registry have been corrected, restart the computer and wait for it to load until the login window appears. After that, press the Num Lock button once to turn it on and, without entering the PIN code, turn off the computer (namely, turn it off, do not restart it) through the menu in the lower right corner of the user selection window. That's it, now you can do it. The result recent actions“Fast Startup” will remember the setting that Num Lock should be enabled and will apply it for all subsequent starts.

Look like that's it. I hope you found this article helpful, be sure to click one of the buttons below to tell your friends about it. Also subscribe to site updates by entering your e-mail in the field on the right or by subscribing to the group on VKontakte and YouTube channel. Thank you for your attention

Material from the site geekteam.pro


Enable Num Lock when booting Windows 10

Entering a password when logging in, Mailbox, account from social network accompanied by the use of numeric keys. They are located both at the top of the keyboard and as a separate number pad. The Num Lock key is responsible for activating the latter. However, in Windows 10, when the system boots, it is not active and it is impossible to use the number pad. In order to fix this situation, you should use the following methods.

Read also: How to configure the mouse in Windows 10 and change the cursor?

Enable Num Lock by default in Windows 10

To be able to use numbers from the right numeric pad on the keyboard when loading Windows 10, you should perform a registry tweak. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “regedit”.
  • The editor will open. Go to the registry branch “HKEY_USERS”, “.DEFAULT”, “Control Panel”, “Keyboard”. Here you need to find and edit the “InitialKeyboardIndicators” parameter, setting it to the value “80000002”.

  • To do this, double-click the parameter and enter “80000002”. If Num Lock does not start working, you need to repeat all the steps and enter the value “2”.

You can also try clicking “Restart” while Windows 10 is loading and clicking “Numlock” until the logo appears.

After this, Numlock will be enabled by default.


How to enable Num Lock to automatically turn on when Windows starts

Windows 10 allows you to quickly sign in using a digital PIN rather than a long password. If you have a keyboard with a number pad, you can use it to enter your PIN after activating Num Lock. Here's how to turn on Num Lock during boot so you don't have to press the key every time.

Given the use of PIN codes in Windows 10, developers would do well to simplify automatic switching on Num Lock or make a separate setting for this. Unfortunately, for now we will have to use a complex method.

Possibly on your screen BIOS settings or UEFI there is an option “Enable Num Lock at boot”. However, it did not help us, even after disabling fast startup. So we found another way that takes a little more time.

First Step: Edit the Registry

IN Windows registry There are settings that control the state of the Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock keys when the system boots. To force Windows 10 to automatically activate Num Lock, you will have to change them.

Launch Registry Editor by opening the Start menu, typing "regedit" into the text box and pressing Enter. Confirm your action in the User Account Control dialog box that appears.

First, open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard branch. Double-click on the "InitialKeyboardIndicators" value and change it to "2".

Now expand the “HKEY_USERS” directory. Repeat the above process several times, changing the value of InitialKeyboardIndicators in each folder from the HKEY_USERS directory.

Start at HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard and change the InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2. Then repeat the process for the folder below the .DEFAULT folder. Its name begins with "S-".

Continue working with the remaining folders in HKEY_USERS, changing the value of the Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators parameter in each of them.

Second step: Use this trick (or disable Fast Startup)

After finishing working with the registry, all you have to do is restart your computer and Windows 10 should automatically enable Num Lock. But it doesn't work that simple. The Fast Startup feature, also known as hybrid boot, will ignore our settings and Windows will continue to start with Num Lock disabled.

We found two ways to solve this problem. Of course, you can simply turn off Fast Startup, but we've discovered another option that allows you to keep the benefits of hybrid boot.

After running the .reg file, turn off your computer. Do not reboot it, but select the “Stop working” option.

Turn your computer back on. When you get to the login screen, press the Num Lock key once to turn it on. Do not log into your account. On the login screen, find the shutdown button and select Shut Down, turning off your computer once again.

The next time you turn on, you will see that Num Lock is already enabled on the login screen. It looks like our actions caused the Quick Start feature to automatically turn on Num Lock every time you boot. Yes, it's a weird trick, but it works!

In addition, you can disable the Fast Startup feature after making changes to the registry. If the above trick did not help you, try the option of disabling fast startup.

To do this, open Control Panel, go to Hardware and Sound, Power Options, and then click on What the Power Buttons Do. Click the "Change unavailable settings" link at the top of the window, scroll down the list of options, and uncheck the "Enable fast startup (recommended)" option. Click "Save Changes".

After this, your computer will boot a little slower. If your system is installed on an SSD drive, the boot time will only increase by a few seconds. But Num Lock will turn on automatically every time.

Ideally, Windows should provide an option to automatically activate Num Lock by default. Well, for now, we will have to use workarounds to perform this, in general, simple action.


How to enable NUM LOCK by default when logging into Windows 10

Windows users 10, who prefer to enter a password to log into the system from an additional numeric keypad, have probably more than once encountered a situation where, when entering a password or PIN code, it is not typed, since the NUM LOCK key, which is responsible for activating the numeric pad (it disabled by default). However, you can also make the NUM LOCK key automatically enabled when Windows boots.

To enable NUM LOCK by default when logging into Windows, you will need to use the Registry Editor.

Attention: Changing the settings incorrectly can lead to serious problems, so strictly follow the instructions below, and for additional protection, we recommend creating backup copy registry, which will help restore it if any problems occur.

How to enable NUM LOCK by default in Windows 10

That's all. Now you don't have to manually press the NUM LOCK key every time when Windows startup 10.

Read also:


How to enable Num Lock when booting Windows 10

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog, what do you think, do all people who use a computer in everyday life know all the keys on the keyboard? I think not everyone, otherwise there would not be such situations when a person tries to type text on a laptop , and he has numbers printed instead of letters, and the other, on the contrary, when trying to type numbers, nothing is printed at all, today we will look at all such situations and also figure out how to enable Num Lock when loading Windows 10. All instructions are suitable for previous versions operating systems, just a dozen of the newest ones.

Numbers are printed instead of letters - how to fix

Let's look at first, the most common situation, when numbers are printed instead of letters on a computer or laptop, I myself have seen this situation more than once and sometimes it even amused me, seeing how your not-so-favorite employee is trying to type text, but in its place he has a code from the numbers, you, as an admin, knowing what’s going on, shrug your shoulders and say that Windows is probably buggy with the processor (while freaking out). Okay, jokes aside, there’s actually nothing wrong with it. This behavior of the keyboard can very often be found on laptops or netbooks that do not have their own additional area for quickly dialing numbers, on regular keyboard it is located on the right, an example would be IBM or HP laptops.

Here is an example of a keyboard where there is no right side with a separate set of numbers, and almost every key has, additional function in the upper right corner. For example, the keys J, K, L have second values ​​1,2,3. To activate their dialing there is a special key Num Lock (num lk). When you turn on the Num Lock key, instead of the usual symbols on the keyboard buttons, you will have additional symbols printed, hence the situation that numbers are printed instead of letters.

Most likely, you turned on the Num Lock mode by accident; most often on laptops, the Num Lock mode is turned on by pressing the key combination Fn + F11 or Fn + Num Lock, if it is a separate key, then simply by pressing it

There are also cases when numbers are printed on a computer instead of letters, this is due to special program, with the help of which keys were reassigned, for example, I saw programs for linguists that turned an ordinary Russian keyboard into another language.

What is the num lock key

To summarize, num lock is special keys key with which on a computer with an operating system Windows system, a special function for typing additional characters is activated, this is done in order to save space on the keyboard and expand its functionality, most often this is used in laptops, where manufacturers try to reduce the size of the device as much as possible, but within reasonable limits, by abandoning a certain number of keys and replacing them with additional ones symbols on other buttons.

Below I will give you three examples of how and where the num lock key is located on different keyboards. The first is a standard computer keyboard; it has an additional numeric field on the right and a num lock above it. It also has a special num lock indicator, if it is not lit, it means it is turned off, by default it is, there are cases that it is convenient when it works with the system, below I will show how to enable Num Lock when loading Windows 10.

Well, a keyboard without an additional right area in which num lk is already the sovereign owner, having many keys with its functions, pay attention to the arrows for example, they can also perform functions:

Num Lock when booting Windows 10

And so, I told you what num lock does, now imagine the situation that you want when loading Windows 10, you have this mode turned on automatically, for human convenience or vice versa for inconvenience. This is done very simply, as you probably know, everything Windows settings 10 are in the registry, for those who do not know what a registry is, please follow the link. Press the Win+R key combination and enter regerit.

Go to section

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard

You need to create a new string parameter called InitialKeyboardIndicators and assign it the value 80000002, if this value does not work, then try the value 2, especially relevant for Windows 7. This is all done via right click.

To edit a registry key, double-click on it.

There is another method that allows you to enable Num Lock when you boot Windows 10, but it does not always work, since some people do not have a password on their computer and desired screen doesn't appear. And so, when your computer boots, then on the Windows 10 login screen, press Num Lock and reboot the system through the icon in the corner. After which the next time the mode should be activated.

I almost forgot, you can also check whether you have the Num Lock setting in the BIOS. In BIOS, check the BootUp NumLock Status - Enable\Disable option

I hope this article helped you deal with the situation when numbers are printed on the laptop keyboard instead of letters and the right numeric pad does not work, if you have any questions, I’m waiting for them in the comments.

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