Watch dogs system requirements on PC. Watch Dogs system requirements on PC

If we analyze today's gaming industry, we can draw fairly clear conclusions - the number of games being released is growing rapidly, the requirements for them are also becoming more stringent, which means that there are fewer and fewer truly impressive and amazing projects. Previously, every second game was surprising; it could be considered a masterpiece, because it was all new. And now five to ten games are released every day, and only a few of them reach the top. Watch Dogs is a project that managed to become impressive in modern conditions, so it definitely deserves attention. Unusual system, a fascinating plot, originality, external beauty, competent execution - all this is present in this game, so those who have not yet had time to try their hand at hacking computers in a parallel Universe of the future - this is for you. Naturally, first you need to pay attention to the system requirements of Watch Dogs, since this project requires a very powerful computer.

What is this game?

In every computer game, many details are important - plot, graphics, physics, originality, freedom of action, variety of weapons, and so on. Therefore, before considering Dogs, it is necessary to take a closer look at what this project is all about. So, you find yourself in Chicago, but not in the one that exists now, but in an alternative city where everything is computerized. In fact, the city is ruled by one huge central computer, which connects absolutely all devices - electric generators, mobile phones, computers and even traffic lights. You have to play as a brilliant hacker who can penetrate the system of this computer and use this opportunity for your own benefit. Naturally, this is illegal, so you will be hunted, but do not forget that your goal is revenge for what was done to your family, so you cannot stop at anything. Your character is good at martial arts, so he can fight back if necessary, but still the main weapon is your intelligence, the ability to hack into the network and use it. That is, the game process is an influence on technical devices to achieve a goal. For example, if you need to infiltrate a specific building, you can use your abilities. No problem you interfere with radios and mobile phones, turn off the traffic light in order to cause a traffic accident by organizing a distracting maneuver. And beforehand, you can also listen to communication lines in order to obtain the necessary information about places of possible penetration. So you can do whatever you want as long as you have the ability to influence electronic technology. This unusual project was released quite recently - it was highly anticipated, and it lived up to expectations. Now it's time to see if you can try it out on your computer. To do this, find out the detailed system requirements of Watch Dogs.

Required Operating System

As you know, in most cases there are minimum and recommended system requirements. Some indicate with which the game will launch at minimum settings, but will still function. The recommended requirements indicate the configuration with which you can play on maximum settings. are arranged in exactly the same way, but there are some points that do not differ in one and in another section. For example, operating system. It must be specific, that is, correspond to what is specified in the system requirements, but it will not affect the performance of the game in any way. This means that the game will launch if you have a suitable OS, and if not, then the game will not work. So, if you want to play this fresh and unique development famous company Ubisoft, then you need to have the operating system installed Windows system Vista, 7 or 8. It is worth considering that in the version with Vista you must have at least Service Pack 2 installed. Another condition for all three options is 64-bit. If your operating system is 32-bit, you will have to reinstall it to play Watch Dogs. System requirements The PC versions, of course, don't stop there. There are other parameters that differ depending on whether you are counting on the minimum or maximum settings.

Minimum Processor Requirements

To get the most out of Watch Dogs, the PC system requirements should be at or above the recommended requirements. But if you do not have such an opportunity, then you can be content with little - the minimum computer configuration will do. So, in order for this game to launch and work at minimum settings, you will need Intel processor with a frequency of at least 2.66 gigahertz or its analogue from AMD, but with a frequency of 3 gigahertz. Naturally, the processor is not the very first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a game, but it is still a fairly important component. The game may even run if the processor requirements don't match, but you're unlikely to be impressed by its performance. Moreover, the system requirements for Watch Dogs 2 or some other game from the future will be even higher - what will you do then?

If you already understand that you shouldn’t try to run a game with a processor that doesn’t even meet the minimum system requirements, then it’s worth talking about what exactly the developers recommend. The recommended processor requirements for Watch Dogs are as follows - you will need at least 3.5 gigahertz if you have an Intel processor, and 4 gigahertz if you have an AMD processor. These are impressive requirements, and so far there are not very many computer games have such - usually limit themselves to less. But you only have to look at how rapidly the gaming industry is developing to understand that in a couple of years such a processor will be considered no more than average. Everything in this area is developing very quickly, so the requirements for computer configuration are growing at an equally impressive rate, and you definitely need to keep up with these speeds. Otherwise, you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to play worthwhile new games like this. Therefore, the most important advice is to look at the recommended system requirements of Watch Dogs and focus on them. They will be the most popular in the next couple of years.

The most important component is RAM

In any configuration, you can identify the most important component that you should pay attention to first. And if we are talking about computer games, then this is RAM. It is she who plays the most important role in the process of starting and maintaining game play. Therefore, if we take Watch Dogs for consideration, the official system requirements for the levels random access memory may terrify you. The minimum threshold is six gigabytes, which is a lot because most games only require one or two. But this indicator can be a good signal - the game is really worthwhile. However, it should be noted that this is only minimum requirements. But what can you do to see the most beautiful and productive Watch Dogs game? The system requirements of the PC and specifically the RAM will be completely different.

Six gigabytes is a lot even by modern standards, and for Watch Dogs these are just the minimum requirements. What does it say in the recommended column? As many as eight megabytes of RAM - that's your answer. This is surprising and amazing, but if you want to try this game in all its glory, then you will have to come to terms and buy the missing gigabytes. But after that you will be able to experience this masterpiece in all its glory - without any brakes or glitches. Considering the realism of the picture, you will be able to immerse yourself in game world so deep that time will fly by absolutely unnoticed.

Video card and its memory

Another very important attribute for running computer games is a video card. In Watch Dogs, the system requirements show you that to run this masterpiece you will need a card with one gigabyte of video memory. These requirements should definitely be followed, since failure to comply with them will lead to damage to the picture on the monitor, slowdowns and not the most pleasant gaming experience. So be sure to check that you have at least one gigabyte of video memory before you launch Watch Dogs. If you have exactly that much, then do not rush to start the game - you will have to install visual settings to a minimum so that the game runs smoothly and does not slow down. Naturally, this will spoil the visual component a little, simplifying it significantly, but you will still be able to play the game itself.

Maximum settings and ultra mode

Naturally, the video card also has recommended requirements that must be met in order to be able to safely play Watch Dogs. You'll need as much as two gigabytes of video memory to get the best experience. gameplay were bright and full. But that's not all. Considering the fact that the visual component in modern games is not the least important, the developers decided to add an ultra graphics mode, in which the image will look simply incredible and breathtaking. But what does it take to run Watch Dogs Ultra? The system requirements for this are slightly different. You will need an even more powerful video card with at least three gigabytes of video memory. It's hard to imagine what else this volume could be used for, but if you have free money, upgrade your video memory to this level. You will definitely not regret it, because the picture that appears before you will make you admire the skill of the developers and the progress achieved.

DirectX for playing Watch Dogs

Speaking of DirectX, software, which is key in maintaining graphics card, then everything is quite simple here. The fact is that Direct now exists in only a few forms. There are versions below the ninth, which are suitable only for playing the oldest games. For quite a long time, the ninth version remained the most popular version - a huge number of games still require it specifically. But more recently, progress has moved forward, and the tenth version appeared, which, however, became only an intermediate link. As a result, the eleventh version has become the most popular in recent years, and this is exactly what is needed for this game.

Hard drive space

Computer games used to be very small, they fit on a floppy disk. But then they began to grow, and the storage media began to grow, and as a result, now it will not surprise anyone that the game takes up twenty gigabytes on the hard drive. There was no surprise in the situation with Watch Dogs either - you need to have twenty-five gigabytes of free space if you plan to install the game on your computer.

Sound card

The sound card is something you should almost never worry about. Nowadays, almost all devices are compatible with any games, so you just need to check the drivers for sound card, and DirectX version for sound. It is much more important to have quality speakers to enjoy the sounds and melodies that were written specifically for a specific project.

Internet connection

It's hard to imagine a game that didn't have the ability to play online, and at the same time it claimed to be something big. Even if the project is exclusively single-player, there are various achievements and lists that require an Internet connection. Watch Dogs has a multiplayer mode, and given the level of the game itself, you should understand that you will need a very high-speed Internet connection. Otherwise, you cannot avoid problems that will spoil your impressions of the process.

How to check all the data?

As you can see, when choosing a game you need to be aware of what parameters your computer has, and know this in quite detail. Many people are not particularly versed in all these concepts, so it is difficult for them to navigate. For most computer games, including Watch Dogs, system requirements can be checked on specialized resources. They collect information about your computer, then compare it to the requirements for a particular game stored in a database, and then tell you whether you can run that game at the minimum and recommended requirements.

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