Asoiu transcript. “Basic concepts of control of automated information processing and control systems. The use of modern computer information technologies as one of the main conditions for the effective operation of enterprises. Basic concepts, etc.



1.1. Basic Management Concepts

1.2. Basic concepts of automated information processing and control systems

1.3. History of the development of automated information processing and control systems






6.1. Classification by type of problem to be solved

6.2. Classification of control automation tasks according to the method of information service

6.3. Classification of control automation tasks based on the principle of information transformation








The specialty “Automated information processing and management systems” was approved by Order No. 180 of the State Committee Russian Federation on higher education dated March 3, 1994.

Automated information processing and control systems (ASOPI) are a field of science and technology that includes a wide range of means, methods and methods of activity aimed at developing technical, information, software, mathematical, linguistic, ergonomic, organizational and legal support for these systems, as well as structures of systems as a whole.

In accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education, a specialist in the field of automated information processing and control systems, in accordance with fundamental and special training, can perform such types of professional activities as design, scientific research, and operation in this field. He must know and be able to use basic mathematical concepts and methods, mathematical models processes in natural sciences and technology, probabilistic models for analysis and quantitative assessments of specific processes, basic concepts of information science and computer technology, patterns of information processes in control systems, principles of operation of hardware and software, basic techniques for processing experimental data.

From the point of view of general professional disciplines, an engineer in the field of automated systems must have an understanding of:

On the basic laws of the functioning of systems and the possibility of their system analysis;

ABOUT modern methods research, optimization and design of ASOIU;

On the use of the basic principles of control theory in various fields of science and technology;

About the possibilities information technologies and their applications in industry, scientific research, organizational management and other fields;

About the current state and trends in the development of computer architectures, computer systems and networks, about the architecture and capabilities of microprocessor tools;

About modern algorithmic languages, about the problems and directions of development of programming technology, about the main methods and means of automating software design, about methods of organizing work in software development teams.

The specialist should know:

Qualitative and quantitative methods of systems analysis, methods of set-theoretic description of systems;

Fundamentals of the systems approach, formal apparatus for analysis and synthesis of automated systems structures;

Main classes of models and modeling methods, methods of formalization, algorithmization and implementation of models on a computer;

Basic principles of management theory;

Principles of organization and functioning of individual devices and computers as a whole, computer complexes and networks, principles of constructing the architecture of computer systems;

Models, methods and tools used in ASOIU to solve intellectual problems;

Principles of construction and methods for developing expert systems.

As a result, a specialist must be able to:

Formulate and solve problems of designing automated control systems using information technologies;

Design design solutions and implement them in a given software environment.

Automated system

integrated systems.

Types of ASOIU collateral

Technical support


Information Support

Intelligent Software

Today under software

Organizational support

methodological support

legal support


Dialogue support

Linguistic support

ergonomic support

Metrological support

Functional subsystems

functional subsystem

tasks enterprises.


transport management

project management

Idea quality management

Architecture of ASOIU

completely decentralized

partially centralized

fully centralized

b data server

application server

Synthesis of goals and objectives of ASOIU


Automation will increase costs, but at the same time streamline work and will create prospects for the development of the enterprise, will create a competitive advantage for the company. To formulate the goals and objectives of the created ASOIU, it is necessary:

1) determine the composition and relative importance of the tasks being solved by different users at the enterprise;

2) assess and analyze the presence, severity and sources of problems experienced by users when solving problems;

3) identify user needs and formulate the goals and objectives of ASOIU in general, for specific users and for specific tasks.


The description of the ASOIU concept is carried out in the form of a research report with appendices. The main part of the report contains a description of the methodological basis of the work carried out and an annotated description of the results obtained, namely:

short review and classification of the design object - corporate information system;

formulation and setting of design problems;

methods for solving the main design problems - formulating the goals and objectives of ASOIU, building structural, functional and information models of the enterprise and the processes occurring in it;

description of alternative options for creating ASOIU and the selection process the best option;

An annotated description of the ASOIU concept.

The results obtained during the work and project documentation due to its significant volume, they are included in appendices published in the form of separate books. The applications present:

organizational structure and description of divisions of the enterprise;

results of a survey of department heads, setting goals and objectives of ASOIU;

functional model of the main management and production processes of the enterprise;

functional structure of ASOIU and specification of technical requirements for its subsystems and functions;

enterprise information model;

design and operational documentation describing “pilot” ASOIU applications introduced into trial operation

Requirements for operational personnel

Database administrator. A specialist who has experience in designing and operating a database and has undergone appropriate training should be involved as a database administrator. Despite the abundance of technical literature on database design, training an administrator is fraught with many difficulties. The first difficulty is related to the need for such a specialist to develop conceptual thinking in relation to data and the subject area. The database administrator must think in terms of the entity-relationship model, reflexively “feel” all the restrictions imposed by the schema on the data, and instantly recognize any signs of abnormal relationships. The second feature of database administrator training is the mass of subtleties in working with a DBMS, which can only be learned with experience or in consultation with a company competent in these matters.

Network administrator. A specialist who has undergone appropriate training and has experience in installing and administering networks in an enterprise should be hired as a network administrator.

System and application programmers.

Systems Analyst. A specialist with a basic cybernetic education and experience working in this enterprise. The main task of a systems analyst is to identify changes in production and management processes at an enterprise and specify the corresponding changes in the automated control system. To solve this problem, a systems analyst must master the methods of structural and functional analysis of systems


Automated system– a system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for their activities, implementing information technology to perform established functions.

Automated information processing and control system we will call a system consisting of interconnected and interacting in space and time computational, algorithmic and communication tools, information sources with metrological support, control and display tools used to obtain a product of a given quality with human participation under certain operating conditions.

Systems in which a person is completely excluded from the control process are called automatic. When part of the control functions in a system is performed by humans, they are called automated systems (drawing from a book on ergonomics).

Classification of ASOIU according to the role of a person (the ability to intervene in the functioning process).

Classification according to the size of the scope of action - the scale of the globe, state, industry, enterprise, individual processes and operations.

Classification according to the nature of the tasks being solved - strategic, tactical, operational.

In terms of reaction time to incoming information and signals:

Real-time automatic control systems are characterized by the fact that they are used in the control of processes in which the moments of receipt of information and the moments of issuance of control signals and data are strictly regulated. Characteristic feature These systems are characterized by a high rate of data receipt (up to several MHz) and a high frequency of control and data output (up to several hundred Hz).

ASOIU with control time are found when servicing processes in which only certain stages of the process are regulated.

Depending on the control object, ASOIU are divided into:

automated process control systems(APCS), designed to collect and process information, develop and implement control actions on a technological control object (TOU) in real time;

automated enterprise management systems(ACS), designed to collect and process information and develop control actions on the organizational and administrative management object, including in real time. industry automated control systems(OASU), designed to collect and process information and develop control actions on the industry as a whole or its individual enterprises

state automated systems(GAS), designed to collect and process information when solving a specific problem on a state scale (for example, GAS “Elections”, AS “State Population Register”).

As a result of combining systems different types arise integrated systems. ASOIU is intended for automated execution the following functions:

collection, processing and analysis of information (signals, messages, documents) about the state of the control object;

development of control actions (programs, plans);

transmission of control actions (signals, instructions, documents) for execution;

implementation and control of control actions;

exchange of information with interconnected automated systems.

Types of ASOIU collateral

Technical support includes all hardware and technical means used in the operation of ASOIU - computers, network and peripheral equipment, meters and signal converters, structural modules, lines and communication means, as well as a description of their functional, design and operational characteristics.

Software– this is a set of programs and program documentation that ensures the creation, operation and testing of the functionality of the automatic control system. Generally, software It is customary to divide it into systemic and applied.

Information Support– this is a set of information, principles of its organization and storage, ensuring the solution of the tasks assigned to ASOIU. Information support of ASOIU is part of the general information system of the enterprise and includes operational databases, data warehouses, a set of information models, classifiers and methods for encoding information, a regulatory framework, methods and means of protecting, backing up and restoring information.

Intelligent Software is a body of knowledge, principles of its coding, storage and mechanism of use to solve the tasks assigned to ASOIU.

Today under software What is meant is not programs, but a set of mathematical methods, models and algorithms used in ASOIU for processing and converting information in solving the tasks assigned to it.

Organizational support– this is a set of administrative and organizational measures and documents that establish the organizational structure, rights and responsibilities of users and operational personnel of the ASOIU in the process of creating, implementing, operating, testing and ensuring the operability of the system.

methodological support is a set of documents and recommendations that describe the technology of operation of the automatic control system, methods for selecting and applying technological techniques by users to obtain specific results during the operation of the system.

legal support– a set of legal norms and documents regulating legal relations during the functioning of the ASOIU and the legal status of the results of its functioning - documents and decisions produced with the help of the ASOIU.

Another type of support separated from the organizational one is staffing– a set of measures to train personnel for subsequent operation, maintenance and development of the system. This issue will be discussed in more detail in Chap. 5.

Dialogue support is a set of means (visual, sensorimotor, etc.) and principles for organizing the exchange of information between users and automated information systems.

Linguistic support is integral part interactive and is intended to formalize the natural language used when communicating between users and operational personnel with the automatic control system.

Dialogue support is an integral part ergonomic support, aimed at harmonizing the psychological, psychophysiological, anthropometric and physiological characteristics and capabilities of users with the technical characteristics of the automatic control system and the parameters of workplaces and the working environment.

Metrological support is a set of measures and technical means that ensure the specified quality of interaction between the automated control system and the control object.

Functional subsystems

An ASOIU component designed to automate a certain type of activity or solve one problem is called functional subsystem. Each functional subsystem, as a rule, contains several types of support - information, software, etc. Some supporting subsystems may be common to several functional subsystems at once. For example, modern architecture ASOIU involves the creation of a single common database, which is used by all functional subsystems.

Each user’s access to “their” functional subsystem is carried out through automated workplace (AWS) – a software and hardware complex focused on a specific type of activity (for example, a technologist’s workstation, an accountant’s workstation, etc.).

The functional structure of the automated control system corresponds to the functional model of the automated enterprise and is decomposed into separate production and management tasks enterprises.

The modern Western concept of enterprise management dates back to the 60s. The first step in its development was a new approach to material requirements planning(MRP – Material Requirements Planning): material flow management, production management, financial management.

The MRP approaches described above have been generalized and combined into a single concept enterprise resource planning(ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning), which today is the de facto Western standard for an enterprise management system. In addition to MRP functions, the ERP management system includes:

transport management– planning and management of orders for the transportation of goods – raw materials and finished products(including for enterprises involved in cargo transportation), tariff accounting, control of cargo location;

equipment maintenance and repair management– planning and accounting of activities related to periodic preventive repairs and maintenance of production equipment;

project management– planning, monitoring and management of the implementation of all long-term projects at the enterprise, including research and design and technological work, preparation and technical re-equipment of production, etc.

Thus, it can be argued that an ERP management system is an integrated complex consisting of interrelated and interacting functions focused on comprehensive, effective process-oriented enterprise management.

Idea quality management consists of creating a general production culture at the enterprise that ensures a given level of product quality. To solve this problem, it is necessary to improve both production and management processes

Architecture of ASOIU

By ASOIU architecture we will understand the set of principles of organization and interaction between various structural elements of the system. The main factor determining the architecture of the system is the degree of its centralization. As is known, from this position systems are divided into:

completely decentralized when all subsystems and elements function independently and independently and interact with each other in accordance with some uniform rules;

partially centralized, combining the features of both centralized and decentralized systems;

fully centralized, which assume the presence of a single core in which all resources are concentrated, and subsystems and lower-level elements that are entirely dependent on it.

From the point of view of structural centralization in historical development ASOIU in our country can be divided into three stages.

The first stage is from the appearance of the first automated control systems (early-mid 70s) to the spread of personal computers (late 80s - early 90s). This stage is characterized by systems with strictly centralized architecture. The central link of most automated information systems of this generation was one or two large computers

The second stage was completely provoked by the mass distribution of personal computers and lasted almost until the end of the 90s. ASOIU of this period were created with a decentralized architecture, as a set of single-level independent automated workstations interconnected by a local network. The fundamental disadvantage of this architecture is the lack of a unified information space.

The beginning of the third stage can be considered the mid-90s. A characteristic feature of this stage was a gradual return to a centralized architecture. The first step was the emergence of client-server technologies for creating databases, making it possible to implement two-tier partially centralized architecture with centralized data storage (“single information space”) (Fig. 3, b). With such an architecture, all information used in the process of solving various management problems is structured in accordance with a single information-logical (conceptual) model and is brought into one place - data server. With a two-level architecture, any user workstation performs only two functions - data processing and providing a user interface.

The next step towards the centralization of the ASOI architecture was the alienation of information processing functions from user workstations. If previously each of the functions reflected a specific isolated management process at a separate workplace, now these functions become part of the overall functional model of the enterprise. This allows us to typify, mutually agree and unify information processing functions and transfer them to a single executor - application server. This architecture is called three-tier partially centralized architecture with centralized data storage and processing

Using this principle allows you to implement four-tier fully centralized architecture ASOIU, in which a corporate Internet and/or intranet server, interacting with an application server, provides dialogue with all users over the network using the standard TCP/IP protocol and a standard explorer program. In this case, the user's workstation turns into a simple remote terminal and is called a “thin client”.

/ Automated information processing and control systems (ASOPI)

Information technologies (IT) occupy an important place in all spheres of human life and activity. A special place in the diversity of IT is occupied by automated information processing and control systems (ASOIU), the main purpose of which is the automation of activities related to the storage, transmission and processing of information. Since the information is in modern world the most important resource, then ASOIU play a decisive role in any field of activity (accounting, banking, warehouse, administrative and management automated systems). Modern automated information systems rely on the use of local and global networks, graphic, video and audio information, multimedia technology, systems artificial intelligence. Without this kind of systems it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, regardless of the size and direction of activity. This largely determines the existing stable demand in all sectors of the economy for specialists in the field of design, creation and use of automated control systems. This also explains the great interest in this area among young people.

Specialty 230102 "Automated information processing and control systems" - this is a specialty for those who love mathematics and programming and want to be fluent modern means computer technology and software, network technologies of various scales: from local to corporate and global.

This specialty is included in the general direction of training 230000 "Informatics and computer technology." The direction “Informatics and Computer Science” is a field of science and technology that includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating and using:

· Computers, systems and networks;

· automated information processing and management systems;

· computer-aided design systems;

· computer software and automated systems.

An engineer in the field of training “Informatics and Computer Science” can perform the following: types of professional activities:

Ø design and engineering;

Ø production and technological;

Ø scientific research;

Ø organizational and managerial;

Ø operational.

Basic disciplines Junior year students study mathematics and physics, which provide basic fundamental knowledge; computer science, programming and information technology, developing algorithmic thinking and skills in creating your own programs; circuitry, which provides basic knowledge about computer architecture and operating system and an understanding of what is happening inside the computer. In senior years Programming technologies, databases, networks, expert systems, various programming environments, methods of systems theory and system analysis, and system design are studied. Students receive advanced education in the field of system analysis, mathematical methods of information processing, methods of scientific research, design of information systems. It is this cycle that transforms students from computer users into highly qualified specialists capable of developing and improving modern Information Systems.

All of the listed disciplines include the mandatory use of computers in laboratory classes and independent work of students. In all cycles of disciplines and especially in special disciplines, teachers who took part in and supervised the development of real complex projects of automated systems pass on their practical and theoretical experience and knowledge to students. The organization and content of the educational process is constantly being improved. Every year new sections of disciplines and entire disciplines are introduced, the content is updated laboratory work, new software is being studied and included in the educational process.

The demand for graduates who have completed this specialty increases in proportion to the growth of the computer park, because The level of informatization is becoming one of the significant factors in the development of society.

Many students of the faculty actively participate in departmental scientific research , participate in scientific conferences.

Graduates of the department who have completed their studies with honors can enter the

State Committee of the Russian Federation

in higher education

Nizhny Novgorod Technical College

Laboratory of modern technical office equipment


Specialty 2202


“Technical means of information processing”

Automated information processing and control systems

Developed by: Shishanov Yu.A.

Approved at the meeting

subject commission

Protocol No.___ dated ________19___

Chairman of the Commission


N. Novgorod 2000

1. Introduction............................................... ........................................................ ........... 5

1.1. Concept: information and computer science. The impact of the media on the senses. Types of computer information................................................... 5

2. Copying and reproduction tools.................................................... ..... 12

2.1. Electrographic copying................................................... .......... 12

2.1.1. Basic principles of electrographic copying........... 12

2.1.2. Operating principles of modern analogue copiers.................................................... ........................................................ ............ 14

2.1.3. Planar electrographic apparatus EP-12 R2 (ERA-12RM). 21

2.1.4. Portable desktop copier "Canon" FC-2. 22

3. Desktop electronic printing house. PC, peripheral equipment and software.................................................... ... 32

3.1. Input Devices................................................ .................................... 32

3.1.1. Keyboard, mouse. Purpose, device and principle of operation 32

3.1.2. Joystick, light pen, digitizer. Purpose, device and principle of operation.................................................... ........................................................ .. 35

3.1.3. Scanners, types of scanners and theirs specifications. Purpose, composition and principle of operation.................................................... ............... 37

3.2. Output devices........................................................ ................................ 45

3.2.1. Monitors and their characteristics. Purpose, composition and principle of operation.................................................... ........................................................ ................. 45

3.2.2. Impact printers................................................................... ........ 55

3.2.3. Non-impact printers................................................................. .... 59

3.2.4. Thermal printer........................................................ .................... 64

3.2.5. Plotters........................................................ ..................................... 65

4. Multimedia methods and tools.................................................... ............... 67

4.1. Multimedia methods and tools................................................................. ............ 67

4.1.1. The concept of multimedia, multimedia PC.................................... 67

4.1.2. Sound card. Purpose, composition and principle of operation............... 70

4.1.3. Analog-to-digital conversion.................................................................... 71

4.1.4. Encoding of audio data. Characteristics of recording and playback modules.................................................... ........................................................ 72

4.1.5. Synthesizer module. Sound synthesis based on frequency modulation, wave tables, physical modeling and their characteristics................................ 73

4.1.6. Memory size................................................ .................................. 79

4.1.7. Video card. Purpose, composition, and principle of operation according to the functional diagram.................................................. ............................................... 84

4.1.8. Multimedia accelerators................................................................. .............. 90

5. Office equipment............................................................. ................................ 92

5.1. A television................................................. ............................................... 92

5.1.1. Television standards................................................... ............. 92

5.1.2. Simplified functional diagram sound transmitter............... 98

5.1.3. Color kinescope .................................................... ........................ 104

5.1.4. Teletext system................................................... ....................... 107

6. Cassette video recorders.................................................... ............... 115

6.1. Cassette video recorders “Electronics VM-12”.................................... 115

6.1.1. Tape transport mechanism................................................... ......... 123

7. Telecommunications.................................................................... 128

7.1. Fax communication................................................... ................................ 128

7.1.1. Fax Basics................................................... 128

Lesson 1. The principle of operation of a modern fax machine 131

7.2. Cell Phones................................................................................ 137

7.2.1. Construction principles cellular network........................................... 137

7.2.2. Cell Phones................................................ ....................... 145

7.2.3. Organization of a cellular communication network................................................................. ... 152

8. Paging................................................................... ................................... 155

8.1. "The history of paging"................................................... ........................... 155

8.2. "Radio Signal Characteristics"................................................................. ............ 156

8.2.1. 16K0F1D................................................... .................................... 156

8.2.2. "Basic paging protocols"............................................. 156

8.2.3. POCSAG protocol................................................... .................... 157

8.2.4. FLEX protocol................................................... ........................... 157

8.2.5. ERMES protocol................................................... ........................ 158

8.3. "Conventional propagation of radio waves"................................................... .. 159

8.4. "Radio paging in Russia"................................................... ....................... 160

8.5. "The Future of Paging".................................................. ................. 161

9. Telecommunications.................................................................... 166

9.1. Local and global computer networks.................................... 166

9.1.1. Concept: local and global aircraft.................................................... 166

9.2. Network topology................................................... ..................................... 169

9.2.1. Star topology................................................................... ....................... 169

9.2.2. Ring topology................................................... ................... 170

9.2.3. Bus topology................................................... ....................... 171

9.3. Components local network................................................................. 172


O. Kolesnichenko, I. Shishigin “RS Hardware” Dusseldorf, Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

User's Guide. “Modems”. Lan S. Petersburg 1997

Barry Nance. “ Computer networks“Bipom Moscow 1996

G. Vachnadze. “World Television” Tbilisi ed. “Ganatleba” 1989

V. Figurnov “IBM PC for the user.” St. Petersburg 1994

A. Kotsubinsky, S. Groshev. “Modern self-instruction manual for working on the Internet” Ed. Triumph. Moscow 1997

Berry Press “PC Repair and Upgrade” User's Bible. Ed. Dialectics. Moscow. St. Petersburg, Kyiv. 1999

A. Bobrov “Copying equipment”, Service “Repair and Maintenance”, Issue 9, Ed. DMK, Moscow 1999

V. Polyakov. “Initiation into radio electronics.” Ed. Radio and communications. Moscow 1988

V. Jaconia, A. Gogol, Y. Druzin and others. Television: a textbook for universities. – M.: Radio and Communications, 1997.

V. Vinogradov Lessons from a TV master. Ed. 2. – St. Petersburg: LAN, CORONA-PRINT, 1997.

1.1. Concept: information and computer science. The impact of media on the senses. Types of computer information

Concept: information and computer science

Information- (from the Latin word Informatio explanation, presentation). Initial - information transmitted by one person to another person orally, in writing or in some other way (for example, using conventional signals, using technical means, etc.), as well as the process of transmitting or receiving this information itself.

Computer science, the discipline that studies structure and general properties scientific information, as well as the patterns of its creation, transformation, transmission and use in various fields human activity.

Due to the presence of five sense organs in humans, information about the environment comes to a person constantly. Vision provides the most information. If the eyes are open, then a huge amount of information comes through them about the shape and color of objects, where they are, and even how they move.


¨ All information coming to a person consists of signals.

¨ A person receives these signals, processes them and either executes them or remembers them.

The impact of the media on the senses.

A person is designed in such a way that he protects himself from unnecessary, incomprehensible and unpleasant information. She walks past him. In this case, a person does not process it, which means he cannot remember and turn it into knowledge.

Information that cannot be understood and assimilated is called information noise.


1. It is difficult for a person to consume information. He can only do this in very small portions. Any overload turns into information noise, and... it becomes useless, that is, it does not turn into knowledge.

2. It is difficult for a person to process information. This makes him tired.

3. Man, we can make mistakes. Due to information noise, we can incorrectly process information and turn it into false knowledge.

4. A person is biased (i.e. he perceives information not as it is, but as it seems to him). If the information coincides with his personal opinion, he accepts, processes and assimilates it very easily. If information is unpleasant to him, he assimilates it with great difficulty and much remains unattended.

5. A person cannot store information for a long time. If you do not consolidate knowledge with constant exercises, information is forgotten very quickly.

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic machine that can:

¨ Receive information;

¨ Process information;

¨ Keep information;

¨ Give out information.

As mentioned earlier, humans also have these functions. However, he does this slowly, sometimes with mistakes and not always willingly. A computer frees us from the need to process mountains of information, but it does it quickly, reliably, produces it in a form that is convenient for a person, and stores it indefinitely.

Code 1-53 01 02

Description of specialty

Information technology (IT) occupy an important place in all spheres of human life and activity. A special place in the diversity of IT is occupied by automated information processing systems(ASOPI), the main purpose of which is the automation of activities related to the storage, transmission and processing of information. Since information is the most important resource in the modern world, automated information systems play a decisive role in any field of activity (accounting, banking, warehouse, administrative and management automated systems). Modern ASOIs rely on the use of local and global networks, processing of graphic, video and audio information, multimedia technology, and artificial intelligence systems. Without this kind of systems it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, regardless of the size and direction of activity. This largely determines the existing stable demand in all sectors of the economy for specialists in the field of design, creation and use of automated information systems. This also explains the great interest in this area among young people.

“Automated information processing systems” is a specialty for those who love mathematics and programming, want to be fluent in modern computer technology and software, network technologies of various scales: from local to corporate and global.

The specialty of ASOI is at the junction of such scientific directions, like computer science and management.

Objects of professional activity: computers, complexes, systems and networks; automated information processing and management systems; computer-aided design systems; software for computer technology and automated systems (programs, software systems and systems); mathematical, informational, technical, ergonomic, organizational and legal support of the listed systems.

Subject of study is the automation of information processing, management and decision-making processes based on modern computer technologies in a wide range of human-machine systems: from individual automated workstations to control systems for technological, organizational, technological and organizational processes at the level of enterprises, organizations and industries.

Students of this specialty study:

  • Fundamentals of general scientific, general professional and systems engineering training.

Disciplines: higher mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, computational mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, theory electrical circuits, electronic devices, basics of algorithmization and programming, basics of information technology, mathematical models of information processes and management.

  • Methods and tools for creating application and system software for information processing systems.

Courses: computer architecture, computer information technology, databases and data banks, system analysis and operations research, object-oriented programming and design, system software, computer hardware and software and networks, simulation modeling of systems, design of automated systems, statistical processing methods data, analysis of multidimensional data.

  • Theory and practice of using modern operating systems(Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, UNIX, LINUX, QNX).
  • Programming languages ​​of various levels (Assembler Win32, MS Visual C++, MS Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, Borland C++ Builder), database management systems (MS Access, MS Visual FoxPRO, MS SQL, Oracle).
  • Computer modeling and design tools (GPSS World, AutoCAD, MathCAD, MATLAB).
  • Development methods and tools corporate systems(SAP R3, Lotus Notes).

Additionally studied:

  • on the specialization “Automated systems for processing and displaying information” - modern systems programming, integrated enterprise information systems, software for creating expert systems and tools computer graphics;
  • in the specialization “System analysis, decision making and management” - promising Computer techologies computational experiment and optimization methods in technical systems; models, methods and programs of optimal control in dynamic systems; computer technologies for analysis and management decision making;
  • on the specialization “Internet technologies” - the basics of Internet technologies, Internet business technologies, Internet programming technologies.

Graduates of the ASOI specialty can become sought-after specialists in the field of system design, creation, integration, operation and administration of software and hardware for information technology and automated control in any field, including business, economics and management activities (in all sectors of the national economy).

Assigned qualification

Information Technology Engineer - professional qualification of a specialist.

Positions held

  • Engineer
  • Programmer

Universities that offer this specialty

  • Belarusian-Russian University(passing points in , , , , )
  • Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics(passing points in , , ,

2024 How it works. Iron. Mining. Cryptocurrency.