How to set a password when logging into a personal computer. How to set a password on a computer with any version of Windows How to set a computer login password

The price of information is high. Often an order of magnitude higher than the price of its carrier - a personal computer or laptop. And valuable information needs to be protected. How to make sure that another person, especially an attacker, cannot get to her?

The first line of defense is simple but effective: password-protecting the login to the operating system. For many this is an obstacle, but there are also those who can easily overcome it. The second line of defense is setting a password on the BIOS and . Only a few people can hack it, and sometimes it is completely impossible. Do you want to turn your PC into a reliable bastion? Today I will tell you how to set a password on your computer so as not to be afraid that someone will violate the confidentiality of your data.

How to set a password on a computer

Setting up password protection for logging into Windows

Windows 7

To block access to the system by strangers, launch the control panel and enter “ user accounts».

While in the account management section, click " Creating your password account ».

Write the passphrase and confirmation in the next window. Additionally, we will create a reminder hint that will appear on the screen after a failed login. Let's save the setting and exit. All.

Windows 8.1 and 10

In the "Eight" and "Ten" password protection installed via system application « Options».

To get into it on Windows 8, open the Charms panel and click “ Options».

Let's find the section " Accounts" and go to " Login Options».

In Windows 10 application " Options"launched from the menu " Start».

Further steps in Windows 8.1 and 10 are the same.

Let's go through the section " Accounts" V " Login Options" and click under the word " Password» button « Add».

In the next window, we will set a passphrase, repeat it again and write a hint - everything is like in Windows 7.

In addition to the passphrase, to log into Windows 8 and 10 you can use a PIN code (it is tied not to an account, but to a device instance) and a graphic password-picture.

To set a PIN code, click the button next to it “ Add».

To create a graphic password-image, let's go to the section of the same name.

Let's select an image - any picture that is stored on the computer.

After loading, click " Use this picture"and draw 3 simple figures on it - something that will be easily remembered and definitely will not be forgotten. Repeat the drawing 3 times and click the save button.

We password-protect the hard drive and access to the BIOS

Before proceeding with further operations, write down the pre-created passphrase on an external medium (preferably on paper) and store it in a safe place. Please note that BitLocker encryption is virtually unbreakable!

Almost the same can be said about BIOS passwords, especially if you have a laptop. The majority of laptops, except the most budget ones, store them separately from other settings - in non-volatile EEPROM memory, and (by disconnecting the battery or moving the Clear_CMOS jumper) will not help here. Most often, this data has to be reset by rewriting it on the programmer.

Using BitLocker

First, a few words about what BitLocker is. This system component Windows 7, 8 and 10, which allows you to encrypt information both on the entire drive and in a separate section. After encryption, the disk can be used as usual.

Starter, Home, and Professional editions of Windows 7, Windows 8 Core, and Home editions of Windows 10 do not have BitLocker. If this is not your case, move on.

  • Let's go to the folder " Computer"and open context menu partition to be protected. Click " Turn onBitLocker».

  • In the next window, note “ Use a password to unlock the drive", enter the passphrase and click " Further».

  • We will indicate where to save the recovery key, which will be useful if access problems arise.

  • Select the encryption area (the entire disk or just the occupied space).

  • And finally, click " Start encryption».

We password-protect the BIOS

BIOS password protection will block access to the most BIOS utility Setup and will prevent unauthorized downloads operating system. It is installed very simply:

  • Let's download BIOS Setup(who doesn’t know, this should be done immediately after turning on the computer). Which key is intended for this is indicated at the bottom of the screensaver motherboard.

  • Moving by pressing the arrow buttons, we will go to the section “ Security" The options we need are called “ Change Supervisor Password" And " Change User Password" The first sets the password for the administrator, who has access to all BIOS settings, the second - for the user, who can only view them and change something minor, like the time and date.
  • Let's enter " EnterNewPassword» invented code (maximum 8 characters).
  • To save and exit, press F10.

If your BIOS version Setup looks a little different - like in the screenshot below, you don’t need to go anywhere. Options « Supervisor Password" And " User Password" are located in the right half of the main window.

In graphic versions of BIOS - UEFI, which have been equipped with all desktop motherboards in recent years, the option to set a password can be anywhere. For Gigabyte products, for example, it is located in the “ System" Parameter " Set" in my example means that the protection is activated.

Now a few words about how to set a password in the BIOS. This measure ensures maximum degree protection, but at the same time it is the most dangerous. Forgotten code cannot be restored by any means. It is stored in permanent memory disk controller and on the protected service sector. Since this data is verified, even replacing the controller will not help to remove the blocking.

The option for password-protecting disks is also located in the “ Security" and is called " SetHDDPassword" However, it is not present in all BIOS versions. If you don't have it, it means it's not supported.

Password protection of information is a useful thing, but sometimes excessive. Once again, if you don't want to protect your data from yourself, keep reminder passwords like the apple of your eye, especially when experimenting with BitLocker and BIOS.

Hi all! I was sitting over a cup of coffee this morning and realized that I have written a lot of notes on my blog, but I still haven’t scribbled down clear instructions on how to set a password on my computer. In my childhood, the computer was not something personal, and, as a rule, all family members used it, so they received a slap in the neck for trying to set a password. Now with constant Internet connection and development cloud services A password isn’t really needed—without it, you simply won’t be able to use the device’s full functionality.

For example, for the full operation of a store Windows applications You can’t do without a Microsoft account - some applications simply won’t install, and you can’t create an account profile without a password (after all, your profile is, in fact, the key to all your data).

A little advice: I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you wish, it is quite easy to remove this password (this does not apply to a Microsoft account) and it is possible to access your data without much difficulty - if setting a password is needed to protect confidential information, then it is better for you to take a closer look at specialized utilities for encrypting your data

How to set a password on a Computer? — Let's look at the example of Windows

First of all, I want to tell you how to set a password on your computer when logging into Windows. My personal opinion is that this is the easiest way to limit the use of your PC.

In general, it’s strange, I still haven’t found a correct description of setting a password on Windows 10, there are a lot of nuances with a Microsoft account and in general the process is quite different and not similar to everything that happened before.

How to password protect a computer on Windows 7

Open the “Start” menu and select “Control Panel” - if you are going to more or less master the computer, then we will often return here...

In Control Panel, open User Accounts and Family Safety (many people like the list view, but I like sorting by category)

A window will open in which you need to select “User Accounts”, where in the list you need to click on the user for whom a password will be set to log into the system.

Click “Create a password for your account” - I think there are unnecessary comments here

A password creation window will open, here we have to enter the password twice (so as not to accidentally make a spelling mistake) and coming up with a hint is not necessary, but given the forgetfulness, I recommend not neglecting this opportunity. After that, click “Create a password” and the next time you turn on the computer, you will have to enter your passphrase to log into Windows.

If you have moved away from the computer and do not want to leave the possibility of using it, then you will probably like the WIN + L key combination - when you press this combination, the computer will simply lock and will require you to enter set password for further work. In many situations, this is a very convenient function, especially if you need to leave for a couple of minutes and do not want to leave access to the system.

How to set a password on a computer (Windows 10)

With the advent of Windows 8, the concept of “User” changed its meaning a little, because the main feature eights presented synchronization and Microsoft account.

A Microsoft account as a whole is quite convenient and can be recommended for use (it is already required by default with) ... and it is basically impossible to use it without a password (although it is possible). So I want to tell you how to set a password on Windows 10 with a local account and change it with a Microsoft account.

Microsoft Account

The first steps are the same regardless of the type of your account and, as usual, we need to get into the “Control Panel”, to do this, simply open the “Start” menu and start typing the name of the desired item in the system on the keyboard - Windows 10 will offer us the best match.

Go to the “User Accounts” section (agree, the process is not much different from that in Windows 7)

Click on the name of the “User Accounts” item and select the user for whom you want to set a password.

This is where the first differences begin - I use an account Microsoft entry and it cannot be changed from the operating system interface. To change the password, we are asked to go to “Computer Settings”

Here we will be redirected to the Microsoft website, where we change the login password (in general, to change the password for an account from Mike, it is not at all necessary to use the control panel; you can immediately go to the password change page and make the necessary changes)

Next to your email, click “Change password” (Email and Microsoft account are the same thing)

It’s not a fact that you will have the next step, but it’s worth describing it - it’s confirmation of your data (just choose how you prefer to confirm your identity)

The password change tab will open, where you need to enter the current password and the new one twice (so as not to make a mistake when entering)

Local account

The password for the local account is created in the same way as in the case of Windows 7 (see how to get to the users window just above - I don’t see the point in duplicating information within one note). Just choose the desired user and click “Create password”... usual, enter twice New Password and a hint if desired, now every time you try to log in you will need to enter the correct password, otherwise you will not be able to use the computer.

This is a simple way to restrict access to your operating room. Windows system. Unfortunately, if you really want to, it won’t be difficult to access your data, so use Windows password as a means of protecting information is very stupid.

How to set a password on a Computer? — Let's look at the BIOS

One way to set a password on your computer is to set User Password in the BIOS of your motherboard (you can find out its model in). Everyone's firmware is different, but as a rule this item is located in the Security tab.

Administrator Password is also present - this is a way to protect BIOS settings(in some cases it can be very useful). When you set User Password in your computer's BIOS, you must enter a password when you turn it on... it is almost impossible to remove it without physically interfering with the computer's configuration. This method can be combined with Windows operating system protection.

Conclusions and thoughts

What else can you tell us about passwords? - under no circumstances use your date of birth, first names or last names... not only are they easy to hack, they can be selected manually. Use letters of different cases and symbols, don’t forget about numbers - for example 1tshN3g@ (this is a good password). You can write it down, but hide it in a safe place.

I strongly recommend checking the Caps Lock key and the layout on which you create the password, otherwise you can hide the data from yourself through inattention... this is how you can password-protect your computer - as you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated.

In this tutorial I would like to show you how in just a couple of minutes you can block access to your computer by using a password to log into your account.

By setting such a password, you can be sure that no one except you will be able to log into the system (at least easily, quickly and simply), which means that none of the important files will be deleted, stolen or read without your knowledge.

Most often, such protection is needed in cases where it is necessary to protect information from small children or from random strangers. If only you have access to the computer, then there is no need for such protection.

So let's get started...

Creating a Password

First, let's take a look at your account. To do this, press the button Start and select the item Control Panel. In the Control Panel we find the section user accounts:

Please note that if in your case the Control Panel does not look like in my picture, then you can switch the viewing mode by selecting Small icons.

By clicking the item user accounts We will be taken to a window to make changes to your account. On the right you can see the account name (mine is Andrey), as well as the account type (mine is Administrator):

Here, to protect your account with a password, we naturally need to select the item Create your account password.

By clicking this item, we will be taken to the window Creating a password..., where we actually introduce our (1). Please note that we enter the password twice to eliminate accidental errors:

Next, enter a hint for your password (2) so as not to forget what exactly we entered in the first two fields. For example, if you entered 3411075600128939 in your password, then you can write “my credit card number” in the hint. It is not necessary to enter a hint, but if you know that you have a history of forgetting passwords, then it won’t hurt to do so.

After that, press the button Create a password(3) and in a second your account will already be protected.

Now, every time we turn on or restart the computer, we will need to select the name of our account...

... then enter the password and press the start button:

Only after this the system will be loaded and we can start working, and no one else will be able to do this without knowing the password.

If at some point you feel that you no longer need this password or need to change it, you can always do this using the appropriate items in your account window:

When creating and using a password for your account, you must be extremely careful to always be sure of your password (don’t make a mistake, don’t forget or lose it), because otherwise, you yourself will not be able to log into the system without professional help.

Setting a password on your computer allows you to protect confidential information. For example, in all organizations its presence on computers is a mandatory security requirement. Setting a password on your computer yourself is a very simple procedure, but before installing it, try to come up with a password that is easy to remember, but difficult to guess. This issue was discussed in the previously published article “”. Now let's look at how to protect your computer with a password using Windows 7 as an example, as the most common operating system at the time of writing.

Setting a password on your computer

If your PC is not password protected and there is a need to set one, then set it to prevent unauthorized access to your beloved computer. For this:

If you forget your password, Windows displays the hint you specified when you entered your password. Don't forget that it can be seen by anyone with access to your computer. Therefore, if everyone knows that you live in Moscow, and your hint is displayed as “ My favorite city", it will be of little use.

The password you set is case sensitive, so when you enter it when booting Windows Be sure to respect the case in which the password was set. Otherwise, the system simply will not accept it and it will be impossible to log into your account.

Changing and deleting your password

The created password can be changed at any time. To do this, click on the link “ Changing your password” displayed in the Make changes to your user account window. You can also change your account name by selecting the " Change your account name».

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