How to protect your phone if you're afraid of losing it. How to protect your Android smartphone from hackers and other hackers How to protect your phone from theft

In this article I will tell you how you can insure yourself against possible loss of your phone. After following the instructions you will be able to:

  • find your Android phone or tablet(you can find out the approximate location of the device)
  • remotely lock phone/tablet
  • through the Internet remove personal data from the device

For the service to work you need:

  • current
  • Internet access on the phone
  • geolocation is enabled on the device (GPS)

Internet access is needed to communicate with the phone, GPS to determine and transmit coordinates, Google account to manage the service " Android Remote Control »

If all this is there, then you can proceed to setting up the “Remote Android management" First, let's set up the phone, you need to enable remote control. To do this, go to the menu, “Settings” - “Google” settings - “Security”. Here we enable the items “Remote device search” and “Remote lock and reset”:

Let's also check if the geolocation function (GPS) is enabled. To do this, go to “Menu” - “Settings” - “Location” - move the switch to the “ON position”

And also on the phone must be turned on Mobile Internet or WiFi. This completes the setup.

Now let's check the functionality of the service. Go to your computer or laptop and open the page in the browser Enter data here Google account from your Android and after that the service page will load:

Here we see the location of our device and 3 available functions: ring, block, clear.

If your phone or tablet is not visible in the service, then it may be hidden in Google Play, to display, you must enable the “Show in Menu” feature at

For the simplest test, click “Ring”; if everything is configured correctly, the phone should ring.

When you select the "Block" function, you can set New Password, for improved locking. You can also set a message that will be displayed on the lock screen, for example “Reward for return! My number is +77-777-777.” And you can also set an allowed phone number, this is the only number that can be called and it will be displayed on the lock screen.

And the last function is phone cleaning. If there is information on the phone that should not fall into the hands of other people and there are doubts that the phone will be found, then you can delete all data on the phone.

That’s all, if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments :)

In the language of IT specialists, malicious software(software) that disguises itself as a harmless program is called a Trojan. Such applications force the user to install them themselves and grant the necessary privileges.

All Trojans can be divided into two types. The first to exploit vulnerabilities operating system or applications installed on your smartphone. The latter force the user to allow some actions, for example, access to one-time passwords from SMS messages, the camera, the gadget’s desktop or other applications.

If OS vulnerabilities are exploited, it is quite difficult to notice malicious activity. Thus, a program, for example, aimed at stealing money through mobile banking, will make itself felt after funds are written off from the account.

Protecting against malware that forces you to give access to data or allow you to perform fraudulent activities is also difficult. Such malware uses legal techniques, so the user remains to blame. Without reading the terms of installation of the application, he trusts and allows the free dictionary or game to read his messages, make paid calls, and sometimes completely control the device.

Rule 1: Install applications only from official markets

Most malicious applications end up on smartphones from unofficial application markets or via links from sites with unlicensed content. Google Play and App Store review applications before they are made available to users. It is much more difficult to catch an infection there. If you decide to download something from an unknown resource, check the “Install applications from untrusted sources” checkbox during installation.

Rule 2: carefully read what access, permissions and functions the installed application requires to enable

Fraudsters often embed malware into clones of popular paid applications, luring victims free music or games. Once in a gadget, the virus exploits the vulnerabilities of older versions of the OS in order to gain increased control over the victim’s device. Some may, for example, force the victim to enable special developer features - USB debugging. This way, installation software from a computer will be able to gain unhindered access to installing applications on a smartphone with any privileges.

Rule 3: Update your apps regularly

Research has shown that 99% of attacks target vulnerabilities for which developers have released patches. When releasing a new release, they always officially notify about the bugs and loopholes that have been fixed. Fraudsters carefully study them and direct their malware at those users who did not manage to update old version. Therefore, timely updating of both the device OS and installed applications can reduce the risk of attacks.

Rule 4: forget about root rights

Almost everything Android users can gain complete control over the system of their gadget. Root rights Root is the main administrator account. If a fraudster gains access to this profile, then he has a number of opportunities that are not available in normal operation. provide the ability to change system folders and files: for example, they allow you to delete standard applications(calendar, maps and various built-in services), change and delete themes, shortcuts, optimize the operation of your device, overclock the processor. There are ones that establish complete control over the system, but they also completely destroy the security on the device.

Do not use a rooted Android device for banking transactions. If malware gains these root rights, it will be able to embed itself in everything system processes: read SMS with a one-time password from the bank, delete SMS notifications about debiting funds, have access to data bank cards and even listen to conversations. In this case, all these activities will be hidden from the user.

Rule 5: Don't give weird permissions to apps

If an application needs to use, for example, access to the contact list, then during installation it will definitely request this permission. Starting with Android 6, some permissions cannot be granted during installation - they are granted only after they are launched. So, if an application needs access to read SMS, location or other confidential information, the user will be able to refuse him. To protect yourself, you need to be very careful about such offers.

The most popular permissions requested by malware are:

    Reading SMS. Many applications, including banking, use SMS messages to deliver a one-time password. Having gained access to the SMS, the attacker will be able to log into your account and confirm his transactions.

    Sending SMS and making calls. The application can simulate calls and SMS sending to paid numbers, stealing money from a phone account.

    "Overlay on top of other windows" in Android OS. This resolution can be used to distort almost any information displayed on a smartphone screen. Overlaying a picture of the windows, malware can trick the user into, for example, confirming a money transfer. Different windows can be displayed on top of the banking application so that the user taps on certain parts of the screen (this is called tapjacking), and ultimately sends money to someone else's account. The software can also change the transfer amount by hiding a couple of zeros in it: the user will think that he is transferring 1 ruble, but in fact it is 100.

    Device Administrator. This permission will give the malware almost complete control over the device. He can not only steal money, penetrate into any account, but also to protect yourself from deletion.

It would be a good idea to regularly audit applications and the permissions issued to them. Starting with Android 6, access to permissions can be disabled. This can be done according to the following scheme: Settings -> Applications -> Application permissions/Overlay on top of other windows.

Is there no viruses in iOS?

It is much more difficult for iOS users to run into Trojans. But even here, malware has ways to penetrate the device. Apple allows the installation of internal corporate applications bypassing the App Store, provided that the user trusts the developer. Therefore, attackers disguise viruses as harmless applications, often free clones paid programs. You should not install these, especially if you make money transactions from your device.

Once the malware gets onto the device, it can use vulnerabilities in iOS to disable security mechanisms (perform a so-called jailbreak) and gain full control over the device. If the user disables the security mechanisms on his own, he makes life much easier for scammers.

The malware can also target vulnerabilities not in iOS itself, but in applications - for example, insecure data storage in your mobile banking. As in the case of Android, timely software updates will help against such attacks.

Bottom line: things to remember

Each application should be treated as if it has unrestricted access to the device. An app may look harmless, but act secretly or trick you into performing unwanted actions. You should trust those developers who place their products in official markets (Google play, App Store). It is necessary to pay attention to whether there are suspicious applications such as “Root rights”, “Wi-Fi accelerator”, “battery saver” among the developer’s list. Positive reviews and the number of downloads can also become additional criteria in favor of choosing a developer.

Mobile gadgets are made to simplify the life of any person, and their lack of control allows you to work or play with them in public places, increasing the risk of their loss, both theft and loss. But one way or another, developers think about their users and try to help as much as possible with the search or to remotely block the gadget. For this purpose, various software is being created and implemented for iPhone and Android, which can, if a gadget is lost, either quickly find it by coordinates or completely block it. Such developments turn out to be very useful, because they prevent the next criminal implementation of such smartphones.

How to protect against theft and loss of iPhone

The following functions will help you find and return your iPhone or iPad:

  • iCloud
  • Activation Lock
  • Find iPhone app

January 29, 2015 Apple company filed a wonderful patent application new technology security for iPhone to minimize the possibility of your smartphone being stolen. This is called Apple going crazy. If the Cupertino company really implements these technologies, not a single robber would think of stealing someone’s smartphone. So what does this technology do? Every robber thinks straightforwardly: I’ll turn off the device so that they don’t start calling me or, even worse, they won’t track me, and he thinks correctly. This technology proposes to introduce special password before turning off, this is where the robber was caught. While he enters different combinations, the iPhone can already be tracked ten times. Moreover, the code is not just a set of numbers, it is a code word. Perhaps this technology will use a fingerprint, which will further increase the difficulty of hacking mobile device. Now that many developments are already in full use and there is even a face id system, you don’t have to worry too much about your device and data, but it’s better to play it safe and protect your gadget as much as possible, and we’ll now tell you in more detail how to do this.

If your smartphone is stolen, and there is no second one nearby, then you must immediately go to the website from any device and put your gadget in lost mode. This mode locks the display with a four-character password and displays your phone number to help you return your device. During such a blocking, the use of the gadget is impossible until the device is unlocked by the owner.

Using this service, you can display various messages on the screen, for example: “ This phone is wanted by the finder, please call 99-99-99” and the finder will have a 90% chance of returning the device to you.

Activation Lock

This feature also helps protect your iPhone if it ends up in the wrong hands. When enabled, you will be required to enter the correct Apple ID and password. Even if all device data is erased and important information, the function will continue to function as if nothing had happened and cannot be disabled without your permission. This function turns on automatically when setting up the Find Iphone service.

Find iPhone app

How to protect against theft and loss of Android

  • Google
  • Remote control
  • Security and location apps

Using the service from Google, you can protect personal data so that no one can use it, as well as find out the location of the gadget and perform some other actions that significantly worsen the situation of the one who stole the phone. It is also possible to send messages to the device, return it with a text for a reward, call the phone, erase data, etc. All this can be done by going to the service via the link

By enabling remote control on your device, you can control it from anywhere, but to do this you must use google service or special programs and applications.

Applications to protect your Android smartphone

Nowadays, many different applications are being developed, by installing them on your phone, you can easily track or manage it various functions. This is done specifically for security and so that anyone can quickly find or limit the use of a smartphone. All of them allow you to send messages, make calls, block certain functions, or covertly launch the camera to take a photo of the thief.

Protection applications that can be downloaded from the Play Market

  • Lost Android
  • Prey Anti-Theft
  • Find My Phone
  • Where's My Droid

Ask yourself: “If my phone were lost or stolen right now, would my data be protected from the wrong hands and would I be able to locate the device?” If the answer is no, then these tips are for you.

New Android devices come with fingerprint scanners for a good reason: they keep your device secure, and are both convenient and fast. Not using a screen lock on Android is equivalent to handing over your phone with your data to thieves.

There are many different lock screen options available today. You can use the password graphic keys, your fingerprints, your iris. Using a screen lock is one of the most simple ways protect your phone from theft.

Go to Settings> Security, here you have the opportunity to make all passwords visible. On the one hand this is good, entering becomes easier and more accurate, but on the other hand, when you are in public places, such as public transport, strangers can see the entered data. It is best to disable this feature or use it as needed.

A good locker app can be a godsend, not only for security reasons, but also for protecting privacy and making sure your kids can't delete or move anything important if you give them your smartphone to play with. AppLock locker can keep your photos, contacts, Facebook, phone settings and everything else you need safe.

This advice will most likely work if you have lost your phone or it has been stolen. Android Device Manager allows you to track it, remotely block it and, in the worst case, remotely erase all data. Do not disable remote location tracking or location services on your device, otherwise you will not be able to find it.

Don't leave your phone unattended

There is a very high probability that you will not find your smartphone if you forget it in a shopping center or other public place. And the finder obviously will not show any sign of altruism and will not take the find to the administration shopping center or the police. Don't forget your smartphone and make sure you have it when you leave a place.

A recent report noted that the top ten most popular flashlight apps had the ability to track location and even delete apps and files. And, of course, this is not just a flashlight app: these kinds of apps can be designed to collect user data, transmit financial information, or steal money.

Beware of installing applications from unknown sources. Make sure you have control over all rights of your applications.

Just because encryption is set by default on your device does not mean that the data you send over the Internet will be encrypted. To ensure your messages remain private, use encrypted platforms like Telegram rather than unencrypted alternatives.

Sometimes updates make minor changes that don't make any noticeable difference to the new version, but sometimes these updates contain significant fixes to security issues that you cannot see, but potential attackers will encounter. People who don't update to latest version, remain vulnerable, so this is a very good reason to be aware latest updates applications and OS.

Everyone knows that modern smartphone has long ceased to be a purely useful device for negotiations. Many people trust these devices with a large amount of information that is valuable to them. Therefore, the loss of a smartphone, whether it occurred as a result of theft or due to some other circumstances, can become a serious problem for its owner, causing headaches. However, life is life and such a situation can arise for anyone, and the question immediately arises of what should be done in such a situation.

In this article, we will introduce you to the actions that need to be taken in order to, if not return your lost device, then at least minimize possible damage. It should be remembered that these actions must be taken before the phone is lost. That is, everything we recommend must be done right now, and not after losing your smartphone.

Apple iPhone

Without exception, all iPhones come with built-in protection in case they are lost or stolen. To do this, you just need to enable the “Find iPhone” function, since by default it is disabled in order to save battery power. This is done very simply:
— go to “Settings”;
— select the “iCloud” section;
— activate by clicking on the “Find iPhone” icon.

In active mode, this function allows you to perform the following actions from a distance:
— blocking a lost smartphone;
— sending a message with an offer to return the device to the owner;
— start feed on your smartphone sound signal, and this is possible even when it is turned on in silent mode.

You can also use the device location search function on interactive map. However, you must really remember that this function only works when the smartphone is activated and connected to the Internet. Another important function provided when you enable the Find My iPhone mode is the ability to erase all data stored on your smartphone. And you can do this even if you don’t even know its location.

To be able to use all these features, you must go to the site, which can be found at email address, indicate your Apple ID and password. Then you need to either activate “Lost Mode” or use the “Erase iPhone” option.

Android smartphone

As in the previous case, Android smartphones have their own individual tool that allows you to search. To enable it, follow these steps:
— open the “Settings” section;
— select “Security”;
— log in to “Device Administrators”;
— enable the item “ Remote control»;
— confirm the selected action.

To manage your device remotely, you need to select and go to it. Next, you should indicate the name of the account with which the device was linked and the password chosen to activate it. If you are logging in for the first time, then all the conditions must be met and then the device manager will start looking for the smartphone.

There are practically no differences in terms of functionality compared to Find iPhone. There is also a possibility of device detection using virtual card(if, of course, it is activated at that moment and connected to the Internet), send an information message to its address, trigger a sound signal and completely delete all information on it.

It should also be noted that Android is not limited to just one application. Here the user is given the opportunity to choose between several options, similar to “Find iPhone”. You can easily find them on Google Play if you go to the “Security” section, where you can find Android Lost, Find my phone, Wheres My Droid, Plan B or some others. In addition, some smartphone manufacturing companies practice reinstalling their developments, similar to such applications, on the devices they produce. By and large, there is no significant difference between them. They are very similar in functionality and differ only in design solutions.

Windows Phone Smartphones

Those users who have smartphones with Windows Phone They also have the ability to find them in case of loss, as well as control them remotely. And just like in the options described above, this function is disabled by default. To activate it, you need to go to “Settings”, select “Search for phone” and enable all the functions that are available there.

To manage remotely, use the website, where you need to log into your account. With it you can do the following:
— the smartphone may be subject to forced blocking;
— a message can be sent to it;
— you can activate the sound signal;
— delete all information contained in it.
In this case, it is possible not only to reset the phone itself, but also to erase all settings stored in the cloud in the archive. However, you will not be able to delete the SMS archive.

Some actions that everyone knows about, but not everyone does

If the user has a contract, then he must contact mobile operator with an application to block the SIM card and smartphone using the IMEI code. You should also file a theft report with the police. Only in this case confirmation will be required, which, as a rule, is a receipt, from the store that this device was purchased by the applicant.

To obtain information about IMEI, just dial the code *#06#, after which the combination - the required code - will appear on the screen. It should be written down somewhere, just in case of emergency. IMEI is most often written on the box in which the device is packaged, as well as on a sticker located under the telephone battery. And if we are talking about an iPhone, then directly at the bottom of the back of the case.

Actions that are advisable to perform regardless of the smartphone model

It is recommended to always use a power-on lock on your smartphone screen. This allows you to be sure that an attacker who has taken possession of your device will not immediately have the opportunity to study the contents of your smartphone.

To enable screen lock, do the following:
iOS 9. Enter “Settings”, then open the “Password” section. Here you can not only enter a password, which must consist of four digits, but also indicate the frequency of the request. You can also set a limit on the number of times you enter incorrect password combinations, after which the system deletes all user data stored in it. There is also the ability to change the number of characters in the password. To do this, select the “Change Password” section and open “Password Options”.

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