New technologies in the world of electronics. The latest innovations in electronics and electrical engineering. Review of nanotechnology. Energy saving technologies.novelties of electrical engineering

Google presented the second generation of its own smartphones: Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, the Pixelbook laptop and talked about other developments. Representatives of the company spoke about devices and services as part of the presentation of new devices and services; a live broadcast of the event is available on YouTube. The family of mobile...

2017-10-09 926 0 Electronics

A group of researchers from China found that artificial intelligence(AI) Apple's Siri is the dumbest smart assistant yet. Business Insider reports this. Experts assessed IQ various systems AI. Thus, in 2016, the leader among them was the assistant from Google with the indicator..

2017-10-09 978 0 Electronics

Ability to compose individual quantum computers complex networks rests on the need to maintain the quantum state for a sufficiently long time, exceeding the signal transmission time. Australian scientists have proposed using quantum memory elements for this purpose based on erbium ions connected...

2017-09-19 4794 0 Electronics

The long-awaited $1,000 iPhone X has finally arrived. The flagship of the three new iPhones Apple unveiled on Tuesday, it certainly looked intriguing, shown off from the stage at the new Steve Jobs Theater. However, there are many doubts that iPhone fans, many...

2017-09-19 5017 0 Electronics

Apple is working on a laser sensor for the camera of the new iPhone 8. Fast Company writes about this, citing an anonymous source. This will improve the quality of images and improve the display of objects in augmented reality. It is noted that Apple plans to use a VCSEL laser sensor. ..

2017-07-14 16519 0 Electronics

Startup Ora Sound has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for the first on-ear headphones with sound membranes made from graphene flakes. The company has already raised the requested amount of 135 thousand Canadian dollars and plans to begin deliveries in March 2018. Despite the fact that graphene was discovered...

2017-06-22 17130 0 Electronics

Representatives of hardware stores have recorded an acute shortage of video cards due to the growing popularity of cryptocurrency mining. PC users are increasingly beginning to issue cryptocurrencies on their computers, writes the Vedomosti newspaper. It is noted that many buyers take 200-300 video cards, and some buy them right away.

2017-06-22 17226 0 Electronics

Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo have developed a new method for separating the energy levels of electrons in two-dimensional semiconductors. This will help in the development of volitronics, a new direction in quantum electronics. The study was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. The scientists measured energy levels by reflecting light off the material. ..

2017-05-03 14536 0 Electronics

Physicists from the China University of Science and Technology (Shanghai), the University of Würzburg and the University of St. Andrews have improved the operation of one type of quantum computer - a bosonic sampler. According to the authors, the device now outperforms ENIAC (the first universal classical computer) by about 220 times in a certain class of tasks. Scientists..

2017-05-03 14674 0 Electronics

Huawei introduced the powerful HiKey 960 single board computer, developed in collaboration with Google companies, ARM, Archermind and LeMaker. The PCWorld portal reports this. The vast majority of modern desktop computers and laptops use x86 processors, while almost all mobile devices use..

2017-04-30 15693 0 Electronics

An anonymous source from the Foxconn plant said that the iPhone 8 will be released only in 2018. Thus, he denied the information that this year Apple will present three phones at once (iPhone 7s, 7s Plus and 8), writes the Micgadget portal. “Some of our friends from Foxconn confirmed...

2017-04-30 15006 0 Electronics

Patent Office and brands The US has published Apple's patent application to register technology that allows charging wireless devices via Wi-Fi. This development will ensure a constant charge of the battery when connected to the network, says the document published on the department’s website. The application..

2017-04-30 11061 0 Electronics

Researchers from the German Hasso Plattner Institute have developed a new system that allows them to simulate the sensations of interacting with objects in virtual reality. According to the institute, the basis of the new system was an electrical muscle stimulation device. By her own new system doesn't play..

2017-04-19 12894 0 Electronics

Apple may get rid of the fingerprint scanner finger Touch ID due to the problem of its integration. Pacific Crest Securities analyst Andy Hargreaves spoke about this, reports MacRumors. According to the specialist, Apple plans to place a scanner..

2017-04-19 7023 0 Electronics

Austrian physicists have created a microprocessor several atoms thick. They say it is the most complex all-semiconductor device of its kind developed to date. The corresponding study was published in the journal Nature Communications. The microprocessor is created from molybdenum disulfide and contains..

2017-04-13 6577 0 Electronics

Apple will build into new iPhone Smart Connector, which allows you to connect various accessories to your smartphone. This was reported by Ubergizmo with reference to the Israeli portal The Verifier. According to the source, through the Smart Connector it will be possible to connect virtual..

2017-04-10 4554 0 Electronics

During a presentation in New York, Samsung introduced new Galaxy smartphones S8 and S8 Plus. This was reported by a correspondent. Both gadgets received a display curved at the edges with an aspect ratio of 18.5:9 and a resolution of 2960x1440 pixels. The older model has a screen diagonal of...

2017-04-01 5663 0 Electronics

Apple has patented possible changes to the design of a laptop that will allow it to be physically combined with a smartphone and tablet computer. The AppleInsider portal drew attention to the patent. Electronics manufacturers often try to combine some functions of different gadgets. One of the key ideas that...

2017-03-26 6064 0 Electronics

Samsung announced the launch of a new generation of QLED TVs at an event in Paris, reports a correspondent. The new devices in the line use quantum dot technology, thanks to which it was possible to achieve more High Quality images and maximum approximation..

2017-03-18 4423 0 Electronics

An international group of physicists has achieved the maximum density of information recording in the magnetic state of matter - one bit in one atom. This corresponds to an increase in capacity hard drives a thousand times. For a two-bit device, scientists developed procedures for writing and reading information using a scanning tunneling microscope. ..

The Consumer Electronics Show is an annual exhibition that has traditionally been held in Las Vegas since 1967. Manufacturers of consumer electronics come from all over the world to this exhibition to “show themselves” and “look at others.” Initially, CES until 1990 showed mainly VCRs, optical discs, video cameras and sound cards, but over time the arsenal technical innovations has grown significantly. Now the world's most cutting-edge trade show for tech enthusiasts is showcasing everything from smartphones to TVs.

The prices of the incredibly thin 4K TVs from the Signature OLED W line, presented by LG at CES 2017, have been announced. The thickness of these TVs is incredibly small and is only 2.57 millimeters, which cannot be said about their prices. The 65-inch W line model costs $7,996, while the 77-inch super-slim TV costs $19,996. Large screens with almost imperceptible thickness have become a reality.

LG just announced new line available K-series Android smartphones. The South Korean company wants to satisfy the desires of customers by providing relatively inexpensive devices, but using the most modern technologies cameras The first smartphones in the new series are the K10 and K7 models, which will be shown at CES 2016.

Science does not stand still, and you and I are convinced of this every day. The great minds of the planet come up with incredible things that make us admire and cause an incredible desire to get them for ourselves. Here is a list the latest inventions, which are so brilliant that they are sure to impress you.

1. Smart sneakers that change design on the go

Do you want many pairs of sneakers with different designs for every day, but don’t have the money for such a collection? Then your choice is the new ShiftWear sneakers, appearance which can be changed on the fly. They are equipped with flexible color E-Ink displays that constantly display the desired image. You can change the appearance of your sneakers using a special mobile application. Moreover, you can display either a simple black and white image or a complex color picture or animation on sneakers.

2. Kingii bracelet that won't let you drown

American designers have created a bracelet that in half a second turns into Lifebuoy. If an extreme situation occurs in the water, then just one press of a button will be enough for the gadget to keep you on the water.

3. Plants that float in the air

Levitating plants - plants that float in the air, spinning slowly - are an amazing combination of nature and technology. They can be an excellent decoration for your apartment and will delight your guests.

4. Backpack with electric skateboard Movpak

Movpak is an individual folding vehicle that can be easily carried on the shoulder in the form of a backpack, and if necessary, it can travel up to 15 km at a speed of 25 km/h on one two-hour charge of the built-in batteries, which can also be used to recharge gadgets and mobile devices.

5. Safe passenger plane

Ukrainian aircraft engineer Vladimir Tatarenko has invented a removable aircraft body that detaches in an emergency. After the capsule separates, a special mechanism slows down the rate of fall and opens the parachutes, allowing passengers to land safely.

6. Oil sprayer

Butter is a popular and healthy product, but not very convenient to use. After all, it is very problematic to use oil that has just been taken out of the freezer. Texas engineers have invented a device designed to quickly melt butter and distribute it outside in the form of a spray.

7. Trolley for lifting loads up stairs

American designers have created a folding cart equipped with a system of triple wheels that rotate on a triangular rim, providing a smooth climb up to steps up to 23 cm high and 14 cm wide. Now lifting heavy bags to the 9th floor will not be difficult for you.

8. Device for recycling waste paper into clean paper

Epson, known for its printers, introduced the PaperLab product - a personal factory for recycling office paper. The device can process paper waste into clean paper in A4 and A3 formats.

9. Nixie quadcopter bracelet

“Release your camera” is the motto of this wonderful development. Sometimes you really want to take an interesting photo of yourself from the outside, but there’s no one to ask. The solution was found: a high-tech bracelet that easily turns into a quadcopter with a camera. The main idea behind the Nixie quadcopter bracelet is to take photos hands-free or from angles that previously seemed impossible.

10. Bicycle storage system under the ceiling

Really brilliant invention- folding system for storing bicycles under the ceiling Hide-A-Ride. The simple design allows you to mount the product on any ceiling in the room, be it a balcony, a narrow corridor or a room. With such a system, your bicycle will not take up half the room, but will hang neatly from the ceiling.

11. PodRide - a hybrid of a bicycle and a car

Swede Mikael Kjellman built an environmentally friendly and economical PodRide velomobile for himself to commute to work. The interest in his transport was so high that he later decided to launch mass production. PodRide is driven both by foot power and by a compact electric motor, which accelerates the vehicle to 25 km/h.


The French company Parisot has found a way to effectively use space and store a large number of things in a small apartment. A truly brilliant invention, which, by the way, you can make with your own hands. If you liked this bed, then you will be even more surprised.

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