New consumer electronics. The latest innovations in electronics and electrical engineering. Overview of Nanotechnology. Energy saving technologies.novelties of electrical engineering

Science does not stand still, and we are convinced of this every day. The great minds of the planet come up with incredible things that make us admire and cause an incredible desire to get them for ourselves. You have a list latest inventions who are so brilliant that they will certainly impress you.

1. Smart sneakers that change design on the go

Do you want to have many pairs of sneakers with different designs for every day, but do not have money for such a collection? Then your choice is the new ShiftWear sneakers, appearance which can be changed on the go. They are equipped with flexible color E-Ink displays that constantly display the desired picture. You can change the look of sneakers using a special mobile application. Moreover, both a simple black and white image and a complex color picture or animation can be displayed on sneakers.

2. The Kingii bracelet that won't let you drown

American designers have created a bracelet that in half a second turns into Lifebuoy. If an extreme situation happens in the water, then just one press of a button will be enough for the gadget to stay on the water.

3. Plants that float in the air

Levitating plants - plants that float in the air while slowly rotating - are an amazing combination of nature and technology. They can be a great decoration for your apartment and will delight your guests.

4. Movpak Electric Skateboard Backpack

Movpak is a personalized foldable vehicle that can be worn comfortably on the back as a backpack, and if necessary, it can travel up to 15 km at a speed of 25 km/h on one two-hour charge of the built-in batteries, which can also be used to recharge gadgets and mobile devices.

5. Safe passenger aircraft

Ukrainian aeronautical engineer Volodymyr Tatarenko invented a detachable aircraft body that detaches in an emergency. Once the capsule is separated, a special mechanism slows down the fall and opens the parachutes, bringing passengers to a safe landing.

6. Oil sprayer

Butter is a popular and useful, but not very convenient product to use. After all, the oil just taken out of the freezer is very problematic to use. Texas engineers have invented a device designed to quickly melt butter and spray it outside.

7. Ladder trolley

American designers have created a folding trolley equipped with a system of triple wheels that rotate on a triangular rim, providing a smooth climb to steps up to 23 cm high and 14 cm wide. Now it will not be difficult for you to lift heavy bags to the 9th floor.

8. Device for recycling waste paper into clean paper

Epson, a company known for its printers, has introduced PaperLab, a personal office paper recycling factory. The device can recycle paper waste into A4 and A3 clean paper.

9. Nixie Quadcopter Wristband

“Let your camera go free” is the motto of this marvelous development. Sometimes you really want to take an interesting picture of yourself from the outside, but there is no one to ask. The solution was found: a high-tech bracelet that easily turns into a quadcopter with a camera. The main idea of ​​the Nixie Quadcopter Wristband is to take pictures hands-free or take them from an angle that previously seemed impossible.

10. Ceiling bike storage system

Really brilliant invention- folding system for storing a bicycle under the ceiling Hide-A-Ride. The simple design allows you to fix the product on any ceiling in the room, whether it is a balcony, a narrow corridor or a room. With such a system, your bike will not take up half the room, but will hang neatly from the ceiling.

11. PodRide - a hybrid of a bicycle and a car

Sweden's Mikael Kjellman built the eco-friendly and economical PodRide for himself to commute to work. Interest in his transport was so high that he later decided to start mass production. The PodRide is powered by both footwork and a compact electric motor that accelerates the vehicle up to 25 km/h.


The French company Parisot has found a way to efficiently use space and store a lot of things in a small apartment. A truly ingenious invention, which, by the way, you can do with your own hands. If you liked this bed, then you will be even more surprised.

The device allows you to connect via Bluetooth and set up work through the Wiser Room application, available in the AppStore and Google Play.

The switches are characterized by quality, combined with a premium design series. Allow control through mobile app. Connecting via Bluetooth allows you to set the timer, turn on or off the lighting device, reduce the intensity of its work.

Digital industrial voltammeter VAR-M01 is designed for technological control of voltage and current in electrical circuits alternating current, both in industrial zones, and in the areas of housing and communal services, the domestic sector, and other objects of the national economy. It can be used as part of automated control and process control systems as the main or additional indicator on mobile and stationary objects. It is a means of control. Not subject to periodic verification.

Digital voltmeters VR-M01 and VR-M02 are designed to control the voltage in AC electrical circuits, both in industrial areas and in the areas of housing and communal services, the domestic sector, and other objects of the national economy. It can be used as part of automated control and process control systems as the main or additional indicator on mobile and stationary objects.

Engineers from Kyoto University have designed and assembled the first device that can store and store electromagnetic radiation with the preservation of its phase properties. The description of the "trap" is posted as a preprint in the archive of Cornell University, and its brief structure is described by the Technology Review blog.

American physicists created the new kind carbon nanotubes suitable for use as a material for weaving heavy-duty and electrically conductive "threads", and published instructions for their creation in the journal Science.

“Finally, we managed to create a fiber from nanotubes with properties that no other material possesses. It looks like an ordinary black cotton thread, but combines the properties of metal wires and strong carbon tubes,” said Matteo Pasquali, head of the physicist group ( Matteo Pasquali of Rice University in Houston (USA).

Acti9 is the 5th generation of modular systems from Electric. The previous, 4th generation was the Multi9 series, which has become the most famous product in the world in its class. Multi9 appeared many years ago with the release of the C32 series (then C45). Even the fact that the majority of Chinese-made devices on the Russian market are copies of C32 and C45 devices (the 3rd generation of modular systems from Electric) speaks for the long-term popularity of this range.

Automatic switches of the new generation Compact NSX, made in a molded case, in a molded case, are used for currents from 100 to 630A at objects of absolutely any scale and purpose - from office buildings to the largest enterprises. Electric's Compact NSX circuit breakers are used to protect distribution networks, long cables, motors and generators.

The flow of current in conductors is always associated with energy losses, i.e. with the transition of energy from the electrical form to the thermal form. This transition is irreversible, the reverse transition is associated only with the performance of work, as thermodynamics says. There is, however, the possibility of converting thermal energy into electrical energy and using the so-called. thermoelectric effect, when two contacts of two conductors are used, one being heated and the other being cooled.

In 1996, engineer Roy Kuennen wrestled with a solution to a problem: how to make an Amway Corp. household water filter. didn't break? The filter killed bacteria using an ultraviolet lamp, but for this it had to be immersed in water. The wires that supplied the lamp with electricity were rusting. Then the engineer Kuennen had a crazy idea: remove the wires and power the lamp remotely - using a magnetic coil.

While Kuennen struggled with the water filter, the wireless revolution was already in full swing - starting in the 90s, it gave us cellular telephone, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, but only in recent years has begun to cover the field of power supply. Several companies are now looking for ways to power mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and other gadgets directly without having to plug them into the grid.

AT late XIX century, the discovery that electricity could make a light bulb glow sparked an explosion of research aimed at finding the best way transmission of electricity.

At the head of the race was famous physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla, who developed the grandiose project. Unable to believe in the reality of creating a colossal network of wires covering all cities, streets, buildings and rooms, Tesla came to the conclusion that the only feasible method of transmission was wireless. He designed a tower about 57 meters high, which was supposed to transmit energy over a distance of many kilometers, and even began building it on Long Island. A number of experiments were carried out, but the lack of money did not allow the tower to be completed. The idea of ​​power transmission over the air dissipated as soon as it turned out that the industry was able to develop and implement a wired infrastructure.

Everyone knows that no one is immune from the consequences of storms, hurricanes, storms and other natural disasters. Therefore, it is worth soberly realizing that the next downpour with the same probability can leave without light, both a small office and a huge corporation. What to do in case of a cable break or some kind of failure? Call an electrician? Or rent a robot that will do all the work on its own much faster, and possibly better. Say fantasy? Of course, who will develop electrical robots if there are more interesting applications for these silicon creatures. And you don't have to go far - robot singers and bartenders, nannies and teachers, doctors, toys. And here is where I disagree.

Scientists have created a robot that, offline, will be able to independently check or diagnose many kilometers of power cable, identify problems and possibly even identify "preliminary" faults that, in the future, can cause problems in the network.

Professor, electronics engineer Alexander Mamishev told the press that such a development is the first in the industry ...

The specifics of the development of modern civilization, especially in the last ten years, are radically changing our lives. Two trends deserve the most attention.

The first is the rapid development of everything related to computer technology. This is not only a computer in every home and workplace, not only the Internet and "toys". If you look more closely, then we have all been hostages of computer technology for a long time. Almost any device now incorporates a control chip, which, in principle, is the same small computer. This is TV and washing machine, and mobile phone, and a camera, and a keychain to the car, and the car itself ...

Now in my office at work there are about 60! CPU controllers... This is already very serious! If earlier a microprocessor cost tens and hundreds of dollars, now you can buy a control chip for less than a dollar!

The second trend is the increase in the cost of energy resources, and everything related to the mining industry...

The economic efficiency of the use of thermoelectric refrigerators in comparison with other types of refrigeration machines increases the more, the smaller the cooled volume. Therefore, at present, the most rational use of thermoelectric cooling is for household refrigerators, food liquid coolers, air conditioners, in addition, thermoelectric cooling is successfully used in chemistry, biology and medicine, metrology, as well as in commercial refrigeration (temperature maintenance in refrigerators) , refrigeration transport (refrigerators), and other areas

In technology, the effect of the occurrence of thermoEMF in soldered conductors is widely known, contacts (junction points) between which are maintained at different temperatures (Seebeck effect). In the case when a direct current is passed through a circuit of two dissimilar materials, one of the junctions begins to heat up, and the other to cool. This phenomenon is called the thermoelectric effect or the Peltier effect...

One of the main directions in the development of science is the theoretical and experimental research in the field of superconducting materials, and one of the main directions in the development of technology is the development of superconducting turbogenerators.

Superconducting electrical equipment will make it possible to sharply increase the electrical and magnetic loads in the elements of devices and, due to this, to drastically reduce their dimensions. In a superconducting wire, a current density is allowed that is 10 ... 50 times higher than the current density in conventional electrical equipment. Magnetic fields can be brought up to values ​​of the order of 10 T, compared to 0.8...1 T in conventional machines.

Maglev or Maglev(from English magnetic levitation) is a train on magnetic suspension driven and controlled by magnetic forces. Such a train, unlike traditional trains, does not touch the rail surface during movement. Since there is a gap between the train and the running surface, friction is eliminated and the only braking force is the drag force.

The speed achievable by a maglev is comparable to the speed of an aircraft and makes it possible to compete with air communications at short (for aviation) distances (up to 1000 km). Although the very idea of ​​such transport is not new, economic and technical limitations did not allow it to be fully deployed: the technology was implemented for public use only a few times. At present, Maglev cannot use the existing transport infrastructure, although there are projects with the location of elements of the magnetic road between the rails of a conventional railway or under the roadbed.

Hitachi developed new technology generating electricity using vibrations naturally occurring in the air with an amplitude of several micrometers.

HITACHI has developed a new technology for generating electric current by using the natural processes of vibrations that occur in the air, which pass with an amplitude of a couple of micrometers. Despite the fact that this technology provides a very low electrical voltage, there is a great interest in it due to the fact that such generators can operate in all weather and natural conditions, which, for example, solar panels cannot boast of ...

British scientists have developed a new alternative device to generate electricity, writes The Daily Mail. This device looks like a giant snake, but it is possible that in five years it will be used everywhere, and not only in the United Kingdom.

The unusual generator "Anaconda" (Anaconda) is a huge rubber pipe (more than 180 m long), one end of which is attached by a cable to a float, anchored in turn at the bottom of the ocean, and the other one dangles freely. There is also water inside the pipe.

German theorists from the University of Augsburg proposed an original model of an electric motor operating on the laws quantum mechanics. A specially selected external alternating magnetic field is applied to two atoms placed in an annular optical lattice at a very low temperature. One of the atoms, which scientists called the "carrier", begins its movement along the optical lattice and after a while reaches a constant speed, the second atom plays the role of a "starter" - thanks to the interaction with it, the "carrier" begins its movement. The whole structure was called the quantum atomic engine.

Technological progress in the LED industry. What is the secret to the longer life of the new LED indoor luminaires?

The market for LED technology is growing rapidly and the range is filled with various new products. In general, for LED lighting, this market niche is an unplowed field. After all, the elements themselves, LEDs, are practically durable, mainly due to low heat transfer and low consumption, they work on average 50,000 hours, namely 5 years. This makes it possible to assemble ready-made equipment, where it is not necessary to provide for the dimensions of the light bulbs or the possibility of replacing light elements, so that LEDs can be turned into light bulbs, spotlights, lamps, in a free artistic form and format, you can combine colors, enhance pointiness with the help of optical lenses...

The reason for switching to energy-saving LED products. Comparison and simple mathematical calculation of savings and benefits from the purchase in the long run.

Today, many people talk about new energy-saving technologies. That in the near future the traditional "light bulbs of Ilyich" are living out their Age and a new era is coming, or rather, the electrical LED revolution.

This issue has risen to the state level. Starting with the President, who instructed the state corporations Rosstekhnologii and Rosnano to introduce Energy Saving Technologies, due to the fact that electricity is not spent efficiently and it's time to break stereotypes and keep up with the times. Factories will be built in a short time on the territory of Russia, where they will produce LED products and there are already laboratories for their manufacture, although there are very few of them and the cost is still high compared to LEDs from Asian countries.

What do they offer us modern technologies and the State represented by these technologies? ...

Comparison of a conventional LVO ceiling lamp with an LED counterpart.

A revolutionary Age in lighting fixtures is coming. The best universal technology for lighting equipment, selected at the state level, it is an energy-saving LED technology. And there are technological innovations, there are a lot of them, they replace, like conventional incandescent lamps, lighting spotlights, architectural and interior lighting. There are solutions for offices and, in general, for their upcoming construction, using cost-effective lighting fixtures.

Namely, where I was getting at, in the last sentence, this LED lights built into the ceiling. Let's see if there is any benefit in its use and how economical this device is?

This is a collection article that provides a description and scope of the most common chemical food sources at the present time.

AT modern world Portable power supplies are indispensable. They are used in all digital, consumer electronics and more.

From right choice The quality and duration of the operation of a particular electrical appliance depends on the battery. Below are the types of current sources and a description of their advantages and disadvantages.

The service life of this battery is about 90-3700 discharge-charge cycles. Electromotive force (EMF) - 1.3 Volts. Self-discharge of about ten percent per month. Application temperature: from -10 to 40 0 ​​С...

Heating cables are a specific type of cable products that convert electrical energy into thermal energy for the purpose of heating and perform the function of a receiver of electrical energy, and not a transmission line. Heating cables differ significantly from conventional cables and wires, the purpose of which is to transmit electrical energy with the least losses and with a slight voltage drop over the length of the line (usually no more than 5%).

Many people know that modern LEDs are more efficient than incandescent lamps, and some models can compete with lamps. daylight. But rarely does anyone think about what changes these technologies promise us.

Almost two trillion dollars - this is how much new LEDs will save earthlings over the next 10 years, subject to their widespread introduction. In energy terms, the savings would be 18.3 terawatt-hours. The reduction in CO2 emissions over this "LED" decade will be 11 gigatons, and oil consumption will be reduced by almost a billion barrels. And 280 average power plants can be closed.

Yes, professors Chung Kyu Kim and Fred Schubert of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute took a big approach to predicting the future of solid-state lighting systems. They tried to go beyond "single house" electricity savings and imagine what our world would be like in which LEDs would become much more widespread than they are today. And most importantly, they calculated what technical heights we should expect from the same LEDs in the coming years...

The Consumer Electronics Show is an annual trade show that has traditionally been held in Las Vegas since 1967. Manufacturers of consumer electronics come to this exhibition from all over the world to “show themselves” and “see others”. Initially, CES until 1990 showed mainly VCRs, optical discs, camcorders and sound cards, but over time the arsenal technical innovations grew noticeably. Now at the most advanced exhibition for lovers of technical devices, everything from smartphones to televisions is shown.

Pricing has been revealed for LG's incredibly thin 4K Signature OLED W line of TVs unveiled at CES 2017. These TVs are incredibly thin at just 2.57 millimeters, which can't be said for their prices. The 65-inch W line costs $7,996, while the 77-inch super-slim TV costs $19,996. Large screens with almost imperceptible thickness have become a reality.

LG has just announced new line available K-series Android smartphones. The South Korean company wants to satisfy the desires of buyers by providing relatively inexpensive devices, but using the latest camera technology. The first smartphones of the new series are the K10 and K7 models, which will be shown at CES-2016.

Google introduced the second generation of its own smartphones: Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, Pixelbook laptop and talked about other developments. Representatives of the company spoke about devices and services as part of the presentation of new devices and services, a live broadcast of the event is available on YouTube.

2017-10-09 926 0 Electronics

A group of researchers from China found that artificial intelligence(AI) Apple's Siri is the dumbest smart assistant ever. It is reported by Business Insider.Specialists assessed IQ various systems AI. So, in 2016, the leader among them was an assistant from Google with an indicator of ..

2017-10-09 978 0 Electronics

The ability to compose complex networks from individual quantum computers rests on the need to maintain the quantum state for a sufficiently long time, exceeding the signal transmission time. Australian scientists have proposed using for this purpose elements of quantum memory based on erbium ions combined with ..

2017-09-19 4794 0 Electronics

The long-awaited $1,000 iPhone X has finally arrived. Chief among the three new iPhones Apple unveiled on Tuesday, it certainly looked intriguing, showcased from the stage of Steve Jobs' new theater. However, there are many doubts that iPhone fans, many..

2017-09-19 5017 0 Electronics

Apple is working on a laser sensor for the camera of the new iPhone 8. This is reported by Fast Company, citing an anonymous source. This will improve the quality of images and improve the display of objects in augmented reality. It is noted that Apple plans to use a VCSEL laser sensor. ..

2017-07-14 16519 0 Electronics

Startup Ora Sound has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for the first on-ear headphones with sound membranes made from graphene flakes. The company has already raised the requested amount of 135 thousand Canadian dollars and plans to start deliveries in March 2018.Despite the fact that graphene has been discovered..

2017-06-22 17130 0 Electronics

Representatives of hardware stores have recorded an acute shortage of video cards due to the growing popularity of cryptocurrency mining. PC users are increasingly beginning to issue cryptocurrencies on their computers, the Vedomosti newspaper writes. It is noted that many buyers take 200-300 video cards, and some buy them right away..

2017-06-22 17226 0 Electronics

Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo have developed a new method for separating the energy levels of electrons in two-dimensional semiconductors. This will help in the development of volitronics, a new direction in quantum electronics. The study was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. The scientists measured energy levels by reflecting light off a material. ..

2017-05-03 14536 0 Electronics

Physicists from the China University of Science and Technology (Shanghai), the University of Würzburg and the University of St. Andrews have improved the work of one of the types of quantum computers - the bosonic sampler. According to the authors, the device now outperforms ENIAC (the first universal classical computer) by about 220 times in a certain class of tasks. Scientists..

2017-05-03 14674 0 Electronics

Huawei unveiled the powerful HiKey 960 single board computer, co-developed with Google companies, ARM, Archermind and LeMaker. This is reported by the PCWorld portal. The vast majority of modern desktop computers and laptops use x86 architecture processors, while almost all mobile devices use..

2017-04-30 15693 0 Electronics

An anonymous source from the Foxconn factory said that the iPhone 8 will be released only in 2018. Thus, he denied the information that this year Apple will introduce three phones at once (iPhone 7s, 7s Plus and 8), writes the Micgadget portal. “Some of our friends from Foxconn confirmed that ..

2017-04-30 15006 0 Electronics

Patent Office and trademarks The United States has published a patent application by Apple for registration of technology that allows you to charge wireless devices via WiFi. This development will ensure that the battery is constantly charged when connected to the network, according to a document published on the agency's website. The application..

2017-04-30 11061 0 Electronics

Researchers at the German Hasso Plattner Institute have developed a new system to simulate the sensations of interacting with objects in virtual reality. According to the Institute, the basis of the new system was a device for electrical muscle stimulation. By her own new system does not reproduce..

2017-04-19 12894 0 Electronics

Apple may get rid of the fingerprint scanner finger touch ID due to the problem of its integration. Andy Hargreaves, an analyst at Pacific Crest Securities, told MacRumors.According to the specialist, Apple plans to place a scanner..

2017-04-19 7023 0 Electronics

Austrian physicists have created a microprocessor a few atoms thick. It is, they say, the most sophisticated all-semiconductor device of its kind developed to date. The corresponding study was published in the journal Nature Communications. The microprocessor is made from molybdenum disulfide and contains..

2017-04-13 6577 0 Electronics

Apple will build in new iPhone Smart Connector, which will allow you to connect various accessories to your smartphone. This is reported by Ubergizmo with reference to the Israeli portal The Verifier.According to the source, it will be possible to connect virtual glasses through the Smart Connector..

2017-04-10 4554 0 Electronics

Samsung during a presentation in New York introduced new Galaxy smartphones S8 and S8 Plus. This was reported by the correspondent of "". Both gadgets received a display curved at the edges with an aspect ratio of 18.5: 9 and a resolution of 2960x1440 pixels. The older model has a screen diagonal of ..

2017-04-01 5663 0 Electronics

Apple has patented possible changes to the design of the laptop, which will allow it to be physically combined with a smartphone and tablet computer. The AppleInsider portal drew attention to the patent. Electronics manufacturers often try to combine some of the functions of different gadgets. One of the key ideas...

2017-03-26 6064 0 Electronics

Samsung announced the launch of a new generation of QLED TVs at an event in Paris, the correspondent reports. The new devices in the line use quantum dot technology, thanks to which it was possible to achieve more High Quality images and maximum zoom.

2017-03-18 4423 0 Electronics

An international group of physicists has achieved the limiting density of information recording in the magnetic state of matter - one bit in one atom. This corresponds to an increase in capacity hard drives a thousand times. For a two-bit device, scientists have developed procedures for writing and reading information using a scanning tunneling microscope. ..

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