Why did the sound disappear on my PC? There is no sound on the computer. What to do if there is no sound

A computer is a very complex multifunctional device that likes to pull all sorts of tricks at the most inopportune moment: the video card will fail, the south bridge will burn out, or for no reason the sound on Windows 7 or some other operating system will disappear. Even an ordinary user needs to know everything about how to deal with these troubles. The most common problem is sound failure after the next system update or for some other unknown reason. But in order to competently solve this problem, you must first determine what went wrong and identify the primary source of all troubles. This is what will be discussed in this material. So, how can you give your computer its voice back? Let's try to figure it out.

Reasons for no sound on the computer

There are several reasons why your computer may lose sound. All of them are divided into hardware and software. If the problem is hardware in nature, then there is a very high probability that an adapter will be required. If the problem is of a software nature, then you can get by with “little loss” and on your own. If the sound disappears on Windows 7 or some other version of the OS, then the first thing you need to do is check all the connections and the functionality of the speakers or headphones. If the problem is not solved, check the availability of drivers for the sound card. If everything is fine with the drivers, then you need to check the sound adapter for functionality. And if this doesn’t help, we check it for hardware damage.

Hardware problems are the most difficult. If the user has a full-fledged computer with a system unit, then replacing the sound card will not be difficult. And if you only have a laptop or PC that uses a built-in sound controller, then you can’t do without a trip to a specialist. In any case, you will have to spend some money on professional help or a new sound card. This is the main trouble with hardware sound problems. So, the sound on the computer disappeared. How to restore it? Let's take a closer look at the most popular methods.

How to fix? Method 1: attentiveness test

Often, inexperienced users simply do not notice that the system is set to minimum or the sound is completely turned off. To eliminate this problem, just look in the system tray - at the volume icon (speaker). If it is crossed out, then the sound is simply turned off. To turn it on, click on the icon and click on it again. Then the sound should appear. If the icon is not crossed out, it still makes sense to look into the tray and move the volume control to maximum. This, by the way, is also the answer to the question of how to increase the sound on a computer.

If after carrying out all the above manipulations nothing happens, then the problem may be with the speakers or headphones. Make sure the speaker system is plugged in and turn the volume control to maximum. After that, play a song on your computer. The sound should appear. If this is not the case, check the connection between the speakers and your computer or laptop. Sometimes someone can swap the plugs without your knowledge. If everything is in its place, but there is no sound, then the problem is much more serious than it seemed at first glance. Now we will seriously understand why the sound in the computer disappeared and how to restore it.

How to fix? Method 2: Enable the sound device

Setting up sound on Windows 7 is not such a difficult task. However, before you move on to tinkering with drivers and other software, you need to make sure that your standard audio device is enabled and in use. It's very easy to do. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Device Manager". There we look for the name of our audio device and see which icon is next to it. If the arrow is gray, the equipment is disabled. To enable it, you need to do the following manipulation: right-click on the device and select “Enable” in the menu that appears. After this, a sound should appear. If the sound on your computer has disappeared and you don’t know how to restore it, then the following chapters are just for you.

But sometimes this doesn’t help either. So, the sound on the computer disappeared. What should I do if everything in the place of the audio device in the “Device Manager” is completely empty? This happens after someone has removed the device along with all the drivers. To fix this, you need to restart your computer. The system itself will detect the new device and try to install the necessary drivers. But! Even if this option works, you can’t count on the system drivers being up to date, which smoothly moves us to the next chapter of the material: installing drivers and other software.

How to fix? Method 3: drivers

Often software problems lead to lack of sound on a PC or laptop. The most common of them is the lack of necessary drivers in the device’s operating system. It’s very easy to check: go to “Control Panel” - “Device Manager” and look at the section with audio devices. If there are yellow question marks instead of icons, then there are definitely no drivers. Therefore there is no sound. What to do? If there is no sound from the computer speakers due to drivers, you need to go to the official website of the device manufacturer and download the latest utilities. You can, of course, try to update them with standard Windows tools, but the Microsoft servers have quite ancient versions. So it's better to download it yourself.

Sometimes, instead of a yellow question mark, in place of the device you are looking for in the “Device Manager” there may be an inscription like “Standard audio device”. Don't rush to rejoice. This also means that the necessary programs are not available, which means the device may be unstable. With various tricks and glitches. Therefore, drivers must be installed in any case. This will have a positive effect on the overall speed of your PC or laptop. Just remember that after installing the drivers, you need to restart your computer. If even after installing the necessary software, sound playback on the computer does not start, you need to prepare for the worst.

How to fix? Method 4, hardware

If you have a standard personal computer with a system unit, then there is a high probability that you are using a separate sound card. What to do if there is no sound on the computer? How to restore it? There may be some kind of hardware failure in the sound card itself. You need to remove it, then put it back and turn on the computer. The chances are, of course, slim, but sound may appear. If it does not appear, then you need to determine for sure that the audio card is to blame. To do this, you need to take a known working card from your friends and insert it into the connector of your motherboard. If sound appears, there is a problem with the card. If not, the problem is with the motherboard. And both of these components will require replacement.

If you have a laptop or computer that uses a sound controller that is built into the motherboard, then things are much worse. So, the sound on the computer disappeared. What should I do if there is a hardware problem in the controller that is built into the motherboard? There is nothing you can do here yourself. You will have to take the computer to a service center where there are professionals with the most modern equipment. As a rule, you won’t be able to determine that the problem is in the 3.5 mm mini-Jack jack (if there is no sound in the headphones on the computer). Therefore, you cannot do without a trip to a specialist, although you could change the nest yourself.

Why is there no sound when watching a video?

Sometimes it happens that there is no sound when watching a video on a computer. The most common reason is a video player that lacks codecs. Usually the standard player from Microsoft suffers from this. Everything is simple here. There are only two options: either install new codecs, or change the player. The latter, by the way, is preferable, because the standard player cannot do much of what modern free utilities are capable of. The best one today is Daum PotPlayer. It plays everything and videos without any problems. It also has an impressive library of built-in codecs. And this is important.

However, it also happens that when watching a video, the sound on the computer disappears. What to do if everything is fine with the player and codecs? The player may be using the wrong audio output device. You need to go through the settings and make it play sound through a standard device, which should be installed by default. Each player has its own settings tree, so there is no way to describe the process of changing the output device step by step. Here you need to act using the “scientific poking” method. But finding these settings will not be difficult. Moreover, most video players now support the Russian language.

Improved sound quality. Method 1, software

It also happens that the sound quality noticeably decreases after any actions in the computer operating system. There may be crackling, noise, tunnel effect and other interference. This must be due to the recent installation of some program that managed to somehow affect the sound quality in the PC or laptop. The sound volume on your computer may also be affected. The easiest way to fix the situation is to remember which program you installed and uninstall it. After this you need to restart your computer. If this method does not work, then you need to use “System Restore” from the “Start” menu and roll back the operating system to the time when everything was fine with the sound.

Some users want to make their computer sound better. There are several products that will help implement this idea. The best program for sound on a computer is SRS Premium Sound. It has a huge number of settings and a bunch of effects that will help improve the sound quality on your computer. And although its interface is entirely in English, no one should have any problems with it, because it is simple and intuitive. This utility “settles” in the system tray and improves the sound of your PC or laptop in real mode. However, there is one drawback: the program is not free. And the trial version is very limited in customization options.

Improved sound quality. Method 2, hardware

No matter how advanced the computer audio program is, it is not capable of improving the sound beyond the limits of the sound card. And here the problem of the hardware capabilities of the audio chip appears. But she also has a solution, albeit a rather expensive one. You can purchase an external DAC that will provide the highest sound quality. But there are some nuances here that could lead to the rejection of this option. Firstly, a DAC is quite expensive. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it. Secondly, you need a receiver (aka an amplifier), because without it you cannot connect a good speaker system (or headphones) to the DAC. But if you listen to it on office tweeters, there will be no difference.

From the above thesis, the need to purchase logically follows. This, by the way, will also be the answer to the question of how to increase the sound on a computer. Because a good amplifier coupled with a high-quality speaker system is quite capable of coping with this task. But that's not all. Ideally, for high-quality sound you need an almost silent computer. The best option is a laptop or ultrabook. Standard system units buzz too much. But this is no longer necessary. A high-quality DAC and speaker system or headphones of the appropriate class will be sufficient. This will help take your sound quality to the next level.

How to increase

Sometimes it is vital to know how to increase the sound on your computer. This is necessary in cases where the laptop's built-in speakers are not capable of delivering many decibels or there is a speaker system without a volume control (or it does not work). This can be done using special programs (SRS, Realtek Audio) or by selecting frequencies. It's no secret that equalizer settings can have a great effect on sound volume. So it makes sense to play with the sliders and find the optimal one for yourself or your PC.


So, now you know what to do if the sound on your computer has disappeared and how to restore it. There are two types of reasons why this problem can occur: hardware and software. While software problems can still be dealt with on your own, hardware problems can often be unsolvable. Only a trip to a service center for PC and laptop repair will help here. There are specially trained people with the right tools who can get your car in order in the shortest possible time. There is no point in trying to fix a hardware problem yourself. Other computer components can be damaged. And their repair can be very expensive. Therefore, it is better to trust the professionals. And you can play with drivers and all sorts of programs to improve the sound as much as you like. They cannot cause physical harm to the sound card.

The most common reason for no sound is turning it off or setting the volume to minimum. If there is no audio playing on your computer, hover over the speaker icon in the tray (right corner of the taskbar). The tooltip will indicate the current volume value. If the sound does not play in a separate application, check its settings. If it is enabled in the settings, audio playback in a specific program may be limited in the mixer. To check, right-click on the speaker icon and select “Open Volume Mixer.” There you can turn on the sound and adjust the volume level for each program running on the computer.

Check the volume on the playback devices themselves: headphones or speakers. When using speakers, also make sure they are connected to power and the power button is in the active position. Checking speakers or headphones is quite easy. To do this, just connect any other device to the audio output instead of a computer: a smartphone, a player.

Important! Also check your speaker settings. To do this, go to “Playback devices”, and in the context menu of speakers or headphones, click “Properties”.

Incorrect operation of audio drivers

Another common reason why there may be no sound on a computer is missing or damaged audio drivers. To identify this issue, hover over the audio icon in the tray. If the message “No audio output device is installed” appears, the problem is caused by the audio drivers.

To resolve these difficulties, right-click on the same icon and select “Detect sound problems” from the context menu.

This will open a troubleshooting window. Wait while the audio diagnostics run on your computer. Depending on the speed of the device, the process can take from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. If the determination of the cause of the malfunction stops at one place, click “Cancel”.

When the sound diagnostics are completed, the system will offer you a choice on which device you want to troubleshoot. In this case, you need to note the device used based not on its type, but on the location of the audio input. For example, if your speakers are connected through the audio input on the front of your computer, check the second box even though it says headphones.

If there is a hardware fault, the diagnostic result will be the following window. It may indicate damage to the speakers or headphones, but most often the cause of difficulties in the operation of audio devices is broken or damaged connecting cables.

At the last step of sound diagnostics, the result of its execution will be displayed. If the problems are resolved, close the troubleshooter. If the diagnostics did not help, click “View additional options.” You can also find help information about the causes of malfunctions by clicking on the “View additional information” link.

Incorrect connection or installation of the device

Sound may not work due to improper connection or installation of audio devices. To resolve this issue, check that the correct input is selected to connect your device to your computer. Speakers or headphones may be connected to the microphone input, causing them to not work.

Go to “Control Panel -> Device Manager” and check the status in the “Sound, Game and Video Devices” menu. If a yellow mark with an exclamation mark is displayed next to the name, the cause of the problem is incorrect installation or malfunction of the device

Note! If your audio hardware is not showing up in the manager at all, update the configuration in the Actions menu.

Right-click on your audio hardware and select Properties, then go to the Driver tab in the window that opens. To update the configuration, click the "Update" button. Here you can remove the driver to reinstall it later.

In the next step, select where you want to search for sound drivers. Two options are offered: automatic search, which includes a search on your computer and the Internet, as well as a simple search for drivers. It is recommended to select the first option to detect drivers.

Important! If the sound card is outdated and its driver is on a separate disk, first copy it to your computer.

The scanning will take about 20-30 seconds, after which a message will be displayed in the search window indicating the successful installation of new audio drivers. If the device already has the latest available driver installed, the configuration will not be updated.

If updating the drivers did not bring the desired result and the device still does not work, it is recommended to remove it from the system. To do this, right-click on the name and select “Delete”. Confirm the deletion in the dialog box by clicking "OK".

After this, you need to update the list of equipment in the “Action” menu. A search will be performed for devices connected to the computer. If the desired device does not appear after searching, restart the manager.

When the speakers are found, their installation will begin automatically. This process may take several minutes. When finished, a message will be displayed indicating that the speakers have been successfully connected and are ready to use.

Damage to connecting cables

Standard 3.5 mm connectors can fail as a result of mechanical damage. Typically, failure occurs at the base of the connector - at the junction with the audio cable. The break may also be in the cord itself. The cause of damage is most often pinched by furniture (table legs, chair wheels). The cable can also be chewed by pets. You can diagnose a breakdown visually or by connecting another cable to the speakers.

Physical breakdown of audio equipment

There may be no sound on your computer if the speakers or headphones you are using fail. This is not difficult to determine - just connect another audio device to the same audio input. If it works, the reason is the broken speakers, and not the computer settings.

Windows Audio Service Disabled

Another common reason for no sound is that the Windows Audio service is disabled. This background process is responsible for processing audio data and is always running by default on a running computer. But if you make changes to the system settings, the Windows Audio settings may be incorrect. The service can also be disabled by malware.

If you compare a computer and a laptop, it turns out that the latter device is more problematic. Therefore, users often prefer to have a PC, despite the mobility of a laptop. What are the problems with the laptop?

The fact is that a laptop is a device that is difficult to take apart. If in a computer you can separate the video card, sound card or RAM from the motherboard, then in a laptop most of the components are built into the motherboard. Therefore, if any problems occur with one piece of hardware, the entire system may suffer. If the entire system suffers, then replacing it will be very expensive. But with a computer in this regard, things are simpler. The video card is broken - we take it out and replace it with a new one. It's the same with the sound card. But what to do if the sound on the laptop disappears?


There are quite a few reasons for this problem. Most of them can be solved programmatically by correcting some settings or updating drivers. But if the problem lies precisely in the sound card, then more serious troubles may arise.

If you notice that there is no sound on your laptop, what should you do first? Do not rush to grab the device and take it to the service center. There can be many reasons for this breakdown. Some can be solved on your own in just a few minutes. Among the main reasons are:

  • problems with the playback device;
  • reset volume settings;
  • driver failure;
  • sound manager settings;
  • activating the sound card in BIOS;
  • audio and video codecs.

Playback device

You can determine why the sound on your laptop disappears without the help of specialists. To do this, just take a close look at the devices that reproduce sound. For example, headphones served as such a device. They often encounter problems that are difficult to solve. Most of them result in the headset being sent back to the store, to a service center, or even thrown into the trash.

If you were listening to music on your laptop, turn them off and listen to whether the laptop's speaker plays the melody. If everything is fine, then most likely there is a problem with the headphones. But such a check does not guarantee that the headset is really broken. It happens that you used headphones in the evening, the next day you turned on your laptop, but it makes no sound. You turn off the headset, but the speakers don't make any sound either. As practice shows, this is a common hardware failure. You need to connect and disconnect the headphones several times, and the sound will appear.

Often users use speakers instead of headphones. Acoustics also does not last forever; problems occur with it that are difficult to properly assess at first. The speakers may fail; their plug or power cord may be damaged. In this case, it is better to check them on another device. This is more likely to show the whole situation. Perhaps it was a malfunction of the acoustics that led to the loss of sound on the laptop.

And finally, no matter how stupid it may sound, in case of such a breakdown it is important to check the sockets and plugs. Perhaps you forgot to connect the speakers to the outlet or turn them on. The wire that connects to the laptop may have been damaged. All this can also cause the problem described.

Volume Settings

Not all PC users can be called experienced. Some people's knowledge is limited only to starting the system and logging into the browser. Therefore, it is important for such people to be attentive to all the processes that occur while they are using a laptop.

If you notice that the sound on your laptop has suddenly disappeared (with Windows or another operating system - it doesn’t matter), take a closer look at the tray (lower right corner of the screen). This area usually displays the date and time, there is an input language setting, wireless network, power supply, etc. There is also a special sound icon.

It happens that by pressing some key combination you could lower the volume or mute it completely. In this case, you need to click on the icon in the tray and look: if there is a cross on it, then the sound is muted, if not, perhaps the volume scale is turned to the left, so the sound is very quiet, and therefore it seems that it has disappeared.


But that's not all. If you right-click on the sound icon, the usual volume scale will open, and if you use LMB, you can select several settings. First, go to the mixer.

This option is also important in the sound settings. The mixer indicates several programs on the laptop that use sound. For example, Skype, a browser, system sounds, etc. can be displayed here. Each program has its own volume scale. Perhaps the browser volume was turned off, so when you turned on a video on the Internet, you thought that the sound on your Windows 7 laptop was missing.

Next you need to check the installed playback device. To do this, LMB click on the tray icon and select the appropriate section. The sound settings will open. The first tab will indicate the playback device. There may be several of them. You need to take a closer look at the names. It happens that one speaker system is installed instead of another.

It is important to set everything up correctly. If you can’t determine which device you need, try LMB-clicking on each of them and turning them on one by one. When you select the one you want, you will notice that the volume scale activates next to the name.

Alternatively, you can also try running the internal troubleshooting service. To do this, left-click on the tray icon again. Find the line “Detect sound problems.” The system will automatically launch diagnostics and indicate possible solutions as errors are found. Sometimes it will automatically fix the problem.

System Drivers

If all the above solutions do not work, what should I do? There is a possibility that the problem lies in the drivers. Let's say you notice that there is no sound on your laptop. How to fix this problem? You need to check that the drivers are working correctly. To do this, go to the “Start” menu, in the right column we find the “Control Panel” section. A new window will open in which you will need to find the “Device Manager” section. All connected devices to the system will appear in a new dialog box. Here you need to find the line that relates to the sound. Most often it is called “Sound, video and gaming devices”.

Click on the plus sign next to this name. Another list will open, which will indicate all the devices belonging to this category. You need to look at them carefully. You may notice that one of them has an exclamation mark or a red X next to it. This means that the device has failed.

If something really happened to the drivers, you need to click on the faulty device LMB and select “Disable” and “Enable” again. If this doesn't help, click Update Drivers. If this does not give any result, you can try removing this device from the system. Uninstalling may work, but to do this you will have to install new drivers. If there are no installation disks left, look for the necessary files on the Internet. Most of them are on the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

If you don’t notice any exclamation marks or crosses, see if there is an “Unknown Device” in the list. There is a possibility that the system was unable to determine the device model and install drivers for it, so you will need to do this yourself.

Helper program

To cope with the drivers and fix the problem that the sound on the laptop has disappeared (“Windows 10” can especially “please” the user with this and other problems), you can install a special program. It will definitely be useful for restoring other devices in the future. The Driver Booster utility can be installed for free. It quickly checks and finds the necessary drivers for all system devices. The user only needs to give his consent to download the relevant files.

Problems with the sound manager

Above we looked at the sound settings in the system itself. But there is another service that helps with deeper device configuration. This program is installed along with the sound drivers. In almost all systems it is called Realtek High Definition Audio. The utility helps you set the optimal settings if there are any problems with the sound.

To do this, go to the “Control Panel”, as described above. Then you need to select a viewing option. It is in the upper right corner. You can choose to display large or small icons, and also select the “Category” section. It’s the last option that you need to click. All elements in the dialog box will be rearranged. You need to find “Hardware and Sound” and select the very last item.

The built-in audio configuration service will open. It needs to be examined carefully. Depending on your requirements, you can customize the sound for yourself.

BIOS settings

Also, if there is no sound on a Windows laptop, what should you do? Of course, BIOS is one of the last options that could fail. However, there are also cases when the laptop turns off the sound card, and you need to turn it on yourself.

To go to the BIOS, you need to turn off the computer and press the Del or F2 button while it starts. This is a common option for how to get to this menu. But he is not always like that. Therefore, check in advance on the Internet which combination of buttons your particular laptop model supports.

The BIOS version may also differ depending on the firmware. Therefore, you will have to “travel” through the entire menu. You need to find the Audio or Advanced section. There you will notice the name of the sound card. Most often it sounds like High Definition Audio. Opposite the line will be written Disabled if the option is disabled and Enabled if it is enabled. Select the desired item and do not forget to save the changes. Below is a key that must be pressed for the changes to take effect.

Working with codecs

It happens that the sound disappears on the laptop while playing a track or movie. At the same time, you hear everything. Most likely you are faced with codecs. What do we have to do?

  • remove existing codecs;
  • reboot the laptop;
  • download and install new codecs.

Removing codecs will depend on what software you are using. Therefore, it is difficult to describe the algorithm of actions here. It can be different for each existing program. Usually, when starting a movie, you need to go to the player menu, and there find the “Filters” item. It is there that the codecs are indicated. You can also use a special program that allows you to manage codecs.

Windows 10

It happens that the sound disappears on a laptop with Windows 10 on board. In this case, there are no fundamental differences in fixing this problem relative to other systems. You also need to first check the playback device, then examine the sound settings, both system and software. You'll have to work with drivers and BIOS.


If none of the above works for you, and there is still no sound, you can start blaming the sound card. If your laptop has problems with it, then you will have to take it in for repair or buy an external device.

If you decide to renovate, there is a chance that it will take you a lot of time and money. Therefore, many people choose to buy an external sound card. It looks like a regular flash drive that has microphone and headphone jacks. Of course, the ideal option is to purchase a “native” sound card, but if this is not possible, try to find the highest quality model.

There is one drawback to such a solution. It is difficult to understand for sure that the problem is in the sound card. The sound problems may be caused by viruses or system clogs. Therefore, many people finally recommend reinstalling the operating system. There is a possibility that some system files have been damaged, which will be restored when the OS is installed. If this option does not help, then the problem is definitely in the sound card.

Sound off on your laptop? This is a typical situation that is familiar to all users of these devices and desktop computers. Let's look at what could be the root cause and how to fix the problem yourself. Naturally, this is not always possible and some cases require you to pull yourself together and contact. But first, you should at least try to solve the problem on your own.

Why does the sound turn off on my laptop?

Perhaps you turned on the device and used it for a while, and then noticed that the sound disappeared. Maybe they discovered this when turning it on. How can you find out why the sound on your laptop turns off?

The most common reason is that your sound level is set to low. To increase it, click "Start" and go to "Control Panel". There, find “Sound” and adjust its volume. On laptops, this can also be done using the keyboard shortcut Fn + F8 - increase sound. In some models this is Fn+F6. On a computer, you can use the wheel for this purpose.

If the sound on your laptop has turned off since the last time you turned it on, then the problem may be with the Windows Sound service: it is not working. To fix this, follow “Start”, “Control Panel”, “Services”. In the window that appears, find Audio and turn it on. If it is indicated that the system is working, then the problem is not in it, and we move on.

Driver damage is another likely reason why the sound on the laptop turns off. To check this version, again go to the Computer Control Panel and find sound devices there. If the driver is damaged, there will be an exclamation mark next to it. If not, then everything is working properly.

No sound on laptop

Have you reinstalled Windows and have no sound? This means that the reason that the sound on the laptop disappeared is in the BIOS. What to do?

Go to BIOS and check your guess. If you have not done this before, contact the service center. Such a procedure will not be expensive, and the technician will do it very quickly, and you will be calm about the condition of your device.

Refilling cartridges in Krasnodar, as well as a number of other services, are also performed at the service center quickly, efficiently and inexpensively.

Due to its portability, a laptop is used by many to listen to music, watch movies, and work with audio and video files. If the sound disappears somewhere, then the laptop turns into a dull browser and typewriter. Now we will try to figure out the causes of the problem and also fix them ourselves.

Sound is disabled in laptop settings

Sometimes, in a hurry, we perform many unnecessary actions: we miss the sound settings in the tray, press special buttons on the keyboard that turn off the sound, backlight, etc.

Therefore, we check the condition of the sound. To do this, pay attention to the volume icon in the tray. If it is crossed out with a red stripe, then you should open the regulator and move the slider to turn on the sound.

Now let's check at what level the volume of the speakers and other applications is set.

Sometimes we forget to remove the headphones from the special jack on the laptop and for this reason the speakers do not work. Checking the headphone jack.

Driver problem

Now you should remember all the latest installations of programs on your laptop. In some cases, there may be a conflict between them and those that were previously installed.

Therefore, it is worth returning to the previous state of affairs and removing the conflicting programs.
If you can’t remember anything like this, then move on to checking the drivers:

Open “Start”, select “Control Panel” and go to “Device Manager”.
There you will see a tree of devices present in the laptop.

Sound drivers are located in “Sound, video and gaming devices”. We open them for viewing by clicking on the triangle on the left side. If the drivers are damaged, missing or out of date, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark will blink to the left of them.

In this case, you should reinstall them. To do this, we find the disk that came with the laptop and use it to restore the drivers. You can also use it for these purposes, which will automatically select the necessary drivers.

Turn on sound in BIOS

It also happens that the sound is disabled in the BIOS itself. It's quite easy to check:

Then we look for our sound device in the “Integrated” or “Advanced” tab. It depends on whether the sound card is integrated or not.

Opposite the name of the sound device, we check the state in which it is located. If it says “Disabled”, then you should enable it. To do this, press “Enter” and select “Enabled”.

We wait for the laptop to reboot, and then check the sound.

Windows audio service does not work

Open “Services” using “Run”. To do this, call the utility by pressing “Win ​​+ R”.

We write in the line

Click “Ok”.

Now we look for “Windows audio” in services and check its status. The third column should say “Working”, as shown in the screenshot.

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