Set a password on the computer. How to set a password on a computer with any version of Windows How to set a password on a Windows 7 laptop

To restrict access to a computer in operating system Windows can use a password. The password is entered during boot and cannot be bypassed by any simple means. If there are several users on the computer, then a password will need to be set for each, since otherwise there will be a loophole for entry. Using the Windows 7 operating system as an example, let's look at the procedure for creating a password:

Open the settings window

Click on the Start button and open Control Panel.

In the list that appears, we are interested in the item Adding and removing user accounts. Click on it.

A window will open with a list of all computer users. Click on the username for which you need to set a password. If there are several users, then a similar procedure will need to be done for each.

The window that opens displays a list of actions that can be performed with this account. Click on the line Create a password.

Setting a password

The new password must be entered twice to avoid mistakes, and then a mandatory hint must be entered in case the password is forgotten. After this, you need to click on the Create password button.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will learn how to create a password for a user in the operating room Windows system 7. As a rule, on a home computer, with Windows installation, a single user is created, which by default is the local administrator on this computer. Thus, when you turn on the computer, the profile of this user is automatically loaded.

One way to protect information and personal data is to set a password to enter the operating system. This may be needed by parents who want to protect their child from the negative influence of the Internet and computer games, as well as the children themselves who are trying to save their computer from annoying parents.

So, to set a password on your computer, click Start and click on the icon account.

In the window that opens, click .

Enter the new password twice. You can also write a hint in case you forgot your password.

Press the button Create a password.

Now, at the next booting Windows, the system will ask you to enter a password.

Creating a new user

An alternative to setting a password for the only user in the system is to create a new user and also protect his account with a password. This is convenient if several people use the computer.

To do this, click Start/Control Panel.

Set the control panel type as Small icons, and press the item User Accounts.

In the window that appears, click .

In the next window you need to enter the name of the new account, and also select the access level - Regular access or Administrator. After this, press the button.

That's all, so a new user has appeared in the system.

Home or work PC security – important question, which should not be overlooked. Each user stores a large amount of information on their device, which may be confidential.

A simple way to avoid leakage and protect your privacy is to use a password, which is provided in every version of Windows.

Why set a password

The personal computer has long become a repository of personal information - documents, photos or videos. It can also store more important things, such as passwords to various Internet accounts, contact lists, personal bank account numbers and other data not intended for prying eyes. A simple and reliable way to protect them is to set a passphrase to log into your computer.

Installation Methods

The main ways to set a password are:

  1. installation via control panel;
  2. installation using the local users and groups menu;
  3. use of third party software.

Photo: password entry field when starting the PC

It is worth noting that there are a great many ways to set a password on a PC. To do this, you can use both the resources available in the device and use other features - third-party programs.

What to give preference to? More reliable and secure, of course, is to use your own PC software, which reduces to zero the risk of infecting your computer with viruses or spyware, which often accompany programs from unverified publishers.

Via control panel

Let's look at the first and easiest way to install protection when logging in.

By following these step-by-step instructions, any user can quickly complete this task:

Open the settings window

This menu in Windows 7 is a settings window that will help you create a code combination. You must enter it twice to eliminate the possibility of error and then confirm your choice by clicking “Create a password.”

Setting a password

  1. it must consist of at least 8 characters, combine numbers and letters in upper and lower case;
  2. be well remembered for the user himself, but at the same time remain heavy so that outsiders cannot “guess” it;
  3. It is better to avoid using names and significant dates, because these are the first things hackers pay attention to;
  4. You should not use whole words, as well as passwords that have already been set previously;
  5. the ideal option is a random sequence of symbols specially learned for this purpose.

When creating a password, the system will also prompt you to select a hint for it. This is any phrase, question or numerical combination that will help you remember it and restore it if necessary. It will be visible to any user who has access to the computer, so you should be careful when choosing it, not making the answer too obvious.

Video: Windows password

Password created

After all the above steps, the computer is finally protected. Now, when it starts, a special window will appear that verifies the user’s identity. As we can see, put the password on windows computer 7 when turned on is quite simple. In the account creation menu, you can also set its name, select an avatar from the list, or upload your favorite image from your hard drive.

How to set a password on Windows 7 - through Local users and groups

Windows has the ability to create not only individual users and passwords for them, but also groups with the same capabilities. A specific group can include multiple accounts registered on a computer.

You can create for them single password, as well as assign or restrict rights on the device. This feature is widely applicable on office PCs that are used by several people at once.

To create a group you need:

Important! Creating user groups is not supported by some versions of Windows 7: Starter, Home Basic, and Home Premium.

This simple and quick procedure will help protect your user account on personal computer or laptop.

The most important thing is that it is quite simple and does not require much knowledge of software. Just a couple of steps and the data on your PC will not fall into the wrong hands.

Today we will learn how to set a password on a computer where the Windows 7 operating system is installed.

In what cases might this be needed? Completely different.

So, for example, to limit the people who can sit at a given computer, or for the security of information that is located on hard drives, or so that children do not sit at the PC for several hours while their parents are not at home, and so on.

We will bet computer password in Windows 7 using your account. Usually there is one account on the computer with your name and it gives all administrator rights. That is, if we turn on the computer and log in as an administrator, then we can view all files, install, remove programs, and so on. You need to set a password for this main account and when you turn it on you will need to enter it, otherwise you will not be able to access the data.

Video: Put a password on your computer

How to set a password for an account in Windows 7

To do this you need to do a few simple steps. Let's get started.

Let's go to " Start - Control Panel».

In the window that opens, in the right corner of the folder, change View from “Category" to "Small icons".

Now in the same folder we look for the item “ User Accounts" Let's go there.

We come up with a password and enter it twice in the appropriate forms; we can also enter a password hint. There you can write what exactly this password is associated with, so that if you suddenly forget it, it will remind you. Once everything is ready, click the “Create password” button.

As we can see, we now have an account Password protected, and it became possible to either delete the password or change it.

Now, when we turn on the computer, when the system boots, Windows 7 will require us to enter a password, otherwise the system will not start.

After setting a password for your account try restarting your computer. I got this window where I need to enter my password:

With these simple steps you can put a password on your computer with the operating systemWindows 7. In the next lesson we will look at how to set a password on a computer with installed system Windows XP.

For now, that’s all I have, and if you have already figured out the topic of passwords in Windows 7, now I recommend reading the article: “ “! I wrote this article just a couple of days ago. See you!

But about that how to set a password on a computer I haven’t written yet, so I’ll correct myself. In fact, it's very important point, which will help protect your computer from prying eyes. But to tell the truth, any protection can be hacked if necessary, and if someone really needs your information, they will get it. But these are special cases; to protect your computer from children and curious relatives, the password that is set on your account will be enough.

Today I will write how to set a password for your account in the Windows 7 operating system; you can also set a password in the BIOS system, but I think that I will write about this a little later, in a separate article. We'll look at how to set a password when you have one administrator account.

I advise you to immediately come up with a password that you will set. I’ll say right away that there are no dates of birth, last names, first names, etc. you don’t even need to hack such a password, you can guess it :). Come up with a good password of ten characters. The main thing is that you remember it, and preferably not write it down anywhere, just so that no one sees it, well, you understand :).

When setting a password, look carefully at the keyboard layout language, whether Caps lock is enabled or disabled. Otherwise, set a password, and when you try to log in using it you will be refused, my friend once had this, he hid it from himself :).

If you have already come up with a password and know how to enter it correctly, then let's get started.

Set a password on your computer

Open “Start” and click on the picture of your account, so we will quickly get to the account settings.

A window will open in which click on “Creating a password for your account”.

A window will open in which we will set a password. Everything is very simple, we enter the password we came up with twice, then a hint, this is a thing that everyone can see, but only you it should remind you of the password. And press “Create password”.

Now you can restart your computer, and when you turn it on you will need to enter the password we set, like this:

You can also block your computer, for example, when you leave it for a few minutes. Just press Win+L and the computer will be locked. A window will appear in which you need to enter the password we set and after clicking on the arrow, you can continue working with the computer. Sometimes this is very useful.

In order to remove or change the password that we set on your computer, also go to Start and click on the photo of your account. A window will appear in which you can select “Change your password”, or “Removing your password”.

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