Installation of repeaters. Installing turn signal indicators on your car yourself. Training video: Quickly connecting a repeater

This device is a special device that allows users Wi-Fi modems significantly increase the area of ​​territory to which the corresponding signal extends.

An alternative name is a signal repeater. Most often, its use is relevant in large rooms if the modem does not transmit a high-quality signal to distant rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Recently, such equipment has become increasingly popular, this is due to the widespread use of wireless networks that people deploy both at home and in office premises.

Among the advantages of these devices, the following positive points can be highlighted:

  1. Installing the device in a multi-story country house allows you to place computers in any convenient place regardless of the location of the modem. This advantage has already been appreciated by people who previously placed computers in inconvenient places, since only there was a good signal.
  2. The ability to have a stable and high-quality signal in any room, even with thick walls and an abundance of various structures that previously suppressed it.
  3. Modern design and small dimensions allow the device to fit harmoniously into any room, while it will be virtually invisible.

Certain shortcomings may occur in specific models; in general, no problems or negative aspects were identified during the operation of such devices, except for the decrease in network speed, which always occurs when additional equipment is added.

However, some users had difficulty setting up the device, so it is strongly recommended to purchase only high-quality devices from official manufacturers in order to be able to receive support or update the firmware and software through the manufacturer's official website.

Review of the TP-Link TL-WA850RE model

TP-Link is today one of the leaders in the production and sales of signal repeaters. All their products are of high quality and have many positive feedback from users.

The TL-WA850RE device model was chosen for consideration; among the features of the device and its advantages, the following can be highlighted:

  1. The basic package includes a network patch cord.
  2. Warranty provided by TP-Link.
  3. All accompanying documentation is duplicated in Russian and is attached to the repeater in both paper and electronic form.
  4. There is no separate power supply, since during the manufacture of this repeater an innovative type of housing was chosen, which allows the device to be connected directly to an outlet, which simplifies the operation process.
  5. The dimensions of the device are 11x6.5x7.5 cm.
  6. Plastic was used to make the case High Quality, which is an environmentally friendly material and has good strength.
  7. All indicators and buttons are labeled and conveniently located. The reset button is hidden, which minimizes the likelihood of it being accidentally pressed.
  8. Supports operation with a large number of different wireless network standards.
  9. The presence of a special port makes it possible to connect additional devices to the repeater, for example, gaming and set-top boxes or video players.
  10. The level of energy consumed by the repeater does not exceed 3 W.
  11. Installation, connection and operation of this equipment does not require any additional software or special drivers.

How to choose

The modern market offers a wide range of models that fundamentally differ from each other in characteristics, although visually this is not always noticeable.

For this reason, when making a choice, it is best to consult with a specialist who will give advice on purchasing specific model to meet certain requirements for the device, or get advice from the manager of a company that sells repeaters.

The following selection criteria can be distinguished, on which the purchase of a specific repeater will depend:

  1. Device power, it depends on the conditions in which the equipment will be operated. For use in a city apartment, there is no need to overpay for heavy-duty appliances, since the most common variety will do. However, if you plan to install a repeater in an office building or in a country house, then it is recommended to opt for more powerful devices that have a significant coverage area and maintain a strong signal.
  2. Presence or absence of external antennas also depends on the location where the repeater will be installed. There is little point in using them at home, but devices with antennas have proven effective in large rooms with poor signal strength.
  3. Antennas and other elements of the repeater can be of a removable or cast type. It is recommended to choose devices of the first type: the more removable parts it has, the better, since a failed element of the device can be replaced with a new one. This not only saves money, but also makes it possible to upgrade the signal repeater.

How to connect

Connecting the repeater is carried out in two steps:

  1. TO personal computer or laptop, this equipment is connected using a standard twisted pair cable.
  2. The power supply is connected via a POE injector.

Once this is implemented, you can proceed with the procedure below. Connecting a repeater is considered using the example of a computer with installed operating system Windows:

  1. Through the “Start” menu, you need to go to the “Control Panel”, where you will need to find and select the center responsible for networks and providing access to them.
  2. After going to the Network and Control Center, select “Change adapter settings” in the panel on the left side.
  3. By selecting the line called “Connect via local network» you need to click the mouse button to call context menu and select the "Properties" tab.
  4. In the resulting menu, go to the item “Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/Ipv4)” and press the corresponding button to change its properties and parameters.
  5. In the new menu, you must refuse to automatically obtain an IP address and enter all the necessary data manually. Information such as IP address and mask is specified by the manufacturer for each individual model.

At this point, the connection of the repeater is completed, and you can proceed to the process of setting up this device.

How to setup

The standard setup process for this equipment usually looks like this:

  1. In the settings of the browser you are using, you must disable the use of proxy servers. After this, the IP address that corresponds to the connected repeater is entered into the address bar.
  2. In the window that appears, to gain access you must enter the login and password admin.
  3. After completing the above steps, the user will have access to the settings and management menu, in which they must select the “Wireless” tab located in the left panel. After this, several more new lines will appear; to configure the repeater you need to select the first one, which is called “Wireless Settings”.
  4. After going to the named tab, you need to find the line called “Operation Mode” and select the value “Universal Repeater” for it.
  5. After confirming the change and saving this parameter A list of all networks that are within the reach of the equipment will appear. Will need to discover and select the desired network, then press the “Connect” button opposite it.
  6. After saving all network settings, which are detected automatically, the device must be restarted. This is done by pressing the “Reboot” button located in the same menu. After the repeater is rebooted, all changes made will take effect.
  7. After this, you will need to go to the tab called “Wireless Security” and set the encryption parameters and router password. In order for a signal to appear between devices, the values ​​of all parameters set to the repeater must correspond to the settings of the router.
  8. This completes the setup of this equipment. To make sure how correctly it was done, you can go to the “Status” tab in the menu. If the name of the router appears there, and there are also constantly changing numbers, then the repeater is configured correctly and a connection is established between it and the router.

Speed ​​testing via repeater

After the introduction of repeaters into the modern computer market, users have a pressing question about the impact of these devices on Internet speed. To give the most complete and reliable answer to this topic, many experts conducted a whole range of tests using the AIDA 32 Network Benchmark program, which included the following activities:

  1. Checking the speed in normal operating mode, the computer is connected to the router, there is no signal repeater. The speed was 17 Mbit/s.
  2. The computer connection was left in the same form as during the first test, but a laptop was added to the network and connected to a signal repeater. The speed dropped to 12.5 Mbit/s.
  3. The laptop was connected directly to the router, and the computer through a repeater; the devices were connected to each other using a patch cord. The signal is stable, but the speed dropped to 8.5 Mbit/s.
  4. The last test consisted of simultaneously connecting a computer and a laptop to a signal repeater, and for the purity of the experiment, both wired and wireless connection methods were used. The signal is good, but the speed fluctuates very much, constantly changing its values, the highest figure reached 37 Mbit/s.

Having subjected the results of the tests to analysis and comparing them with each other, we can come to the conclusion that the presence of a repeater in the network somewhat reduces the speed, but in some cases such a measure is justified, since this device amplifies the signal.

Also, as can be seen from the test results, the best speed retention rates were recorded when connecting a computer and laptop to each other using a signal repeater and excluding the router from this scheme.

A Wi-Fi repeater (also called a repeater or repeater) is a wireless device used to extend network coverage. With it you can connect to wireless Internet in places with poor signal reception from the router. In this case, the repeater will receive the router’s signal and relay it to clients on the local network.

Selecting a repeater installation location

Maximum repeater efficiency is achieved when installed at the border of stable Wi-Fi reception from the router. When choosing a location, consider the layout of the room in which the repeater will be used. You should also pay attention to the location of wireless gadgets from which you will connect and access the Internet.

When searching for the optimal location to install a repeater, measure the access speed. To do this, you can use online services, for example, Speedtest. For installing repeaters, the same recommendations apply as for others. wireless devices. Do not place the repeater near large electrical appliances that may interfere with network operation. If antennas are present, point them perpendicular to the plane in which radio waves are required to propagate.

Enabling a Wi-Fi Repeater

Most repeaters have a built-in power supply, so they are plugged directly into an outlet. This design allows you to get rid of unnecessary wires, since a cable connection between the power supply and the device is not required. The downside is reduced mobility. Installing the repeater at a significant height is only possible when using an extension cord or moving the socket.

To turn on the device, simply plug it into a power outlet. Almost all repeater models start working immediately after power is supplied. But if your device has a separate power button, press it. The start of work is signaled by LEDs on the housing. The meanings of the various indication modes (continuous light or flickering) can be clarified in the instructions.

Note! Some repeaters are equipped with one or more connectors for connecting network cable. With their help, you can connect to the Internet on computers that are not equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

Connection using WPS

If there is a WPS button on the device, press it to activate the Wi-Fi connection mode without selecting a network and entering a password. After this, press the same button on the router no later than two minutes after turn on Wi-Fi Protected Setup. If the signal is normal and there are no technical difficulties, the repeater will connect to wireless network and will begin to duplicate it.

Some routers do not have such a button. To connect to them via WPS, use the router configuration web interface. You can open it in any browser by typing address bar Router IP address. As a rule, it is indicated on a separate sticker located on the bottom panel of the device. The same sticker contains login information: the name of the standard account and password.

Advice! Connection is also possible by entering the repeater PIN code in the admin panel of the router. The code can be found on the box or a separate insert.

Training video: Quickly connecting a repeater

Setting up a repeater via the web interface

Specify Extra options or you can configure the network when using a router without WPS in the repeater’s administrative interface. As with the router’s web interface, login and configuration are performed through a browser. Authorization data is also indicated on the sticker, insert or in the instructions.


This material will discuss the issue of practical knowledge for the selection and installation of signal amplifiers cellular communications (GSM repeaters).

Measuring the GSM signal level and determining the frequencies of base stations of cellular operators

To measure the signal level we need a simple phone, namely the function Netmonitor, which is in absolutely every phone. In our opinion, Samsung brand phones are best suited for these purposes. In particular Samsung C170, X820, S5570 Galaxy Mini and another dozen and a half telephones. We dial the code *#9999*0# and a black screen appears with different technical information. Next, by pressing the up and down arrows, you need to get to the page shown below.

Now let's figure out what these values ​​are. The column on the left is the numbers of radio channels by which we can determine the frequency and, accordingly, the GSM range. In this case, the phone shows only the frequencies of the cellular operator whose SIM card is inserted into the phone (in this case, Megafon of the Moscow region).

IN general view it looks like this:

Channels 1-124 are GSM 900

Channels 512-886 are GSM 1800 (374 channels in total, which is 3 times more than GSM 900)

Channels 974-1024 are E-GSM (an additional 10 MHz to the left of GSM 900). There are no repeaters for this range, but most Picocell models capture channels 1016-1024 with slightly lower gain (more on this later).

DownLink – communication channel from the base station to subscribers

UpLink – communication channel from subscribers to the base station

GSM 900 – UpLink 890-915 MHz, DownLink 935-960 MHz

E-GSM - UpLink 880-890 MHz, DownLink 925-935 MHz

GSM 1800 – UpLink 1710-1785 MHz, DownLink 1805-1880 MHz

That is, in our example, the phone catches signals from base stations Megaphone standard GSM 900 (101, 113, 103 channels), E-GSM (1021 channels) and GSM 1800 (638, 632 channels).

Below is the distribution mobile operators via GSM channels in the Moscow region:

As you can see, Megafon has a fairly small resource at frequencies of 900 and the largest at 1800 frequencies. Accordingly, if you use Megafon as a corporate operator in an office in Moscow, then it is recommended to choose a repeater in the 1800 band.

GSM 900: f(Uplink)=890+0.2*n, where n is the channel number f(DownLink)=935+0.2*n

E-GSM: f(Uplink)=880+0.2*(n-973), f(DownLink)=925+0.2*(n-973)

GSM 1800: f(Uplink)=1710+0.2*(n-511), f(DownLink)=1805+0.2*(n-511)

In our case, these formulas have no practical application

One GSM channel serves 7 simultaneously talking subscribers. The 1800 range predominates mainly for densely populated areas, i.e. cities, because can serve a larger number of subscribers. And the 900 band is used everywhere. The fundamental advantage of the 900 band is its range of up to 35 km in line of sight, while at the 1800 frequency it is only 8 km.

Now let's look at the values ​​of the second column of readings on our phone. These are signal levels measured in dBm. These values ​​are negative, that is, -60 dBm is greater than -65 dBm.

Based on our example, we have only one channel 101 and 638 in the area of ​​reliable signal reception. Accordingly, if we are talking about a country house, then you should choose a repeater 900, because Channel 101 is more powerful. And which model will be discussed a little later.

Already at this stage we can determine what range we need to install the repeater - 900 or 1800. To do this, we need to take measurements of all cellular operators, inserting SIM cards from each of them one by one.

A Better Way to Measure Signal Strength

The advantage of directional antennas is their high gain, but often base stations of cellular operators can be located in different directions. For more accurate signal measurements, it is recommended to use a phone with an external antenna connected. An adapter for an external antenna can be bought on the radio market; sellers know it as an adapter for the Yota Samsung SWC-U200 modem.

How to orient an external antenna?

If you need only one operator, for example, MTS. Then try to capture several channels. For example, it is better to catch 2-3 channels with a signal level of -60 than 1 channel -50, and the rest at -70.
If you need to provide a signal from all cellular operators, then try to place the external antenna in such a way that the signal at the repeater input comes from approximately the same from all cellular operators, otherwise the range of action from the internal antennas will be proportional to the incoming signals. For example, the signals from MTS “-70”, Beeline “-60”, and Megafon “-50” enter the repeater input, then at the output of the internal antennas we will observe the following situation, as shown below:

Selecting a GSM repeater model

Let's look at example No. 1:

  1. We measured the signal level with the phone at the point pre-installation external antenna– 72 dBm (selected the most powerful channel). The antenna gain is 11 dB, respectively, at the antenna output we have a signal of -72 + 11 = -61 dBm. But it’s better to immediately measure the signal from the antenna output, through an adapter to the phone.
  2. Signal loss in a cable is considered very simply: any cable has its own radio frequency characteristics on the manufacturer’s website. For example, on 100 meters of 5D-FB cable at a frequency of 900 MHz, 20 dB is lost. The higher the signal frequency, the greater the cable loss. You can view the radio frequency characteristics of the cable. In our case, the cable length from the external antenna to the repeater is 10 meters, and the losses are calculated: at 100 meters 20 dB is lost, respectively at 10 meters 2 dB is lost.
  3. The repeater input receives a signal of -61 – 2 = -63 dB.
  4. We look at the repeater gain in its technical specifications(in our case Ku=70). We get at the amplifier output – 63+70=+7 dBm
  5. At the antenna output we get +7 (from the repeater output) -2 (cable losses) + 7 (antenna K) = + 12 dBm.

ATTENTION: for each channel it is necessary to carry out calculations separately (after counting 1 channel, subsequent ones are calculated almost instantly) How to estimate the APPROXIMATE coverage area from the internal antenna? To do this, look at the table of correspondence between decibels and watts at a 50-ohm load.

dBm W dBm mW
40 10 19 80
39 8 18 64
38 6,4 17 50
37 5 16 40
36 4 15 32
35 3,2 14 25
34 2,5 13 20
33 2 12 16
32 1,6 11 12,5
31 1,25 10 10
30 1 9 8
29 0,8 8 6,4
28 0,64 7 5
27 0,5 6 4
26 0,4 5 3,2
25 0,32 4 2,5
24 0,25 3 2
23 0,2 2 1,6
22 0,16 1 1,25
21 0,125 0 1
20 0,1 -1 0,8

Our +12 dBm corresponds to 16 mW. Next, to simplify the calculation, we multiply our number of mW by a factor of 4 and get the APPROXIMATE coverage area from our antenna 16 x 4 = 64 sq.m. in open space. If there are walls and partitions, the area may be several times smaller.

The Picocell 900 SXA repeater has a gain of 70 dB and a maximum output power 100 mW according to the passport. But in our case, the output power turned out to be only 5 mW out of 100 possible.

In the case of GSM 1800 and 3G/UMTS2100 systems, to determine the ESTIMATED coverage area, it is recommended to multiply the resulting output power by 3, because with more high frequencies higher signal attenuation occurs in the propagation medium.

The calculation method is quite simple: knowing initially the area of ​​​​the premises that we need to cover, and having measured the signals from the base stations of cellular operators, we can calculate the energy balance of the system and choose the right repeater model.

Videos on how to install cell phone signal boosters you can see

Example No. 2 using a divider for uneven power distribution

This system uses two internal antennas. One covers an area of ​​25*4=100 sq.m. (which produces 14 dBm at the output), and the second 50 * 4 = 200 sq.m. (17 dBm output). For signal distribution, an asymmetrical divider was chosen with a lateral attenuation of 10 dB, and a straight line attenuation of 1 dB. This is done in two cases:

  1. Compensate for losses on the cable to the far antenna in rooms of the same area
  2. It is more rational to distribute the signal power to cover rooms of different sizes.

Signal amplification in the E-GSM range

All Picocell 900 repeaters are not initially designed for E-GSM frequencies. But due to the imperfection of the filters, it is partially affected. It roughly looks like the figure below. Each model has its own repeater gain; the figure shows the characteristics of the Picocell 900 SXA.

With a repeater Ku of 70: 1024 channel will be amplified by 70 dB, 1023 by 69, 1022 by 68, and so on. Channel 1014 approximately has a gain of 48-50. We try not to take into account the remaining channels up to 1014.

When choosing a repeater, try not to skimp on equipment. Choose antennas with high gains, and try to choose a cable with a large cross-section if possible. All this will allow you to get maximum results after installing the system.

As a matter of fact, having this knowledge, you can independently select and install a GSM repeater for yourself.

We invite you to discuss all questions on this topic on our forum.

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