How to solve problems in GIS electronic budget. List of typical errors and ways to solve them for users of the accounting and reporting subsystem of the State Integrated Information System Electronic budget created with errors

Common mistakes when connecting to GIIS

« Electronic budget»

If you encounter problems connecting to the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, you need to check the settings:

1. entrance to Personal Area carried out via the link http://lk. budget. gov. ru/ udu- webcenter;

2. check the “Continent TLSVPNClient” settings.

Open the Settings Configurator (Start > All Programs > Security Code > Client > Settings Continent TLS Client), “Port” value must be specified 8080 , "Address" -lk. The “Use external proxy server” checkbox should not be there, if the organization does not use an external proxy, “Require RFC 5746 support” can be removed.

After adding the TLS Continent certificate, the "Certificate" field should indicate "<»;

Figure 1. Service setup

3. check your browser settings.

Using the MozillaFireFox browser as an example, launch the browser, open the connection settings (Main menu of the browser “Tools”> “Settings”> “Advanced” tab> “Network” tab> “Configure” button).Select “ Manual setting proxy service", in the "HTTP proxy" field, specify the value, "Port" - 8080. Check the "Use this proxy server for all protocols" checkbox.

The "Do not use proxy for" field should not be set to

Figure 2. Connection parameters

Typical errors when connecting to GIIS

« Electronic budget»

Solution options: 1) Disable the antivirus. If the problem is solved, change the antivirus settings 2) Check the TLS and browser settings.

2. 403 Access denied. The server certificate differs from the one specified in the settings. The length of the certificates varies.

Solution: Check the certificate specified in the TLS settings by the name in the line. Should be "<».

3. The certificate selection window does not appear.

Solution: Uncheck “Require RFC 5746 support” if checked. Otherwise, check the other settings.

4. 403 Access denied. The root certificate was not found.

Solution: Reinstall the Federal Treasury CA certificate (if it has already been installed).

For WindowsXP:

Start>Run>mmc>console>add or remove snap-in>add “certificates” (Fig. 3)>my account>Done >OK>expand the list >open the line “trusted root authorities” - “certificates”>click on an empty space in the window with certificates right button mouse and select (Fig. 4)>all tasks>import>

Figure 3

Figure 4

For Windows 7:

Start>Run>mmc>file>add or remove snap-in>add snap-in “certificates” (Fig. 5)>add>my account>Finish>OK>expand the contents and go to the line “trusted root authorities” - “certificates” ( Fig. 6)>in an empty area of ​​the window with certificates, right-click and select>all tasks>import>select the desired certificate and install.

Figure 5

When submitting reports in the Electronic Budget system, errors often occur. Experts from the journal Accounting in an Institution have prepared a large memo with errors in the Electronic Budget and their step-by-step solutions.

The memo is divided into several sections:

  • Creation and editing of reporting forms;
  • Import;
  • Signing;
  • Input and editing.

Creating and editing reporting forms

Most often, problems in GIIS Electronic Budget arise with the creation and editing of reporting forms. In you will learn what to do if the following errors occur:

  • When logging into your personal account, the list form of documents is not displayed;
  • When logging into your personal account, button icons are not displayed;
  • After the 1st day of the month, reports in list form disappeared;
  • The system displays an error: when creating or importing reports according to Instruction No. 33n, the chapter code was not filled in;
  • Cannot save report after making changes;
  • The text part of the explanatory note cannot be loaded;
  • It is not possible to refill reporting forms based on other reports;
  • You must enter a filter to find the desired value;
  • A form with zero indicators has been drawn up, the document has been assigned the status
    “There are no indicators.” The report does not change its status to “Submitted”;
  • The system displays the error: “The personal account was not found in the f. report. 0503779";
  • The form is in the “Control failed” status. The report cannot be edited. What to do with him?
  • How to return a report with the status “Canceled”?
  • Report monitoring found an error that is acceptable;
  • In form 0503769, the required account is not selected from the “Working Chart of Accounts” directory;
  • When logging into your personal account, there is no “Accounting and reporting” branch in the workplace;
  • When you enter the “Creation and presentation of reports” menu in the list
    there is no authority (AU or BU);
  • There is no “Approve” button for documents with the statuses “Created with errors”, “Created without errors”.


In the import guide you will find what to do if the following errors occur:

  • The system gives errors when importing a report: “Document transformer not found”,
    “Inconsistency in the number of fields in blocks TB=01, TB=02”;
  • The file does not load, and the system displays the message “Chapter code does not match”;
  • It is not possible to load several reports on form 0503779 with different KFO –
    checking for uniqueness interferes. When loading a new report with a different
    The old KFO is cancelled.


The memo also describes what to do with signing documents in different situations:

  • The system gives an error when signing the reporting form “This user
    cannot approve the document";

  • in his absence? No reports have been created yet;
  • The user signing the reports goes on vacation. How to sign reports
    in his absence? Reports have already been signed by one or more users.

Input and editing

  • The system gives an error when creating an entry in the “Settings” directory
    approval of reporting forms.” When choosing a matching full name
    the user is missing or repeated several times;
  • The “Counterparties” directory does not contain the required organization.

If in these lists you find an error that you encountered while working with GIIS Electronic Budget, see and download the memo with solutions to these problems in

First you need to restart the Continent TLS service (Start - Control Panel - Administration - Services) or create a batch file

net stop ContinentTLS
net start ContinentTLS

create Text Document, place the above 2 lines in it and save with the extension .bat

restarting the Continent TLS service

This error means that first of all you need to check whether you are trying to enter the Electronic Budget with the same certificate.

It happens that one user has several digital signatures for working in different portal(purchases, sufd, electronic budget and others) and in the list when authorizing in the electronic budget there will be several lines with the same last name. If you made an application to connect to an electronic database, it must include serial number certificate. Therefore, call your treasury and verify the data. It is quite possible that you simply selected the wrong certificate when logging into your personal account.

But it also happens that you received a new certificate (for example, for working in procurement under 44 Federal Laws, or for working in SUFD portal), and successfully try to enter the electronic database with the same certificate, remember, did you apply for the Electronic Budget? So that the treasury attaches your new certificate. Without this application, the new certificate will not be linked to the electronic database.

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