Recovering the password for the mailbox. How to restore access to mail. How to restore your mailbox. What to do if your email has been hacked

Email is one of the most popular services on the Internet. It appeared in the mid-70s and has been constantly developed and improved since then.

The main condition for the operation of any mail is security and confidentiality. For example, when registering on, you must come up with a password consisting of at least six characters and including upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. However, such a complex password is easy to forget.

Typically, you can restore access to your mailbox in several ways. As an example, let's try to recover the password on

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Password recovery

First of all, you need to open the “Password Recovery” window and provide all the necessary data. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First you should go to the website;
  • Then follow the link “Forgot your password?” (you can immediately open the window;
  • Enter your login in the appropriate field;
  • Specify the required domain in the drop-down list;
  • Click the “Restore” button;
  • Select one of the proposed password recovery options.

Answer to security question

If the answer to the secret question was specified when registering your email address, you can use that answer when recovering your password. To do this you need:

  • Indicate the correct answer to the security question;
  • Enter the code from the picture in the appropriate field;
  • Click “Recover Password”;

Spare mailbox

If there is an additional Mailbox, which was specified when registering on, you can recover your password using it. To do this you need:

  • Enter the address of an additional mailbox;
  • Click “Restore”;
  • Follow the link that will be sent to an additional email address;
  • Invent and indicate New Password.

Recovery using a mobile phone

If, when registering on, the number was specified mobile phone, then you can use it. To do this you need:

  • Enter your phone number in the appropriate field;
  • Click “Receive code via SMS”;
  • Wait for a message on your phone;
  • Enter the received code in the appropriate field;
  • Create and specify a new password.

Technical support service

If none of the proposed options suits you, you can contact the service technical support. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Go to the website;
  • Fill out the form to contact the “Technical Support Service”;
  • Indicate the approximate date of mail registration, login, time of last use;
  • Wait for a response from the Support Service (usually it takes 3-5 days);
  • If the decision is positive, a new password will be issued to the mailbox.

Greetings dear readers! You can’t remember everything in the world, records are lost, some passwords are forgotten. It happens to everyone?! Today we will look at how to restore mail if the data necessary for authorization is lost.

First, we need the address of the mailbox to which we need to restore access. Don't remember him? Surely you have corresponded with someone. Recipients of letters may retain necessary information. You just need to ask.

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Basic recovery methods

During registration or using remote mail, an additional e-mail, security question, or phone number may have been entered. Automated algorithm search engine will take into account these features to offer a suitable option:

  • sending a recovery code to a secondary e-mail;
  • sending a code to a confirmed phone;
  • recovery by answering a secret question;
  • regaining access with the help of technical support.

Which option is right for you? In fact, situations are different, so we will consider individual methods in more detail. First, I’ll tell you about the general procedure that needs to be performed initially.

Everything is simple here - open the official Mail page and select “forgot your password?”.

On the page that opens, you will be required to enter the address of the mailbox over which control has been lost.

The further course of events may be individual.

Mobile phone at hand?

If so, then we are very lucky, because control can be returned quite quickly. Enter the address for which you need to remember the password. Next, a special page will open that allows you to restore your credentials using the phone number that was previously confirmed.

All you have to do is enter the characters from the picture and click “receive code via SMS”. If you can’t make out the letters in the image, then simply change it by clicking “I don’t see the code.”

Is everything done? Then a window should pop up in which you must enter the received code.

Enter the desired combination, follow the instructions and change your password. Didn't receive an SMS? Don't worry, wait 5-10 minutes, it may be delayed. I also recommend making sure that in memory mobile device There is enough memory to receive a new message.

So, we have looked at how you can quickly restore mail to using a mobile device. This method doesn't suit you? Let's look at an alternative.

Recovery through support

You can regain control of your email without a phone, which you might want to consider adding in the future. Remember the recovery window I showed earlier? Pay attention to one of the buttons.

This window may look slightly different for you, but the essence does not change. Check out the button with a similar feature. When clicked, a special form will open.

You must carefully fill out all fields if you want to regain control of your mailbox without your phone. Try to remember as much information as possible about your deleted mail, at least roughly. It may be needed to fill out special forms. Information can be sent to specialists postal service. Understand one simple truth - they will not restore control to the first person who asks, proof is required. To put it simply, they must make sure that the person who left the application is the true owner of the mailing address. That's all!

After sending a request to restore access to your mailbox on to the support service, be patient, the answer will not come immediately. When I restored my box this way, I had to wait a few days. In the end, everything worked out.

I congratulate you in advance on regaining control. I hope that the description of the process was useful to you. Now you can think about .

How to recover your email password, what to do if you forgot your email password . These questions arise frequently and can be resolved quickly and easily. You will find the answer in the article.

Indeed, we often rely on memory, but sometimes it fails at the most inopportune moment. I always remembered my email password, but when I needed to log in urgently, I forgot.

Friends, there is nothing wrong with this, everyone can forget. To prevent this from happening in the future, we will consider three issues at once.

Where is it convenient to store passwords and how to create a strong password.

We will analyze the first in detail, and the second and third, look at the links below, everything is explained there in detail.

How to recover your email password quickly?

The password recovery process that we will consider is suitable for recovering a password from any email.

But you must remember that when registering your mail, you entered a security question and a secret answer to it, as well as your main phone number.

You must save this data, as it will be needed to restore access.

Please keep this information in a safe place. Where - read HERE.

Let's take my email as an example. [email protected]

Let's say I forgot my login password.

We log into Yandex mail (or another) for which we forgot the password, a window will open as in the picture below:

At the very bottom, click “I can’t log in”, the following window opens as in the picture:

We insert your login or email address to which there is no access, enter the code from the captcha below and click “Next”.

The following window opens, look at the picture:

Here we must enter the phone number that you indicated when registering your mail.

The phone number is entered in the format +3 8 050 111 11 11 (for Ukraine, you enter yours). A code will be sent to this number to confirm that the mail belongs to you. Picture below:

Click “Confirm” and go to a window where we must enter a new password, repeat it below and click “Next”

After this, we get to the last window with a pleasant message - “Password has been successfully changed”:

There are classic mail recovery methods and a few unofficial time-saving hacks. Let's start with them.

How to view your saved password in your browser

It may happen that some browser remembers your password. That is, you forgot your password, but the browser remembers. This is expressed in the fact that when you go to in one of the browsers, you do not need to enter your login and password, since you are already logged in and access your mail from this browser freely. How can I find out this password?

Google Chrome

Go here chrome://settings/passwords (enter this in address bar browser as the site address).

Find the line and click the “Show” button.

You will be asked to enter the password that you enter when you turn on your computer or laptop, and after that the Mail password will be displayed.


If you are lucky enough to remain logged in to any Firefox browser on a PC or laptop, then look for the password in the settings.

  • In the settings, on the “Protection” tab, click the “Saved Logins” button.

View saved password in Firefox
  • A window will open with a list of sites, saved logins and passwords.
  • Find the line and click “Display passwords”. You will see the password.

If suddenly you do not understand the instructions, look good video with pictures

  • 0:41 about chrome
  • 1:21 about Mozilla

Classic restoration

If you indicated your phone number or backup email address, you will receive a password, don’t worry. If not, then the result is in question: you will have to fill out a long questionnaire in your mailbox, send the application and wait for the result. Depending on whether you filled out the form correctly, you will either be allowed to reset your password or not. (The questionnaire contains questions about the topics and recipients of your correspondence, time of entry into the mailbox, former passwords, etc.)

By phone number or backup address

This is the easiest and most reliable way, so I advise you to indicate your phone number. Using it you will always restore access to your mail if you have forgotten your password.

  • Click the "Forgot your password?" link.

If you indicated an email address, but did not indicate a phone number, then everything is the same, only the code will be sent to the email address.

Pay attention to the small links below: “I don’t see the code”, “I don’t have access to the specified phone number”, etc. If you don't see the code, you will be shown another code. If you don’t have access to a phone, you will either receive a code via a backup email address or a form that is very difficult to fill out. More on this later.

No phone number or backup mailing address

Take a breath and sit back. A difficult quest awaits you. It is better, of course, to recover the password using the above methods, but if there is no way out, then.
You may have asked a security question. For example, what is your dog's name, mother's maiden name, etc. In old accounts, Mile asked for a security question for a long time. Try to answer.
If it doesn’t work out, then you will have to take a questionnaire. It consists of two pages. If you cannot fill out some fields, this does not mean that everything is over, you can submit the form. But it is not a fact that the mail will be restored.

First page – basic information: name, date of birth, when registered:

The second is about the contents of the correspondence:

Try to remember as much as possible. If you remember some other feature confirming that the box is yours, add it to the last field. The result will depend on this questionnaire. Click “Submit” and provide contact information where you can be reached.

How to restore mail if you forgot your login


When restoring access, your mail system will require you to provide one of the following data:

Enter your additional mailbox

Enter your mobile phone number (specified during registration);

Please enter your forwarding address.

If the circumstances are positive, you will be sent a code (SMS to the specified phone number) or a letter will be sent to your email box confirming the change (recovery) of the password. If after some time this does not happen, it means that the data you provided now and at the time of registration did not match.

The end of this situation can be a letter to the technical support service of your mail service. You must submit an application to restore access to your mailbox. Within 24 hours you will receive a response, regardless of its content (positive or negative).

Video on the topic

Having lost password from any service on the Internet, you can restore it using a special form located on one of the pages of the site. Typically, password recovery takes from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

You will need

  • Computer, cell phone, Internet access.


Increasingly, resources appear on the Internet where the user needs to indicate his cell phone number. Such data is necessary, first of all, so that the user can restore his password in case of its loss. Let's talk about how to restore password By sms.

If you are just registering for a service, you must enter your phone number in the “Phone number” field, even if this field is optional. You may need it in the future when restoring access to your account. If you are already registered on the resource and your phone number is indicated in your profile, to recover your forgotten password you need to follow these steps.

Open the main page of the site, then follow the text link “Password recovery”, or “Remember password" On the next page you need to enter your username. Attention! Here you will see an empty form “Send password By sms" If you do not check the box next to it, the access code will be sent to the email address associated with your account.

Check the box next to "Send" password By sms", after which, click the "Continue" button, or "Send a new password" Within one minute to your cellular telephone will arrive, which will indicate a new access code to account.

Email has long been the main way of communication for many. It's both convenient and fast. Electronic ov address a person may have several. One is for work, the other is for personal correspondence, the third is for an electronic wallet. But there are times when you cannot remember the login and password for your mailbox. Of course, it's much easier to create a new email. But it is to this address that a very important letter should arrive for you! Don't despair, the matter can be fixed.


The mailing address consists of several parts - your name (login), then the @ icon. Next comes the name of the server you are attached to. First, find out your login. You can do this through your friends to whom you sent messages. We think that you will find at least one such person and he will tell you your name. Now, having your login at hand, it will not be difficult to find out your password. For these purposes, all mail servers have a password recovery function. For example, you are registered with the Mail.Ru postal service. Let's go to home page site and enter your login. The Postal Service offers to answer your security question. If you don't remember the answer, you can contact support. Here the system will prompt you to enter information about yourself. Enter as much information as possible - this will allow you to receive your password as quickly as possible. A new password will be sent to the address you provided within three business days.
There are services that ask for a phone number. Having indicated the number without spaces and dashes, we wait for the moment when an SMS with a code arrives on your mobile phone. Enter the received code from SMS and the new password. That's all.

Restoring a damaged user profile is quite a complex, but quite doable, operation even for an experienced

This article talks about how and how to restore email from Mail.Ru, Yandex or Google.

Actually, why could this happen?

  • You haven't checked your email for a long time.

The fact is that in order to free up space on servers, as well as email addresses, the Mail.Ru administration decided to delete mailboxes that have never been logged in over the past three months.

In this case, the account is automatically deleted from the servers. You can still restore it for some time. True, this restoration cannot be considered complete, since all your letters and settings will be erased.

Only Mail.Ru allows itself to do this, so if a similar situation may arise in your life, then we advise you to move to another postal service.

  • You have been hacked.

Unfortunately, this is a very common and unpleasant problem. It is not always possible to restore mail in such cases, and apologizing for spam sent from your address in front of all contacts is also, to put it mildly, not a pleasant task.

And it’s very easy to protect yourself from this. Don't use short and simple passwords. Believe me, it is almost impossible to guess a password consisting of ten random letters and numbers.

But, nevertheless, this happened to you. What to do?

First, go to the site where you registered your email account. Under the fields for entering your login and password there will be an inscription:

  • Remember your password (Yandex).
  • Having trouble logging into your account? (Google)
  • Forgot your password? (Mail.Ru)

For other services the inscriptions will be similar. So, click on this link.


The first thing you will need to do is enter your login in a special field, as well as enter the numbers from the picture.

  • Mobile phone. The best option . Enter the phone number that you previously specified in the settings in the required field.
  • Linked email address in another email service. In this case, you will have to enter the backup e-mail that you previously specified in the settings.
  • Secret Question . This option is only available if you have not linked either a phone number or a backup email. You asked the question and the answer to it during registration.

After successful recovery, you will be asked to set a new password using one of the methods, with which you will log into your account in the future.


The first page asks you if you remember your username.

  • If you only forgot your password, click on the appropriate option.
  • You will be asked to enter the e-mail from which the password was lost.
  • You will be given your first and last name and asked to confirm whether this is your account.

Click “Yes, this is my account”

We confirm our identity using any of the available methods. Whether it's a phone number, a backup address, or a security question.

  • You will be asked to enter a new password.
  • You will be redirected to the password recovery page. Log in with a new password.
  • Mail.Ru

You will be asked to enter your login (before @) and select your domain (after @). Click next.

You have several recovery options. This is a phone number, a backup address and a security question. Please note that you can only restore your account using a security question if you have not logged into your lost account for three days.

  • Next, as in other cases, you will be asked to set a new password.

You can now log in with your new password.

If you have problems, you can always contact support.

That seems to be all that can be said on the topic “How to recover email.”

Today we will talk about the topic of password recovery on email. Your mailbox was hacked or your password was somehow found out, how to restore your mailbox? This situation is not a rare occurrence and can happen to anyone every day, so it is impossible to protect yourself from it. This fact does not add joyful emotions, and everyone begins to think about how to regain control over their mail on various mail services.

How to regain control of your mailbox on the service

In this article we will share ways by which you can easily restore your email to in a short time. This process takes approximately three days, but may take only a few hours. If you don’t like to read a lot, then a video lesson has been prepared especially for you at the end of the article, by watching which you can learn everything that is described in this post. If you cannot access your email or mail agent, then it is likely that there are problems with the mail service itself. I came across several cases, over time the problems resolved themselves and the service returned to normal operation. But it is worth remembering that if you recently managed to log into your email account, and after some time, you are unable to do so, then it is likely that your email has been hacked by hackers. To ensure that such situations are as few as possible, you need to use a proven program that will protect you from various viruses, for example, we recommend using a program called Kaspersky Yandex Version.

There are several ways to solve the problem with hacked mail:

  • the simplest recovery methods are standard recovery;
  • submitting an official question to the support service;
  • a little-known and unofficial method that really works;

The Easiest Methods to Recover Your Email Password

First of all, you need to visit the website of the mail service and below, under the form for entering personal data, you need to find a button called “Forgot your password?” and click on it with the mouse. Then, you will find yourself on a page where you can find a form that will help you regain access to your mailbox. On this page you need to fill in your personal information and click the “Next” button.

You will be offered various options, and it all depends on what data you entered when you opened your mailbox. You definitely need to remember the answer to your secret question; if you fail, then you can enter your phone number; in addition, there may be other options. If you did everything correctly, then at the next stage you will receive information on what to do next to recover your password. If you filled out the form incorrectly, then this option is not suitable for you, you need to look for another one.

Contacting support with an official question

Once again we visit the website of the mail service, click the reset password button, fill in your personal data and go to the next page by clicking the “Next” button. Just below you will see text that is marked with an exclamation mark. In case of unsuccessful password recovery, you need to fill out a special form in order to contact support, after filling out the form, click the “Next” button.

In front of you you will see a form in which you need to enter all the information that you can remember. Those lines that are required to be filled in will be marked with special symbols in the form of asterisks.

After you have completed all the necessary steps, you need to fill out a form in which you must indicate the mailbox to which a response from the support service will be sent to you.
As provided by the rules, your application must be considered within three working days, after this period has expired, you should receive a response from which you can find out yours. When this situation arose and I had to indicate my mailbox, I used the service. The three-day period has long expired, but I have not received further instructions. Probably the services and compete with each other, so there is little chance of getting an answer. If you have another account on the service, then you will have a better opportunity to get a response from the specialists of this service.

Mail recovery on Yandex

Now let's figure out how to restore a mailbox on the Yandex service. This means you need to go to the Yandex main page, and at the top right you will see a button called “password recovery”, you need to click on it.

Then, when you see the field in which you need to enter the full name and email that you want to restore. Then go to the next page, where you will see various ways that will help you regain control of your mailbox. If your account is linked to a phone number, then you will have the opportunity to enter this number in the form, after which you will be able to receive a response SMS containing a code to recover your password. After you have entered the code numbers in the appropriate field, you will be able to use your mail again.
If the mail is not associated with a mobile phone number, then you need to remember the answer to the secret question that you yourself indicated when you opened your mailbox. This question is not at all difficult; for example, you can indicate the surname that your mother had as a girl, or answer other similar questions. In addition, you can come up with a question yourself, which you then need to answer yourself. Therefore, you need to take this action responsibly. Everything is very clear here, answer the “Secret Question” and your mail is again at your disposal.

Recovery via additional mail

There is also a way to restore your mailbox on the Yandex service if you specified a different email during registration. If you have not done any of the above steps, you still have a chance to get your mailbox back. However, this can only be done if the information in your account is correct. In this case, the support specialists will be able to help you by identifying your situation, but to do this you need to provide them with a copy of your ID.

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