JSC "IT". Information technology and communications. Is it possible to make a career in IT? Information technology industry

A modern office cannot do without a computer and without IT specialists - in common parlance IT. What kind of specialists are these? They are divided into IT specialists who deal with computer hardware and those who deal with computer software. The first - System Administrator and computer hardware development engineer. The second include: programmer, CAD developer, website developers. The site developer knows the mechanisms of how the Internet works. Among those who develop the site there is a web designer and a web programmer. If the site has already been created, then it is handled by the Internet project manager or Internet project manager. His task is to manage the entire site management system, site administrator, site moderator, site content editor. An online store is also an online project. But there are huge Internet portals that are dedicated to information of one kind or another. Each media company has its own website and a team of employees - web programmers, web designers, site administrator and content manager. Separately, we note SEO specialists - a specialist in website optimization and website promotion, there are website analysts, website auditors. Software is developed for business processes of companies of various profiles: for communications companies, for transport companies, for manufacturing companies. The purpose of such programs is to automate the production management process - automated process control systems. The developed programs are checked by a program tester. This is a sought-after profession among IT professions. Companies use ERP systems to manage document flow. In this regard, 1C programmer and SAP programmer are in demand. Finally, information security specialists are extremely in demand on the IT market. Every bank, every company, every state-owned enterprise needs information protection. Developing information security methods is super-intelligent and super-needed work. If you acquire such an IT profession, you will be provided with work and money for life and will be able to live in any country.

IT is a very young field of activity. Especially for Russia, which, due to the complex political transformation of the first years of independence, for a long time could not keep up with the technological development of Western countries. Today, of course, IT specialists from our country are rapidly closing the gap with their foreign colleagues. Ordinary citizens are also beginning to become interested in information technology. IT sphere - what is it? What professions do people work in? Is working in the IT field difficult?


(the English abbreviation is IT, and in full - “information technologies”) - a set of areas of human activity, as well as academic disciplines, which are related to the processes of creating, storing, processing, and managing data using computers (and other types of computer technology).

IT: international interpretation

IT sphere - what is it - science or applied activity? There is an opinion that it is both. It can be supported, for example, by the authority of large international organizations. There are, in particular, two popular definitions of the essence of IT from UNESCO. According to the first, information technology is a set of disciplines (of the nature of technological, scientific or engineering research) that study ways of organizing the activities of people who process and store data. The second definition given by UNESCO experts goes like this. IT is also its methods of interaction with people and industrial equipment, its application programs, as well as aspects of the socio-economic and cultural development of people related to its work.

What place does the Internet occupy in the structure of such a phenomenon as the IT sphere? What is this in the understanding of information technology theorists? Of course, there are many interpretations of the role of the Internet. But in most expert interpretations, the World Wide Web is simply a tool for transmitting (interchange) data. The Internet is usually not classified as a separate class of IT activities.

IT: people and professions

People whose profile of activity is related to the implementation of tasks within the framework of information technology are generally called IT specialists. There are many specific examples of activities that fit this definition. Let's look at some common system administrator and webmaster applications.


This is a person who is qualified to create and edit algorithms written in special languages ​​and designed to organize and streamline the process of data input and output using a computer or other type of computing technology. What is it about? About programs, of course. These very algorithms, which are set by a person, make his “orders” clear to the computer. Examples of programming languages ​​are C (C), Perl, Java.

Using the program, the user makes it clear to the PC what he wants from it. In turn, the computer, having recognized the “requests”, produces the result in a language understandable to humans - in text, pictures, sound.

Programmer: theorist or practitioner?

A programmer is not a scientist or a theorist. Even if he works at a university and performs research-related tasks. That is, it is important to understand that this person, first of all, produces something, and therefore his activity can be considered applied. Programming is a field of IT technologies in which the aspect of practical usefulness of actions performed by people plays a crucial role. Here it is always expected that any theoretical development will lead to a specific result.

A computer program is not just text in a special language. It is also a standalone product that can work autonomously from others. A key feature of the program is independent functioning. It can be transferred somewhere in the form of files or, alternatively, sold.

Business in the IT field, in fact, is largely based on selling the results of the work of programmers. The largest IT companies make money from this: Apple, Microsoft and others.

To work with programs, it is not at all necessary to receive special education and training - these are just possible methods of obtaining the required skills.

Multilingualism is the main requirement

Usually programmers know several languages ​​for constructing algorithms. Even if not, then learning new ones is usually not difficult, since the basic principles of “communication” with a PC are generally the same. Some languages ​​are better adapted to creating computer games, others - for release text editors. In many cases, having written a program in one language, you can “translate” it to another without losing functionality.

System administrators

An example of another common profession in the IT field is a person who has the qualifications to ensure stable work entrusted to him computer equipment. That is, we are talking, first of all, about an employee. A system administrator is less a profession and more a functional role. This can also be evidenced by the fact that “system administrator” is extremely rare in lists of university specialties. While the “programmer” does it regularly. However, both are recognized as professions.

A person's job as a system administrator generally does not involve writing programs. Most often, an “administrator” deals with computer hardware components, setting up printers, modems, monitors, etc.

Often the work of system administrators comes down to training (instructing) other employees in the basics correct operation with computers and other devices. If the company is large and has several “administrators” on its staff, then each may be responsible for a specific area. Relatively speaking, Ivanov - for the performance of the internal computer network, Petrov - for the stability of the communication channel with the Internet, Sidorov - for the correct functioning of programs on the employees’ PCs.

We see that system administration- an example of a profession in which a person is engaged in working with the hardware area of ​​​​that global category, which is the IT sphere. There is no doubt that this, just like programming, is the most important part of information technology.


This is a person who creates websites on the Internet, a representative of one of the youngest IT professions. There were programmers and system administrators back when the World Wide Web was at the stage of theoretical development. Webmaster and programmer are to some extent similar professions. What they have in common is that they create a product that is significant from the point of view of using a computer - a website or program. IT is a field of activity where many professions and specializations are similar. But there are still many differences.

The webmaster operates in a special language - HTML. It has certain similarities with programming languages, namely, algorithms with the help of which a person makes it clear to the computer what he wants. In this case, what the web page should look like when rendered by the browser. But HTML has one feature that does not allow it to be classified as a programming language: the algorithms it creates are not capable of executing independently. The fact is that a web page is not a program, but a document created so that the Internet browser can correctly recognize it.

Of course, many webmasters use specialized programming languages ​​designed to provide the site they are creating with improved functionality. In this case, we are talking about posting on the Internet not web pages, but algorithms capable of independently executing. And then the two professions merge: a webmaster, in addition to his main activity, becomes a programmer.

IT literary scholars

It is worth noting that website creation is an area of ​​IT technology that is adjacent to a large number of very different industries. Often webmasters turn to designers and psychologists who can help make the site capable of impressing users. Humanitarian fields - linguistics, philology, literary studies - play a significant role in the field of website creation, because the most important component of web documents is text. It must be competent and attractive for visitors to virtual portals.

IT is a field of activity adjacent to a very large number of other industries. This is, first of all, marketing. This is understandable - business in the IT field involves the promotion of computer products in various markets. This could be sociology, which allows us to understand the specifics of public sentiment regarding the development of computer networks or the distribution of any software or hardware solutions. Mathematicians, economists, and ecologists can help IT specialists.

When professions are not similar

Despite the fact that all of the above activities relate to IT, people representing one of them may have nothing to do with the other two. It is quite possible that a programmer who knows dozens of computer languages, may have no idea how an intranet works or how to set up accounting software. While all these tasks are easily solved by the “administrator”. In turn, the webmaster, having a remarkable talent in building cool websites, may not be able to correctly adjust the color gamut of his own monitor and will call the same system administrator for help. The latter, although well versed in the intricacies of establishing a connection between intracorporate PCs and Internet provider servers, may not understand a word of hypertext markup language.

Narrow profile or broad specialization?

There is a version that work in the field of IT technologies should be as narrow a profile as possible. In some cases, this is justified, but only if the specialization that a person chooses is truly in demand by the market from a strategic perspective. An IT specialist who knows only one programming language, albeit perfectly, may sooner or later face a situation where his skills become outdated. In this regard, many experts recommend that programmers undergo training in the study of several languages ​​- albeit not so deeply, but with the remaining opportunity to change the profile depending on the situation on the labor market. The same applies to system administrators and webmasters. However, it is extremely unlikely that both of these IT positions will cease to be relevant to the market. It is difficult to imagine that positions such as system administrator or webmaster will disappear from companies. No matter how the IT industry changes, a website development company and a brand supplier of accounting or other specialized software will most likely remain among the most common business units.

Many people of different age categories are interested in what IT technologies are. This area has been developing very actively lately, so the most promising jobs and career plans are associated with information technology. However, not everyone understands what this term hides. Some believe that it involves programming, others - working with microcircuits. What is it really? Let's try to figure it out.

General information

Many have heard about the existence of IT technologies. What it is, only a few can answer exhaustively. Of course, it is easier for young people to navigate this issue, but middle-aged and elderly people, especially those who are far from the world of technology, often have difficulty understanding the essence of the term. Dictionary entries say that IT technologies can be deciphered as information technological processes. The abbreviation was formed in English, where it began to be actively used by the broad masses. It was from English that it came to us, so there were no translations, they simply adopted the established form of designating the sphere.

Currently, professors, explaining what IT technology is, say that the term is usually used to designate a whole range of disciplines and areas of human business activity. Formation, storage, control over data, and information processing are expected. As part of the application of high-tech approaches, it is assumed that the power of innovative computing technology will be used.

Modern interpretation

It so happens that these days a unique understanding of what IT technologies is has formed. It is a complex concept applied to computer development. It is assumed that employees whose activities are related to this area actively use computer computer technology, modern and efficient software. Using such tools, they process, accumulate useful information, systematize it, and also receive new information and limit access to existing data (in accordance with the security policy).

The correct name for the professionals involved in this area is “IT specialists.” And currently, the market for IT technologies, as well as the supply of jobs and qualified personnel that can be hired, is actively expanding. His key feature- lack of formal geographical boundaries. For the IT industry, time and distance have minimum value- All that matters is the data transmission speed, which is in many ways comparable to the speed of electric current flowing through the wires.

UNESCO's approach

The scope of IT technologies was clearly defined and in terminology approved by UNESCO. In accordance with this approach, IT is usually understood as disciplines that are interconnected and related to technology, science, and engineering. They help make work as efficient as possible. This area explores new techniques to improve the efficiency of all tasks and work processes. First of all, the IT field is aimed at improving the working conditions of those involved in processing information bases people, and also deals with issues related to ensuring the safety of data. IT involves the use of the most modern organizational methods and technical capabilities to ensure interaction between personnel and equipment. IT is practical use technology and capabilities. It is also a complex of social problems related to aspects of culture and economics.

Information and information technology is a rather difficult area to understand and apply. To work in it, specialists must first be trained. You will have to invest a lot of money in purchasing equipment. The introduction of IT approaches in an enterprise involves first mathematical support and modeling, the creation of databases for storing information, decisions, and intermediate information.

IT functionality

Key features of information technology (IT):

  • Possibility of transmitting data over impressive distances.
  • Structure, standardization of information exchange using specific algorithms.
  • The use of computer capabilities to store data and provide access to it in a form understandable to the end user.

Scientific discipline

The broadest interpretation of the term in question involves an analysis of the areas through which the following actions are performed with data:

  • Are saved.
  • Forming.
  • Transported.
  • Perceived.

The use of computers is not a prerequisite for information and communication technologies. It is only in the minds of some people that computers are equated with IT. There is nothing surprising in this, because it was computer technology that drew the attention of a wide range of people to information technology. It should be realized that computer technology is a narrower area than IT.

Industry role of IT

The development of IT technologies has led to the formation from a small section into an entire industry, which in our time closely intersects with a variety of areas of life. She deals with various information systems: their formation, improvement, and use. IT helps make the work process more efficient, organized, and effective. To do this, it is important to rationally use the most modern achievements, discoveries, technologies. IT involves the use of the most current methods of communication interaction, as well as modern software. To achieve success, it is necessary to involve experienced specialists in the work process. The correct integrated approach allows you to minimize resources.

Nowadays, new IT technologies are an industry that is relevant for educational tasks and medical research, for the provision of services, management and production processes. IT has a serious impact on social integration, changing society, which is influenced by modern technologies has accelerated significantly.

How it all began

For the first time, people began to actively talk about information and communication technologies in the sixties of the last century. It was during that period that the first information systems appeared, and society began its journey into the world high technology and even more high speeds. In the late nineties, huge amounts of money were invested both in the industry in general and in the Internet in particular. The most successful analysts were able to predict the importance of the World Wide Web for the future of society. These assumptions were fully justified by practical development.

For the first time, Lopez and Gilbert, who conducted studies over a long period of time, spoke about the growth of technological progress not just in arithmetic progression, but exponentially. Their experiment began back in 1986 and ended twenty-one years later. Throughout this period, researchers studied the power spent on data processing and identified the relationship with the size of the population. Data were collected monthly. Studies have shown that every 34 months, the potential of IT capabilities doubles, and the volume of stored information doubles in 40 months. Analyzing modern information technologies, they found that the broadcast of the flow of information per number of people living on the planet doubles in 12.3 years.

IT and business

Perhaps, entrepreneurs are one of the key segments of society that actively stimulate the development of modern information technologies. They are the ones who invest decent money in this area, allowing the best minds in the world to work in their chosen direction, improving technology and approaches to working with information.

It is commonly said that IT and business are in close interaction. The introduction of the most modern technological solutions allows the enterprise to be competitive and efficient. This is true for any line of business. In addition, recent trends are such that it is incredibly difficult to conduct productive activities without the Internet. If your company is still not represented on the World Wide Web, you should consider strategies that will help you adapt to the requirements of our reality. As many experts say, the absence of such a strategy and the desire to start working on it is an obvious indicator of the lack of a future for the enterprise.

Are new technologies in place everywhere?

Of course, IT allows you to increase the efficiency of business, but it is necessary to compare the costs of implementation the latest solutions and the benefits they will bring. Balanced decision making is the basis of a successful business. If managers can clearly determine what the purpose of business process improvement efforts is, then updating work program will benefit all personnel and the financial results of the enterprise.

But the appearance of an expensive tool that is not actually used in practice will not be any advantage for the company, but will only be an impressive expense component. To successfully implement technologies, you need to be able to anticipate market developments and apply not only the tools that are relevant today, but also what will be useful in the future. Business strategies that involve resorting to the most modern IT tools are quite difficult to implement and require significant financial investments. This obliges us to be especially attentive to opportunities for improvement, so as not to waste cosmic sums.

Areas of use

Currently, IT technologies are actively used in education. We can say that this has turned into a national program, large-scale, covering a variety of institutions, from preparatory preschools to implementing programs higher education. On the one hand, this is good, as it allows you to look into the future with confidence and not doubt the adequacy of educational opportunities, the compliance of programs and the expectations of students. On the other hand, the success of the educational process depends not only on the IT used, but also on the programs themselves, the qualifications of teachers, and their willingness to work using new methods.

IT technologies in medicine are no less relevant. Modern methods allow for high-precision research and extremely complex surgical interventions. It is thanks to the introduction of IT in this area that new approaches to diagnosing and treating diseases, as well as manipulations related to genetic information, have become possible.

Relevance of the issue

Currently, truly cosmic sums are being invested in the IT sector. Recent statistical studies have been conducted to identify countries where such development is receiving the most attention. Our country was in the top ten. Of course, America and the most developed Western powers are ahead of the pace characteristic of Russia. Nevertheless, even within our state, a lot of money is being invested in updating technical equipment various institutions and enterprises.

But the software turned out to be an outsider. If huge amounts of money are spent on equipment, then software cannot boast of such attention. We are several dozen times behind America, and about ten times behind many European countries. Compared to the average for the entire planet, Russia has only slightly crossed the half threshold. Its figure is 55%. As for the service sector, here (in comparison with the global average) our country is characterized by a value of 66%, which allowed us to take 22nd place in the ranking of all countries. The research was carried out in 2010.

Problematics of the issue

As experts say, the main problem in our country at present is the significant gap observed between different regions. For example, in the capital and St. Petersburg, access to the World Wide Web and the latest technologies Almost everyone has them; the inhabitants of Ingushetia are just getting similar opportunities. This affects both business and the educational and scientific potential of the regions.

In a number of regions, there is a significant shortage of qualified specialists capable of working in the fields of information technology. But in advanced regions, access to the World Wide Web is now established in almost all educational institutions, which is already a significant step forward.


Information Technology seems to many to be an invention of this century, modern society, spoiled by possibilities, technology, progress. In fact, this interpretation of the term is erroneous. Many people try to explain the essence of IT using complex words and phenomena, but this approach is not the most reasonable. In fact, information technologies have always been close to us, they were simply not recognized as important, and there were no technical capabilities to optimize work with them.

In fact, IT is all activities related to data processing. Formally, the use of accounts is also information technology, just outdated for our age. Modern cars allowed us to improve this area and bring it to a new level. Progress has had a significant impact on all areas of human life, so it is absolutely unacceptable to neglect IT.

We are starting a series of articles about modern sectors of the economy. So that during professional self-determination, adolescents and their parents can receive more relevant information:

    ✔ What are the features of the chosen field of activity?
    ✔ How promising is it to work in this industry?
    ✔ Is it worth spending time on education in this area?

In this series we will talk about each sector of the economy: what is the situation in it now, what are the prospects for the future and what global trends can be traced.

What is the IT sector (Information Technology)
Information technology and communications is an industry that is responsible for collecting, storing and transmitting information using technical devices and, in general, for communication between people at a distance. The real boom in information technology occurred in the 1990s due to the spread personal computers, Internet networks and personal mobile phones. Today in Russia approximately 89% of young people constantly use the Internet and mobile phones. Information technology (or IT, Information Technology) is the most rapidly developing sector of the world economy.

    What is included: mobile connection, local telephone communications, intercity and international communications, data transmission (including Internet), software development.
    Examples of professions: programmer, system administrator, mobile developer, web designer, SEO specialist, game designer, information security specialist, telecommunications engineer, signalman.

Today no industry can do without information technology specialists: collection and analysis of statistics, rapid transfer of information have led to qualitative changes in almost every industry. Automation in production, electronic document management in public administration and medicine, distance education are striking examples of the widespread implementation of information and communication technologies.

IT sphere today
The number of IT workers in Russia is approximately 850 thousand people, that is, 1% of the country’s total working population. This, by the way, is significantly less than in the leading countries in software development and technology implementation: in the USA, Great Britain and Germany, the share of IT specialists exceeds 3.5% of the total working population. The Russian Ministry of Communications is developing strategies and educational programs to increase the number of professionals in the field of information technology: Russia's first IT cluster for education and business opened in Skolkovo in 2011.
In our country, information technology is a young and actively developing field. Among Russian IT companies there are several brands that are widely known abroad: Yandex, Kaspersky Lab, Softline, Abbyy, Telegram, etc.
The IT sector is attractive for its internationality: many companies have offices in different countries and recruit the most qualified performers to their team around the world. That's why IT specialists can work anywhere in the world where the Internet is available. Another feature characteristic of this industry is dynamism. Changes in the field of computer technology occur every 6 months, that is, new types of information transfer are invented, unique systems and services are put into operation. A true IT specialist must always keep his finger on the pulse and be aware of changes in the industry.

The future of IT
Global computer networks create a parallel reality: already now people communicate on the Internet, watch movies, read books, buy goods and products, even commit crimes online. Which means, just like in a real city, network infrastructure will only flourish: social media, shops, online cinemas, cyber police. Every thing in the house will be connected to the Internet. In the future - thanks to the Internet of Things technology - a person from work will send a message (text, voice or mental), and by the time he arrives home, the refrigerator will buy food, the stove will cook, and the TV will select a new movie to watch.

How to develop in the IT field?
The IT sector is one of the most promising industries in the global economy. If you like to do computer science, program at school and at home, if you want to create computer programs and games, launch your service on the Internet or come up with a new application for mobile devices, then it’s worth taking a closer look at education in this direction.
What will help a teenager develop in IT:

    Attend clubs on programming, robotics and 3D modeling. During the classes you can gain knowledge of technology, experience in project work and creation of the first IT products.
    ✔ Worthwhile for exams choose computer science.
    Teach English language : it is needed not only as a language of international communication, but also for reading numerous technical documentation.
    Take part in the professional camp "Professionals of the Future". iSmena and TechSmena are specifically designed for immersion into the world of information technology under the guidance of IT experts. At thematic sessions you can not only gain new knowledge in programming and electronics, but also find like-minded people - friends who are close to you in spirit, with whom you can implement projects in the future.
    Sign up for an internship at an IT company: Employers in this field are always looking for talented and motivated interns, who will make good specialists in the future. An internship will help you see the inner workings of IT companies, understand the positions and determine what you should strive for when you receive a specialized education.
    Take online courses in programming from Russian and foreign universities. As we said, programming is international, and in open access Online courses for programmers from the universities of Harvard, Stanford, and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have been posted. Having mastered these courses, you will grow head and shoulders above your peers who are interested in programming.
    Set big goals: participate and win in computer science Olympiads, participate in hackathons and developer sports competitions held by major brands - Google, Yandex, Facebook, Telegram. With the help of such competitions, you can not only deepen your knowledge and improve your skills, but also find a job in your dream company.

If you feel a calling to become a programmer, web designer, or software specialist information security and other “IT” specialties, take our free test “Information and Technology Profile”. Its results will determine your readiness for this direction of development.

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Information Technology

Information Technology (IT, from English information technology, IT) - a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for creating, storing, managing and processing data, including the use of computer technology. Recently, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software to create, store, process, limit the transmission and receipt of information. Computer hardware and programming specialists are often called IT specialists.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. IT itself requires complex training, high initial costs and high-tech technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of mathematical software, modeling, and the formation of information repositories for intermediate data and solutions.

The main features of modern IT:

  • Structured standards for digital data exchange algorithms;
  • Widespread use of computer storage and provision of information in the required form;
  • Transfer of information via digital technologies over virtually unlimited distances.

Information Technology Discipline

In a broad sense, IT covers all areas of creation, transmission, storage and perception of information and not only computer technology. At the same time, IT is often associated specifically with computer technology, and this is no coincidence: the advent of computers brought IT to a new level. Just like television once did, and even earlier printing.

Information technology industry

The information technology industry is concerned with the creation, development and operation of information systems. Information technologies are designed, based on and rationally using modern achievements in the field of computer technology and other high technologies, the latest means of communication, software and practical experience, to solve problems for the effective organization of the information process to reduce the cost of time, labor, energy and material resources in all areas human life and modern society. Information technologies interact and are often an integral part of the service sector, management, industrial production, and social processes.


The development began in the 1960s, along with the emergence and development of the first information systems (IS).

Investments in Internet infrastructure and services sparked rapid growth in the IT industry in the late 1990s.

Technological potential and growth

Gilbert and Lopez note the exponential growth of technological progress (a kind of Moore's law) as the power density of all information processing machines doubling per capita every 14 months between 1986 and 2007; global telecommunications capacity per capita doubles every 34 months; The amount of information contributed in the world per capita doubles every 40 months (that is, every three years), and the transmission of information per capita tends to double approximately every 12.3 years.

Use of information technology in business

The interaction of information technology and business is manifested in the following: 1) IT technologies increase the efficiency and competitiveness of almost any business; 2) currently, all business is moving to the Internet, so any company needs to have a strategy for the new reality; 3) if a company does not have such a strategy, it has no future. .

Information technology as a tool for increasing the efficiency of the core business must be used thoughtfully and carefully. A positive effect is achieved only if the company's management has a clear idea of ​​the goals of future actions. That is, if a tool appears that can benefit a business, it is necessary to foresee several steps ahead how the business itself will develop and how the use of IT technology must be developed to support the successful implementation of the business strategy. Otherwise, this very powerful tool, which is also expensive and difficult to use, will, unfortunately, not bring any benefit to the business, and funds for IT will be wasted. .

Statistics for Russia

According to data collected by Timur Farukshin (director of consulting at IDC in Russia and the CIS) for 2010, in terms of monetary spending on IT equipment, Russia was among the top ten leading countries in the world, behind developed countries Western Europe and the United States by 3-5 times in per capita IT equipment spending. Russia spends significantly less on the purchase of software per capita; in this area of ​​spending, Russia lags behind the United States by 20 times, behind the leading countries of Western Europe by 10 times, and behind the world average by 55%. For the provision of IT services in 2010, Russia took only 22nd place and was 66% behind the world average.

According to IT specialists, the main problem in the development of IT technologies in Russia is the digital divide between different Russian regions. According to 2010 statistics, the lag in this area of ​​such regions as Dagestan and Ingushetia, compared to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk Region, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, according to certain indicators, even tends to increase. Since the lack of IT specialists and the general educational level of the population in lagging regions compared to advanced ones, in 2010 already reached a ratio of 1/11.2; despite the fact that school access to the Internet in lagging and advanced regions had a smaller ratio - 1/2.2.

Expenditures on information and communication technologies in 2005 as a percentage of the main consumer - USA ($1,096,112,600,000)

see also



  • Information technology according to GOST 34 .003-90
  • UN website Information and communication technologies

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