Formatting documents in Word. Composition and purpose of text document formatting operations Formatting large documents

We have already written more than once about tools for working with text in MS Word, about the intricacies of its design, modification and editing. We talked about each of these functions in separate articles, but in order to make the text more attractive and easier to read, you will need most of them, and done in the correct order.

Exactly how to properly format text in a document Microsoft Word and will be discussed in this article.

We have already written about how to change fonts in Word. Most likely, you initially typed the text in the font you liked by selecting suitable size. You can find out more about how to work with fonts in our article.

Having chosen the appropriate font for the main text (don’t rush to change headings and subheadings just yet), go through the entire text. Perhaps some fragments need to be italicized or bold, something needs to be emphasized. Here is an example of what an article might look like on our website.

Header selection

There is a 99.9% chance that the article you want to format has a title, and most likely it has subheadings as well. Of course, they need to be separated from the main text. You can do this using built-in Word styles, and you can find out more about how to work with these tools in our article.

If you are using latest version MS Word, additional styles for document design can be found in the tab "Design" in a group with a self-explanatory name "Text formatting".

Text alignment

By default, text in a document is aligned left. However, if necessary, you can change the alignment of the entire text or a single selected fragment to suit your needs by selecting one of the appropriate options:

  • On the left edge;
  • Centered;
  • On the right edge;
  • By width.
  • The instructions presented on our website will help you correctly position the text on the pages of the document. The text fragments highlighted with a red rectangle in the screenshot and the arrows associated with them show which alignment style is selected for these parts of the document. The rest of the file content is aligned according to the standard, that is, left-aligned.

    Changing intervals

    The default distance between lines in MS Word is 1.15, however, it can always be changed to larger or smaller (template), and you can also manually set any suitable value. More detailed instructions You will find information on how to work with intervals, change and customize them in our article.

    In addition to the spacing between lines, in Word you can also change the distance between paragraphs, both before and after them. Again, you can choose a template value that suits you, or set your own manually.

    Note: If the heading and subheadings that are in your text document are designed using one of the built-in styles, the interval of a certain size between them and the following paragraphs is set automatically, and it depends on the selected design style.

    Adding bulleted and numbered lists

    If your document contains lists, there is no need to number or even label them manually. Microsoft Word provides special tools for these purposes. They, like the tools for working with intervals, are located in the group "Paragraph", tab "Home".

    1. Select a piece of text that you want to convert into a bulleted or numbered list.

    2. Press one of the buttons ( “Markers” or “Numbering”) on the control panel in the group "Paragraph".

    3. The selected piece of text is converted into a beautiful bulleted or numbered list, depending on which tool you selected.

      Advice: If you expand the menu of buttons responsible for lists (to do this, click on the small arrow to the right of the icon), you can see additional list design styles.

      Advice: If during the execution of a document, when performing one or another operation to format it, you made a mistake, you can always correct it, that is, cancel it. To do this, simply click on the rounded arrow (pointing left) located next to the button "Save". Also, to cancel any action in Word, be it text formatting or any other operation, you can use the key combination “CTRL+Z”.

    We can safely end here. Now you know exactly how to format text in Word, making it not just attractive, but highly readable, designed in accordance with the requirements.

    A document typed only using a keyboard looks like a collection of sentences in which it is difficult to grasp the main idea of ​​the author, as well as to trace the logic of his reasoning. To make reading and memorization easier Word editor and others to him similar programs provide for text formatting, including breaking into paragraphs, highlighting a red line, the presence of indents and protrusions, columns, tables, lists and some other points.

    Particular nuances of document formatting

    The main way to divide a document into several logically complete parts is to place paragraph marks, which is done by pressing the Enter button. To make it easier to read, each paragraph should begin with a red line - an indentation, which can be done in two ways. Its optimal size is 1.25 cm, and this is exactly how much you should move the upper hourglass marker located on the horizontal ruler with the mouse cursor. Another method is through the menu located at the top of the window: the “Format” button – the “Paragraph” line – the “Indents and Spacing” tab – the “Indents” column. You need to enter the required value in the “first row” cell, then click “OK”.

    To move all the text, not just the red line, move the bottom of the hourglass by the desired amount. This is how the “To and from whom” column is formatted in letters. The same action can be performed by following the path described above and entering numbers in the “Indent” column in the “left” or “right” cells.

    To ensure that the text evenly fills the entire document and does not shift to its left margin, you can distribute it across the width of the page. To do this, select the required paragraphs and click on the “Fit to Width” button on the formatting panel. It looks like a square of horizontal stripes. There you can center the text for the title or move it to the right in the form of an epigraph.

    The list function is convenient when you need to list a large number of items, as well as adding new ones to the middle of the list after it has been created: the numbering will change automatically. A numbered or bulleted list can be set using the corresponding buttons on the formatting panel or through the “List” command in the “Format” menu.

    In addition to the listed functions in text editor you can change the size and type of font, bringing it closer to a business one or, conversely, to a congratulatory one, highlight part of the document with underlining, italics, bold or colored font, summarize the data in a table, and also perform other specialized actions (inserting an image, diagram).

    Under formatting document is understood as its design using text alignment methods, using different fonts, embedding drawings and other objects into a text document.

    Document formatting is done using the menu Format or using the format bar. Basic formatting techniques include:

      selecting and changing the font type;

      font size control;

      font style control;

      leveling method control;

      creating bulleted and numbered lists;

      managing paragraph parameters.

    The text of the document consists of paragraphs. A paragraph is a piece of text that ends with a keystroke Enter . In this case, a special end-of-paragraph character is inserted into the text. Removing this character causes the paragraphs to be merged, with the merged paragraph receiving all the formatting settings of the merged paragraph below. When typing text, a new line is automatically entered. To move to a new line within a paragraph, you need to press the keys Shift + Enter .

    Paragraph formatting options are set with the command Format/Paragraph which opens a dialog box Paragraph . Paragraph parameters are set on the tab Indents and spacing .

    The paragraph has the following parameters.

      Indents (borders) of a paragraph to the left and right of the edge of the printed sheet. Negative indent values ​​are allowed. In this case, the text is located in the margins.

      Type of the first line of a paragraph: indentation or indentation.

      Line spacing.

      Paragraph spacing is the amount of space before and after a paragraph.

      Alignment is the offset of the paragraph text relative to its width: left, right, center, width.

    On the tab Position on page rules for breaking paragraph lines into pages are set.

    You can also format paragraphs using the formatting bar, which contains formatting buttons for centering, right, left, and justified paragraphs.

    A set of paragraphs for which the same specific design is maintained in terms of page size and orientation, margin size, page numbering, header and footer design, and number of text columns is called a section.

    A new section is created by the command Insert / Break / Start new section . In this case, an end-of-section marker is inserted into the text. There are the following types of “end of section” breaks:

      from the next page;

      on the current page;

      from an even page;

      from the odd page.

    The process of designing the appearance of a document as a whole or its fragments in any software environment is called formatting. The word “formatting” itself comes from the word “form”, i.e. something must be given a certain form. The various formatting methods and tools that the Word word processor provides allow you to produce professionally designed text.

    Formatting documents is carried out as a result of the following actions:

      setting document page parameters;

      application of font design for text characters;

      setting the position of paragraphs on the page and setting indents and spacing for them (left and right, line and paragraph spacing);

      choosing options for framing and filling paragraphs;

      placement of text in columns;

      setting the design style of a character or paragraph , pages, etc.

    Most of these actions can be accomplished using the Format menu tools. Formatting a document is based on assigning new formats to text elements that must first be selected.

    Attention! Before formatting the text, you need to highlight it!

    Font text highlighting (character formatting)

    The text of the document is typed in the default font, which can be configured in the dialog box<Шрифт>called by the command Format, Font. Font format settings can be made for any piece of text. The set font parameters apply to newly entered text or to a selected text fragment.

    Attention! To select a text fragment with fonts, you must first select it.

    Command Dialog Box Font contains three tabs ( rice. 2.13). On each tab in the window<0бразец>The result of the font setting is displayed.

    Tab Font with parameters:

      font type. The following fonts are usually used to enter Russian letters: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier, etc.;

      style font: regular, italic, bold, bold italic;

      size font in points (pt) or other units;

      underlining selected fragment with lines of different types;

      color font;

      one or two crossed out lines symbols of the selected fragment;

      displaying selected characters on a level upper or lower indexes;

      make a selection hidden;

      display the selected fragment in regular or small capital letters, with a shadow or along a contour (double stroke), raised or recessed.

    Tab Interval with parameters:

      interval, which allows you to specify the distance in points (pt): normal, sparse, compacted.

      The distance can be changed nearby in the window; bias

      sets the offset of the selected fragment in pt relative to the baseline up or down; serves to automatically select the spacing between characters.

    Tab Animation allows you to select the type of animation of the selected fragment from the list.

    Button<По умолчанию>uses the font settings you made in all new documents based on the current template.

    Quickly setting the font format can be done using the buttons ( rice. 2.14) toolbars Formatting: <Шрифт>, <Размер шрифта>, font style (bold - button<Ж>, italics - button<К>, underline - button<Ч>).

    Rice. 2.13. Font dialog box for setting font options

    Rice. 2.14. Buttons for quickly setting the font format on the panel Formatting

    Formatting a paragraph of text

    The text of the document consists of paragraphs, paragraph ends with a keystroke . In this case, the special character ¶ is inserted into the text. Removing this character allows paragraphs to be merged, with the merged paragraph taking on the formatting settings of the merged paragraph below. When typing text, a new line is automatically entered.

    The format of paragraphs is set by the Format, Paragraph command, which opens the Paragraph dialog box ( rice. 2.15), containing tabs Indents and spacing, Position on the page.

    Rice. 2.15. Paragraph dialog box for paragraph formatting

    On the tab Indents and spacing are asked:

      alignment - width, center, left or right;

      selecting the document structure level to which the settings are attributed;

      paragraph boundaries (indents) to the left and right of the edge of the printed sheet;

      spacing - line and paragraph spacing (before and after);

    the appearance of the first line of a paragraph is indented to the right (red) or to the left (hanging).

    Tab Position on page defines the rules for breaking paragraph lines into pages:

      hanging line prohibition - it is prohibited to print one first or last line of a paragraph on another page (at least 2 lines are possible);

      do not break the paragraph, i.e. place it entirely on one page;

      do not tear off from the next paragraph - the current and next paragraphs are printed on one page;

      With new page- start the selected paragraph on a new page, inserting a page separator;

      prohibit paragraph line numbering;

      disable automatic word hyphenation.

    Quick formatting of paragraphs can be done using the panel Formatting which contains the necessary paragraph alignment buttons ( rice. 2.16).

    Rice. 2.16. Paragraph alignment buttons on the panel Formatting.

    All other paragraph format settings are made in the Paragraph dialog box.

    Framing and padding text

    To make paragraphs and pages of text more expressive, various methods of framing, filling with patterns, changing colors, etc. are used.

    Team Format, Borders and Shading brings up the Borders and Shading settings dialog box ( Fig 2.17). On the tab Border or Page selectable:

      paragraph or page framing type;

      color, type and width of paragraph or page border lines;

      parameters that determine the position of a paragraph on a page or a page margin.

      On the tab Fill the type and color of the pattern and the background color are set.

    Rice. 2.17. Borders and Shading dialog box to enhance your paragraph design

    Changing the case of letters

    Case formatting converts the selected text using the command Format, Register and selecting the appropriate push-button switch:

      As in sentences - the first letter of the first word is represented as capital ;

      all lower case - all letters of the selected text are lowercase;

      ALL CAPITAL - all letters of the selected text are capitalized;

      Start with Capital- the first letter of each highlighted word capital;

      CHANGE CASE- replacing capital letters in the selected text with lowercase ones, and lowercase letters with uppercase ones.

    Lists for formatting transfers in text

    Listings in text documents are often presented in the form of lists. There are three types of lists: marked, numbered, multi-level. On rice. 2.18 examples of three types of lists are given. The list is formatted both before entering elements and for elements already typed as separate paragraphs. For created lists, you can change their type.

    Rice. 2.18. Illustration of List Types

    There are several different ways to format lists:

      using the command Format, List;

      using the command List from the context menu;

      quick formatting using buttons<Нумерация>And<Маркеры>on the panel Formatting.

    Team Format, List Displays a List dialog box to select the tab that corresponds to the list type. The selected list type can be configured by clicking the button<Изменить>and setting the necessary parameters in the “Edit List” dialog box:

      For bulleted list a symbol (marker) is selected from the set Word fonts;

      set the size and color of the marker;

      for a multi-level list, the number of the hierarchical level is indicated, and then for the selected level, parameters are configured according to the same rules as for a numbered list.

    The corresponding indents for list items can be changed using the command Format, List, and using the toolbar buttons Formatting - <Уменьшить отступ>, <Увеличить отступ>. In addition, using the mouse on the horizontal ruler for selected list items, you can move the indentation indicators.

    To change the hierarchy level, place the cursor on the element and press the keys:

    <®>to lower the hierarchy level;

    <¬>to increase the hierarchy level.

    You can delete the list in the usual ways or using the command Format, List button<Удалить>.

    Formatting text in columns

    For newspaper-type texts, typing is performed in several columns; after filling the left column (at the height of the page or up to the set limit), the cursor automatically moves to the next column.

    Any insertion or deletion of text and graphics within columns automatically causes the text to flow from column to column. Column text is formatted according to general rules.

    The newspaper text format is set using the command Format, Columns:

      number of columns (one, two, three, etc. columns);

      the width of each column (or the same width of all columns);

      the presence of a dividing line between columns.

    If the document is new, after executing this command, the text is entered into the specified number of columns on the page.

    Existing text can also be arranged in columns by first selecting either a fragment of it or the entire document.


    To number pages use the command Insert, Page numbers, with which you can specify:

      position - at the top or bottom of the page;

      alignment - right, center, left, outside or inside the page;

      first page number;

      page number format.

    Document styles

    All Word documents are created using the command File, New. An important component of the created document is styles. Styles allow you to quickly design texts that vary in appearance and character. The starting set of styles is selected from the template attached to the document. Style - a named set of text element formats.

    There are standard and custom (special) styles. Standard styles are created automatically by the Word word processor. Custom styles are created by the user by modifying standard characteristics or as a result of selecting from existing required ones. A user style can be available only for an individual document or for a template.

    To reduce the labor intensity of document formatting, use:

      assigning standard styles to selected text fragments;

      creation of new styles;

      redefining (changing) styles;

      borrowing styles from other templates.

    Using the command Format, Style Library the corresponding dialog box containing a list of document templates is called up. Design style options can be viewed in the viewing window using the buttons:

      <Документ>- the current document is displayed using the styles of the selected template,

      <Пример>- an example document formatted with the styles of the selected template is displayed;

      <Образцы стилей>- displays a list and examples of style formats for the selected template.

    If you double-click on the name of the selected template, its styles will automatically be copied to the template of the current document and will be available for use.

    Team Format, Style brings up the Style dialog box ( rice. 2.19), which displays a list of styles of a certain type: All styles, Used styles, Special styles(user created).

    Rice. 2.19. Style dialog box for creating, changing, deleting, copying document styles

    When you select a specific style, the Paragraph window displays the appearance of the paragraphs, and the Characters window displays the type and size of the font used for that style. Button<Применить>apply a style to the selected text fragment.

    To quickly apply a style to a selected piece of text, use the button<Стиль>on the panel Formatting after clicking, the list of styles set by default in the current document is offered.

    Button<Удалить> (cm. rice. 2.19) removes the selected style from the list of styles available for application.

    Button<Создать> (cm. rice. 2.19) brings up the Create Style dialog box ( rice. 2.20) to define a new style, specifying the following parameters:

    Rice. 2.20. New Style dialog box for specifying options for a new style

    Rice. 2.21. New Style dialog box for copying styles from one file to another

    There is another way to create a new style. Previously, the document text is formatted at the paragraph or group of characters level. Then, for the selected fragment, the “Create Style” dialog box is called up, where a new name for the style is entered.

    Button<Изменить> (cm. rice. 2.19) allows you to change individual formats of the selected style. The Change Style dialog box appears, identical to the Create Style dialog box, which allows you to redefine the style or return to the previous design.

    Button<0рганизатор> (cm. rice. 2.19) is used to copy styles from other documents or templates into the current document. You can copy the list either from left to right or from right to left. In this case, you must specify the source file and destination file of the styles. To specify a destination file in the Organizer dialog box ( rice. 2.21) you should press the button<Закрыть файл>, which will be replaced with a button<Открыть файл>. You need to click this button, and the directories and files on the disk will appear in the window. After selecting the file name, the window will show the styles installed in it. Next, you should go, for example, to the left window, select the styles of the source file and copy them using the button<Копировать>in the right window for the destination file.

    Key Points to Remember When Formatting a Document

      A Word document consists of sections (sections), each of which is divided into paragraphs.

      Each section has its own page parameters (margins, location and type of headers and footers, number of columns).

      Each paragraph is characterized by its location (spacing above and below, line spacing, font, type of first line, list type, etc.).

      Each paragraph is assigned a style, the parameters of which can be modified.

      Each style can be based on another style. Most styles are typically based on the Normal style, changing which will affect the entire document.

      Paragraph parameters are associated with its end marker, the removal of which will remove the paragraph's styling.

      Section parameters are associated with a separator (marker) at its end, the removal of which will lead to the removal of the section's styling.

    To format a paragraph or group of characters in a specific way chosen for a given document, you need to set a number of parameters. With a large number of parameters, it is extremely difficult to ensure consistent formatting of similar document fragments. It is all the more difficult to ensure consistent formatting of all documents of the same type, and this, as a rule, is a mandatory requirement when preparing, say, business documentation. If you have ensured that all the documents are in perfect condition, you may need to change the design of some of them, and then you will have to start all over again.

    Topic 2.4. Database management systems and expert systems

    2.4.11. Training database with the main button form "Training_students" - Download

    Microsoft Word - word processor

    2.1. Processing of text information. Word processors

    2.1.3. Text document formatting and styles in Word

    Formatting a text document

    Formatting a document is changing its appearance. WORD provides document formatting at five different levels:

    • at the character level (changing typeface, style, font size and color, letter spacing in a word, animation, etc.);
    • at the paragraph level (left, right, center and justified alignment; right and left indents; first line indent; indents before and after paragraphs; line spacing, pagination control, etc.);
    • at the page level (page settings, page orientation, frame, headers and footers of the first page, even and odd pages, etc.);
    • at the section level (forming sections from the next page or on the current page, dividing text into columns, etc.);
    • at the document level (page numbers, table of contents, etc.).

    A paragraph is a piece of text that ends with a non-printable character or a piece of text whose input process ends by pressing the Enter key. A paragraph includes: body paragraph, headings, table of contents, lists (numbered and bulleted), etc.

    To format characters, use the Font dialog box (Format / Font) or commands on the formatting toolbar. Paragraphs are formatted using the Paragraph dialog box, which opens with the Format / Paragraph command.

    You can view the formatting of the selected text in the task pane by running the Format / Show Formatting command.


    Styles are intended for the external design of a document and its paragraphs, i.e. styles are used to format a document. A style is a set of formatting commands that is stored under a unique name for repeated use. Formatting text using a style is much faster than manually formatting each element of text, because one command (style) automatically formats a group of text options.

    There are three main types of styles:

    1. A character style contains character formatting options, including font, size, style, position, and spacing.
    2. A paragraph style contains paragraph formatting options, such as line spacing, indentation, alignment, and tab stops. Paragraph styles can also contain character styles or formatting options. Most of the styles used in Word are paragraph styles.
    3. The table style contains table formatting parameters (when a table is inserted, it is assigned a default style - table grid).

    When you create a new document based on the Normal template, it receives a copy of the set of styles from the base set of general-purpose styles (from the built-in styles): Normal, Headings 1, 2, 3.

    After entering text into a document is completed and the text has been edited, it is advisable to use the AutoFormat command to change the appearance of the entire document.

    When you automatically format a document, each paragraph is assigned one of Word's styles. For example, a heading can be assigned the Heading 1 or Heading 2 style, a body paragraph can be assigned the Body Text style, and a paragraph included in a list can be assigned the List style. Notes are assigned the Text Note style, headers are assigned the Header style, page numbers are assigned the Page Number style, and so on.

    Assigning standard Word styles to paragraphs in a document allows you to quickly change the appearance of the created document by applying styles from the style library. Built-in styles provide formatting for headings at various levels and allow you to view the hierarchical structure of a document in structure mode, as well as quickly build a table of contents.

    Additionally, if most paragraphs in your document use the Body Text style rather than the Normal style, you can easily reformat just the body text style without affecting the style of the rest of the text.

    Operations with styles in the Styles and Formatting task pane

    Styles can be changed and new ones created. In addition, you can apply a different style (overlay a style) to already formatted text, i.e. reformat it.

    To do this, select the Format / Styles and Formatting command, the task pane will appear in the “Styles and Formatting” mode. Place the cursor in the text you want to reformat, and in the task pane, under “Select formatting to apply,” click on the desired style, the paragraph under the cursor is reformatted to the selected style.

    If you need to change the style or create a new style, then place the cursor in the text whose style you want to change; in the task pane, in the “Formatting selected text” section, the text style under the cursor will be displayed. Next, you need to move the mouse pointer to the name of the style and click on the arrow that appears on the right, a list of commands will open: Clear format, Change style, Create style. Select the required command (change or create a style), a corresponding dialog box will appear in which you can change or create a style.

    The Normal style is the basis for most other paragraph styles, so changing the Normal style will change all styles based on it. The Normal style is not based on any of the styles.

    Rice. 1.

    Rice. 2.

    Elements of text documents that are entered into a document during the process of editing and formatting:

    • Header/Footer (View/Header/Footer).
    • Symbol (Insert/Symbol).
    • Reference (footnotes; names of figures, tables, formulas; cross-references; table of contents and indexes). Called by the Insert / Link command.
    • Note (Insert/Note).
    • Hyperlink (Insert / Hyperlink).
    • Bookmark (Insert / Bookmark).
    • Backgrounds, backgrounds and themes (Format / Background, Format / Theme).

    A footer is text or a picture (page number, document printing date, document title, author's name, picture, etc.) that is printed at the bottom or top of each document page. Depending on the location (on the top or bottom margin of the page), there are headers and footers.

    To create a header and footer, you need to execute the View / Header and Footer command. Headers and footers, like the document background, as well as margins, page size and orientation, page numbers, page breaks, and section breaks, refer to changes in the appearance of pages and the document.

    Check spelling (spelling and grammar) in Word

    Spell checker (spelling checker) is an editor tool that allows you to check and correct the spelling of words in a document. The editor compares the words in the document being checked with a dictionary, and unknown words at the same time stand out. After this, you can skip the word, correct it, or add it to the dictionary.

    Checking grammar is checking the grammatical and stylistic rules of writing (inconsistency between subject and predicate, incorrect prepositional combinations).

    There are several ways to check spelling:

    1. Check spelling and grammar as you enter text.
    2. Manual spelling and grammar checking.

    To set up automatic spelling and grammar checking, do the following: Select Tools/Options and in the window that appears, click on the Spelling tab. Check the Automatically check spelling and Automatically check grammar checkboxes.

    To manually check spelling and grammar, select the Tools/Spelling command; the Spelling dialog box will appear, with which you can perform the required check.

    Rice. 3.

    View and print a document

    Depending on the tasks you perform in Microsoft Word 2003, you can select different document viewing modes:

    1. Layout mode.
    2. View mode.
    3. View.

    Layout modes are used when working on a document; this mode includes: Page Layout, Web Document, Normal, Structure.

    Viewing modes are used to read a document and move around in it; this mode includes: Reading Mode, Thumbnails, Document Outline.

    Preview is used to display the appearance of the document in the publication form, this mode includes: Web Page Preview, Preview.

    Mode preview convenient to use for viewing several pages of a document in a reduced form. In this mode, you can view page breaks and the background, and change the content or formatting of the document before it is printed.

    Before printing a document, you should check it appearance, by issuing the command File – Preview or clicking the Preview button on the toolbar. To exit preview mode, click the “Close” button.

    To print a document using the default printer settings and print settings, click the Print button in the preview window or on the standard toolbar.

    To select a printer and print settings, select the Print command from the File menu, and the Print dialog box will appear.

    Rice. 4.

    In the Printer area, select the required printer from the list provided.

    In the Page area, you should specify which part of the document to print: the entire document; current page; selected fragment or several pages with specified numbers.

    The number of copies is specified in the Number of copies field.

    Select the Enable: All Pages in Range option or print all odd-numbered pages first, followed by even-numbered pages.

    The scale option group allows you to specify printing of several pages of text on one sheet of paper.

    A number of additional printing options can be specified by clicking the Options button.

    TOPIC "Text editor Microsoft Word.

    Formatting documents"

    Target: Introduction to formatting techniques text document.



      introduce the concept of document formatting, character and paragraph formatting options;

      practice skills in formatting characters and paragraphs using the program’s ribbon menuMSWord.


      developing the ability to listen, discuss, find errors;

      developing the ability to compare and contrast data to select the correct answer;

      develop and improve the ability to apply existing knowledge in practice together with the program Jaws .


      cultivate cognitive needs, responsibility for the work performed, and independence in completing tasks.

    Predicting the final result.

    By the end of the lesson the student should:

    Lesson type:combined.

    Methods used in the lesson : reproductive, verbal, partially search, practical.

    Forms of work: frontal, individual, independent.

    Motivation:The importance of this topic lies in the fact that it will be useful in future correspondence and preparation of documents.

    Equipment: personal computers, text editor MSWord.

    Lesson Plan:

      Organizing time -2 min.

      Updating knowledge. Testing your knowledge of the material from the previous lesson - 10 min.

      Learning new material - 35 min.

      Consolidation of new material. Practical work – 40 min.

      Summing up the lesson. - 3 min.


      Organizing time

    - Greetings to the listeners.

    In previous lessons, we began to get acquainted with the Microsoft Word text editor. We looked at what a text editor is, what this program is for, how to launch the program, the structure of the program window, we learned how to create a document, edit text and save the document.

    Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

    Introduction to the lesson plan.

    2. Updating knowledge. Testing your knowledge of the material from the previous lesson.

    Before moving on to the topic of today's lesson, let's remember the main points of the last lesson:

    Text editor is a program designed for:

      creating, editing and formatting and printing text information;

      working with images in the process of creating game programs;

      PC resource management when creating documents;

      automatic translation from symbolic languages ​​to machine codes.

    In a text editor, when setting page parameters, the following are set:

      typeface, size, style;

      indent, interval;

      margins, orientation;

      style, pattern.

    Text editing is:

      the process of making changes to the content of the text;

      the procedure for saving text on disk as a text file;

      the process of transmitting text information over a computer network;

      the procedure for reading previously created text from an external storage device.

    Copying a text fragment in a text editor involves first of all:

      indicating the position from which the fragment should be copied;

      selecting the copied fragment;

      selecting the appropriate menu item;

      opening a new text window.

    What will happen to a document fragment when you perform the following sequence of actions:

      select a piece of text;

      cut a piece of text;

      indicate the place where the fragment should be inserted;

      insert fragment.

    The text was typed in a text editor:
    The Find and Replace All command to correct all errors might look like this:

      find P replace with RA;

      find RO replace with RA;

      find ROB replace with RAB;

      find BROB replace with BRAB;

      find BROBO replace with BRABO.

    3. Learning new material "Formatting a document."

    You are already familiar with the term formatting. Let's remember what formatting is?
    Formatting is a change in the appearance of the document.

    - What are the main objects of a document? (page, paragraph and character).

    For each of these objects, you must set formatting options that determine the appearance of the document.

    Character Formatting

    - The smallest element that we can work with in a text editor is a character.

    Symbols – these are letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, Special symbols. Symbols can be formatted (change their appearance). Among the main properties of symbols are the following: font, size, style and color.

    Font – this is a complete set of characters of a certain style. Each font has its own name, for example Times New Roman, Arial, Comic Sans MS. The font unit is the point (1 pt = 0.367 mm). Font sizes can be changed within wide limits. In addition to the normal (regular) style of characters, bold, italic, and bold italic are usually used.

    Depending on the way they are presented on a computer, there are differences between raster and vector fonts. Methods are used to represent raster fonts raster graphics, font characters are groups of pixels. Bitmap fonts can only be scaled by certain factors.

    In vector fonts, characters are described by mathematical formulas and can be scaled arbitrarily. Among vector fonts, TrueType fonts are the most widely used.

    You can also install Extra options character formatting: underlining characters with different types of lines, changing the appearance of characters (superscript, subscript, strikethrough), changing the distances between characters.

    If you plan to print your document in color, you can specify different colors for various groups characters.

    Formatting Paragraphs

    A paragraph is one of the main objects of a text document. A paragraph (from a literary point of view) is a part of the text that is a completed fragment of a work, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought.

    In computer documentsparagraph Any text that ends with a keystroke is considered.

    To fully format a paragraph, use the dialog box that opens with the commandAlt - FormatParagraph.

    Indents and Spacing Tab

    1. Paragraph alignment

    Alignment reflects the position of text relative to page margins. The four most common ways to align paragraphs are: leftCtrl + L , to the rightCtrl + R , in width Ctrl + J , centered Ctrl + E .

    2. First line indent (red line)

    The indentation may be various types:

      positive indentation , when the first line begins to the right of all other lines of the paragraph, used in regular text.

      negative padding (overhang) , when the first line goes to the left of the remaining lines of the paragraph, used in dictionaries and definitions.

      zero padding, used for centered paragraphs and plain text.

    Alt-Home- Tabto – Decrease indent (Increase indent)

    3. Line spacing

    Line spacing determines the vertical distance between lines of text in a paragraph.

    Alt-Home- Tabto – Spacing -Select the desired value in the line spacing list.

      Single – this is the line spacing, the height corresponding to the largest font size used in the line.

      One and a half – 1.5 times higher than single.

      Double – 2 times higher than single.

    4. Practical work "Defining Character and Paragraph Formatting Options."

    Task: based on the example, determine the formatting parameters for characters and paragraphs.

    While working, do not forget about safety precautions when working with a computer.

    5. Summing up the lesson

    Demonstration of the results obtained practical work, brief analysis.

    Today in the lesson you learned new terms and formatted the text in various ways. Let's check what you remember from today's lesson.

    Our lesson has come to an end. Today we have consolidated the basic parameters of character and paragraph, and also learned how to format a document in various ways.

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