Freelancers for creating programs for android. Mobile applications for productivity in business and in life. Chapter I. Time Management Applications

There are several reasons why many freelancers choose to work with web applications instead of traditional software. Web applications have several advantages over traditional software that is downloaded and installed on a computer. First, many of them are completely free to use. Secondly, there is no need to install and update these applications on your computer. The third and main advantage is that web applications can be accessed from any PC or mobile device with an Internet connection. And fourth, you don't need to save the data on your PC, you can just create a backup and everything will be stored on the server.

For most freelancers, it is challenging to manage all of their activities and work costs. So, we will list the 13 most best tools and web applications to help you monitor your work.


You can create invoices according to your time, edit them visually, and send by e-mail with customizable message templates. You can keep unpaid projects and invoices at the top of your work, as well as graphical accounting of working hours. Integration with PayPal will allow you to receive your invoices faster, as well as automatically track payments. You can send invoices in 49 currencies and 17 languages.

Google Calendar is a free all-in-one tool for keeping track of times, appointments and organizing your freelance tasks. It can serve as a calendar or to-do list. Plus, Google calendar data is easy to export to many task management projects so you can always have your schedule in front of your eyes.

The goal of the Invoice Machine is to generate simple yet professional invoices with the ability to set categories such as taxes, shipping, currency, language, discounts, notes and more. On dashboard You can easily find which bills have been paid or due, and you can even filter by status, period, or customer. Invoices can be sent directly to customers or attached as PDF to email.

Finance and accounting

Less accounting is an application that provides simple accounting for small businesses and freelancers. With this application, you can create invoices, send and track invoices, record and track expenses, allow access to your account for exporting data, automatically import banking transactions on a daily basis, and handle sales tax. The app's price ranges from free to $ 24 per month, depending on your needs. You can start with a 30-day free trial before deciding on a package.

Another app from the developers of Mint Bills, QuickBooks, TurboTax and Quicken to help you spend smarter and save more. You can easily pull out all your accounts, control cards and investments. And all this in one place. The application will allow you to track your expenses, plan a budget, and receive invoice reminders.

Projects and task management

This application can be very useful for those who have difficulty keeping track of completed tasks and projects. The idea behind Projecturf is to help users manage their projects efficiently. It is built with tons of features like drag and drop tasks and task management, time and budget timer, Gantt chart, expandable layouts, customizable templates, and more.

These are project planning and software management. ZohoProjects provides a dashboard that allows users to track and analyze project progress. You can also sync your ZohoProjects account with Dropbox so you can access your files from anywhere in the world. The app supports 16 languages.

File management and cloud storage

This application can be used for everything from simple plans to complex business processes. You can create, share and collaborate with teams around the world. Zoho Docs helps you analyze complex data, create spreadsheets, gather ideas, and make informed decisions. You can also publish files to websites, and broadcast remotely from Zoho Docs. The app allows you to keep all your files in one place and sync them across multiple devices.

Dropbox is cloud storage with file sync that you can edit from anywhere. With Dropbox, you can upload photos and videos, freely share them with family and friends. It is one of the most beloved document management tools due to its file editing capabilities and tight integration with the operating system.

Google Drive gives you the ability to store files up to 15GB, so you can save photos, stories, drawings, drawings, recordings, videos, etc. You can scan your documents through your smartphone, and Google Drive will instantly convert it to PDF format... You can also chat and interact with other users to view and share files.

Customer relationship management (CRM)

SugarCRM comes in two versions - hosted and downloadable. The hosted version is slightly more expensive, although it offers more functionality. With the downloadable version, you can do the hosting yourself and save a few bucks. SugarCRM includes features such as marketing campaigns, customer support, collaboration, mobile CRM, social CRM, sales and reporting automation.

With Nimble, you can store all of your business and contact information in one convenient place. There is a free tariff plan for those who just want to try the app, and a regular plan that costs $ 15 per month. The app is available through social media, and after signing up for the plan, the user connects to their social media accounts and can send messages directly to their customers. All messages are placed in the Signals, Messages and Activity categories. Signals tab shows special dates, opportunities, etc. The activity tab is the task manager and the messages tab stores emails and messages from social networks.

Documents and Editing

Photoshop Express is a free online web application and editor for designers who just want to edit any graphic as quickly as possible using basic features like cropping, contrast and brightness, red-eye removal, rotation, tone, etc. etc.

These are a few examples of free web applications and tools that are available on the internet. Some of them are familiar to you, and some you have simply forgotten.

Smartphones are an integral part of our life: in the morning we turn off the alarm clock on the screen, during the day we check mail and feeds in social networks, and before going to bed we pick it up to read a couple of pages e-book... Since gadgets accompany us all day, maybe it is worth using them with maximum benefit, including for the development of a project, work, business. We turned to copywriter Anna Privalova, who writes for marketing and PR. Anna conducts whole research before each article and approached our request thoroughly.

Agree mobile phones and tablets are already becoming an extension of ourselves. At least in instant messengers and social networks, many of us are online for hours and always in touch: in the morning, at night, at lunchtime, anytime. For entrepreneurs and freelancers, mobile activity is a lifestyle. But besides endless communication, the smartphone promotes productivity thanks to the many useful applications from the AppStore or Google play, which replace not only a notebook, but also other devices.

Speaking about the productivity of an entrepreneur, we should not forget about sports, travel, self-development and other joys. After interviewing about fifty entrepreneurs and freelancers, I have compiled a list of mobile applications to help in business, interact with a team, store useful information and create balance in life. Let's take a look at the applications by category in detail.

Time planning

There are a lot of planning applications, they all help you to correctly allocate your time and control the execution of tasks. Most applications are built on the principles of GTD (getting things done) by David Allen.

Among the popular Task managers, the following are interesting:


Classic handy planner, where you can conduct several projects, set tasks and subtasks. It is also easy to create lists and checklists here (for example, what to read and see in the near future) and cross out completed tasks. A system of reminders and transfer of tasks by alarm is provided. The only drawback that I would like to draw your attention to is the lack of synchronization with other calendars, the same Google Calendar or Outlook.

In addition, this mobile application can be used to solve joint problems with colleagues, share, discuss and comment.

There are versions for iOs, Android and desktop synchronization. The main functions of the application are available in the free version. The $ 4.99 paid package includes unlimited projects and entries, enhanced teamwork, and wallpapers for mood. A simple, straightforward and useful app for freelancers and entrepreneurs.

Another simple planner with a light, user-friendly design... All tasks are formed into a single list and configured according to a schedule. One of the unique features of is task delegation. Letters with tasks for colleagues or assistants are sent directly from the program interface. Bright buttons help you control time and manage tasks clearly. There is no synchronization with calendars, but you can create several lists.

The application is universal: there is a version for both iOS and Android.

Marketing analyst Mikhail Pinyaev:

I choose mostly simple and straightforward applications without unnecessary details. I work a lot with excel, so I was looking for the planner too, concise and clear. In, all the key tasks are in sight, distributed over time, and I see my priorities at every moment in time.


This app is different from the regular planner beside additional functions... It is designed for people with high load and increased stress levels, that is, for entrepreneurs and freelancers.

The application is easy to use, visual and multifunctional... The disadvantage is that it does not have synchronization with storage services and calendars. The app is available only for owners of iOS devices.

Proud has a convenient timer for focusing on tasks, as well as an analytics widget where you can evaluate your productivity over a specific period of time. Another feature of the application is the "superpower" button: when you click on it, breathing exercises for relaxation are opened. The lightweight and unobtrusive interface allows you to keep all tasks at hand and visually divide them into completed, current and planned.

And one more thing that I cannot but tell you about. When we do not have time to cope with the task on time, usually all our further plans collapse like a house of cards in the wind. Proud has a Give me more time function, which extends the time spent on solving the current task and smoothly shifts all subsequent ones.


The application allows you to organize and synchronize all tasks for the day, week, month and prioritize. Suitable for both personal and team planning according to GTD principles. A chat function is provided. Plus, unlike many others, the app integrates with Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, and Google Calendar. All information, appointments and tasks are accumulated in one application.

This application was available only to iOs users a year ago and cost about $ 7 per month with an English-language interface. Now this simple and intuitive planner has a free version with access to five projects, a paid version for $ 8-10 per month, and even a team version for an unlimited number of users.


The first impression of the service is twofold - it is just a white sheet on which you can write down all your tasks. But the main advantage of the service is that it allows you to distribute tasks into groups and make a large number of branches of subtasks so as not to let anything out of sight. The app is available for iOs and Android, and in the paid version it syncs with Dropbox.

Egor Karpov, founder of AppDiamond marketing agency:

The last three years have not spent a day without a task manager. There are too many tasks to keep in mind. I've tried a lot of existing apps, ranging from simple ones like Wunderlist, Todoist and ending with corporate ones like Basecamp and Jira. Stopped for Workflowy. It is quite easy to use, and the branch system allows you to schedule long-term tasks and projects. When working with the application, I use the GTD system, sorting tasks by hashtags.

Taking this opportunity, I asked Egor, who knows everything and even more about mobile applications, for which productivity applications he sees the future. He noted two aspects:

  • the user's own understanding of the difference between work and productivity, since they are far from the same thing;
  • the presence of a certain ideology in the task manager, for example, the GTD productivity system.

“Productivity is about delivering results over time. For example, a person who works two hours a day can be many times more productive than someone who works 16 hours a day. To assess your productivity, it is enough to set specific goals for the week. In the best case, 20% of the tasks will be completed. The problem with modern task managers is that they do not allow you to track how productive a user is in reality. This is exactly what the systematic approach, implemented according to the principle of getting things done, helps. "

Focus on tasks

One of the key problems that every second freelancer and many entrepreneurs struggle with is constantly switching from task to task, or worse, hanging on social media instead of completing scheduled tasks. Mobile application developers have proposed original solutions for focusing on tasks. According to the survey among entrepreneurs and marketers, the following are leading:

Clear focus

Application - visualization of the famous Pomodoro principle: you work with a timer for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes, and so on for several cycles. The Clear Focus app on the phone turns on a red screen that cannot be exited for a set period. If you succeed in working with a regular timer, then here you will not be distracted by the phone either.


Often, social media notifications, new letters and messenger signals distract us from important tasks, and we spend hours "hanging" on the phone instead of working. To combat this phenomenon, the Forest program was created. The bottom line is that you set yourself a time for work, and while you are busy and do not touch your phone, a tree grows in the application. As soon as you get distracted by an incoming message or go to social networks, the tree dies. Emotionally, visually and disciplined.

Important notes

Authors of Internet projects and freelancers related to online creativity, the same designers and copywriters, draw ideas from the network, so it is important to save all notes and interesting links in your swap file (a file for useful thoughts and ideas). But a computer is not always at hand and it is not always convenient to store links offline. For these purposes, today a whole arsenal of mobile applications has been created with continuous access to saved links and the ability to synchronize information by tags.


The application saves an interesting link with one click, and the page is completely copied, and access to it will be even where the Internet does not catch. Hashtags make it easy and quick to find materials on the desired topic.


Only the lazy has not written about this application, but if we talk about the productivity of an entrepreneur, it is practically impossible to do without it. In addition to the functions of a planner, this is the perfect notebook, where you can enter your ideas, both in print and in voice, dividing information by thematic notebooks.

In addition, Evernote has all the functions of a full-fledged storage, and you can store pdf files, photos and archives there. Despite its convenient lists, it is not very convenient to use it as a planner, but if you need a tool for storing and quickly recording information, it is difficult to find analogues. Pleases the function Evernote Clipper - additional functionality for storing screenshots of interesting pages. The paid version provides ample opportunities for exchanging information with the team.

A definite plus is synchronization with the desktop version, but since last year, a free account can only work on two devices at the same time.

Google drive

Of course, Google apps are out of competition: this is a real mobile office where you can manage spreadsheets, write texts and share data, working together. Google Calendar helps you keep track of all your important events and set up reminders, and color-code your personal and work time. Google Drive perfectly stores all the necessary files: documents, presentations, photos, videos and other data formats. And most importantly, all applications are perfectly synchronized with the desktop and work even where there is no network.

Google Docs makes freelancers more mobile. For example, in order to quickly make edits to the text, you don't even need to have a laptop at hand. It is enough to open the application and resume work from anywhere in the world with Internet access. In the collaborative mode, all issues are resolved online, one user sees the edits of others at the same time. The mobile version is somewhat inferior to the desktop version in terms of convenience: the “advise” function works with limitations - working with text in edit mode. But the comments fully compensate for this nuance.



Almost every entrepreneur has heard about the Bitrix24 CRM system, without exaggeration - this application was named by 9 out of 10 business owners who took part in the mini-survey. And this is not surprising: the service allows a small business with a team of up to 12 people to work with a client base for free, conduct transactions, monitor tasks and exchange information. A convenient and intuitive application is endowed with all the main functions: it takes into account the tasks of users, shows the stages of their implementation with a timer. The application has a convenient calendar synchronized with Google, there is a function of voice calls, general chat and a personal messenger for communicating with employees.


Trello task boards, created according to the Japanese Kanban model, help you to use visual cards to decompose the project into tasks and subtasks, distribute them among employees and monitor progress. The cards have many possibilities, they can be used for voting, discussing topics, uploading pictures, making color marks. All tasks are divided into planned, current and completed, so the project manager always clearly sees how the work is progressing, at what stage it is worth speeding up or changing something. You can invite different performers to each task board and follow all comments in real time. The application, for example, allows you to maintain a content plan for publications or select candidates for a specific position.

Trello is an app for project work done by a small team, it helps to keep in touch and control the implementation of each task using color schemes.


As a rule, the growth of a business, especially a small one, is directly proportional to the acquisition of new knowledge and its implementation in the practice of the entire team. Mobile devices help you use your time productively and, for example, on the road or in line to study.

Soundcloud and Podcast

One of the most popular formats for obtaining useful information are podcasts - thematic interviews or programs that can be listened to at any convenient time. For example, on Internet marketing and entrepreneurship - this is SMM without cats and Websarafan podcasts. Podcasts can be saved to playlists online or to the devices themselves.

Listen to podcasts from your mobile device allow apps like Soundcloud on Android and Podcast on iOs.


Reading books from the phone has already become the norm, and books can not only be read, but also listened to. And you don't have to buy audiobooks for that. FBreader has an audio version that can play the text of the book... A robot with a computer voice is still imperfect, sometimes it puts emphasis in words incorrectly, but most importantly, you are spending time with benefit, receiving new information. Separately, I would like to note the reader itself, it is made in the format of a living book: while reading, you do not scroll the text, but smoothly turn the page. The eyes do not get tired, and it is pleasant to read.

The app is available for both Android and iOS.

Health and energy

Things do not go well when you work hard, but when there is a balance in life between work, personal life and, of course, health. Sports, such as running, help replenish energy reserves.

For most entrepreneurs, running has become a stimulus for self-development and a way of energizing. By participating in running marathons, entrepreneurs and freelancers find useful contacts, clients and partners.


When you start running, it is important to consider distance, time, calories burned, and other indicators. When preparing for marathons, the total mileage is also important. Runkeeper app is a complete running system, it has a built-in GPS that locates you and creates an interactive map of your run.

The application stores all the results of training, races and marathons where you took part, as well as the most popular routes. The results can be shared on social networks directly from the interface. The user profile is also filled there, thanks to which you can find friends by location or friends from Facebook and Twitter and join groups. The application is available from any smartphones.

Wheel of life

This Russian application appeared relatively recently, but is already actively used by freelancers and entrepreneurs who want to live consciously and achieve balance in all spheres of life, from business and personal life to health and finding friends. In the application, you can set specific measurable goals and analyze the results. The interface clearly shows your point "A" - where you are now on a ten-point scale, and point "B" - the result you are striving to achieve. Filling in all aspects of the wheel will show you where the gaps are and what needs to be worked on to achieve your goals. This approach allows you to analyze your life in the moment, motivates and provides an incentive for development, which is important for freelancers and entrepreneurs in order not to go astray.

I downloaded the "Wheel of Life" application - it helps to balance different aspects of your life: business, family, friends, self-development. I just started to use it, painted all aspects, so far without completing tasks in each area. But I already had a vision of what to do next and what tasks to set for myself.


Entrepreneurs and freelancers differ in that they cannot live paycheck to paycheck and must have strict control over their finances, which most often come from different sources. And how to do it better, if not through a mobile device, which is always with you? After reviewing dozens of applications, I settled on three that seemed the most thoughtful, understandable and interesting.

Moneygraph +

Application for Windows both for desktop and mobile device on this operating system. The creators position Moneygraph + as financial accounting application created especially for entrepreneurs and freelancers having different sources and sizes of income each month.

In the application, you can create several accounts at once, make transfers between them, create your own categories of expenses and income, save reports and conduct detailed analysis thanks to convenient charts.


Simple visual application for accounting personal finances, where you can enter expenses and income, and on the diagram with icons, estimate budget items every month. The application has a free version, it is limited by the number of categories, new ones cannot be created. The paid version is synchronized with other devices, is endowed with the function of exporting reports and an unlimited number of categories.

Money manager

In addition to the general accounting of income and expenses, Money Manager helps to sort them into categories and keep statistics... The main difference between the application and others is asset management. For example, you can attach a bank card to the application and set up monthly auto payments or auto payment for credit cards. The application provides a calendar, calculator and content search. The application is paid, there is both a mobile and a desktop version.

As a rule, accountants do not use such applications, but entrepreneurs, whose business is connected with finance exclusively in matters of making a profit, will never hurt to keep track of expenses and income. For some, a spreadsheet in excel is enough, others want clarity and interactivity, and then mobile applications come to the rescue.

Mobile gadgets help us increase productivity, keep statistics of our life, from health to wallet, provide access to any information, keep all the necessary data at hand and monitor the work of the team from anywhere in the world. In fact, there are many more productivity apps, hundreds of new solutions are added to the AppStore and Google Play tops every day. But even the above list is already enough to be a productive and conscious person and achieve your goals in all spheres of life, the main thing is to choose what will be useful and convenient for you.

Anna Privalova,

Good health, dear reader of the site magazine! In this article we will talk about Freelance programs that will help you organize your work, use your time correctly and increase efficiency.

Freelance programs

Many freelancers use various programs to organize their work.

The most popular ones are:

Time management


Online organizer Time Master provides the ability to keep track of your working time. This will allow you to analyze what the time is spent on, to understand how much time is spent on work, on vacation, and on other household chores.

Using the resulting list, you can decide how to increase work efficiency.

Keeping a diary is easy.

You need to write down the start and end times, and in the comments describe everything that you did during this period of time.

Keeping a diary is automated and takes about a minute. It is more convenient and faster than drawing up in a paper notebook or in Excel.

Diary entries can be linked to a task list in the organizer, allowing you to see how much time is spent completing the questions on the list.

The timing service works via the Internet, and this makes it possible to conduct timing from any place where the Internet is connected in any locality.

it good way to raise the level of self-organization and increase work productivity.

Todoistsoftware for task management. Convenient service reminds what needs to be done in the near future, sends notifications to the mail. With its help, you will not be able to forget about the upcoming affairs, you just need to add all the tasks set for yourself to the list.


Electronic accountant Elba - suitable for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on a simplified taxation system, patent system or UTII. He helps to run the business; calculate taxes, follow the deadlines for submitting reports to the tax authorities; draw up invoices and invoices; calculate payroll taxes and transfer contributions to off-budget funds; monitor the receipt and expenditure of funds from current accounts in banks.

And for this you do not need to know accounting, the program will do everything for you.


This program is known to many and is invariably popular with users.

For the normal accounting of finance, you need to know income - expenses. To do this, keep a list of receipts by date, from whom the funds were received and in what amounts and on what they were spent.

As of the 1st day of the month, display the balance by bank cards and take a bank statement.

CRM projector- a system for managing clients, projects, finances, sales. Suitable for those who work in a team. With its help, assignments are issued to performers, and control over their implementation is carried out; allows you to manage projects, break them down in stages; track sales, monitor the range of goods and services; control payments; draw up a sales report.

Freelance and office work. You will find out about this by following the link

Let's watch a video on the topic Freelance programs

Freelance programs

Freelance program


In this article, we looked at the topic Freelance programs that will help you organize your working day and increase your productivity.

Hope the article was helpful. If you have any questions, you can ask them through the comment form under this article.

Denis Yanov

He has extensive experience in freelancing in various parts of the world. He loves new software products that make life easier and better. A mountain-sick traveler and a beginner adherent of healthy eating.

If you are just starting your small business as a freelancer, then the most important consideration for you will be the budget.

There are a lot of scattered across the Internet free services and apps to help you get your business off the ground and work smart.

A range of services designed to simplify every aspect of your professional activity: from automating task management and monitoring finances to communicating with clients and promoting their services.

This article contains the most useful, important and free applications and services that a beginner (and not quite) freelancer will need.

Payment for services and billing

To receive payment for your services, you need to issue an invoice. To issue an invoice, you need to spend time and write down what hours were spent on what and how much money needs to be paid for it. It is desirable that such accounts be as informative and transparent as possible. You don’t want the client to have questions or hair to stand on end when he sees what and how much he needs to pay.

To automate and simplify the billing process, many services have been invented, most of which make life much easier, but require financial investments. And since you are a beginner freelancer who needs to start somewhere with a minimal budget, we recommend two free services.

A handy application that helps you create and send professionally prepared invoices in a couple of clicks. Allows you to monitor the status of your accounts and incoming money, so you can know when the next payment will come. Tracks not only your profit, but also your expenses in the form of convenient graphical reports.

Zoho has established itself as a major player in the productivity marketplace with a vast array of tools for CRM, project management, and collaboration. integrates easily with the rest of Zoho products, but also works great as a standalone product. Has a free plan for one user with a maximum of five customers. Ideal for a beginner freelancer who does not yet have a large client base.

Time, task and project management

If you have many clients, then the number of projects will increase. It will be difficult for you alone to handle them. There are tons of useful tools on the Internet that help you manage a huge number of projects and tasks. But you're still a beginner freelancer and can't afford expensive solutions.

A simple time attendance service with a friendly interface. is designed to make the management of your tasks and clients' projects convenient. Despite the fact that the service is quite simple, in it you can manage your tasks and projects, create clients and assign them to one or another project, set budgets for a project, receive detailed reports on the time spent, as well as on the money earned that was brought by one or another other projects. In addition, the service integrates with popular project management systems (RedMine, Jira, Asana, Trello).

As you might have guessed, this service was created as an alternative and free version of the monstrous Basecamp. allows you to create an infinite number of projects, add deadlines and milestones when completing tasks, create project templates and invite clients. The task board allows you to get an overview of all projects or set up email notifications that will notify you when the next important task is due.

5. Asana


More advanced solution than Freedcamp. Moreover, it is completely free for teams of up to 15 people. For beginner freelancers, this service will be a godsend. Free version will provide you with all the functionality. Immediately after registration, you can manage all your projects and interact with clients using the friendly interface of the service.

Data storage

Freelancers are inherently mobile. They can work not only from their home PC or laptop. Therefore, it is important to know about services that allow you to store data in your cloud.

Best service for storage and transmission of documents. It allows you to store about two gigabytes of files in the cloud for free. But you can get another 16 gigabytes of free space if you invite your friends to register on the service. Dropbox keeps all your devices in sync, allowing you to access files from both your laptop and smartphone. You no longer have to send yourself emails with files.

A flexible platform that allows you to make it as simple and functional as you like. is the most convenient service when it comes to remembering everything important that might be useful to you in the future. Leave notes on your desktop or mobile applications, redirect your emails or use a special Web Clipper that will help you save web pages, screenshots and everything else that you think is important while surfing the Internet.

Editing documents and pictures

If you are an aspiring copywriter or web designer, then it is very important for you to have an accessible tool for editing text or images.

The description of this tool can be contained in four words - a free analogue of Microsoft Office. And this is true, because the generous creators did not particularly bother with the uniqueness of the functionality and the distinctive features of their offspring. They took the core functionality of Microsoft Office and wrapped it in a free wrapper.

Have Google also has its own version of free office tools. In terms of functionality, you will not find any breakthroughs or innovations, because it differs from the same OpenOffice only in that the first is in the cloud. It is perfect for people who love the versatility and availability of cloud services. Google Docs will be very useful if you work in a small team that is separated by huge distances, because several people can edit the same documents at the same time, regardless of their location.

Most likely, not all freelancers have access to professional graphics processing tools, which have a lot of advantages, but there is also one disadvantage - the price. All serious graphics editors cost a lot of money. This fact becomes devastating for the aspiring web designer. But Adobe, which is famous for its reference graphics editors, decided to release a free and light version of Photoshop. has only basic functionality and is unlikely to allow you to create masterpieces, but for simple graphic projects this tool is a real find.


You found yourself a client, then another and another. So you have a decent customer base with whom you correspond at the same time. To always be aware of at what stage of communication you stopped and what promising points can be discussed with past clients, you need to have a special tool called CRM.

Most CRMs are either cumbersome or too expensive for individual use. The service is devoid of these shortcomings. First, it is very flexible and integrates with other tools like Evernote and Google. Secondly, with the free version, you can have over 2,500 contacts. This will be enough for you for a long time.

Capsule is a very pretty CRM that provides full overview all your contacts. It also allows you to effectively build your customer communication process by creating tasks, notifications and reports. A fairly convenient system that allows you to adapt the work of any business. Provides a free plan for 250 contacts.

A very useful tool if you can't live without Gmail. integrates directly into your Gmail account, so you can keep track of your conversations with multiple clients without having to switch platforms. On this moment completely free service for individual use.

Promotion of your business on social networks

Finding clients and working on your image is also quite expensive. Therefore, it is very important to use social networks not only for entertainment, but also to declare yourself as a professional, without which no project can do.

It's a huge board that collects activity data across all of your social networks. Plan the placement of important posts, follow trends and hot topics in a user-friendly interface. Tag potential customers and start communicating with them. The free version will allow you to connect five social media accounts.

This service can be called a light version of Hootsuite. In terms of functionality, it is slightly similar to the latter and also has an auto-posting scheduler. integrates into your browser and downloads messages along with popular content from many social networks. With the help of this service, you can select everything that is currently in trend, prepare your posts on popular topics and plan their placement. Free option allows you to connect one of your profiles for each social network.

Staying productive and meeting deadlines is a challenge for any freelancer.

The only person you can rely on in your daily work is yourself. Therefore, effective software for time management, word processing, calculations and scheduling is vital.

Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of remote work and the variety of specializations associated with different areas activities.

In this article, we will discuss several categories of freelance apps and websites, including:

  • Time management apps
  • Apps for creating lists and notes
  • Billing and accounting software
  • File sharing apps
  • Job Search Resources
  • Project management tools
  • Applications for organizing work with texts
  • Other freelance software.

Chapter I. Time Management Applications

Every professional freelancer understands the value of time. Therefore, it's important to use time management apps to help you plan your schedule and meet deadlines. Below is a list of the most popular software that can make time management easier:

This app will help you improve your productivity by 22%. has useful features such as creating custom reports that include the user's browser and application usage, monitoring with screenshots, and many others. Time Doctor reports will give you all the information about which websites a user has viewed and for how long. You can view these reports online and receive them weekly by mail.

This app is ideal for both copywriters and all freelancers who want to make the most of their time. The app sends out a weekly report that reflects chronophagous tasks that limit productivity and eat up your time.

If you're having trouble managing workflow across multiple devices, the app can help you consolidate tasks and make it easier to monitor their progress. In addition, update reminders are available in the app for Upwork users.

The application is suitable for those who are serious about time management due to the large number of different projects.

The software provides an alternative to timesheets and has a user-friendly interface.

How often do you get upset when you find a useful site and then lose the link to it? This program is designed to store such information for its future use.

The ability to save lists of important links and resources that may be useful for work will save freelancers time.

With Pocket, you will always have access to the results of your research.

When you're focused on meeting deadlines, it's important to optimize operations instead of struggling with time.

Workflow is a great tool for saving time by creating “workflows,” thus completing multiple complete tasks in one go.

For example:

The software will appeal to anyone who appreciates lightweight design and simplicity. Since the life of freelancers is often quite hectic, the iOS app allows users to organize their daily tasks into groups.

Other benefits include a customizable, intuitive interface. Among the disadvantages is the ability to use Clear only on Apple.

Need more planning help? Clara will be your perfect companion.

The application will help you plan and coordinate appointments, freeing you from searching for windows in the schedule. A useful option is the ability to filter multiple emails and find the right time for both parties.

The only thing to do is add a copy of any relevant email to Clara to facilitate the filtering process.

Chapter II. Apps for creating lists and notes

It's no secret that note-taking and to-do list software can be useful for remote work, and not just for shopping at grocery stores. The list of useful applications contains some of the most popular and free programs that will help you organize your freelance work:

A free productivity tool that allows users to jot down their ideas and thoughts in a variety of ways, from notes to pictures.

The app also gives users the ability to capture important information, such as conversations during meetings, to use for later work.

The software is free and can be used on different devices.

While mind mapping is not a widespread practice, a mind mapping application can help improve your productivity.

You can use Mind42 as it is the best mind mapping app. Freelancers can use it to structure their ideas and job-related processes, gaining a clear understanding of what needs to be done.

Organization of work processes is the key to success for freelancers.

You can use this app if you find it difficult to manage tasks and goals.

MyLifeOrganized has several advantages: The software is fully automated, can create a variety of to-do lists, and prioritizes urgent tasks.

When it comes to file management, it is important for freelancers (especially in IT) to have software to create backups, synchronization and recovery of files in emergencies. Applications like SyncBackFree can save time now and in the future.

Chapter III. Billing and accounting software

All freelance projects involve payment. Therefore, teleworking requires the skills to draw up correct invoices. Below is a list of the best accounting and billing apps that make life so much easier:

This app includes many handy features.

In your work, you can use it to track deadlines, calculate costs, and even get information about the car's mileage.

Want to know more?

Acceptance of payments is also possible through this tool after billing.

If you're dreading billing or doing anything accounting-related, this freelance software can be a revelation.

The beautiful design of the app makes accounting much less stressful and complex.

Using this tool, anyone from translators to illustrators can send invoices to clients, evaluate payments and receipts.

Other benefits include:

  • Accepting payments from credit cards
  • One control panel
  • Ability to control all accounting transactions using only one tool

This software can be of great help to freelancers who cannot manage their accounts and are easily confused about them.

Shoeboxed allows you to scan and structure receipts and then generate expense reports.

Even more:

You can get invoices directly from Gmail or get help preparing your tax returns.

The application allows users to collect all financial accounts in one place, and also provides accounting assistance.

Want an example?

  • account tracking
  • payment monitoring
  • the financial analysis
  • budgeting
  • investment tracking

One of the reasons Mint is so popular is the fact that it is free. You don't have to pay anything to get quality accounting assistance.

This app is intended for freelancers who cannot use complex interfaces for their accounting needs.

FreshBooks is a cloud-based application. It has a simple and user-friendly interface, perfect for controlling expenses and time, credit card payments, and more.


The app is available for all devices and platforms.

Those who care about the security of their digital wallets should try the Due. It is an app that provides freelancers with a secure way to manage payments and billing.

Main advantage:

The software effectively tracks time for both individual freelancers and entire teams.

Chapter IV. Project management tools

Freelancers can work on both short-term and long-term projects. And they all require careful management. Below you will find three of the most popular applications that help project management and make remote work less stressful.

Since freelancers are often faced with team challenges, optimizing collaboration requires a user-friendly project management app.

Trello is the perfect tool as it makes it easy to sort and filter relevant tasks to share with your project colleagues.

Instead of getting lost in a thread of emails or WhatsApp messages, the user can visualize projects as message boards consisting of individual messages. Such a system is much easier and therefore more efficient to manage. Even an outsourcing company can use Trello to manage freelance work.

This project management software is one of the newest. The app takes a unique approach to whiteboards, allowing users to create lists and dashboards using vibrant colors to improve performance.

In addition, the application focuses on the basic steps required to create and manage tasks.

This app was created for freelancers who find it difficult to set milestones in their project and manage their calendar.

Useful options include both Kanban boards and simple lists divided into specific milestones in the calendar. This will surely make your project planning easier.

Chapter V. File Sharing Applications

Whether it's copywriting or graphic design, you always have to exchange files.

There are many applications of this kind. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose between them and focus on those that will actually work and simplify operations.

The list below presents the most efficient and time-saving apps that can come in handy for sharing files both within a team and between your devices:

This application is intended for those who still copy photos from their phones to computers or regularly lose their flash drives.

Infinit Storage Platform is a tool that allows you to quickly and efficiently use files across multiple devices and operating systems Oh. As mentioned by the developers, the application uses point-to-point technology, which enables users to share files in just four seconds.

Freelancers often have to exchange large files

How to do it?

Use SHAREit to send files to other devices in seconds with no size limit.

It is much faster than Bluetooth. All users have to do is select the content to share, the recipient, and click the submit button.

Although the app is not a freelance platform, it can be effectively used to sync files quickly and intelligently without the threat of cloud storage vulnerabilities.

The software finds the shortest and easiest routes for transferring files between devices, avoiding the cloud system, which means that there is no third party involvement.

It is important to note that Sync can exchange files between different devices and operating systems. For example, allowing the iPhone to share files with mobile device on Windows.

Most file sharing programs require an Internet connection. SuperBeam, on the other hand, allows users to share their files without being connected by transferring data directly over Wi-Fi.

Devices can be paired using QR codes or shared keys. Typically, the transfer rate is 20-40 MB per second. Although higher-end devices, such as the iPhone, can provide speeds up to 75 Mbps when exchanging images, music and other files.

Sending photos or screenshots from your phone to your computer can sometimes be a daunting task. Therefore, Pushbullet was developed to bring all devices together.

Pushbullet extensions are available for the browser, allowing you to simultaneously send links or files to multiple devices. If you use a smartphone, the tool simplifies the exchange of documents between users of the service.


The application is compatible with all operating systems and browsers to provide you with the comfort you need especially for freelance photographers.

Chapter VI. Job Search Resources

Freelance opportunities and remote work in local companies are not easy to find, especially for beginners. Therefore, we have created a list of sites and applications for finding orders by freelancers and online services for clients.

Today there are many freelance exchanges that you can use to find suitable projects.

Since there are so many of them, the list of resources below contains a guide to the most popular and reliable platforms that will not disappoint you:

With a total number of clients reaching nearly 2 million, Upwork will benefit any freelancer, from programmers to journalists.

Here you can find both long term and short term projects for different skill levels. Regardless of your current position, Upwork will appeal to anyone looking for job opportunities.

Unlike the platform described above, Toptal takes a completely different approach to job creation for freelancers and makes it easier for clients to find hired workers.

The resource is intended for highly qualified and experienced freelancers. A fairly complex but fair screening process gives potential employees access to projects with clients like Airbnb or Zendesk. At the same time, you can count on a reasonable remuneration for your work.

Another feature of this resource is the ability to become a member of the Toptal community, join a freelance alliance and attend regular meetings and events.

With the help of this service, job search has become much easier. The resource eliminates problems related to the selection of projects.

Since the platform is mainly focused on project work, you will find many opportunities for temporary work here. In addition, Peopleperhour includes features such as payment optimization, communication tools, and workload management. The app is worth a try, if only because it allows users to submit the first 15 project responses for free.

The exchange differs from others in that freelancers compete with each other, proving their skills and competence.

This means that in addition to providing jobs for millions of freelancers and building communities, the platform rewards competitive workers. If you are confident in your abilities, professionalism and are ready to win the attention of potential employers - try Freelancer.

This platform is included in our list because it is popular in a wide range of both freelancers looking for promising projects and clients. Like other freelance exchanges, the site includes a location search and company directory for your convenience.

Plus, the website has a blog with tips on how to get a job, which is always a bonus.

Chapter VII. Applications for organizing work with texts

Copywriting and freelancing go hand in hand even in the case of 3D modeling or website development.

Therefore, a list of useful and affordable (or free) tools and applications was developed for freelancers who need help organizing work with texts and increasing efficiency.

Since freelancing is closely related to writing, Scrivener was developed for those who do it most of their time.

The app is available for both macOS and Windows. It combines the qualities of a notebook, a typewriter, and a scientific assistant. User can collect relevant materials, easily flip through entries, manage links and notes, and split long texts into sections that are less difficult to manage.

For those who have difficulty editing large and small texts, this application is the perfect solution.

There are many functions available to you, such as:

  • elimination of grammatical errors
  • improving text quality
  • plagiarism search
  • spelling and vocabulary expansion, etc.

In addition, Grammarly can be used as a browser extension, or you can check documents by uploading them directly to the application. Another advantage is the ability to export reports to track spelling and grammar revisions.


The application is a free alternative to Word and has a simple interface. You can enter account Zoho Writer even from your smartphone and enjoy the versatility of formatting and editing options.

Want more?

For those who still use Word, Zoho Writer also has a handy plugin that can merge the two programs together.

Help in correcting grammar and spelling mistakes is always helpful. But sometimes it is necessary to get feedback that is superior to that provided by most automated tools.

After loading the text into the application, the software will generate a list of suggestions for improving the style of the document. ProWritingAid also offers simple options like anti-plagiarism and grammar checker.

it free app for highly rated publications, available for most operating systems (MacOS, Linux and Microsoft).

The disadvantages include some problems for beginners due to the professional orientation of the software. However, layouts can be manipulated with a bit of software adaptation.

Chapter VIII. Other freelance software

It is impossible to mention every category of freelance that requires corresponding applications. Therefore, we have compiled a list containing some useful tools to use in your day-to-day work:

Freelancers today often have to develop software to start a business, build a client base, or hire assistants.

Use Buildfire to build and customize your mobile app in no time. A useful Buildfire option is the ability to sync with other apps and social networks.

The software allows its users to add custom HTML code.

It is always difficult to write commercial proposals, but there is a solution to the problem. This application is designed to make this process as easy and enjoyable as possible.

The software offers freelancers a simple design, the ability to control metrics, and find new content to use as sample proposals.

It is important to note that the application is intended to be used for invoicing and CRM integration with other management tools that drive business growth.

This app was created for freelancers working on product development and monitoring. It provides 24/7 brand monitoring.

The tool provides information on the most important metrics: customer satisfaction and product sales. You can use the software for marketing analytics, setting up real-time alerts, exporting data, analyzing sentiment, and more.

Design is one of the most popular areas for freelancers. Dribbble offers designers the opportunity to create a profile and get noticed by potential employers. Here you can showcase your recent work and provide a short resume in order to be hired.

All in all, Dribbble is a useful freelance resource that brings designers and employers closer together and also allows you to build teams to work on future projects.

The application is a CRM designed to integrate with mailboxes... Software monitors important information about leads, potential customers and partners, as well as new projects directly from inboxes in Gmail.

The user can simply download Streak as an extension and use it as needed.

Both applications can be useful for smm-users with a clear posting schedule.

Use Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts and share on a fixed schedule. A useful option is the ability to manage posts on multiple social platforms at once.

This application was originally developed for effective communication within teams. Freelancers can also use it to work with clients.

The software works like this: the user creates a profile and then invites others to join so that they only see channels and topics related directly to projects. It is important to note that the user can create as many channels as needed.

The free version of the application is limited to the number of people participating in one project. Thus, the tool will be an ideal solution for both small groups and individual freelancers working on long-term projects.

This article provides an extensive list of freelance applications and sites that help organize remote work or offer tools for finding a job and project management. Although this list can be supplemented by many more useful resources, the above are the most popular and rated ones.

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