How to add a page in chrome. How to add a bookmark to the express panel in Google Chrome - step-by-step instructions. Finding Saved Bookmarks

Many novice users are wondering how to make a tab in Google Chrome and how to configure it. Still would! After all, this is one of the most frequently performed actions in the browser when surfing the web. This tutorial will teach you how to create new tabs in Google Chrome different ways, and will also tell you about their settings.

How to open a new tab?

Click the mini-panel located on the right side of the open tab. Or press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + T”.

If you decide to remove the created tab, click on the “cross” icon in its field or press “Ctrl + W”.

In this case, another page will appear, but the current one will not close.

Sometimes you need to make tabs with some Google service. This problem is solved like this:

click services in the bookmark panel;

click the required icon (shop, mail, video hosting...);

Or in an empty tab, click the “block menu” button: a panel with shortcuts to popular ones will appear Google services.

To launch a tab in a new window, use the menu options “New window...” and “... in incognito mode” (for visiting websites privately).

You can open tabs directly with your favorite sites using addons that install visual bookmarks in the browser. For example, .

It is equipped with a beautiful 3D interface, in which you can create previews of any web resources of interest.

How to resize a tab?

Unfortunately, there are no explicit options for changing the length of the panel field under the URL in Chrome. But you can zoom in/out on the open page. Zooming is performed in 2 ways:

1. While holding CTRL, turn the mouse wheel: forward - zoom in; back - reduce size.

2. Click the “lens” button on the far right of the address bar and set the required scale using mouse clicks. To reset the size adjustment, click the Default Scale button.

How to customize a tab?

To open the setup menu, right click mouse click on the panel.

Select the required command:

  • “Duplicate” - create a copy of the current page in a new tab;
  • “Pin…” - fix the link on the panel (will open automatically on subsequent launches);
  • “Mute…” - audio played on the web page will be muted.

Enjoy your work with Chrome tabs and comfortable use of the Internet!

It is not for nothing that the Google Chrome browser is considered one of the most popular Internet browsers. Every day more and more users choose it for web browsing, searching and Internet surfing. But constantly searching for the site you are interested in through history or manually by typing its address is not very convenient. To avoid this, use the bookmarks bar. A similar tool is available in all browsers, and its operating principle is almost the same. Let's take a closer look at how to add bookmarks to Google Chrome. And also if you mainly use only this browser, then do not forget this one.

How to add bookmarks

First of all, we need to open the Google Chrome browser. To do this, double-click on its icon with the left mouse button. Another way is to hover the cursor over the icon indicating the browser, right-click, and from the window that opens, select Open, which we confirm by left-clicking. After the browser window appears, we go to Settings and select Show bookmarks bar.

Now under address bar a line highlighted in gray will be displayed, which is the panel we need. You can add sites of interest here. For example, you can add here as follows. There is an asterisk on the right side of the address bar. Click on it with the left mouse button. After this, a menu will appear in which you can enter a name, after which you need to click Finish. Exactly the same actions are done on any site you like that you want to bookmark.

The visible part of the line where bookmarks are displayed contains a certain number of titles. For example, if you have more than 10 of them, and only 7 are shown, then to see the rest, you need to click on the “>>” sign. In the window that appears, select the site you need.

It should also be noted that you can perform various actions on bookmarks. To do this, a dispatcher is used. In order to get into it, you need to go to Settings - Bookmarks. In the window that opens, select the Bookmark Manager link.

After this, the user will see a menu displaying a list of all saved sites. Here you can sort their order, organize pages by topic. In addition, the tool allows you to rename bookmarks and do much more.

Visual bookmarks

Another way to save the address of the desired web page in your browser is to use visual bookmarks. They are miniature images of sites saved in the Internet browser, by clicking on which you can immediately go to the resource. Visual bookmarks are displayed in the Express panel when you open the browser. We will now talk about how to add visual bookmarks in Google Chrome.

The bookmarks bar is a very convenient thing that I would recommend setting up one of the first in a new browser. It is she who will allow you to organize a quick and comfortable work in the Internet. After all, in order to go to sites that you often use, you don’t need to type the address manually every time or use the search. Just press one button and you are already on the web page. Also, for the convenience of working on the Internet, you can, as this is a very popular and convenient search engine.

Exploring global network, each of us, at least once, saved the resource we liked to our browser favorites. In order not to search every time among the huge number of accumulated sites for those that are most often used, they can be pulled out to the top panel of the browser - this is the simple solution to how to make bookmarks in Google Chrome.

In addition, if you need to reinstall your browser or the entire system, you can save your bookmarks to separate file in order to restore them later. In today’s article we will deal with all the nuances associated with bookmarks.

How to bookmark a site of interest in Google Chrome

Instead of remembering url address website and manually enter it into the address bar, just click on the desired bookmark. There are many ways to turn a site into a bookmark. Let's deal with them.

So, the easiest way to add a bookmark in Google Chrome is to click on the “star” icon in the address bar. After which it automatically appears on the bookmarks bar.

A few more methods quick creation bookmarks:

  1. Use Ctrl combination+ D;
  2. Save bookmarks in another web browser and import into;
  3. Add bookmarks to Google Chrome manually - to do this, right-click on the panel and click on “Add page”.

How to bookmark in Google Chrome

    If the bookmarks bar is disabled in your browser, then saved sites will not be displayed at the top of the browser; they can only be found in the program Settings. But it’s not very convenient to have to go into the settings every time to open the desired site. Therefore, you should enable it; to do this, click “Settings” - “Bookmarks” - “Show bookmarks bar”, or the key combination Ctrl + Shift + B.

Where are Google Chrome bookmarks stored?

We looked at where bookmarks are located in Google Chrome above, but we’ll look at where they are stored on the computer further.

So, the path looks like this: ...\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks.

In different operating systems full version addresses will vary, let's look at them:

    For Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\»USER NAME»\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks;

    For Win 7 / 8: C:\Users\»USER NAME»\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks;

    For Linux: home/USER/.config/google-chrome/Default/Bookmarks – I remind you that .config hidden folder, therefore, don't forget to enable display hidden files, unless you're using a console.

How to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome

You can return bookmarks only if you have previously taken care of their safety.

There are several options for restoring bookmarks:

  1. Import;
  2. Synchronization;
  3. Google Bookmarks.

Before importing bookmarks into the browser, we must already have them, so first we’ll figure out how to save google chrome bookmarks.

How to copy bookmarks from Google Chrome

Go to the browser settings, go to “Bookmarks” and select “Bookmark Manager” or press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + O.

How to import bookmarks to Google Chrome

So, we have a previously saved file with bookmarks, which means we can return all our favorite sites to the panel. To import bookmarks, go to the “Manager” and select “Import bookmarks from HTML file” in the “Manage” drop-down menu.


Perhaps this best method for the safety of bookmarks and not only them, since all web browser settings are saved on Google servers. Thus, no matter where you are, you can restore Chrome in the same form in which you saved it, the main thing is to be able to connect to the Internet.

Synchronization is convenient because you just need to log into your Google account on the browser so that all further actions and changes are saved on the server and are available to you on any other computer.

Creating an account is very simple - create yourself GMAIL email. After that, go to the browser in Tools - Settings - Sign in to Chrome.

In the window that pops up, insert the created mail and click the “Next” button, a warning will appear that all settings made on this device will be available on others, we agree with this, so click “Ok”.

From now on, bookmarks and all other settings will be stored on the search giant’s servers, and you will always have access to them.

Google Bookmarks

Perhaps many people do not know, but on the Internet there are a lot of sites where you can store sites that interest you, these are the so-called bookmark sites. Google has its own service called Google Bookmarks.

You cannot save bookmarks there automatically, so you will have to do everything manually. But since there is nothing complicated about this, it will not be difficult. And when you need them, you can easily extract them from the service by clicking on “Export”. You'll get HTML file, which can be imported into any browser.

How to Customize the Bookmarks Bar in Google Chrome

The bookmarks bar for Google Chrome is easily customizable and now we will look at the most common questions:

    Increase the number of bookmarks. If you need to add more bookmarks to the panel, but there is no more space, what should you do? The answer is simple: their names should be shortened or deleted:

    1. Click on the bookmark with the right mouse button;
    2. In the drop-down menu, click on the “Change” item;
    3. Enter the abbreviated name or delete it altogether (in this case, only the site icon will remain);
    4. Click “Save”.
  • Change the order of bookmarks. Moving them is a very simple task - just click the left mouse button and drag them to the desired location.

  • Move a hidden bookmark to the panel:

    1. Open the “Other Bookmarks” folder or the overflow area;
    2. Drag the desired bookmark.

How to delete bookmarks in Google Chrome

In order to finally say goodbye to the bookmark, you need to perform two steps:

  1. Right-click on the bookmark you want to remove;
  2. Select "Delete".

If you need to remove several bookmarks at once, then you will need a Bookmark Manager.

How to Recover Deleted Bookmarks in Google Chrome

If your bookmarks suddenly disappear in Google Chrome, then you should not panic, provided that at least one of the points described above has been completed. In this case, restoring bookmarks in Google Chrome is as easy as shelling pears, just follow the instructions. But if the file was not previously saved or synchronized, then it will not be possible to restore them; you will have to add them again.

To create a bookmark for the current page, click the icon in the address bar.

After this, the new bookmark can be found in the bookmarks bar at the top of the browser window or using the Chrome menu.

Adding Google Chrome Bookmarks

The easiest way create a bookmark in the Google Chrome browser– click the icon in the address bar.

Other methods are listed below quickly create bookmarks:

Finding Saved Bookmarks

If you can't remember where you saved one of your bookmarks, try finding it directly from the address bar. Enter a bookmark name and look for an icon next to the resulting search results to indicate bookmark matches.

Bookmarks can be found in the 3 places below:

  • Bookmarks bar. By default, it is pinned under the address bar for quick access. If it is missing, you can find it by opening new tab. To toggle the display of this panel on or off, simply press Ctrl + Shift + B .
  • Bookmarks menu. Click the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar and select Bookmarks.
  • Bookmark Manager. Bookmark Manager makes it easy to organize your bookmarks. Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar and go to menu BookmarksBookmark Manager.

To organize your bookmarks, use bookmark folders. To create a folder, right-click the bookmarks bar and select Add Folder.

Many people know the situation with the popular Google browser Chrome, when you need to add a tab of a specific site to the quick access page, so that when you start the browser, an express panel with the necessary sites opens, such as in opera browser or Yandex browser.

The thing is that immediately after installing Google Chrome, such functionality is missing. Of course, there is something similar to an express panel, but there is no option to add sites to it. Google Chrome itself determines the most visited sites and adds them to the quick access page on its own.

What does it take to be able to add bookmarks to the Quick Access page in Google Chrome?

There is a special extension that adds the ability to work with site bookmarks in the express panel of Google Chrome. It is placed from official store Google applications in 1 minute completely free.

First, launch Chrome and click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner.

Let's go to the list installed extensions Google Chrome

After this, a menu will open where you need to select “Additional tools” -> “Extensions”.

A window of installed extensions for the Google Chrome browser will open in front of you. At the top left, click on the three horizontal bars to the left of the word “extensions” and then at the bottom “Open the Chrome Internet Store.”

Button with three horizontal stripes

Go to the store for installing new extensions

In the window that opens at the top left, where it says “Search by store,” enter the phrase “Visual bookmarks.” After this, a list of extensions will open. We are interested in “Visual bookmarks” with the caption below “Speed ​​Dial Dev” (Usually located in first place in the search list).

Looking for visual bookmark extensions for Google Chrome

Click on the install button. In the next window, click “Install extension”.

Installing visual extensions in Google Chrome

After a few seconds, the “Visual Bookmarks” extension for Google Chrome will be installed, and a request will appear in the upper right window to save the changes made, in which you need to click “Save Changes”.

Closing training for expansion

We agree with the changes

A new one will open before you start page Google Chrome browser, where you can add bookmarks to the express quick access panel by clicking on the “+” icon.

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