How to read comments in pdf. Xournal - handwritten notes and notes in PDF files. Annotating PDFs with xournal

I want to share new fashion from my university (Universidad de Barcelona - Spain). There are 70+ people in our group. We study Computer Engineer. For the first year, everyone went with papers, notebooks, notebooks ... But when I saw the method of teaching the lesson of most teachers (presentations from a spotlight), I decided to take a laptop with me and found a note-taking program for pdf format. It is in this format that the teacher's material is given to us. After a couple of classmates saw this program with me, every day the number of laptops in pairs began to increase. Even some teachers began to use it, poisoning us with reports on work with the annotations of this program.

So, PDF-XChange Viewer. The program allows fine-tuning and includes a huge set of desired functions which can be read on the off-site in the Feature List section.

What I like the most:

What is the convenience?

And the fact that everything is done quickly and you can, while the teacher shows the same document on the spotlight, take notes on the fly exactly in those places where the teacher points with his laser pointer.

If everything is customized, here is my example of some commands:

This can reduce the time for selecting a function with the mouse and returning to the document.

How to get to these settings?
Right-click on one of the panels, unlock if locked, and click again right button select "Customize". Next, go to the "Teams" tab.

And here's what it all looks like:

With notes:

General form:

Yes, I forgot to say that all settings can be exported and imported. IN latest versions programs, there is an OCR function.

UPD: there is an alternative for OSX: Skim

Today, PDF is one of the most popular multi-platform formats, which is widely used in printing, website development and book archives. WITH using PDF you can create your own documents and distribute them on the Internet, having previously protected the files from copying. There are several ways to write PDF documents: create them in mode or use paid file editors of the required format.

Write PDF file online

To write documents in PDF format online, it is better to use the Google Docs service. Register at Google system and do the following:
1) Open Google service Docs.
2) Set headers, upload images and text of your document in the online office field.
3) Print the document in PDF format ("Print to PDF" option) or save it to your PC.

If you need to convert to PDF already finished document Word format, you can use free online converters. There is no shortage of them today. Just enter the phrase " PDF converters and follow any link.

Write PDF using dedicated software

You can also create PDF files in a paid text editor MS Office 2007 and later versions of this program. MS Office allows you to save to PDF as text documents as well as presentations. To convert any document to PDF, open the "File" menu, select "Save As", and then select the desired format.

There are also special programs for writing and creating PDF files: HelpCruiser, Bullzip PDF Writer, PDF Writer, CutePDF, TinyPDF, PDFCreator, etc. Certain advantages among them are Bullzip PDF Writer and PDFCreator. In these programs, you can apply watermarks, edit metadata, and create password-protected files. In the process, you can use 40 and 128-bit file encryption. The rest of the programs are more simple applications to create and PDF conversion documents. They have a small installer size and perform basic software functions. PDF creation documents.

To print text, image or table in PDF format, use special PDF printers (eg doPDF). These are free programs that can be easily downloaded to your computer. After installing the program on the PC, press the Ctrl+P keys and select the printer from the list provided.

All of the above applications will help you easily and quickly burn or convert any documents to PDF format. Most of these programs are freely available, however, some services and applications will need to be purchased for a moderate fee.

(almost like on paper), create drawings in (a tablet will greatly facilitate the work) or take handwritten notes.

Handwritten Notes in Linux

I draw on the window

I look at empty walls

Leaving on the sand

Perfect Poems.

(C) Chaif

Your favorite Linux distribution has everything possible, some impossible, and two incredible programs, but for handwritten notes, there is only one - Xournal. Fortunately, she knows a lot.

Installing and configuring xournal

Installation is simple and unpretentious - xournal is included in distributions and requires minimal gestures:
After that, we launch xournal and start writing down our invaluable ideas.

Main features of xournal

Xournal is quite rich in features and yet has a very simple interface:

The top row of buttons is standard: open note file, save, cancel and page navigation. Conveniently, there are buttons for pages on the top bar - clicking on "Next Page" will automatically create a blank page.

Actually, the Pen and Eraser tools are all we need for handwritten notes:

Among the features worth noting is the support for pressure sensitivity (lines will be thicker or thinner in the figures) and the thickness setting (Tools - Pen Options).

If you need to draw some kind of graph, you can change the page line in the menu Journal - Paper Style.

If you turn on the Shape Recognizer at the same time, then xournal will try to straighten your squiggles into a circle or square. I must say that xournal has very peculiar ideas about the square of a circle and straight lines :-)

Annotating PDFs with xournal

When reading PDF files, you often want to make notes in the margins and in the text, or highlight individual sentences so that you can return to them when you re-view them. The ability to make notes in PDF documents, of varying degrees of bowleggedness, takes place in some programs under Linux:
  • ocular: KDEshny monster - and already knows everything, except, in fact, a quick view of PDF-files. Anonymous people claim that in the latest versions of Okular, everything is already possible, including saving marks in PDF inside the file.
  • Evince: our (GNOME) response to Chamberlain (okular), can mark up PDF files, although this capability is hidden from the user .
  • PDFEdit: terrible as a mortal sin, and with an insane interface, nevertheless it can mark PDF documents and save marks inside PDF.
  • Xournal: can highlight words and sentences with color, it is possible to make handwritten notes (freehand), saving notes as in separate file, and embedding in a PDF file.
This post is about Xournal, although in terms of PDF annotation capabilities, the Linux xournal is, of course, far behind ezPDF for Android. So, for example, the main drawback of Xournal is that it is not possible to select text in PDF continuously, several lines in a row. In ezPDF for Andoird, of course, this is done over the head:

In xournal, this will not work, because the selection is made using a simple rectangle (you should turn on the Shape Recognizer, otherwise the lines will also be uneven):

The color and transparency of the selection can be changed: xournal, alas and ah, makes a layer of marks over text, so if you make the color completely opaque, it won't be readable afterwards.


PDF annotations and annotations at least have a place on Linux in the form of xournal, and this makes all sorts of useful things under Linux as well.
Anonymous comments...

Anonymous Okular users claim that Okular still saves marks and comments in PDF

kyzic comments...

Okular can save the file itself and notes to it as a special archive, which is then torn off by the eyepiece. Of course, there are problems with portability to other platforms, but for personal use it is quite normal. I still don’t understand what kind of “quick view of PDF files” is, which Okular supposedly can’t do.

Anonymous comments...

The eyepiece, at least in the latest versions, runs very briskly - when it starts up :) In addition, it has such a feature as a panoramic view (View mode - Overview) - which is very convenient on a wide monitor, because allows you to view a large amount of information "diagonally" at once.

Anonymous comments...

Anonymous before sending their comment even opened the PDF file in Adobe Reader, so Okular knows how to save edits to PDF

virens comments...

I haven't had time to drink a cup of coffee yet, and Anonymous have already come running to defend my favorite Eyepiece :-)

@Anonymous comments...
Anonymous Okular users claim that Okular still saves marks and comments in PDF
He didn't do it before. In version 4.4.5, which is now stable in Debian, it is falling and brake manure, sorry. But Anonymous say, and I have no reason not to believe them %-)

@kyzic comments...
Okular can save the file itself and notes to it as a special archive, which is then torn off by the eyepiece.
The eyepiece is, as it were, not the only (and, at the risk of being torn to the British flag by Anonymous, not the most important) PDF viewer on the planet. It is necessary to save notes inside the file.

I still don’t understand what kind of “quick view of PDF files” is, which Okular supposedly can’t do.
Can't browse fast. Well, he didn’t know how: Anonymous out of the nightly assemblies probably already knows how.

@tengu911 comments...
The eyepiece, at least in the latest versions, runs very briskly
You know, tengu, it's always like this with the Epensor: in the latest version, pulled right from under the developers last night, everything suddenly worked. And those versions that are distributions are obsolete locomotives compared to Shinkansen :-)

when it starts :)

In addition, it has such a feature as a panoramic view (View mode - Overview)
Heh, I also have a new mega feature: Kdvi was able to do this a long time ago, I have it in KDE 3.5.10. Convenient, yes.

@Anonymous comments...
Anonymous even opened the PDF file in Adobe Reader before posting their comment, so Okular definitely knows how to save edits to PDF
It would be nice to attach a notarized (TM) screenshot. Well, just in case. But the post has been corrected. If Anonymous repeatedly assure - who am I not to believe them? :-)

Yes, the post is actually about Xournal, not about the eyepiece. Although you won’t write much about Xournal there - it has few functions, but the main thing is that they are there. This is generally the only note-taking program, and the only justification for my purchase of the X201T.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich

It is very difficult to write reviews of office programs. And not because I understand little about them - I understand much more than the average user. And because it is difficult to describe all the functions of such applications.

Someone needs a program to just do what it's supposed to do. Someone needs a program to support rather specific operations. Someone wants the program, in addition to its main duties, to replace all office programs. It's hard to please everyone and make a perfect review.

Therefore, I will focus on the comments that came to our site ... Several times in the last couple of months, the issue of PDF reader, but not just reading, but the ability to make notes in PDF texts. This feature is available in decent readers. Shortbook, iBooks, etc. have the ability to make color labels directly in the text. But Epub or fb2 formats and simple text selection are one thing, PDF is another.

- a program for adding notes to PDF files. It can do a lot in this area - this is what justifies the price of $ 10 (by the way, like the serious office products Pages or Numbers). It is also convenient to use the program as a library of PDF files. About these and other functions a little more in the review.

iAnnotate PDF Overview

File Management in iAnnotate PDF

The program is good at this. It is very convenient to manage files. iAnnotate supports folders and subfolders. Files are scattered by simply transferring them to a new folder. You can select folders and files and carry out group operations. There is sorting of files and showing files by filters (for example, only with notes or the most popular).

The program has a built-in search for files, and you can search both by the name of the files and by their contents. The search works quickly, because after loading the files into the program, they are indexed.

iAnnotate PDF allows you to sync with Dropbox and work directly with it. Download selected PDF files or folders from there. In addition, it is possible to download in the browser built into the program. Well, finally, you can upload a bunch of files through iTunes in the standard way.

Note: after downloading files in bulk, you should wait until the program processes them. At this time, file indexing is taking place, so it’s worth waiting a couple of minutes after downloading a dozen files.

The first conclusions that can be drawn from iAnnotate PDF is that the approach to file management is very serious. One of the best implementations of this functionality that I have seen on the iPad. Like a file cataloger PDF program deserves the highest rating.

Annotation of documents

iAnnotate has rich text annotation capabilities. You can mark parts of the text (and not only text) with color ... Underline, write your own texts and notes to the records. At the same time, you decide what color to highlight, what line thickness will be by default, how the note will look: with hidden text or in plain sight.

Notes can be taken in several files at once, as they open in tabs (just like a serious browser).

All these features allow you to implement a rich set of tools. Moreover, you should not look at the default panel: the program has really a lot of tools (they even had to be divided into groups) and they can be added to quick access by simply dragging and dropping. It's a pity the toolbar is not rubber and you can't put a lot there.

Navigating through the file when annotating is mega-convenient.

Well, what to do with the files after? The file, in addition to the usual export, can be sent by mail. It is possible to choose in what form to send - you can generally send only those pages in which there are notes.

The program itself will generate the necessary PDF file, which can be read on a computer with a regular PDF reader. This is what the file looks like on the computer after the iAnnotate PDF program. If you click on 5.2, then the program jumps to the end of the document, where all the notes are recorded. It looks like a footnote.

Well, a short video program for those interested:

Conclusion: iAnnotate PDF is a great product. Yes, $10 is not the price everyone is willing to pay. But those who need an application of this kind are unlikely to be disappointed. Of the minuses - perhaps a couple of sorties in 2 hours of testing. Otherwise, I liked the program.

Today at video lesson want to show you how to use free program PDF Viewer edit pdf documents! PDF viewer free download at the end of the post...

This topic will be of particular interest to those who study, work with pdf documents and develops business on the Internet!

See also the article how to recognize text and convert to Word,

PDF-Viewer vs Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader

Someone might say - "Why do I need some kind of PDF-Viewer if I have Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader ?!"

Yes, most computers actually have one of these programs installed! I also went through them ... But I settled on PDF-Viewer "e!

Adobe Reader pretty heavy program! If you have a weak computer, then you should especially feel it. My computer is not weak, but I got rid of Adobe Reader "but a long time ago and forever! Inconvenient program!

Replaced it with Foxit Reader! And I recommend it to everyone! Foxit Reader is a good pdf document reader! But no more!

That is, in Adobe Reader And Foxit Reader you can only read but not edit pdf documents!

Why edit pdf documents?

For example, when I started working with Forex4you (you can read about it), I had to go through account verification, that is, to confirm that I am me.

Honestly, my handwriting is not very good 🙂 Imagine what manipulation I had to do - print pdf document, fill in all fields, scan and send back to Forex4you. An inconvenient procedure, isn't it? But I didn't do all that!

Even then I had PDF Viewer and I could easily edit pdf document and even sign it!

You can make notes in the text, notes in the margins, underline the necessary words and phrases. All in all edit pdf document as you please!

Benefits of PDF Viewer

  • You can add comments and annotations (stickers) to any PDF document.
  • You can add custom stamps (Custom Stamps) from any picture file or PDF file.
  • You can make marks (notes) by adding text or objects.
  • You can print on any PDF document.
  • Export PDF documents or entire files to any BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG image.
  • Copy text from a document or file.
  • Install add-ons in Internet browsers Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Download the portable version and always have it with you on a flash drive.
  • Use a large number of languages ​​(including Russian and Ukrainian)
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