Convert from jpeg to png. Convert PNG images to JPG. Add the image you want to convert to PNG

Online program Pixir-do it transparent background at the picture.

Sergey Feschukov

Sometimes you come across a very suitable picture for your post and everything would be fine... But the background of the picture does not match the background of the blog or block with text. Apparently no one has this problem and no one has a white background, which would be suitable in most cases. I need transparent background!

I couldn't find any good ideas on the Internet. how to make a transparent background for the finished picture, so I started experimenting myself and found a more or less suitable solution!

How to make a transparent background for a picture

Let's take as an example one simple picture in .jpg format (in general, the format is not particularly important):

There is white background, which I want to get rid of and make a transparent background instead. An online version of Photoshop will help us with this.

Uploading our image. On the right in the “Layers” window a “Background” layer will appear, on which there is a lock (prevents the background of the picture from being deleted).

By double-clicking with the left mouse button on this lock, you can remove the lock from the background. A checkmark will appear instead of a padlock.

Now let's take magic wand(toolbar, right column, second button from the top), specify the following parameters: tolerance = 21, checkboxes for smoothing and continuity(usually such parameters are standard), although you can experiment with the parameters; and click on the background of the picture (in our case, on the white background).

Now we delete the background by pressing the “Delete” button and get the image we need with a transparent background.

As a result, the output is the same image with a transparent background.

The only negative of Pixlr- you cannot save the image in the .gif format, which also retains a transparent background, but is much lighter than the .png format. But if there is no other choice, why not take advantage of this?

thanks to Natalia Petrova

The JPG image format has a higher compression ratio than PNG, and therefore images with this extension have less weight. In order to reduce the disk space consumed by objects or to perform certain tasks that require using only images of a certain format, it becomes necessary to convert PNG to JPG.

All methods of converting PNG to JPG can be divided into two large groups: converting through online services and performing the operation using software installed on a computer. The last group of methods will be discussed in this article. Programs used to solve the problem can also be divided into several types:

  • Converters;
  • Image Viewers;
  • Graphic editors.

Now we will dwell in detail on the actions that should be performed in specific programs to achieve the designated goal.

Method 1: Format Factory

Let's start with special programs, which are intended for conversion, namely with Format Factory.

  1. Launch Factory Format. In the list of format types, click on the inscription "Photo".
  2. A list of image formats opens. Choose a name from it "JPG".
  3. A window with conversion parameters to the selected format opens. To configure outgoing properties JPG file, click "Tune".
  4. The settings tool appears outgoing object. Here you can change the size of the outgoing image. The default value is "Original size". Click on this field to change this setting.
  5. A list of different size options opens. Choose the one that suits you.
  6. In the same settings window, you can specify a number of other parameters:
    • Set the image rotation angle;
    • Set the exact image size;
    • Insert a label or watermark.

    After specifying all the required parameters, click "OK".

  7. Now you can load the source into the application. Click "Add file".
  8. The Add File tool appears. You should go to the area on the disk where the PNG prepared for conversion is placed. You can select a group of images at once if necessary. After highlighting the selected object, click "Open".
  9. After this, the name of the selected object and the path to it will be displayed in the list of elements. You can now specify the directory where the outgoing JPG image will be sent. For this purpose, click the button "Change".
  10. The tool starts "Browse folders". After using it, you need to mark the directory where you are going to store the resulting JPG image. Click "OK".
  11. The selected directory is now displayed in the area "Destination Folder". After the above settings have been made, click "OK".
  12. Returning to the main window Format Factory. It displays the transformation task we configured earlier. To activate the transformation, mark its name and click "Start".
  13. The conversion process is taking place. After its completion in the column "State" the task line will indicate the value "Done".
  14. The PNG image will be stored in the directory specified in the settings. You can visit it through "Conductor" or directly through the Format Factory interface. To do this, click right click mouse by the name of the completed task. IN context menu choose "Open destination folder".
  15. Will open "Conductor" in the directory where the converted object is located, with which the user can now perform any available manipulations.

This method is good because it allows you to convert an almost unlimited number of images at the same time, but it is absolutely free.

Method 2: Photo converter

The next program that converts PNG to JPG is the image converting software Photo Converter.

  1. Open Photo Converter. In the section "Select files" click "Files". In the list that appears, click "Add files...".
  2. A window opens "Add file(s)". Navigate to where the PNG is stored. Having marked it, click "Open". If necessary, you can add several objects with this extension at once.
  3. After the designated objects are displayed in the basic window of the Photo Converter, in the area "Save As" click on the button "JPG". Next, go to the section "Save".
  4. Now you need to specify the location of the disk space where the converted image will be saved. This is done in the settings group "Folder" by moving the switch to one of three positions:
    • Original(folder where the original object is stored);
    • Nested in the original;
    • Folder.

    When choosing the last option, the destination directory can be chosen completely arbitrarily. Click "Change…".

  5. Appears "Browse folders". As when manipulating Format Factory, mark the directory in it where you would like to save the converted drawings and click "OK".
  6. You can now initiate the conversion process. Click "Start".
  7. The conversion process is taking place.
  8. After the conversion is completed, the message will appear in the information window "Conversion complete". You will immediately be prompted to visit the directory previously assigned by the user, where the processed JPG images. Click "Show files...".
  9. IN "Explorer" The folder where the converted images are stored will open.

This method assumes the ability to process an unlimited number of images simultaneously, but unlike Format Factory, the Photo Converter program is paid. You can use it for free for 15 days with the ability to simultaneously process no more than 5 objects, but if you want to use it further, you will have to purchase the full version.

Method 3: FastStone Image Viewer

Some advanced image viewers, including FastStone Image Viewer, can convert PNG to JPG.

  1. Launch FastStone Image Viewer. Click on the menu "File" And "Open". Or use Ctrl+O.
  2. The image opening window opens. Go to the area where the target PNG is stored. Having marked it, click "Open".
  3. With the help file manager FastStone navigates to the directory where the desired image is located. In this case, the target image will be highlighted among others on the right side of the program interface, and its thumbnail will appear in the lower left area for preview. Once you have ensured that the desired object is selected, click on the menu "File" and onwards "Save as...". Or you can use Ctrl+S.

    Alternatively, you can also click on the diskette-shaped icon.

  4. A window opens "Save As". In this window, you need to navigate to the directory of disk space where you want to place the converted image. In the area "File type" from the list that appears, be sure to select the option "JPEG Format". The question is whether or not to change the name of the picture in the field "Object name" is entirely at your discretion. If you want to change the characteristics of the outgoing picture, then click on the button "Options...".
  5. A window opens "File Format Options". Here using the slider "Quality" You can increase or decrease the image compression level. But it must be taken into account that the more high level you set the quality, the object will be less compressed and will take up more disk space, and, accordingly, vice versa. In the same window you can adjust the following parameters:
    • Color scheme;
    • Color subsampling;
    • Hoffman optimization.

    However, adjusting the parameters of the outgoing object in the window "File Format Options" is completely optional and most users do not even open this tool when converting PNG to JPG using FastStone. After completing the settings, click "OK".

  6. Returning to the save window, click "Save".
  7. The photo or drawing will be saved with the JPG extension in the folder specified by the user.

This method is good because it is absolutely free, but, unfortunately, if you need to convert a large number of images, you need to process each object separately using this method, since mass conversion is not supported by this viewer.

Method 4: XnView

The next image viewer that can transform PNG to JPG is XnView.

  1. Activate XnView. Click on the menu "File" And "Open…". Or use Ctrl+O.
  2. A window opens in which you need to go to where the source is located in the form of a PNG file. Noting this object, click "Open".
  3. The selected image will open in a new program tab. Click on the diskette-shaped icon with a question mark on it.

    Those who wish to act through the menu can use clicking on the items "File" And "Save as...". Those users for whom manipulation with hot keys is closer have the opportunity to use Ctrl+Shift+S.

  4. The image saving tool is activated. Navigate to where you want to save the outgoing drawing. In the area "File type" choose from the list "JPG - JPEG/JFIF". If you want to specify additional settings for the outgoing object, although this is not at all necessary, then click "Options".
  5. Window opens "Options" With detailed settings outgoing object. Go to the tab "Record", if it was opened in another tab. Be sure to make sure that the value is highlighted in the list of formats "JPEG". After that, go to the block "Options" to directly adjust the settings of the outgoing picture. Here, just like in FastStone, you can adjust the quality of the outgoing image by dragging the slider. Other adjustable parameters include:
    • Optimization using the Huffman algorithm;
    • Save EXIF, IPTC, XMP, ICC data;
    • Re-creation of built-in sketches;
    • Selection of DCT method;
    • Discretization, etc.

    After the settings are completed, press "OK".

  6. Now that all the desired settings have been made, click "Save" in the window for saving the image.
  7. Image saved in JPG format and will be stored in the specified directory.

By and large, this method has the same advantages and disadvantages as the previous one, but still XnView has a little more options for customizing the outgoing image options than FastStone Image Viewer.

Method 5: Adobe Photoshop

Almost all modern technologies can convert PNG to JPG. graphic editors, which includes the Adobe Photoshop program.

  1. Launch Photoshop. Click "File" And "Open…" or use Ctrl+O.
  2. The opening window opens. Select the image you want to convert from it, first going to the directory where it is located. Then click "Open".
  3. A window will open telling you that the object is in a format that does not contain embedded color profiles. Of course, this can be changed by changing the switch and assigning a profile, but this is not required at all to complete our task. So click "OK".
  4. The image will appear in the Photoshop interface.
  5. To transform it into the desired format, click "File" And "Save as..." or apply Ctrl+Shift+S.
  6. The save window is activated. Navigate to where you plan to store your converted material. In the area "File Type" choose from the list "JPEG". Then click "Save".
  7. A window will open "JPEG Options". If, when working with viewers, you could not even activate this tool while saving the file, then you won’t be able to skip this step. In the area "Image Options" You can change the quality of the outgoing picture. Moreover, this can be done in three ways:
    • Select one of four options from the drop-down list (low, medium, high or best);
    • Enter the quality level value from 0 to 12 in the appropriate field;
    • Drag the slider to the right or left.

    The last two options are more accurate compared to the first.

    In the block "Variety of format" By rearranging the radio button, you can select one of three JPG options:

    • Base;
    • Basic optimized;
    • Progressive.

    After entering all the necessary settings or setting them as default, click "OK".

  8. The image will be converted to JPG and placed where you have designated it.

Main disadvantages this method consist in the lack of the possibility of mass conversion and the paid nature of Adobe Photoshop.

Method 6: Gimp

Another graphic editor that can solve this problem is called Gimp.

  1. Launch Gimp. Click "File" And "Open…".
  2. The image opener appears. Move to where the picture that needs to be processed is located. After highlighting it, press "Open".
  3. The picture will be displayed in the Gimp shell.
  4. Now you need to convert. Click "File" And "Export As...".
  5. The export window opens. Move to where you are going to save the resulting image. Then click "Select file type".
  6. From the list of suggested formats, select "JPEG Image". Click "Export".
  7. A window opens "Export image as JPEG". To access additional settings click "Advanced options".
  8. By dragging the slider you can specify the level of picture quality. In addition, in the same window you can perform the following manipulations:
    • Manage smoothing;
    • Use restart markers;
    • Optimize;
    • Specify the subsampling and DCT method option;
    • Add a comment, etc.

    After completing all the necessary settings, click "Export".

  9. The picture will be exported in the selected format to the specified folder.

Method 7: Paint

But the task at hand can be solved even without installing additional software, but by using the Paint graphic editor, which is already preinstalled in Windows.

You can convert PNG to JPG using software various types. If you want to convert a large number of objects at one time, then use converters. If you need to convert single images or set the exact parameters of the outgoing image, for these purposes you need to use graphic editors or advanced image viewers with additional functionality.

1. Select one image to convert.
2. Press the button Convert.

7. Enjoy it for your health

1. Select one ZIP file containing images to convert. Only 20 files can be converted at a time.
2. Press the button Convert.
3. The file is sent to our server and the conversion begins immediately.
4. The conversion speed depends on the file size, the speed of your Internet connection and the available resources on our servers.
5. When the conversion is complete, the file returns to the same browser window (do not close your browser).
6. If conversion is not possible, the reason will be indicated in red.
7. Enjoy it for your health

Select an image to convertOnly JPG/JPEG/JFIF/PNG/BMP/GIF/TIF/TIFF/ICO files are supported

JPEG image JFIF image BMP image GIF image PNG image TIF image ICO image original size ICO 16x16 image ICO 32x32 image OCR recognition (Russian)

Conversion in progress

This may take a few minutes

This page only allows conversion JPG JPEG JFIF PNG BMP GIF TIF ICO to other image formats and recognition of Russian text in images.

Select ZIP archive for conversionOnly ZIP files are supported

JPEG image JFIF image BMP image GIF image PNG image TIF image ICO image original size ICO 16x16 image ICO 32x32 image

PNG is one of the most common storage formats graphic information. Using PNG allows you to save high quality raster images, since this format compresses data without loss. In addition, PNG allows you to change the acceptable degree of transparency of image pixels, so if you want to create a collage of several photos or insert a picture into an existing transparent image, feel free to choose this format. It's no surprise that PNG is so popular among designers and creative people.

What to do if you need to convert a photo or PSD image to PNG format? This task is easy to accomplish with Movavi Video Converter! The program works with a large number of video formats and, in addition, allows you to quickly change the format of pictures or reduce their size so that you can simply transfer them to your Android or any other phone. There is no need to download a special converter - you just need to install Movavi Video Converter in Russian.

Follow step by step instructions below and you will learn how to change the image format to PNG without any problems.

1. Download the PNG file converter and install it

Download and run installation file programs. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the program on your computer.

2. Add the image you want to convert to PNG

Click the button Add files at the top of the program window, click on the option Add images and select the photos you want to convert into PNG. Batch conversion support allows you to select multiple files at once.

3. Choose a format

At the bottom of the window, select the tab Images and indicate PNG as the format you want to convert the files to.

4. Specify the folder and start converting

Specify the folder to save files by clicking on the corresponding icon and click Start to start converting to PNG. After the conversion is completed, a folder with ready-made PNG files will open.

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