Disabling the smartscreen filter. Disable URL checking. Could it be a virus

To protect data stored on your computer from malicious files and programs in the operating system sis Windows theme integrated Smartscreen filter.

Initially, this function was available only to browser users Internet Explorer, but already from the eighth Windows versions Microsoft made Smartscreen integral part most operating system.

The filter can identify and block previously detected malicious and phishing sites, and allows the user to make informed decisions when downloading files from the Internet.

SmartScreen works in three key areas:

  1. Analyzes website pages when working on the Internet, tracking suspicious ones. If suspicious web pages are detected, the filter issues a corresponding warning to the user;
  2. Checks the sites visited by the user for the presence in the list of previously exposed phishing Internet resources and sites with malicious content. If the requested page is suspicious, the SmartScreen filter blocks access to it for security reasons;
  3. Checks files downloaded by the user according to the list of previously identified sites with malicious and potentially dangerous programs. If the requested file matches a file on the blacklist, SmartScreen reports a security block. If the executable file is already saved on the PC, the filter will warn you about the danger when you try to run it.

Default blue filter Windows screen 10 switched to active mode, but if necessary, you can go into the settings at any time and disable it. The fact is that SmartScreen often mistakenly blocks access to applications that do not pose any threat to the computer.

Please note: if we are talking about a computer running on a network, then in this case only the system administrator has the rights to change this parameter.

What do messages from the Smartscreen filter mean?

When a user tries to run potentially dangerous application or download a malicious file, the system will display a message approximately as follows:

  • "The Windows Smartscreen filter prevented an unidentified application from running that could put your PC at risk."
  • "Running the requested program may compromise the security of your computer."
  • “SmartScreen Filter does not have information about the requested unsigned program. Running it may harm your computer,” etc.

If a program or file really raises security concerns, then it is better to refrain from downloading and/or running it.

However, very often a smartscreen filter ends up blocking a known safe application or web page.

It also happens that while working in Explorer on a computer with Windows 10, a notification suddenly pops up on the screen, which notifies that “the Windows smartscreen filter is currently unavailable, so it cannot determine whether it is safe to run this application.” The last message is displayed with a link to the lack of Internet connection.

Protecting Personal Computer from viruses and other dubious files, SmartScreen becomes a real problem for users of the latest versions of Windows. The only way to get rid of it is to deactivate the filter. It couldn't be easier to do this.

How to disable Smartscreen filter in Windows 8.1 and 10

To remove the smartscreen filter on Windows 10, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Control Panel. To do this, just click right click mouse on the “Start” icon and select the appropriate item in the list that appears;
  2. Go to the tab " Security and Service«;
  3. In the menu located on the left side, select “ Changing Windows smartscreen settings«;
  4. , confirm the selection by pressing the OK button;
  5. Reboot the system.

Attention! If all items in the SmartScreen settings change block are inactive, you must first make changes in the registry editor.

To do this, press the Win+R combination on your keyboard and enter the “regedit” command. Next you need to follow the branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Policies - Microsoft - Windows to the "System" tab. Then you should remove the “EnableSmartScreen” parameter and reboot the system.

The Windows 10 Store also interacts with the SmartScreen filter, since the service analyzes the addresses of all products installed from this resource. This means that here too SmartScreen can become an obstacle to downloading any program or game.

To deactivate the filter, simply perform the following steps:

  1. Click the “Start” button;
  2. Go to “Options”, select “ Confidentiality«;
  3. In the “General” section, in the sub-item regarding the SmartScreen service, move the switch to the “Off” position.

If necessary, you can always turn on the filter again; to do this, you need to follow the steps listed above and turn the switch to the “On” position.


To disable smartscreen filter on Windows 8.1, you should perform the following steps sequentially:

  1. Look at the Windows Action Center through the Control Panel;
  2. In the left menu select the tab " Change Windows SmartScreen settings«;
  3. In the dialog box that appears, “ What do you want to do with unidentified applications?"check the box next to" Do nothing (Disable Windows Smartscreen), confirm the selection by pressing the OK button;
  4. To restart a computer.

To do this, just go to Windows Action Center again and click on the link “Don't receive any more messages on the topic: Windows SmartScreen.”

The SmartScreen function is a special algorithm for protecting your computer from malicious code. Before launching an application, this tool checks it using built-in algorithms and, if unsuccessful, simply blocks the program from launching. Applications that do not have a signature are especially often blocked.

Of course, to run untrusted programs on the system that have not passed verification, it is better to disable filtering altogether so as not to encounter constant blocking. Since the defender has been integrated into the system since Windows 8, it should be disabled at the same level - using special sections of the system.

It is important to understand that when turning off this system protection, you yourself reduce the system’s likelihood of resisting viruses. This makes the computer more vulnerable. It is better to consider alternative options for installing software, for example: you can probably find an original program or there is a similar one in functionality that does not require disabling filtering.

Also, if you have installed third party antivirus, which performs the same task, then you can and even should disable native filtering so that there are no application conflicts.

We will look at how to disable the SmartScreen filter in Windows 10 at different levels: browser, application scan and system protection, in more detail below.

Disable SmartScreen via Control Panel

You can deactivate such a function using 2 options: from the control panel or in the policy editor. Both methods are easy to use and only require strict adherence to the instructions.

To deactivate SmartScreen using the Control Panel you need:

  • Click on Start and “Control Panel”;
  • Find the "Security and Maintenance" tile;

  • On the left side of the window you will see “Change Windows SmartScreen settings”;
  • When you call up the “What do you want to do...” window, you should check the box next to the last item, “Do nothing.”

By completing these steps, you take away the authority from SmartScreen and full responsibility for the health of the system passes to you.

There are some situations in which these filter settings items are not active; they are highlighted in gray and their position cannot be changed. This problem is resolved with:

  • Win + R and regedit;
  • Go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System;
  • The "EnableSmartScreen" setting must be removed.

An alternative method is through group policies

Another option that achieves the same goal is to disable SmartScreen using Group Policy. It is worth mentioning that the method works for Windows 10 professional and corporate. IN home version This option is not provided to users.

  • Press Win + R and paste gpedit.msc;
  • Now in the “Computer Configuration” column, select “Administrative Templates”;
  • From the list, select " Windows components»;
  • Now find "Explorer";
  • Among the options on the right edge will be “Customize Windows SmartScreen”;

  • Set the parameter to “Enabled” and at the bottom of the window “Disable SmartScreen”.

Both methods help to achieve the same result only using different methods.

In fact, we did not completely disable filtering on the computer, but only when launching applications. SmartScreen is still active in checking application connections and in the Edge browser.

Disable URL checking

Program installation or update functions may not work completely or may produce errors when filtering in this way. Since if SmartScreen detects a source as not benign, it will be blocked and the application will lose access to the network; this is vital for some programs. This filtering algorithm can also be disabled:

  • Win + I and go to “Privacy”;
  • Among the options in the “General” tab is “Enable SmartScreen filter...”;
  • Set the slider to Off.

Thus, SmartScreen's influence will be limited to the browser, where it will still help Microsoft Edge in work and safety. If this does not suit you, you can also disable this functionality.

Disable SmartScreen in the Edge browser

The necessary steps to disable it must be performed in the browser itself.

  • LMB on the Microsoft Edge menu button (upper right corner);
  • Now at the end of the list, click on “Advanced options”;
  • After that, scroll further, at the very end “Helps protect your computer...” set the value to “Off.”

After disabling SmartScreen at all levels, it becomes completely inactive and you will no longer receive unpleasant messages about blocked applications and their connections.

The speed of completing tasks increases significantly when filtering is turned off, but this is all at the expense of privacy. Based on your preferences, you can set your security level.

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Windows SmartScreen improves computer security by warning users before running unidentified programs downloaded from the Internet. The basis of the Smartscreen filter is cloud system rating of sites and files that are being checked executable files at first start. If the file is new or has been added to the SmartScreen filter as unsafe, it is blocked from execution. However, the filter blocks most applications that are not signed digital signature. Of course, you can disable SmartScreen Filter in Windows 10, but remember that by disabling SmartScreen, you are reducing your computer's security.

Setting up SmartScreen in Control Panel

Open the classic Control Panel (Win + X - Control Panel)

On the left side of the window, click Change Windows SmartScreen settings

Three options available Windows operation SmartScreen:

  • Request administrator approval before launching an unidentified application from the Internet (recommended)
  • Warn before running an unidentified application, but do not require administrator approval
  • Do nothing (turn off Windows SmartScreen)

Select the setting that suits you and click OK to save the changes.

Configuring Windows SmartScreen in Group Policy Editor

Open Group Policy Editor (Win + R - gpedit.msc)

Go to section Computer configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows components - Conductor

On the right side of the editor, double-click the option Set up Windows SmartScreen

Set the parameter state to Included. In the Parameters block, select the filter option that suits you.

If Windows settings SmartScreen is set in Group Policy, then its configuration from the Windows interface becomes unavailable.

Setting up Windows SmartScreen by editing the registry

Smartscreen filter settings can also be changed by editing a registry setting SmartScreenEnabled, located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer section

Parameter SmartScreenEnabled can have one of three values, each of which corresponds to settings in the interface or Group Policy setting:

  • RequireAdmin- Request administrator approval before launching an unidentified application from the Internet (default)
  • Prompt- Warn before running an unidentified application, but do not require administrator approval
  • Off- Do nothing (disable Windows SmartScreen)

Users may have encountered the SmartScreen filter for the first time since the release of the previous version of the operating system. When attempting to install suspicious applications, SmartScreen Filter prevented the unidentified application from launching. The user was informed that the system protected his computer.

This article will tell you how to disable Defender SmartScreen Filter in Windows 10. Be careful, because after you completely disable SmartScreen Filter, the system will no longer scan files before installation. If you do not use third-party antivirus programs, then it is not recommended to disable one of the operating system’s security features.

SmartScreen Filter Windows Defender helps protect your device by identifying unidentified applications and files from the Internet. Before disabling any of the operating system's security features, think twice. If you are sure of the source of the application, when you try to install it, the message the system has protected your computer is displayed, then you can only disable SmartScreen.

System parameters

Beginning with Windows updates In version 10 1803, the ability to control the SmartScreen filter comes from updated system parameters. All operating system security features have been moved to the Windows security section. The so-called Windows Defender Security Center now contains all security settings in one interface.

If in previous builds, everything was still somewhat damp, but starting from version 1803 the interface really became user-friendly. If you are using previous versions of Windows 10 or even Windows 8.1, then the methods suggested below will suit you.

Control Panel

Before the Windows 10 version 1709 update, users had to configure SmartScreen in the classic Control Panel. If you are, then this method is for you. With each update it becomes more and more difficult in Windows 10. But it is still present in the operating system and contains many settings.

Group policies

If this policy setting is disabled, SmartScreen is disabled for all users. Users will not receive a warning when attempting to launch suspicious applications from the Internet. Please note that these values ​​​​are suitable for the current version of the operating system, on previous versions values ​​may vary slightly.

Registry Editor

As in most cases, you can disable whatever you want using the Registry Editor. In this case, you only need to know which parameters need to be edited. Before making changes to the registry. A previously created copy will help restore user changes in case of failure.

After making changes to the Registry Editor, you must restart your computer. Now, when you try to launch an unidentified application, SmartScreen will not prevent it from launching.


We do not recommend disabling the Windows Defender SmartScreen filter, as this will reduce the security of your operating system as a whole. Any of the above methods will completely disable SmartScreen. The user just needs to select one of the options that are suitable for him to resolve the issue.

SmartScreen is one of the new technologies from Microsoft. SmartScreen is cloud service designed to protect users from malware. The basic principle of operation of this service is quite simple. All programs downloaded from the Internet are checked. And if a program downloaded by a user is encountered by the service for the first time, it is recognized as potentially dangerous and the launch of such a program is blocked.

Many Windows users 10 people experience that SmartScreen works too often. Blocking the launch of almost any downloaded program. If a similar problem occurs, it makes sense to disable SmartScreen in Windows 10.

Disabling SmartScreen via Windows 10 Control Panel

The easiest way to disable SmartScreen in Windows 10 is to use the classic " Control panel" To do this, click Windows combination+ X and in the menu that appears select “ Control Panel" You can also do it in other ways.

After that, go to the section “ system and safety».

And open the subsection “ Security and Service»

So you should open a small window with SmartScreen settings in Windows 10.

Here you can choose one of three modes of operation of the SmartScreen service:

  • Request permission from the administrator before launching an unknown program from the Internet (recommended);
  • Warn before launching an unknown program, but do not require administrator confirmation;
  • Do nothing (disable Windows SmartScreen);

If you select the option " Nothing to do", then the SmartScreen service will be completely disabled and will no longer bother you with pop-up warnings.

Update . If you have Windows 10 latest version, then you may not have the menu items that are shown in the screenshots. In this case, you can disable SmartScreen through the Options menu. To do this, press the combination Windows keys-i and enter the word “smartscreen” in the search bar. After this, the search results will appear. Here you need to select the settings section called “Application/Browser Management”.

In the "Application/Browser Control" section, a number of settings will be available that enable and disable various SmartScreen technology options.

In order to completely disable SmartScreen on Windows 10, you need to scroll to the very end of the page and select “Disable” for all settings.

Disabling SmartScreen through Group Policy

If you are using Windows 10 Pro, then you can disable SmartScreen in Windows 10 through group policies (this method will not work in Windows 10 Home). To do this, open " Group Policy Editor" This can be done by pressing the Windows + R key combination and running the command “gpedit.msc”.

In the editor group policies go to the section " Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – File Explorer" and on the right side of the screen find the option " Set up Windows SmartScreen»

This will open the settings for the selected option. In this window you need to enable the parameter, and then select the function “ Disable SmartScreen" and save the settings by clicking on the "Ok" button.

Disabling SmartScreen for Windows 10 Store Apps

SmartScreen can also check web content used by programs from the store Windows applications 10. This feature can be disabled without completely disabling SmartScreen itself.

To do this, click on the “Start” button and open the “Settings” window. Here in the section " Privacy - General", the function " Enable SmartScreen to scan web content».

You can also disable this function through " Registry Editor" To do this, open the registry key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ AppHost” and set the “EnableWebContentEvaluation” parameter to 0.

Disable SmartScreen in the Edge browser

If you use the Edge web browser, you can disable SmartScreen for that browser only. To do this, you must first open your browser options.

And then scroll through the list of parameters to the end, click there on the “ Show Extra options » and scroll down again. Thus, at the very bottom of the list of parameters, you can find the function responsible for disabling the SmartScreen service in the Edge browser.

To disable SmartScreen in the Edge browser, simply toggle the switch to the Off position and close browser options.

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