Draft regulations on the scientific and practical laboratory. Regulations on the school scientific and practical conference

1. General Provisions

The city scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren “Primrose” is one of the areas of work with gifted children of the Education Department of the city of Usolye-Sibirsky, Irkutsk region. Work coordinator scientific-practical conference junior schoolchildren – Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 1” in Usolye-Sibirsky. The scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren is an exchange of opinions and ideas.

The city scientific and practical conference “Primrose” is held for students in grades 1–4 of gymnasiums, secondary schools, and additional education institutions in the city of Usolye-Sibirsky, Irkutsk region.

2. Purpose and objectives of the scientific and practical conference

Target: Creating conditions for the development of schoolchildren's creativity, independent thinking, skills in mastering the subject of research, and broadening their horizons.


  • Development of creativity of schoolchildren, involving them in research activities.
  • Identification and support of gifted and capable children, stimulating them to creativity and experimental work.
  • Promoting the best achievements of schoolchildren.
  • Improving psychological and pedagogical support for gifted and capable children.
  • Involving scientists from scientific institutions and universities to work with students.

3. Participants of the scientific and practical conference

The scientific and practical conference “Primrose” can be attended by schoolchildren of grades 1–4 from gymnasiums, secondary schools, institutions of additional education in the city of Usolya-Sibirsky, Irkutsk region, who are ready to present their creative projects And research papers.

Scientific supervisors and parents of students can attend the city scientific and practical conference as listeners.

4. Management of the scientific and practical conference

The general management of the scientific and practical conference is carried out by Organising Committee , which includes a specialist from the Department of Education of the city of Usolye-Sibirsky, Irkutsk region, deputy director for scientific and technical development and head. subject departments of the Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 1”, teachers from other schools and institutions, teachers from universities and the pedagogical college of Usolye-Sibirsky.

The organizing committee coordinates the preparation and holding of the scientific and practical conference; forms an expert council, the composition of which is agreed upon by a specialist from the Department of Education of the city of Usolye-Sibirsky and approved by order of the head of the Department of Education of the city of Usolye-Sibirsky; draws up the program of the scientific-practical conference, list of participants, protocols, cost estimates of the scientific-practical conference.

The expert council cannot include teachers whose students participate in the scientific-practical conference.

5. Technology for conducting a scientific and practical conference.

The work of the scientific and practical conference “Primrose” provides for public presentations by participants on the results of their own research activities in subject sections, discussions and more.

At the scientific and practical conference, work is carried out in the following sections and departments:

  • Humanities section:
  • Math section:
    • Departments: variety of mathematics.
  • Natural science section:
    • Departments: biology, geography, ecology and problems of the Earth.
  • Applied creativity.

The number and name of departments in sections may be varied by the organizing committee depending on the number and directions of the declared work.

The rules for participants' speeches include public defense of the work (lasting up to 10 minutes) and discussion (lasting up to 5 minutes). At the request of the participant, the defense of the work can be carried out in a foreign language (in whole or in fragments). In this case, information about the language is indicated in the application, and 2 abstract texts are provided (in Russian and foreign languages). Before the defense, the expert council is offered (if the work and its defense require it) a dictionary of specific terms and words that carry meaning in the work.

The expert council fills out an individual job protection card. ( Appendix 6 )

6. Criteria for selecting works

The following types of works are accepted for the city scientific and practical conference “Primrose”: problem-abstract, problem-search, problem-research. ( Appendix 4 )

The work must be completed independently and meet design requirements. ( Appendix 2 , Appendix 3 )

It is necessary to clearly identify the theoretical and practical parts, as well as the authors’ own achievements and areas of use of the results.

7. Deadlines for submitting an application and holding a city scientific and practical conference

The city scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren “Primrose” is held annually in early April.

Applications must be submitted to the organizing committee 20 days before the conference. After this period, applications and works will not be accepted. ( Annex 1 )

8. Return of work

The works of participants in the scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren “Primrose” will not be returned. The best of them are sent to the “Bank of the Scientific and Practical Conference of Junior Schoolchildren “Pervotsvet”.

9. Summing up

At the end of the work of subject sections, meetings of expert councils are held for departments, at which decisions are made on the winners. The works of participants in the city scientific and practical conference “Primrose” are evaluated in accordance with the criteria. ( Appendix 5 )

All decisions of expert councils are recorded and are final.

Participants in the scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren “Primrose”, who presented the best works, are awarded diplomas (1st, 2nd, 3rd degree).

The organizing committee approves certificates to conference participants for original works.

All participants of the scientific and practical conference receive a certificate of participation in the State Scientific and Production Company “Pervotsvet”.

The scientific supervisors of the prize-winning participants receive letters of gratitude.

Financial expenses during the preparation and holding of the scientific and practical conference are carried out at the expense of the Education Department of the city of Usolye-Sibirsky, Irkutsk region and sponsors. The registration fee for participants is set by the organizing committee.


I. General provisions

1.1. The conference is held by the Council of the ShNO of Municipal Educational Institution No. 7.

1.2. Scientific and methodological support for the conference is provided by:………..

1.3. The participants of the conference are students of grades 5-9 of Municipal Educational Institution No. 7.

II. Conference goals

2.1. Identification and support of intellectually and creatively gifted schoolchildren;

2.2. Promoting professionally oriented education for students;

2.3. Attracting public attention to the problems of developing the intellectual potential of society

III. Participation in the conference

3.1. To participate in the conference, you must submit the following to the organizing committee:

    Research in printed form(registration rules are set out in Appendix No. 1). The title page of the research work must be printed according to the sample (Appendix No. 2) in Russian. Works submitted to the section “Programming and Information Technologies” must be accompanied by software products Magnetic media must be submitted along with the work within the time limits specified by the Regulations.

    Materials for publication in printed and electronic versions(Appendix No. 3)

3.2. The deadline for submitting the above materials is….

3.3. The competition work can be individual or collective; the team of authors should not exceed 2 students.

IV. Order of conduct

4.1 . The conference is held (day, month, year) in two stages:

Stage 1 – distance learning – preliminary examination of work. Conducted until (Day, month, year). The results of the preliminary examination are communicated to participants by (date, month, year).

Stage 2 – full-time – public defense of research works based on the results of preliminary examination. Public defense of works is carried out (day, month, year) on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7.

4.2 . The organizing committee of the conference provides for the work of several sections:

4.3. Organization of sectional sessions of the conference.

Section programs are formed based on the results of a preliminary examination of research works. The composition of expert commissions for each section is formed by the organizing committee and excludes the participation of scientific supervisors of research work in them. Level examination (levels: “high”, “sufficient”, “insufficient”) is carried out to determine whether the work is of a research nature and meets its requirements for content and design (Appendix No. 1). Works of a “high” level are allowed to be publicly defended at sectional meetings. The defense includes a report, demonstration of an experiment (if necessary), logistical support provided by the speaker, discussion of the problem, and does not exceed 10 minutes. When defending a collective work, each of the authors speaks and presents their own contribution to the research. The procedure for conducting sections is determined by the organizers of the sections and is brought to the attention of participants at the opening of section meetings.

4.4. Invitation of participants

Authors of works classified as “high” level based on the results of the preliminary examination (stage I of the conference) are invited to participate in the second (in-person) stage - public defense of research works. Works submitted for the conference will not be returned.

V. Determination and awarding of winners

The best works are determined based on the results of public presentations by independent experts from the Expert Commission. The criteria for assessing public defense are the logic and laconicism of presentation, the ability to reveal the topic, show the research methodology, erudition, evidence, and the ability to answer questions. Authors best works are awarded conference diplomas of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree, materials are recommended for publication in the collection “...”. The authors of all other works receive certificates of conference participation. Conference diploma winners may be rewarded in other ways at the discretion of the conference organizing committee. Awarding of conference diploma winners is carried out at the closing ceremony; certificates of conference participants are presented at sectional sessions.

Appendix No. 1.

Rules for submitting work.

Requirements for work registration

    The research work must be printed on a computer in Times New Roman font, font size 14, with 1.5 spacing, margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top, bottom - 2.5 cm. Volume from 15 standard pages printed text. The pages of the work, including the appendix, are numbered sequentially and placed at the top of the page. The work sheets are bound and placed in a hard cover.

    Each section of the research paper text begins with new page. The title appears in bold.

    The numbering of chapters, paragraphs and sections within a paragraph is continuous (for example: 1.2.1. – the first section of the second paragraph of the first chapter). The introduction and conclusion are not numbered.

    Graphic materials and tables also have continuous numbering. Tables and figures must be numbered separately.

    Link, i.e. an indication of the author and his work from which the quotation, idea or statement is given is given at the end of this quotation or statement in the form of a number enclosed in square brackets. The numbers should reflect the order of the work in the list of literature studied (for example: , , ). Separated by a semicolon in square brackets

the page number is indicated in the case of quoting the author (for example: The presentation of the work is completed by a bibliographic list, in which, in alphabetical order of the names of authors or names of collections, a numbered list of sources used is presented. It indicates the name and initials of the author, the title of the work, place of publication, year of publication and number of pages in the book. When referring to a journal article or an article in a collection, the surname and initials of the author, title of the article, name of the collection or journal, year of publication, number (for the journal), pages are indicated.

    Research work structure

    Title page

In the introduction, the author substantiates the research topic and its relevance, briefly characterizing the current state of the scientific problem (issue) to which the work is devoted, defines the purpose, object and subject of the research. Based on the purpose and subject of the study, a working hypothesis is formed. Based on the working hypothesis, research problems are put forward and methods for solving them are determined. It is recommended to indicate the novelty and relevance of the work, justify the need for it, and determine the possibilities and forms of using the obtained material.

Definition of the problem. In order to start research, you need to find a problem that you can research and that you would like to solve. She will tell you how to formulate the research topic.

What does it mean to find a problem? The ancient Greek word “problema” in translation sounds like “task”, “obstacle”, “difficulty”. Otherwise, we can say that a problem is a difficulty, an uncertainty.

The main quality of any researcher is to be able to find something unusual, to see complexities and contradictions where to others everything seems familiar, clearly simple.

Formulation of the problem- the beginning of any research.

Problem is a question or set of questions that objectively arises in the course of the development of cognition, the solution of which is of significant practical or theoretical interest.

Justification of the research topic and its relevance. In this part, it is necessary to briefly describe the state of the problem under study according to literature sources.

Purpose of the study. Target- this is an anticipation of the result or what you are striving for. It is formed based on the problem that the student’s work is aimed at solving.

Object of study. The object of research can be various phenomena in the behavior of people in the process of their interaction and joint activities. But at the same time, fragments of the world that exist independently of the subject of cognition - the individual, various communities of people, as well as animals and their communities - can be considered as an object of research.

Subject of study. Indicates a specific characteristic of the research object that the work is aimed at studying. The subject of research can be the features of various phenomena and their aspects.

Research hypothesis. Hypothesis is a scientific assumption arising from a theory that has not yet been confirmed or refuted. It is based on the problem, purpose and subject of the study.

Job Objectives Tasks– specification of the goal at certain stages of the study of certain conditions. Determined in accordance with the purpose, subject and hypothesis of the study.

Research method. Method– a set of techniques and operations for the practical and theoretical development of reality. In this part the works are only listed. Their full description and justification for the need for use should be presented in the second chapter.

Novelty of the research. Identified as a result of analysis of literary sources, clarification of conceptual provisions. This could be a new vision of the problem, clarification of several conceptual provisions, etc.

Practical significance of the study. See practical recommendations in more detail. The introduction should briefly describe what exactly is the value of the research results for practice.

    Theoretical part

An analytical review (state of the issue) must fully and systematically present the state of the issue to which it is devoted. this work. The subject of analysis in the review should be new ideas and problems, possible approaches to solving these problems, the results of previous studies on the issue to which the scientific research work is devoted, possible ways problem solving.

The justification for the chosen direction of work should show its advantages compared to other possible solutions to the problem. It is necessary to evaluate the adopted direction of research from the point of view of its effectiveness, both scientific and practical. The justification of the purpose of the research work and the working hypothesis should be based on the recommendations contained in the analytical review, taking into account the specific conditions of the research work.

The chapter may contain several paragraphs in accordance with the highlighted issues of the identified problem. The chapter ends with conclusions. There may be several of them. They provide reasoned answers to the questions posed, which allows us to formulate the purpose, objectives and hypothesis of the study.

    Organization and research methods

This chapter describes the experimental program, which should contain the following information:

    Description of the sample of subjects: number and composition by gender, age parameters (range, average age), sociodemographic characteristics;

    Description general conditions and research procedures;

    A complete list of methods used, their description, justification for the choice of methods, a list of indicators for each method. If known methods are used in the work, there is no need to describe them in detail. It is necessary to provide links to sources of information or include a description of the methods in the appendix.

    Results and its discussion

This part describes in detail and consistently the results obtained, evaluates their accuracy and reliability, and compares them with theoretical principles and experimental data described in the literature. The description of the results is accompanied by illustrations in the form of tables or graphs, drawings based on computer printouts. Each table and figure must contain a title, numbering and symbol. The section ends with a discussion of the results obtained and a description of their possible applications.

    Conclusion and conclusions

The conclusion of the research paper is consistent. A logically coherent presentation of the results obtained and described in the main part, the conclusions of the study, based on an analysis of the relationship of the results obtained with the general goal and specific objectives of the study. The number of conclusions should not be large; it is usually determined by the number of tasks assigned, since each task must be reflected in the conclusions in a certain way.

The final part also assumes the presence of a generalized final assessment of the work done. At the same time, it is important to indicate what the main meaning of the work is, what new scientific problems arise in connection with the research carried out and its results, and indicate the prospects for further work. In conclusion, it is appropriate to include practical suggestions and recommendations that go beyond the main body of the research paper.

    Bibliographic list of sources used

The list of sources used should include only those works that have been studied by the author and to which references are made in the text.


This part includes materials that supplement the work. This is auxiliary material that, when presented in the main body of the work, clutters up the text. It can be:

    Data summary tables;

    Examples of examination protocols;

    Drawings and other works of the subjects;

    Description of methods;

Applications must be arranged in the order in which references to them appear in the text of the main sections. Applications must have titles and numbering.

Appendix No. 2.

Rules for the design of the title page






Pupils of 11th grade G

Sidorova Anna

Head physics teacher:

Petrova N.T.

Chusovoy 2009

Appendix No. 3.

Requirements for the content and design of materials for publication

Materials for publication – a brief summary (2-3 pages) of the content of the research work. The text must be written in the Microsoft Word text editor, on A-4 paper, no more than 3 pages of printed text. Margins – 2 cm, main text – font size 14, one and a half spacing. The diskette with the electronic version of materials for publication must be signed in legible handwriting (last name, first name, class, section). The file name must match the last name of the participant and section. For example, the file name is Sidorov_physics.doc

Materials that do not meet the above requirements will not be published.

Sample title text of materials for publication

Features of self-esteem in adolescence
Sidorova Anna
11th grade, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7, Chusovoy
Head: Petrova N.T., physics teacher


about the scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren “________________________”

The scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren “_____________________” (Conference) is held annually in January – February. The Conference will be held on _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This Conference is a competition of design and research works for students in grades 1–11. The conference is an open scientific and educational event: participants can be school graduates, teachers, parents (legal representatives) of students.

The conference is being held with the assistance of _____________________________________________.


    develop students’ knowledge and skills to competently carry out project and research activities;

    support and develop students’ creativity;

    develop students' competence in information and communication technologies;

    improve speech culture and experience in public speaking;

    to form an understanding of the social significance of project and research activities;

    increase the competitiveness of conference participants among their peers;

    increase motivation for scientific activity;

    create and develop a collection of design and research works.


The conference is held in three stages:

    1st stage – qualifying; held in December;

    Stage 2 – holding a conference; held in January – February;

    Stage 3 – delegation of reading winners to participate in inter-district and city competitions of students’ design and research works, release of a collection of design and research works in March.

For the qualifying stage, you must submit an application and job description. The description of the work includes the purpose of the work, the stages of the research and the results obtained.

The description volume is up to 1 page of printed text.

Based on the results of studying applications, a list of Conference participants is formed.

At the first stage, the application and description of the work are considered by the commissions of the relevant subject department, and the best works that meet the requirements of the conference are admitted to the second stage - public defense of the project. After successful defense, the work along with the presentation must be submitted to in electronic format for inclusion in a collection of design and research works.


    “First Steps” (section includes all the substantive diversity of works by elementary school students);

    scientific and technical direction (engineering and technological);

    socio-humanitarian direction;

    socio-economic direction;

    natural science direction;

    ecology of our time (2017 is the Year of Ecology in Russia).

The Organizing Committee of the Conference reserves the right to open new sections in connection with the content of participants' applications.


4.1. The competition accepts design and research works that include analysis and interpretation of the collected and presented material, with references to the literature and sources used.

4.2. The project should trace the practical results of the work, technologies for implementation in education, industry, medicine and other areas of human activity. Students' inventions, models, robots, etc. are welcome.

4.3. Projects must be completed by students independently. The work must clearly indicate the theoretical and practical achievements of the authors.

The project manager can be a pedagogical worker of an educational organization, parents (legal representatives) of the author, or invited specialists.

4.4. The work must contain:

    title page (indicate the subject of the Russian Federation, city, village, school; title of the topic; last name, first name, patronymic of the author(s), class of study; last name, first name, patronymic of the scientific supervisor and his position, consultant(s), position(s)) ;


    the name of the main part, revealing the essence of the work and (or) describing its process;


    list of used literature.

4.5. Introduction (1–2 pages) includes:

    description of the relevance of this research topic, its problem;

    purpose of the study (in one sentence, what results were planned to be achieved);

    hypothesis (assumption about achieving the goal);

    the objectives of this study (with the help of which the goal is achieved and the hypothesis is tested);

    research methods ( comparative analysis, sociological survey, biological, chemical experiment, lexical, grammatical, chronological analysis of primary sources, etc.);

    the research work or educational project is presented consistently in accordance with the goals and objectives;

    the experimental part must be confirmed with photographs, video clips, models, etc.

4.7. Conclusion (1–2 pages):

    what has been done (those tasks that were defined in the introduction must be completed, the goal has been achieved, the hypothesis has been confirmed or refuted);

    note what was new (non-standard and useful) was done;

    present proposals for practical use work results.


5.1. The text for public defense of the project contains:

    introduction (2 minutes);

    job description (5 minutes);

    conclusion (2 minutes).

Particular attention in the speech should be paid to the practical results of the work, and not to its theoretical and descriptive part.

5.2. Multimedia presentation should include no more than 10–12 slides:

    1st slide – title page;

    2nd slide – introduction;

    Slides 3–9 – progress of work;

    Slide 10 – conclusion.

In the presentation on the first slide you must indicate the following items:

    general educational organization on the basis of which the work was carried out;

    research or project topic;

    last name, first name, patronymic and position of the scientific supervisor, consultant.

In the presentation, it is necessary to pay attention to visual material: photos, diagrams, models, etc.

5.3. As a result, the participants of the “___________________________” Conference must provide the jury members with the following materials, formatted in accordance with the requirements:

    research paper or study project;

    multimedia presentation in Power Point;

    abstracts of the work.


6.1. The conference takes place in January – February.

6.2. To participate, you must prepare a speech lasting 7–10 minutes and a folder with your work to provide to the conference jury.

6.3. Both individual and group works are heard at the Conference. During the defense of the project, it is allowed to demonstrate it on the authors’ equipment. The defense of the project is carried out by its author (if the project is individual) or the team captain (if the project is group).


7.1. For remote participants, the Conference is held via videoconference or video recording of the speech. This mode must be determined in advance by the organizing committee and the participant.

7.2. A trial video communication session is conducted in advance. Email address for communication ____________________________ .

7.3. In the Conference Program, the videoconference mode is indicated for specific participants. The date, time, and location of the videoconference are indicated for the jury and those participating in person.


The project is assessed using a point system: for each indicator of text evaluation and work defense, from 1 to 10 points are assigned. Maximum amount: 90 points.

Evaluation indicators

Approximate content of the evaluation criterion

(number of assessment points from 1 to 10)

Number of points

Section I Evaluation of the work text

Work theme

The formulation of the topic accurately and completely reflects the content of the work

Relevance of the topic

The relevance of this work from the point of view of science, social life, and the personality of the author(s)

Studying information sources

Correct use of publications of scientists and researchers involved in this topic.

A complete and in-depth understanding of the topic under consideration

Practical significance of the work

The presence of the author’s practical achievements in the work.

Possibility of using the obtained data in various types activities


Conclusions reveal the degree of achievement of the goal, demonstrate the creative independence of the author(s), contain confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis, prove the practical significance of the results achieved


The list of references is designed according to the standard of bibliographic description of sources

Section II. Job security assessment

The main content of the work is correctly, fully and convincingly revealed. The report is not reading the text of the presentation slides

Electronic presentation

The presentation does not duplicate an oral report, but illustrates and helps to reveal the main content of the work; meets requirements

Answers on questions

The answers demonstrate the depth and completeness of the presentation of the topic under consideration.


9.1. All Conference participants who presented their design and research work at the section meeting receive a conference participant certificate “______________________________”.

9.2. In accordance with the decision of the jury, participants are awarded the titles “Laureate” and “Winner”.

9.3. On the recommendation of the jury, abstracts of the best works are submitted for publication in a collection of abstracts of project and research works of schoolchildren - participants of “________________________”. The collection “__________________________” also publishes articles by academic supervisors and consultants on students’ project and research activities.

9.4. The best project and research works of students can be recommended by jury members for participation in external intellectual events at the city, all-Russian and international levels.

BOARDING №25 Bratsk"
665717 Irkutsk region, Bratsk, zh.r. Central, st. Komsomolskaya 10v, tel/fax:
Email: format


Minister of education
Irkutsk region
Director of State Public Institution "Special"
(correctional) boarding school
No. 25" Bratsk
"___"____________ 2015
about the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the year of literature
“Reading, work and creativity: the place and role of reading in the development of personality
1. General Provisions
1.1 Scientific and practical conference “Reading, work and creativity: place and role
readings in the development of a student’s personality” will take place on November 25, 2015 at 10
hours at the address: Central City Library of Bratsk, street: Ryabikova, building: 12,
Assembly Hall. Head of the organization: Marina Valentinovna Kotenko.
1.2The organizer of the scientific and practical conference is the Ministry of Education
Irkutsk region.
1.3. General management of the preparation and conduct of the scientific and practical conference
carries out
state educational institution of the Irkutsk region
for orphans and children left without parental care “Special
(correctional) boarding school No. 25 in Bratsk (hereinafter referred to as GOKU SKSHI No. 25
Location: Russia, 665717, Irkutsk region, Bratsk, zh.r. Central,
st. Komsomolskaya, 10 "v". Phone: 8 (3953) 413917.
Purpose of the conference:
Dissemination of creative methods and forms of teaching reading at school.

Conference objectives:
identifying talented teachers capable of implementing spiritually relevant
moral problems in the development of the personality of students and pupils through
literary works.
formation in students through works of art
respectful attitude towards literature, spiritual and cultural heritage of our
List of participants
Teachers of the Russian language and
readings, librarians, educators
regional state special
(correctional) institutions.
1.3. Procedure for holding the Conference
A teaching worker who wishes to participate in the Conference submits an application for
email address format
. ru no later than November 22, 2015. The application is
simultaneously with registration for participation in the Conference (application form in Appendix No. 1).
The participant has the right to determine the topic of the report independently.

1.4. Other possible forms of participation in the Conference.
1. Presentations.
2. Mini-performances (no more than 5 minutes), elements of theatricalization.
3. Poster presentations.
4. Photo or video reports
and other.
The work of the Conference includes public speeches by participants on
results of own activities. For a speech to present your work
The participant is given 5 minutes to speak during the discussion - up to 2 minutes. Participants
Conference participants must have a printed copy of the text of their report with them.
Materials submitted to the conference must meet the following:

reveal the topic at the proper scientific level, show the author’s understanding of the tasks
training and education of students;
reflect well-founded and proven work experience;

analysis and synthesis of specific facts, performance indicators,
confirming the effectiveness of this experience;
accompany messages with conclusions and recommendations of value
for educational practice.
Prepared by:
Curator, teacher of Russian language and reading
Belorybtseva Alena Vladimirovna, t. 89526119739

Appendix No. 1
To participate in a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the year
“Reading, work and creativity: the place and role of reading in the formation
personality of the pupil"
FULL NAME.________________________________________________________
Job title ____________________________________________________
Topic of speech:__________________________________________________________
Contact phone number, email address

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

federal state budget

educational institution of higher education

vocational education

“Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov"

(REU named after G.V. Plekhanov)


Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"REU im. G.V. Plekhanov"


"___" __________ 2015


about the scientific and practical laboratory

at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law

“Monitoring of economic legislation of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)”

Moscow – 2015

I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the legal status of the scientific and practical laboratory at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law “Monitoring of Economic Legislation of the Russian Federation and the EAEU Countries” (hereinafter referred to as the Laboratory), its main goals, objectives and functions, the procedure for financing, organization of work, procedure for reorganization and liquidation.

The Regulations use terms and definitions in accordance with GOST R 51141-98.

1.2. Full name of the Laboratory: Scientific and Practical Laboratory at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law “Monitoring of Economic Legislation of the Russian Federation and the EAEU Countries”

Abbreviated name of the Laboratory: Scientific and Practical Laboratory “Monitoring of Economic Legislation of the Russian Federation and the EAEU Countries” REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

1.3. Laboratory status: comprehensive - research, scientific-practical, scientific-methodological.

1.4. The laboratory is a structural subdivision of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov. The activities of the Laboratory are coordinated by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities.

1.5. In its activities, the Laboratory is guided by the Federal Law of August 23, 1996. No. 127-FZ “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy”, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, other federal laws, legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation, the Charter of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, decisions of the Academic Council, orders of the rector and these Regulations.

1.6. The laboratory has its own Internet page (website) on the official website of REU. G.V. Plekhanov, created and maintained in accordance with the current local acts of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

II. Main goals, objectives and functions of the Laboratory

2.1. The laboratory is created for the purposes of:

2.1.1. implementation of scientific (research, scientific-methodological, educational and scientific) activities, taking into account educational programs and topics of scientific research of REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

2.1.2. staffing for scientific research;

2.1.3. attracting undergraduate and graduate students to conduct scientific research under the guidance of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

2.2. The main tasks of the Laboratory: conducting operational monitoring on problems of public legal regulation of economic relations in the regions of the Russian Federation and in the countries of the EAEU.

Monitoring of regional legislation on problems of public legal regulation of economic relations in the regions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the EAEU was carried out by assessment according to established indicators.

2.3. In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the Laboratory carries out the following functions.

2.3.1. In the field of scientific activities of the Laboratory: performs Scientific research, including by order of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, international organizations, foreign partners; attracts teachers and researchers of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, as well as external specialists and experts to conduct research at the Laboratory; carries out scientific and expert work, including ensuring the participation of Laboratory employees in the work of relevant working groups and commissions with the participation of REU. G.V. Plekhanov, both governmental, non-governmental and foreign, in the areas of activity of the Laboratory; participates in the preparation and conduct scientific conferences, seminars and other scientific events at the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov, and also maintains and expands scientific relations, including international ones; carries out preparation for publication of scientific materials: monographs, articles, reports, speeches, reports, etc. in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory, paying Special attention publications of articles in peer-reviewed Russian and foreign publications; disseminates scientific and educational information about the results of the Laboratory’s research via the Internet and the media.

2.3.2. In the field of expert and educational activities of the Laboratory: organizes and conducts expert work in the area of ​​activity of the Laboratory; organizes educational seminars and master classes on the topics of the Laboratory for employees, doctoral students, graduate students and students of structural divisions of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov; attracts graduate and undergraduate students of REU. G.V. Plekhanov to participate in research projects at the Laboratory; participates in organizing internships, and also provides assistance in finding jobs for REU students. G.V. Plekhanov; provides methodological support to graduate students, candidates for the academic degree of candidate and doctor of science; carries out preparation for publication of educational and methodological materials: textbooks, educational and methodological aids, etc. in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory; develops programs of academic disciplines, educational and methodological complexes and curricula in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory, as a rule, based on the Laboratory’s own developments; promotes the establishment of sustainable connections between REU. G.V. Plekhanov with labor market participants in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory in order to improve the employment opportunities for REU graduates. G.V. Plekhanov.

III. Financing procedure and property

ensuring the work of the Laboratory

3.1. Funding for the Laboratory’s activities comes from the following sources:

3.1.1. subsidies from the federal budget for the implementation of projects within the framework of federal target programs, state assignments or orders (in the case where the topics carried out by the Laboratory are provided);

3.1.2. grants from Russian scientific foundations (RFBR, RGNF, etc.);

3.1.3. funds from the Moscow city budget (city research competition, etc.) and local budgets;

3.1.4. funds of Russian business entities allocated for the implementation of economic contractual topics;

3.1.5. extra-budgetary funds of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, allocated to support the Laboratory;

3.1.6. income received from income-generating activities of the Laboratory;

3.1.7. voluntary property targeted contributions and donations from legal and individuals, including foreign ones;

3.1.8. other sources provided for by the charter of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

3.2. From the funds received in the form of payment for work performed by employees of the Laboratory (services provided), deductions are made to the centralized budget of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov to cover the costs of material, technical and organizational support for the activities of the Laboratory as established at the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov is fine.

3.3. To ensure the activities of the Laboratory of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov provides her with premises, as well as property (furniture, computer equipment, communications, necessary office equipment), equipment and devices in volumes, quantity and quality, ensuring that the Laboratory performs the tasks and functions assigned to it. The specified property, as well as property acquired from funds accounted for on a separate balance sheet of the Laboratory, is used only for the implementation of the Laboratory’s activities.

3.4. Responsibility for the safety and proper use of the material and technical base of the Laboratory (premises, property, equipment and instruments) lies with the Head of the Laboratory.

The working conditions of the Laboratory employees are determined by employment contracts concluded with each employee, as well as by the Internal Regulations and other local acts of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

IV. Organization of the Laboratory's work

4.1. The structure and staffing of the Laboratory are approved by the rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov on the recommendation of the Head of the Laboratory, agreed with the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities. Departments, scientific groups and other structural units can be created in the Laboratory.

4.2. The Laboratory is headed by the Head of the Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the Head), appointed and dismissed by order of the Rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov. Other employees of the Laboratory are appointed and dismissed by the rector in agreement with the Head of the Laboratory and the vice-rector for scientific activities.

4.3. The head is accountable in his activities to the vice-rector for scientific activities. The duties, rights and responsibilities of the Manager are determined by the job description approved by the Rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

Monitoring and evaluation of the Laboratory’s activities is carried out by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities.

4.4. Rights and responsibilities of the Laboratory Head:

4.4.1. carries out direct management of the activities of the Laboratory and is responsible for the implementation of the main tasks and functions assigned to it;

4.4.2. ensures compliance in the activities of the Laboratory with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov, implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, orders, instructions and instructions from the management of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.3. makes proposals for improving the activities of the Laboratory, increasing the efficiency of its work;

4.4.4. makes proposals to change the staffing table, hire, transfer, dismissal, encouragement of Laboratory employees, and impose penalties on them;

4.4.5. determines, in agreement with the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities, the directions of scientific activity of the Laboratory, draws up work plans for the Laboratory, organizes their implementation;

4.4.6. resolves issues of financial and logistical support of the Laboratory;

4.4.7. ensures that Laboratory employees fulfill their obligations under civil contracts (state and municipal contracts);

4.4.8. determines the job responsibilities of the Laboratory staff and submits them for approval to the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.9. ensures record keeping in the manner established in the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov is fine;

4.4.10. controls the posting and updating of information about the Laboratory on the Internet page (website) of the Laboratory on the website of REU. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.11. exercises other powers in accordance with local acts of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov and these Regulations.

4.5. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Head of the Laboratory is responsible for:

4.5.1. failure to perform or improper performance of one’s labor duties;

4.5.2. causing REU them. G.V. Plekhanov material damage;

4.5.3. violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.5.4. disclosure of confidential information, trade secrets;

4.5.5. violation of fire safety rules, labor protection and safety regulations, Internal Regulations of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.5.6. unreliability, untimely preparation and failure to submit to the governing bodies of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov information and documents relating to the activities of the Laboratory;

4.5.7. poor-quality and untimely execution of the main tasks and functions assigned to the Laboratory by these Regulations, failure to implement in full and on time the decisions of the governing bodies of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov, orders, instructions and instructions from the management of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.5.8. and in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or local acts of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

4.6. Head quarterly, no later than the deadlines approved by local acts of REU. G.V. Plekhanov, is obliged to represent the vice-rector for scientific activities in in the prescribed manner report on the Laboratory’s performance for the quarter.

4.7. The working conditions of the Laboratory employees are determined by employment contracts, as well as the Internal Regulations and other local acts of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

V. Final provisions

5.1. These Regulations, amendments and additions to it are valid from the moment of their approval by the rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

5.2. Reorganization and liquidation of the Laboratory are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

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