Problem solving. Setting up mail on "Android" ("Yandex"): instructions, errors Yandex mail android do not receive notifications

Hi all! I'm in touch again, Alexey. Have you ever been waiting for a letter to your email address, but it still does not come? And you are sure that the letter has already been sent to you from some person. But there is still no letter. What to do and how to fix? Why aren't emails coming to Yandex.Mail? You will find the answers to these questions in this short article, which I wrote in haste.

Why are letters not coming?

The reasons can actually be completely different. I will consider each of the possibilities. Ranging from the banal to quite weighty. In total, I found 7 such reasons, each of which I tried to reveal as clearly as possible. I hope they will help you. In any case, you can ask your question in the comments. So I think sooner or later you will solve the problem, and if not, then I will solve it for you by answering your comment. Everything is simple!

Reason 1: Internet connection problems

Yes ... As I said, the reasons can be banal. Make sure the computer or mobile device you're checking your email from is connected to the internet. Perhaps you went to Yandex.Mail and then the Internet turned off for some reason. Naturally, your device will not be able to exchange data with Yandex servers and you will not see any changes. And when the page is refreshed, it will either freeze or an error will appear about the lack of an Internet connection.

The reason is banal. I think you can fix it without me. I would describe this point in much more detail, but why? After all, this is a completely different and large topic for a separate article.

Reason 2: Spam folder

If you are not receiving emails, be sure to check your Spam folder located in personal account Yandex.Mail.

It happens that Yandex can consider the letter as spam. If this happens, then you can find the letter in the appropriate folder. Always check this folder for email. And if suddenly the letter ended up in this folder, then open it and click Not spam on top. As shown in the screenshot.

The screenshot above shows that you are in the Spam folder. Select the letter and cancel by clicking on the button shown below.

After clicking, the letter will be moved to the folder inbox. Plus, letters coming from this email address will not end up in the folder Spam.

Reason 3: Lots of emails

Everything is pretty simple here. Perhaps in your folder " inbox» Lots of letters. If you do not keep your e-mail box, then the probability that you did not notice the letter you need increases.

A new letter can still be seen (it will be highlighted in bold), but only if the rest have been opened (after opening, the selection disappears). In addition, sorting is configured so that new letters will always be higher than old ones. But if you constantly receive letters and you do not read them, then it will be quite problematic to find what you need.

For example, I constantly receive an average of 20 letters a day. If you do not read them and do not sort or delete unnecessary ones, then over time there will be so many letters in your email box ... You will have to make an effort to sort everything. How did I do it after the army)

The conclusion is pretty simple. Maintain cleanliness and order. Then everything will be ok.

You can even make it so that letters coming from a specific email address will end up in a specific folder. Or even automatically deleted. By the way, you may have incorrect settings for this filtering. I wrote about this in the last paragraph.

Reason 4: Forced blocking

This reason is rather uncomplicated. Yandex forcibly blocks suspicious emails and you don't receive them at all. That is, it deletes them as they arrive. For good. This is done for your safety, of course. That is, a kind of primary filter through which letters pass.

I would not say that this is a minus. No wonder the letter was deleted. Maybe in the past a very suspicious letter was sent from this email and Yandex added it to the blacklist. And now all letters from this email are simply blocked ...

Every mail service has such a filter. So this is not so much a problem of Yandex as its plus.

Reason 5: Wrong filter settings

At the end of the 3rd reason, I mentioned incorrect filter settings. You can set these settings manually. They help sort incoming emails in various ways. And this is convenient if you receive a lot of letters every day and all of them are necessary for you or just interesting to read.

Initially, these filtering options are disabled. And to be more precise, they are not set. And if during registration you didn’t set up anything like that, then there’s no reason to go there. Unless you want to create your own auto sorting of emails to make your life easier. In any case, you will need information about the location of these settings.

  1. Log in to Yandex.Mail;
  2. Click the gear icon in the top right corner;
  3. Select "Message processing rule";
  4. Take action. Customize filtering however you like.

The screenshot above shows how to enter these settings. Well, then you will already understand what and how is done. By the way, if you are setting up sorting of letters, then pay attention to the “Manage mailing lists” item.

Reason 6: Sender

It is also possible that a person sends you a letter and he is sure that it has been sent, but as it turns out in reality, no. Again, the reasons may be the same with a few exceptions. For example, internet problems. And so the letter was supposedly sent. A person, for example, tells you by phone that everything is ok. You go to check and find nothing.

Therefore, check all the above reasons and deal with the problem. If it does not help, then ask to send the letter again.

Reason 7: Third Party Programs

This is the last reason I could find on reflection. If you are using third party programs to check mail, then discard them. Go to your Yandex.Mail via browser and check for emails. If the necessary letters are found, the answer suggests itself. Something is wrong with the mail program! Again, there can be a bunch of reasons for the problems and I will not consider them in this article. It's just a rather long story that should be covered separately.


A small summary of the article. The post was written in haste and if you have something to add or have any questions, be sure to write a comment. I will answer, supplement the article and help in any way I can.

In general, great advice from me to you. A bunch of letters come - sort, get rid of unnecessary ones. Set up email processing rules. Then you will have cleanliness and order and I think there will be fewer problems. Thank you for your attention!

Sincerely, Alexey Antropov.

Do you use the Yandex mail service and purchased an Android smartphone? Then you will certainly enjoy having access to mail from your device. For this, various mail programs, both original and third-party, are used. Setting up Yandex mail on Android is simple and does not cause any difficulties for owners of smartphones and tablets. Let's see what programs you can use to access your mailbox.

The easiest way to access your mail is to use a browser and open the Yandex mail interface. Next, enter your username and password mailbox, click on the login button and get into a pleasant and convenient web-interface. But on the screen mobile device it might not be that convenient.

Here are the disadvantages of this method of organizing access to mail:

Nevertheless, many users continue to use the web interface without knowing that other tools are available. Therefore, we decided to talk about them in our review.

Yandex.Mail application

Yandex provides its users with not only Post service, but also convenient tools for working with mailboxes. Such a tool is the Yandex.Mail application located in the store Play market. Setting up Yandex mail on Android comes down to installation this application and its initial setup.

After installing and launching the application, fields for entering a login and password will appear on the screen. We enter the data, wait for the connection to the servers, click on the "Go to Mail" button and go to the main program interface. Here you can see outgoing and incoming letters, a folder with drafts, a folder with spam, and a folder with deleted letters. Sorting elements are available - this is the display of important letters, unread letters and letters with attachments.

To protect letters from access by unauthorized people, PIN-code protection is provided- it is configured in the application settings. Sound notifications are also configured here (it is possible to set an alert schedule). There is another important point in the settings - adding another mailbox, which is very convenient.

The application works online, without downloading letters and their subsequent synchronization. Thanks to this, users can work with mail from several devices - for example, having started writing a letter on a computer, you can continue writing on a smartphone or tablet by going to the draft folder. Notification of new letters in the application is carried out in real time.

Third Party Applications

In order to set up Yandex mail on Android, you can use more universal solutions. Such a solution is the Mail application. It allows you to work with mailboxes from many other mail services. Among them was the Yandex mail service. Accounts are added both at the first start of the application, and in the future. No additional settings need to be made - just enter your username and password, and the program will do the rest.

A nice addition would be the presence of an online check for new letters, as implemented in the "native" mail application from Yandex.

The Play Market store can please you with many other applications for working with Yandex mail. But in this case, you will have to enter into them manual settings- here the addresses of POP3, SMTP and IMAP servers are indicated, the necessary ports are set, logins and passwords are registered. For an untrained user, this may seem complicated, so we recommend that you use the above applications - they have excellent functionality and user-friendly interfaces.

If the expected letter does not arrive at the mailbox, then the corresponding question arises, what is the reason for this and how to deal with the problem. That is what we will do in this article.

If the email address is entered correctly, there may be several reasons why the message did not reach the addressee. Every possible situation should be considered.

Reason 1: Network problems

by the most simple option Problems occurring are problems accessing the internet. To solve it, it will be enough to restart the router or reconnect.

Reason 2: Spam

Quite often the letter can go to the spam folder automatically. This happens because the service considered the content of the message undesirable. To check if this is the case, do the following:

Reason 3: Wrong filter settings

In the Yandex mail settings, it is possible to completely prohibit the delivery of any messages to the user. To make sure that the message will definitely reach and not fall under such sorting, you need to do the following:

Reason 4: Overcrowding

It may also happen that the mail is simply full. The service has a limit on the number of documents and, although it is quite large, such a problem is not excluded. It is easy to notice that this is the problem, because any letter, even the usual daily mailings, will not be delivered. To deal with this, it is enough to select unnecessary letters and delete them.

There are several factors due to which the letter does not reach the addressee. Some of them you can solve on your own, sometimes you just need to wait. However, you should make sure that the address for sending mail was entered correctly.

The importance of notifications cannot be overestimated. After all, if notifications stop coming on your smartphone or tablet, you can miss an important message from a friend or forget to come to a scheduled meeting.

Today, people rely a lot on their devices, in particular on timely notifications. Therefore, if something happens to this function, and it stops working properly, it causes serious inconvenience to the owner of the device. However, unfortunately, sometimes this happens and then the question arises: what to do if notifications from applications do not come?

Not receiving notifications from apps. How to fix?

It is worth noting that sometimes notifications may not work due to an error in the development of the application. And not infrequently, such an error is associated with a certain version of the Android OS. But before complaining about a bug to the app developer, you should make sure that there is nothing on your device that can block them from appearing.

Of course, for notifications to come, you need to have it activated in the application itself. given function. Then you can step by step check the settings of your device according to the items listed below (the name of the items may differ depending on the brand of the device and the version of the operating system).

In the video below, you can see the methods described in the article to fix this problem, as well as some others.

1) Setting the correct time and time zone.

Incorrectly set time may adversely affect the operation of notifications. If you notice that the time on your device differs from the real one, this may be the cause of your inconvenience. To set the time you need:

1) go to "Settings" to section ;

2) disable function "Autodetect time"(it can also be called "Network Time Zone");

3) install correct date And time and choose your Timezone;

4) After setting the time restart your device.

2) Enabling the "Show content" function and setting the display of notifications on the screen.

Check if the "Show content" feature is enabled on your device. For this:

1) go to "Settings" and go to section "Lock screen and protection";

2) in paragraph "On-Screen Notifications" find section "Content. lock screen" and choose "Show content";

3) further in the main settings menu, go to the section "Notifications" and check to see if notifications are enabled for the app you're having problems with. If notifications are turned off activate corresponding switch.

4) In the same paragraph in advanced settings you can set notification priority "Mark as important"(this item may be called differently). This step can also help with this problem.

3) Disable "Background Data Restrictions".

When you turn on Background Data Restrictions, some apps and services won't work when your device isn't connected to Wi-Fi. Even if the device is connected to mobile internet notifications, for example, from Viber or WhatsApp messengers will not come until Wi-Fi is turned on. To disable this feature:

1) go to "Settings" and go to section "Data usage";

2) click on "Options" and if this feature is enabled select "Turn off background data restriction".

4) Turn off the power saving mode.

As a rule, by default, the power saving mode of the entire device is turned off (unless the battery is low). However, individual applications can be put into power saving mode without the user's knowledge. We advise you to turn off the power saving mode for applications from which you want to receive notifications. For this:

1) in the settings, go to the section "Battery";

2) in paragraph Application Power Consumption press the button "detail";

3) if the application you need is in the item, click on it and select "Disable".

This method often helps and notifications start coming.

5) Removing applications blocking the display of notifications.

Applications that block the display of notifications may include such well-known applications as, for example, Clean Master or DU Battery Saver and all similar applications to list all of which does not make sense.

Battery-saving apps can simply disable the apps you need, and a disabled app, accordingly, cannot display a notification on your screen. Therefore, if one of them is installed on your device, disable the blocking of notifications in the settings of these applications or delete such an application.

6) Inclusion of the application in the "white list".

On devices of some brands, in order for the application to display notifications, it must be added to the so-called "white list". To do this, in the section "Safety" select the item "and include the required application in it.

In most cases, these tips should help you with the display of notifications and the question: why application notifications do not come should not bother you anymore. If only this problem not related to an error in the development of the application or the firmware of your device.

    Select the first desired letter in one of the following ways:

    • Method 1. Click on the portrait of the sender in the line of the letter.
    • Method 2. Press and hold the line with the letter.
  1. Select other letters by clicking the lines with these letters.

How to log out of an account?

You can log out of your account using Android system settings.

If you want to stop the work of one of the mailboxes without deleting the account from the system, disable this mailbox in the application settings.

How to disable downloading emails and notifications?

You can set up push notifications and synchronization for each folder separately:

    Pull out the screen on the left.

    In point Notify about new emails

    • Loading letters

      Doesn't load anything

Not receiving notifications for incoming emails

This may happen for the following reasons:

Disabled notifications in app settings

Turn on notifications:

    Pull out the screen on the left.

    Click the Settings button (under the list of folders and labels).

    Select the account for which you want to set up notifications and selective folder sync.

    In point Notify about new emails for each folder select an option:

    • Notifies of emails and downloads them- the contents of the folder will be loaded in the background with notifications of new letters.

      Loading letters- the contents of the folder will be downloaded in the background without notification of new letters.

      Doesn't load anything- the contents of the folder will be loaded only if you open it.

      Attention. Downloading emails is disabled along with notifications. You cannot turn off the download of letters and turn on notifications of new letters.

The app is not running in the background

If the ability to work in the background is disabled in the phone settings for the Yandex.Mail application, then notifications will not be received. Open your phone settings and make sure the feature is enabled or turn it on.

The application does not start automatically when the phone is switched on If autorun is disabled in the phone settings for the Yandex.Mail application, then notifications will not be received. Open your phone settings and make sure autoplay is enabled or turn it on. Included power saving mode

Power saving mode usually blocks notifications. Open your phone settings and make sure this mode is turned off or turn it off.

It's also possible that the power-saving mode on your phone turns on automatically when the battery is low.

Installed an application to save battery or speed up the phone

Notifications can be affected by apps that help save battery or speed up your phone. For example, the CM Locker application - using the setting Cleaning up notifications it restricts all notifications on the phone. Make sure you don't have such apps installed on your phone, or uninstall them.

Where is the address book in the application?

Separate address book not in the app yet. When writing a letter, start typing the name or address of the contact in the To field - the application will prompt you with suitable options.

Why is there no app icon in the notification center?

A new version application receives information about letters without a permanent connection to the server - this saves battery life. Therefore, the connection icon in the action center is not displayed.

No connection to server

Check if you have access to the Internet (the Yandex.Mail application will not open without an Internet connection):

    Are you connected to mobile network?

    Is there money in your account? mobile phone?

    Can you use another internet connection such as Wi-Fi?

How to change the password?

I forgot password. What to do?

I forgot my login. What to do?

If you have forgotten your login, try using the hint on the access recovery page. The hint may work if you have recently logged into your account on Yandex from the same phone.

Also try to contact those with whom you corresponded - your recipients can remind you from which address your letters came from.

Missing letters

If you accidentally deleted emails or your emails are missing, try looking for them in the Deleted Items folder (the emails in this folder are available for 30 days after being deleted). To recover emails:

If there are no missing messages in the Deleted Items folder, then, unfortunately, they cannot be restored.

If you haven't deleted emails, follow these steps:

    In the Yandex.Mail web interface, go to the visit log and view information on the actions in the mailbox for the last week.

    Check if you are using programs that delete emails. If you have a POP3 program installed on your phone, specify in its settings that when downloading letters, you need to save copies on the server.

Not receiving a notification from a social network or forum

Attention. If you have registered with Yandex after registering with social network or on the forum, you will not receive a confirmation email. You will need to request a letter from the site again.

    Check if your address is correct Email.

    Make sure that there is no rule in the message processing rules that deletes such messages. (You can disable and delete a rule only in the Yandex.Mail web interface.)

    Check if the email address of this social network or forum is blacklisted. (You can remove a website address from the blacklist only in the Yandex.Mail web interface.)

If you are sure that the mailbox settings are correct and the address is correct, try requesting a letter from the site again. If after a few hours the letter does not arrive, contact the site administration.

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