Download the balabolka application. Online speech synthesizer. Voice engines and amenities Balabolka Portable

Balabolka - free program for reading text files aloud by a computer, capable of speaking Russian and other languages ​​through modules.

The Russian version of the program is available for download for free on our website.

Balabolka is a free program for reading text aloud in a synthesized voice using speech engines preinstalled in the system. The program can read aloud the contents of the clipboard, show text contained in files in CHM, DjVu, DOC, EPUB, FB2, HTML, ODT, PDF and RTF formats, change font and color settings, control the reading process from the system tray (notification area) or using global keyboard shortcuts, pronounce text typed on the keyboard, check spelling, divide text file
for several smaller files, look for homographs. The Balabolka program is designed for reading text files aloud. Any speech synthesizers installed on a computer can be used to reproduce the sounds of the human voice. Speech playback can be controlled using standard buttons, similar to those found in any multimedia program
(“play”, “pause”, “stop”).

The text can be saved as an audio file (WAV, MP3, MP4, OGG and WMA formats are supported). The program can work with different versions of the Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) package of speech functions. It allows you to change the speed and timbre of speech.

  • What's new in Balabolka 2018?
  • Improved encoding recognition for plain text files.

Czech language resources have been updated (thanks to Jiri Fenc). Download for free latest version Balabolka programs with Russian voice

You can follow the link below. Speech synthesizer programs are increasingly becoming part of our lives every year. They allow us to teach more thoroughly foreign languages , translate texts into a convenient audio format, are used in the functionality of various utility programs, and much more. And when some of us have a need to reproduce online any text in audio format, then many of us turn to various services and speech synthesis programs that can help us transform the text we need there. In this article I will talk about similar products, I will describe what an online speech synthesizer is, what online speech synthesis services exist, and how to use them.

The best online speech synthesizers

Initially, speech synthesizers were developed for people with visual impairments to reproduce text using a computer voice. But gradually their advantages were appreciated by a mass audience, and now almost anyone can download a speech synthesizer on a PC, or use alternatives that are present in some versions of operating systems.

So which online speech synthesizer can you choose? Below I will list a number of services that allow you to reproduce text to speech online.

Ivona is a great synthesizer

Voice engines for this online service They are of very high quality, have a good phonetic basis, sound quite natural, and the “metallic” computer voice is felt here much less frequently than with competing services.

The Ivona service has support for many languages; in the Russian version there is a male voice (Maxim) and a female voice (Tatyana).

  1. To use the speech synthesizer, log in to this resource; on the left there will be a window into which you will need to insert text for reading.
  2. Insert the text, click on the button indicating the person, select the language (Russian) and pronunciation option (female or male) and click on the “Play” button.

Unfortunately, the free functionality of the site is limited to a 250-character sentence, and is intended more to demonstrate the capabilities of the service than for serious work with text. Greater opportunities can only be obtained for a fee.

Acapela - speech recognition service

A company that sells its voice engines for various technical solutions offers you to use the Acapela speech synthesizer online. Although the prosody of this service is not at the same level as that of Ivona, nevertheless, the quality of pronunciation here is also very good. Acapela resource supports about 100 voices in 34 languages.

  1. To use the functionality of the resource, open the specified service, select the Russian language in the left window (Select a language – Russian).
  2. Paste the desired text below and click on the “Listen” button.

The maximum text size for audio reading is 300 characters.

Fromtexttospeech - online service

To translate text to speech online, you can also use the fromtexttospeech service. It works on the principle of converting text into an mp3 audio file, which you can then download to your computer. The service supports text conversion of 50 thousand characters, which is quite a significant amount.

  1. To work with the fromtexttospeech service, go to it, in the “Select Language” option, select “Russian” (there is only one voice here - Valentina).
  2. In the large window, enter (paste) the text you need for voiceover, then click on the “Create Audio File” button.
  3. The text will be processed, then you can listen to the result, and then download it to your PC.
  4. To do this, right-click on “Download audio file” and select “Save target as” from the menu that appears.

Google Translate can also be used

The well-known Google translator online has a built-in text-to-speech function, and the amount of text read here can be quite voluminous.

  1. To work with it, log in to this service (here).
  2. Select the Russian language in the window on the left, and click on the “Listen” button with a speaker at the bottom.

The playback quality is at a fairly tolerable level, but no more.

Text-to-speech - online speech synthesizer

Another resource that provides speech synthesis of normal quality. The free functionality is limited to typing text up to 1000 characters long.

  1. To work with the service, go to this website, in the window on the right next to the “Language” option, select Russian.
  2. In the window, type (or copy from external source) the required text, and then click on the button on the right “Say It”.
  3. A link to the pronunciation of the specified text can also be placed in your email or web page by clicking on the “Yes” button just below.

Alternative PC programs for text-to-speech translation

There are also programs for speech synthesis, such as TextSpeechPro AudioBookMaker, ESpeak, Voice Reader 15, VOICE and a number of others that can convert text into speech. They need to be downloaded and installed on your computer, and the functionality and capabilities of these products usually slightly exceed the capabilities of the online services considered. Their detailed characteristics deserve separate extensive material.


So which online speech synthesizer should you choose? In most of them free features are significantly limited, and in terms of sound quality, the Ivona service will leave its competitors behind. If you are interested in the possibility quick translation of your text into an audio file, then use the resource “fromtexttospeech” - it gives the result good quality and in a fairly short time.

A free program that allows you to read aloud any text file and text entered from the keyboard, selecting the voice that will pronounce it all, and save the result to an audio file.

No one will argue or deny that he had moments when the book seemed interesting, but he himself was already quite tired of reading, and his eyes were tired. If you are determined to find out how this book ends, then download Balabolka.

This program works as follows. You add text to it that needs to be voiced. It will be ready Text Document or you decide to enter the text yourself, it's up to you. Next, make some settings, during which you should select the voice and reading speed you like. And voila - Balabolka reads the text added to it, and you just have to listen.

One more interesting function is the ability to record the read material into an audio file. This way, people who do not have this application will also be able to listen to the material.

You can use the program on Windows 7, XP, 8.


  • reading aloud text entered from the keyboard or an added text file;
  • choosing the voice that will read;
  • the entered text is checked for spelling;
  • ability to save as audio;
  • built-in Loupe service, which enlarges a word when you hover over it;
  • regulation of speech speed and volume.


  • the ability to adjust the duration of pauses during pronunciation when the synthesizer encounters a punctuation mark;
  • the balabolka is in Russian;
  • the list of synthesizers (voices) is constantly expanding, just follow their release on the Internet;
  • Balabolka can be downloaded for free.

Things to work on:

  • Some voices contain errors in stress and pronunciation, so you will have to correct them yourself.

In the past, talking programs used the same annoying and monotonous voice. Now everything has changed. Once you get tired of your voice, you can change it. The Internet is full of synthesizers that were written specifically for Balabolka. And the fact that the program does not require any material investment in it makes it even more attractive.

The program "" is designed for reading text files aloud. Any speech synthesizers installed on a computer can be used to reproduce the sounds of the human voice. Speech playback can be controlled using standard buttons, similar to those found in any multimedia program (play, pause, stop). The application can read aloud the contents of the clipboard, show text contained in documents, change font and color settings, control the reading process from the system tray (notification area) or using global keyboard shortcuts, pronounce text typed on the keyboard, check spelling, divide a text file for several smaller files, look for homographs. "" provides the ability to remove all hyphens at the ends of lines from the text; This will avoid stuttering when reading words. Supported file formats: AZW, AZW3, CHM, DjVu, DOC, DOCX, EML, EPUB, FB2, FB3, HTML, LIT, MD, MOBI, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDB, PDF, PPT, PPTX, PRC, RTF, TCR, WPD, XLS, XLSX.

Portable version: Download(MB)
The portable version of "Balabolka" does not require installation; The program can be launched from a flash drive.
At least one speech synthesizer (voice) must be installed on the computer.

Console Application: Download(KB)
The console application does not have GUI and runs in text mode.
The operating mode can be set using parameters command line or configuration file.

Utility for extracting text from files: Download(MB)
The program allows you to extract text from files of various formats.
The utility does not have a graphical interface and runs in text mode.

It’s still not clear why such a program is needed? Here are useful links on the topic:

The program "" allows you to change it appearance using themes.

The program can use computer voices that support SAPI 4, SAPI 5 or Microsoft Speech Platform. There are free and paid (commercial) speech engines. The most high quality speech synthesis is provided by commercial voices.

Olga Yakovleva developed a multilingual speech synthesizer with open source code RHVoice(Russian, English, Georgian, Kyrgyz, Portuguese, Tatar, Ukrainian and Esperanto languages ​​are available):

  • Description of the speech synthesizer
  • Windows version

Yaroslav Kozak from Lviv created a Ukrainian speech synthesizer UkrVox. The voice of Ukrainian radio announcer Igor Murashko was taken as the basis.

  • UkrVox

Of commercial speech synthesizers of interest to Russian speaking users The following voices represent:

  • Alyona
  • Katya, Milena And Yuri
  • Nicholas(Digalo - Acapela Elan Speech Cube)
  • Tatyana And Maxim(IVONA)

You can purchase Russian computer voices from IVONA and Nuance on the Harpo website. The Russian voice from the Acapela Group is part of software product Infovox 4: you can buy it on the website of the Russian company Elite Group.

Microsoft Speech Platform

Microsoft Speech Platform (version 11.0) is a set of tools that allow developers to build solutions with voice recognition and text-to-speech conversion.

To use the speech synthesizer, you must download and install the following components:

  1. Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime – the server part of the platform that provides an API for programs (file x86_SpeechPlatformRuntime\SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi).
  2. Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime Languages ​​– a set of languages ​​for the server side. On this moment Voices available for 26 languages, including Russian voice Elena(files whose names begin with "MSSpeech_TTS_").

The tags (control commands) that are used for SAPI 5 voices can also be used for Microsoft Speech Platform voices. But remember, SAPI 5 voices and Microsoft Speech Platform voices are incompatible with each other, so you cannot switch between them using the Voice or Lang tags.

Pronunciation correction

The user can use a special list of replacements to improve the quality of speech reproduction. This is useful in cases where there is a need to change the pronunciation of words or individual syllables; To do this, some expression in the text is replaced with the necessary readable expression. To write such replacement rules, regular expression syntax is used; lists of replacements are stored in files with the *.rex extension.

At the request of Russian users, support for dictionaries for correcting pronunciation with the *.dic extension has been added. This dictionary format was used in the Govorilka program. Simple replacement rules are applied to text faster than regular expressions.

The *.bxd format combines the advantages of the other two formats. The dictionary can contain both regular expressions and rules for simple text replacement. In a special editor, you can create separate dictionaries both for the selected computer voice and for a specific language.

Dictionary files are located in the folder " Documents\Balabolka" ("My documents\Balabolka" in Windows XP).


The program "" supports Hunspell( Hunspell is a spell checker designed for languages ​​with complex word formation and extensive morphology. Hunspell is used in the and LibreOffice office suites, as well as Mozilla browser Firefox.

Dictionaries for Windows can be downloaded from here:

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