Download live wallpaper for desktop. Video and live wallpapers for Windows from the developer Push Entertainment. How to return the color of signatures

Hello dear visitors Hide-Info! This section is dedicated to live wallpapers, which we are happy to present to you! Choose them according to the topic you like, download and install. After all, it’s very cool and convenient that you can download free live wallpapers for your desktop for Windows 7 and 8 in one click, just choosing the design you like!

In general, live wallpapers are called differently. You may hear the name as animated wallpaper. It would be logical to designate it as video wallpaper - and this is also correct, because their main components are video MPEG And WMV formats that play wallpaper. But for the first time this name came, of course, from English, where live wallpaper for the table is called DreamScene Windows.

This function was implemented a very long time ago. Live wallpaper DreamScene first used in Windows Vista and they were not available on other Windows, but today, even for Windows 8.1, anyone can download live desktop wallpapers for free, because now there are applications that will help you do this! By the way, wallpaper then was not just an innovation in the type of expanding the capabilities of the desktop. Live wallpapers, when they work, also help prevent monitor pixels from burning out!

After Windows Vista, the seven that replaced it no longer supported playing video wallpapers. Instead of this desktop, where there were live wallpapers, a slide show was introduced, which many liked. But what was wrong was that other users were not given a choice of wallpaper! However, now any PC user, if he wants, can easily download free live wallpapers to his desktop on Windows 7 or Windows 8, if he uses the support for playing video files on the desktop area in background! There is special software for this!

In general, today live wallpapers are becoming more and more interesting to PC owners. After all, the number of topics for them is very large. Those who love quiet winter evenings can set themselves live wallpapers - beautiful snowfall, but some may like green meadow or continuously running stream . Place a landscape - wallpaper from the other side of the world, in which a light breeze will sway the surrounding vegetation, and the clouds will continuously float into the distance. These wallpapers are an excellent solution if you have already thought about downloading free desktop wallpaper for Windows 7 or Windows 8.

As you already understand, the theme of live wallpapers here is simply limitless. Starting from a living corner of nature to decorating your workspace as wallpaper with space and scenes from your favorite films and video games.

The duration of a live wallpaper file can be very different - from a few seconds on the simplest wallpapers to a duration of minutes on intricate and complex ones. Choose the live wallpaper you like to make your monitor display cool and add a pleasant variety not only to your eyes, but also to the pixels, which, perhaps, will also thank you for the continuous animation, because you decided to download live desktop wallpapers for Windows 7 for free , and thereby reduced the chance of their burnout! Good luck choosing your desktop! You will love the wallpaper!

Every computer or laptop user, both professional and amateur, has at least once tried to implement the idea of ​​​​adapting some animated file as a desktop screensaver for a computer device. This is a very interesting thought. So, nowadays it is very fashionable to load a tablet or smartphone with “live wallpaper”. However, not all users achieve this trick. Sometimes on the Internet you come across a very beautiful animated image or video, and you just want to install it as a screensaver on your computer or laptop desktop. In our article we will look at how to make an animated desktop.

Live screensaver from an animated file

“Live” or animated wallpapers have the ability to be observed on the desktop instead of constantly displaying various visual or cartoon effects. Some of them are even able to react to the musical accompaniment playing at that moment.

Important! For a “live” screensaver on the desktop, the computer must be a relatively new model, since the program consumes quite a lot of resources.

The animated screensaver can immediately activate and be displayed on the computer desktop. However, not all animated pictures appear on the second screen; some are characterized only by functioning on the main screen.

Important! In the absence of additional software unable to install live image. The reason for this is that the Windows operating system does not support animated GIF files for use as desktop backgrounds.

Pros and cons of the solution:

  • Of course, you can install an animated GIF on your desktop, but it will be displayed as a static image, since the system can only perceive the first frame of the animated image. This is a significant disadvantage.
  • There is also a positive point, which is the existence of a sufficient number of Windows applications, using which you can “make a live” screensaver from any assortment of animated GIFs, suitable in size and plot.

Important! There are paid programs, for example, Stardock DeskScapes. The operation of this application is free for 30 days, and then, if you are satisfied with this program, you will have to pay about $10. But you can also purchase free software products on the software market, such as: BioniX Animated Wallpaper, DreamScene Activator, Video Wallpaper and DeskScapes 8.


The BioniX software product has a huge advantage - it is fully compatible with absolutely all versions of the operating system. Windows systems. There is also a drawback - this application places an animated image or video on top of all the icons on the desktop. That is why the BioniX program can only be used if the live screensaver uses a file that weighs very little and does not require stretching to fill the entire screen.

Important! This application has a special option “Display below desktop icons” (in the English version - “Paint below desktop icons”), but in practice it is obvious that it requires a lot of resources random access memory. As a result, the computer device begins to slow down and its performance level decreases significantly.

How to make an animated desktop screensaver using BioniX:

  • Install the application on your computer or laptop. After this, the functioning of the considered program is carried out separately from standard tool for installing wallpaper.
  • Launch BioniX, go to the Tools menu, select Wallpaper animator.
  • Specify the path to the folder in which the files for the animated screensaver are saved.
  • Select the required file. After these steps, a live screensaver is activated on the desktop.

Important! Not all animated images or videos appear as wallpaper on the second screen. Some of them only function on the main desktop.

  • Configure all parameters of the animated screensaver. The BioniX program allows you to independently adjust the speed, quality and size of live wallpapers.
  • Once you've finished configuring the animated desktop background settings, you can minimize the application window. It will automatically move to the tray.
  • In order to change or remove animated wallpaper from your desktop, you need to click on the icon with the image of a red dragon.

Important! There are situations when you need to hide some information from other users of your home or work PC. This is quite easy to do. Read step by step instructions in a separate publication.

DreamScene Activator

Tiny Windows utility 7 DreamScene Activator has the ability for the Windows 7 operating system to implement the idea of ​​animated wallpapers. How to make an animated desktop using DreamScene Activator:

  1. After the archive has been downloaded and unpacked, you need to run the file and give it access to administrator rights. To do this, you must first click on it right click mouse, select “Run as administrator” from the context menu that appears.
  2. Next, you need to click on the Enable DreamScene button.
  3. After these steps in context menu A new item “Set as Desktop Background” will become available. It is this that allows you to set a video or animated image as your desktop wallpaper.
  4. Now you need to go to the official website and select a suitable video for your desktop. On this resource, selected scenes are sorted into various categories. In addition, there are plenty of other sources online that are excellent for downloading the videos you need. You just need to look.

Important! This technique has one significant drawback. The names of all folders and icons on the Desktop are translucent and difficult to read. But this situation is very easy to fix. To do this, you need to go to the desktop properties, then click on the “Personalization” button, then click on the “Desktop Background” item, click on the “Solid Colors” insert and select white. After the procedure, all inscriptions are clearly readable.

The Dreamscene software product does not provide any benefit because it consumes system resources computer device. Since processor performance increases every year, you can occupy it with a similar action. Moreover, when a window is opened in full screen, the video playback is paused, in this case there is no waste of system resources.

Important! In an effort to beautifully design your PC screen, do not forget about practicality, because the organization of shortcuts for various applications, programs and the control panel should, first of all, be convenient. To make your task easier, we have prepared selections useful tips in the following articles:

DreamScene Video Wallpaper

The Video Wallpaper software product is very easy to use, so installing animated wallpaper does not take much time. How to make animated desktop wallpaper using Video programs Wallpaper:

  • First of all, you need to download the DreamScene Video Wallpaper application to your laptop or computer.
  • Unpack the archive and run the executable file.
  • After this, using the instructions of the installer, you need to install the necessary application on your system.
  • Then a shortcut will appear on the Desktop, clicking on which you can launch the program.

Important! After the program is launched, the current desktop image changes to a black background with an inscription. This means that the software product is ready for use.

  • The first launch does not bring the desired result, since the list of available video wallpapers is empty. Therefore, you will have to download them yourself by clicking on the “Download Video Wallpapers” button.
  • Only now you can start installing the animated image. Using the three available buttons that are located below the list, you can select the desired video wallpaper. To do this, click on the “Remove from list” button, click on the “Add file to list” insert and click on the “Add directory” item, select the animation image that will be played on the Desktop.

Important! Thanks to this application, you can adjust not only the frequency of changing “live” pictures and the scale, but also create your own playlists.

Deskscapes 8

There is another way to set animated wallpaper on your desktop. To do this, you need to use the DeskScapes application. How to install animated wallpaper on your desktop using DeskScapes 8:

  • Download and install software product DeskScapes 8 in operating system computer or laptop.
  • After this, you need to activate the program during the trial period, indicating your email address.
  • Next, an email will be sent to the specified address with a link to the activation procedure within thirty days.
  • After activation, possible access to the application is provided.
  • Now you can select the animation image and click on the “Apply to my Desktop” button.

Important! We must not forget that using the DeskScapes application allows you to install not only video wallpapers, but also regular pictures. Therefore, when choosing “live pictures”, you need to pay attention to the small label that looks like a film strip, displayed on the right side in the lower corner of the sketch.

As you can see, there are more than enough ways and applications to make an animated desktop. Experiment with them to diversify your workdays with interesting pictures before your eyes.

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is fast and convenient intelligent system image search.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos a certain color, click on the colored circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course there is text search desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper to your phone. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

All sections of the site site

Download video and wallpaper with animation for desktop Win 7

Videos and dynamic wallpapers for Windows desktop

Anyone who has ever seen animated wallpaper no longer wants
part with this dynamic beauty!

On this page - animated wallpapers for
Windows Vista and Windows 7 available for download!

Note! To ensure that label labels are displayed well
on your desktop go to:


Right-click on the clip you like and select
item Set as Desktop Backgroundb and use...

About the file:
Activation|registration code: not required
Interface language: English + Russian
Everything is in the archive
File size: 3.31 Gb
File format: wmv
Platform/OS: x86, x64

Screenshots of Animated Wallpaper + DreamScene for Windows 7 - Download Animated Wallpaper + DreamScene for Windows 7

This is one file. Click there "download for free"


Download in parts:

High-quality animated Dream wallpaper (DreamScene) for Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows 7.

Installation: On Windows Update, download and install DreamScene Content Pack.

Install one of the high-quality replay videos that are already included in the application, or select a video from the website of the companies that create content for DreamScene.

You can also use own video on your desktop.

Then install the DeskScapes application to be able to install wallpapers with the Dream extension.

DeskScapes 1.02 - for installation on Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows 7.:

To install DeskScapes on Windows 7 you need
Download and install - DreamScene Windows 7
- Reboot the system.
- Download and install - DeskScapes 1.02

- In the folder with the downloaded wallpaper.Dream, right-click on the wallpaper and select Set as Desktop Background. Things to consider before you start using Windows

Windows DreamScene only supports .mpeg and .wmv formats.
- Support for Windows DreamScene requires a video card capable of

work with Windows Aero technology.
Resolution: 1280x720 - 1440x1080
Quantity: 25 pcs

Size: 1.2 GB

Download | Download a set of wallpapers from
Download Animated Wallpaper for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Download: Desk Scapes v 1.02 -


Download: Dream Scene Windows 7 - Wallpapers

for Windows 7

Download free wallpaper for Windows 7

Format: JPEG | Resolution: 1920x1200 | Quantity: 80

Download beautiful wallpapers with Windows Seven symbols archive size s beautiful wallpaper

- (12.01 MB)

dynamic wallpaper for Windows 7

60 animated high quality desktop wallpapers
Perfect fit and simply stunning

its beauty and splendor!
Program version: animated wallpaper
Tablet: not needed
Interface language: Russian
Size: 1.71 Gb:
System requirements

Windows se7en all


This wallpaper fits perfectly and simply fascinates with its beauty and splendor!

60 animated high-quality wallpapers for Windows 7
1. Run DreamScenes Enabler 1.2.exe as administrator
2. Click Enable
3. Click Finish
5. Go to the folder C:\Windows\Web\Windows DreamScene, there will already be one dream there, to launch it, right-click and select Set as Desktop Bacrground.
6. To install new dreams, just throw them in the same Windows folder DreamScene.

Download / Download: Windows 7 animated wallpaper [Russian]

Overall size available files: 1.71 GB (divided into 100 MB archives)

140 Animated wallpapers on various topics (girls,
nature, science fiction, waterfalls, space, etc.)!

Program version - 140 animated wallpapers
Latest Version programs: 2009
Tablet: not needed
Size: 2.97 Gb
Recovery information: 5%

System requirements:
Windows se7en all

Animated wallpapers on various themes

Installation instructions for se7en:

1. Run DreamScenes Enabler 1.2.exe as administrator

2. Click Enable

3. Click Finish

4. Restart your computer

5. Go to the folder C:\Windows\Web\Windows DreamScene, there will already be one dream there, to launch it, right-click and select Set as Desktop Bacrground

6. To install new dreams, just throw them in the same
Windows DreamScene folder

If, after installing the video on your desktop, the label labels become white -> go to Personalization -> Desktop Background -> Picture Position -> Tile

Right-click on the clip you like and select Set as Desktop Background

All! Let's look at the animated beauty!

Download animated wallpaper -

All the secrets and subtleties of Windows 7

We install and run all games under Windows 7 without problems

Download live wallpaper for Windows, you can use us for free and without registration.

Live wallpaper, video wallpaper or animated wallpaper are all the same thing. The name itself speaks for itself. As you know, pictures set as desktop backgrounds are called wallpapers. So, live wallpapers have the properties of ordinary pictures and screensavers. But unlike pictures, they are animated or have a video sequence. And the difference from screensavers is that the screensaver is included in certain moment when not using a computer or other Windows device. Video wallpapers are permanent. That is, having downloaded live wallpaper on our website, you can use special program install them yourself. And you will always have wonderful animation on your desktop.

Our site contains the best, beautiful and funny live wallpapers for Windows that will decorate your desktop, add a unique style and give you a great mood for the whole day. You can download live wallpapers for your desktop for free and without registration on our website. There are a lot of free live wallpapers here. In order to use live wallpaper, you must first install the program DreamScene . They will not work without this program. True, you can watch them by opening them in a regular video player. Download live wallpaper you can click on the archive, which is located below the picture, completely free of charge and without registration. Along with the video wallpaper, the corresponding Windows icons and themes will look harmonious, which you can view and download from us in certain sections. Installing live wallpaper is described in the section - Installing Windows elements, and in the program section, you can download the program with which you can install live wallpaper.

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