How much does Miss Katie earn per month? How much does Mr. Max earn from his YouTube channel? Who are Mister Max and Miss Katie

If you are a young parent, then you are most likely very familiar with the Youtube channels “Mr. Max” and “Miss Katie”. And if you are also a blogger or marketer, then it is quite possible that you have an idea of ​​how successful these channels are.
For those who don't know: "Mr. Max" And "Miss Katie" are Youtube channels of a family from Odessa, which were launched in 2014. The main topics of the channels are unboxing toys and entertainment. The main characters are brother and sister, 5-year-old Maxim and 3-year-old Katya.
What makes these channels successful? Yes, the fact is that they have millions of subscribers and HUNDREDS of millions of views per month. Many people are interested in how much the channels “Mr. Max” and “Miss Katie” earn with such a number of views. According to the SocialBlade service, monthly earnings from advertising on these channels range from 30 to 600 thousand dollars.

And although SocialBlade has a habit of seriously lying, which was clearly evident not so long ago demonstrated producer of the popular Youtube channel This is Well, I think that these channels bring in an income of several tens of thousands of dollars a month.
Considering that there are millions of channels registered on Youtube, and thousands of them are trying to make a quality product, but at the same time do not have nearly such a huge number of views, the success of the “Mr. Max” and “Miss Katie” channels looks phenomenal.
I tried to figure out what could lead the Youtube channels “Mr. Max” and “Miss Ketty” to success and I will share my thoughts on this matter with you.

1. Not by quality, but by quantity. The producer of the “Mr. Max” and “Miss Ketty” channels, aka the children’s father Andrey, does not worry about the quality of the video at all. The entire video was shot in an amateur format, the editing was done in a hurry, and there is no need to talk about any pre-thought-out scenario. But from September 2014 to July 2016, more than 600 videos were uploaded to the “Mr. Max” channel, and more than 500 to the “Miss Katie” channel. This means that on average, the family uploads 2 videos a day! From here it is clear that the bet was initially placed on quantity. Another question is that for daily preparation of videos, even if not best quality you need to have enough free time - you need to prepare the props, children, shoot and edit the video, post it online. From this we can conclude that the parents most likely initially did not work anywhere and lived on passive income.

2. Target audience. The main audience of the channels “Mr. Max” and “Miss Katie” are children. Parents catch up later. Children are a very good target audience. Firstly, because they have a lot of free time to watch videos on Youtube. Many children watch the same video ten times - hence the huge number of views, which is hundreds of times higher than the number of subscribers. The main interests of children are toys, sweets and entertainment - exactly what is shown on the channels “Mr. Max” and “Miss Ketty”.
Well, that's a plus modern generation children are the so-called digital natives, people who were born in the digital era and cannot imagine life without the Internet. They perceive videos posted on the Internet in the same way as we perceived children's television programs.

3. Set up the video characters. Here I will allow myself to quote a member of the Searchengines forum, guru under the nickname time00, with whose opinion I basically agree:

  1. Calm and interesting children who are pleasant to watch, that’s why parents allow their children to watch these videos.
  2. Fascinating videos in which dad and mom participate. They have good diction and it’s noticeable that dad’s “eyes are burning” no less than the children’s. If only children had participated in the video, without dad’s behind-the-scenes comments, it wouldn’t have been the same.
  3. What they show is their lifestyle. They do not try to “play” for the camera, but show their natural life. (Unlike many similar children's channels).

What about promotion?

On the same forum there is a topic where Max and Katya’s parents are being washed out. They often mention that dad invested in advertising and promotion of the channels and that’s why they were promoted so well. It seems to me that there were no special activities to promote the channels, and there were no investments either. The very fact that the channels “Mr. Max” and “Miss Katie” do not have a beautiful URL (custom URL) tells me a lot.

A quick backlink analysis I did using Ahrefs also didn't provide evidence of any conscious crowd marketing.

In addition, if you look at the channels from the very beginning of their development, you will notice that the number of views for videos increased gradually over time. That is, my opinion is that the channel promoted itself by increasing the number of videos and audience. And with the growth of its popularity, links began to appear on third-party sites, which were posted by the subscribers themselves.
As for investments, perhaps the only investments that are made in this “product” are the purchase of props. Which, in principle, is also not the smallest money. If we take the average cost of a toy for review to be 10 dollars, it turns out that about 10 thousand dollars have already been invested in toys alone, not to mention trips abroad. However, these investments were not made immediately, but gradually, so they can not be taken into account against the background of projected earnings.

How to make a million dollars on Youtube?

If you want to earn a million dollars on Youtube, the channels “Mr. Max” and “Miss Katie” give you a ready-made recipe - shoot a lot and regularly, experiment. True, the risks are very high, because in order to shoot a lot of videos, you essentially need to concentrate only on this activity, but even then, no one guarantees that your idea will take off. The ideal situation is when you have regular passive income (real estate that you rent out, deposits) and you can afford to do whatever you want without fear of being left without a livelihood.

Should you prohibit your child from watching Max and Katya?

Of course, this is a personal decision for each parent. My opinion is that there is, at a minimum, nothing useful in children watching these channels. On the one hand, the child is busy, he is interested, on the other hand, it turns out that instead of developing himself and living his own life, he watches how others live. It’s probably also wrong to categorically prohibit it, but you can try to switch the child to activities that are more beneficial for him.

What will happen next to Max and Katya?

I think that for several more years (maximum until the children reach adolescence) these Youtube channels will live, and then the older children will have new interests. However, if everything goes well, then by this time they will be provided with complete financial independence, plus they will already be stars - celebrities. Perhaps some of them will go further along the path of video blogging or television. Either way, they will have a good start. So their dad is great! Despite the fact that the video he shoots is complete bullshit in terms of quality, he was persistent and won.

(3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

YouTube video hosting today has become the most profitable media platform for channel owners on this resource. Any people with different content can earn money here. The most interesting variant of successfully developed channels are Mr. Max and Miss Katie. These two children revolutionized the idea of ​​earning money on this portal. The total number of views of both channels exceeds more than 3.5 billion views. Therefore, it is logical that many are interested in how much Mr. Max earns.

Who are these popular kids from the YouTube channel?

Adults will not mind taking a look at the material posted here, as it details many of the toys you can buy for your child. You can also evaluate the children's entertainment program, where you should take your child, and which establishment it is better to stay away from. It's time to find out how much the Mister Max channel earned.

Monthly income of the Mister Max channel

It is not known for certain how much these YouTube “star children” earn, since their parents keep the financial component of the project secret, generally preferring not to give interviews. However, approximate figures can still be calculated.

Maxim's channel was created earlier, and he has a little more success online than his sister. According to experts, Max’s earnings are approximately 40 thousand rubles. daily. He earns a certain part of the amount, about 5 thousand rubles, only from views in which banner advertising is shown, the rest is from sponsorship contracts.

How much does Miss Katie earn on average per month?

Katya’s earnings are slightly less than her brother’s. Today she earns about 20 thousand rubles. daily. It’s harder for her than for her brother, since she only recently learned to talk, and this greatly affects the monetization of the project.

Judging by the latest trends, the youngest child is rapidly gaining popularity and catching up with the older one, so it is expected that the earnings of children will be equalized in the near future.

In total, they bring their parents about 50 thousand dollars a month, which makes them the richest children in the Russian-language segment of YouTube. Estimated revenue data is based on the number of subscribers and channel views, as well as the average price per advertising campaigns on YouTube.

What does their income consist of?

The head of the family, Andrey, took a responsible approach to creating a channel on YouTube video hosting. Initially, the goal was to obtain maximum benefits at minimal costs. Spending on toys was several times less than the dividends received. At first, earnings came from banners and built-in advertising in videos from affiliate networks. Over time, various advertisers began to appear, which brought additional money to the family budget.

A brilliant decision was made to create duplicate channels for other countries in a language understandable to their residents. The content posted there was adjusted to the territorial features, and advertising campaigns were also adjusted, which increased the family’s income several times over.

The channels continue to rapidly gain momentum, the number of subscribers and views is constantly growing, and income is growing accordingly. In addition to unboxing various toys, blogs about travel to various countries began to appear. Judging by them, Mr. Max and Miss Katie's financial affairs are going well.

Many tried to repeat the successful path of these children, however, no one succeeded in doing this to the fullest extent. The plagiarists had only local success, far from the fame and money of Maxim and Katya. In the pursuit of success, you should not forget about the happiness of your children, because some of them are not capable of making such content, and this activity may actually harm them. The channels have become so popular that many psychologists have started talking about children’s addiction to such content.

Video “How much do Mister Max and Miss Katy earn”

How much does Mr. Max, a boy from Odessa, earn?

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Mr. Max is one of the youngest and most successful video bloggers. In real life, his name is Maxim and he is originally from Odessa. Maxim has a younger sister Katya, who also has her own blog on Youtube, her nickname is Miss Katy.

Due to the fact that the Mister Max and Miss Katy channels have over several million subscribers, even as children they are already earning impressive amounts.

How much does Mr. Max earn on his YouTube channel?

Of course, in creation interesting videos they are helped by their parents, who film videos of them every day. Before filming the next video, Andrey and Oksana (that’s the name of the kids’ parents) pre-purchase everything they need, or think through routes and other plots.


Perhaps the most interesting point in all this, is that for filming videos, the camera itself is used, and sometimes even the camera built into the camera.

But despite this, the videos turn out to be quite interesting and captivating. In essence, children do what they usually do - play, have fun, open gifts or go for a walk.

It is also important that children not only have fun, but also bring a solid income to the family. Don’t forget that on YouTube, for watching videos, there is such a function as. I have already written about this several times on my blog.

That is, you can shoot videos and attract subscribers to receive money for watching videos. Therefore, I think many users are interested in the question of how much Mr. Max or Miss Katie earns.

This information is in public access. If you go to an Internet resource like Socialblade, you can easily find out the answer to your question.

Amount of income

At the time of writing, the monthly income from the Mr. Max channel, which has almost five million subscribers (4,900,000), is approximately 55 - 60 thousand US dollars.

And the Miss Katie channel, with 4,700,000 subscribers (only 200 thousand less than Maxim), brings in approximately 40 - 50 thousand US dollars per month.

And together, the family of video bloggers receives more than one hundred thousand dollars a month.

But these are not final figures, since the profitability of channels depends on the number of views of posted videos and is constantly changing.

What is the highlight of the channels?

Let's start with the fact that both channels are aimed at a children's audience and, accordingly, they offer content that is interesting to children.

Therefore, watching video blogs of kids, you can see:

  • Interesting children's experiments.
  • Visits to children's entertainment centers.
  • Tasting sweets or new dishes.
  • Traveling to different countries.
  • Unpacking gifts and kinder surprises.

Unfortunately, Maxim and Katya’s parents do not give interviews, but, nevertheless, they are great. After all, kids have a fun and unforgettable childhood.

Plus, using the example of Mr. Max (Maxim) and Miss Katie (Katerina), you can see that with the right and creative approach to video blogging, there is real opportunity earn big money.

However, you should not think that it is easy and simple; if it were so, then everyone would earn such amounts. The whole family has to work hard.

This includes planning your life, drawing up scripts, preparing for filming, a creative approach to ordinary affairs, daily filming - all this requires an investment of effort, time, and money.

Bottom line

If you plan to make money on the Internet by video blogging, then prepare yourself for the fact that you have to work a lot and subordinate your life to certain rules and an appropriate regime.

Determine the target audience for whom you are going to shoot videos, study their needs, interests, and tastes. That is, find out what they will be interested in watching.

Think over the script, draw up a shooting plan, prepare the props, and only after that start filming. The main condition is to shoot new videos with a certain regularity, without making passes due to a bad mood or laziness.

Don’t think about making money at the beginning of your work, focus all your attention on your target audience, that is, you should shoot not for the sake of money, but for the sake of viewers, subscribers, and then, over time, success, popularity, and earnings will come to you.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that anyone can earn money this way, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

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Hello everyone, friends and just random people, today I decided to write a simple post about how much Miss Katie earns.

If you don’t know what this channel is, then you’re simply not in the trend. This is a children's YouTube channel that has good profits. In general, read this post, you will understand everything, I assure you.

As you already know, you can make good money on your YouTube channel. I mean that if your channel already has 100 or more thousand subscribers, then you can already have the same amount of money. Of course, sometimes more, and sometimes less, this is the case, it all depends on the topic.

For example, financial, auto, and construction are considered the most expensive topics. Therefore, if you have a channel dedicated to these topics, then develop it and do not abandon it under any circumstances.

Returning to Miss Katie, I would like to say the obvious fact that this is a children's channel that was created by its parents. Need I say that the girl’s parents are talented money makers (those who earn money), I think it’s not worth it.

They really took a professional approach to the topic of a children's channel, and they only have one. If you know, the Mr. Max channel is also their channel, so the earnings are as expected. Don’t think, I’m not jealous; moreover, I’ll say, I’m glad that there are people who have the ability to translate an idea into a business plan, and then implement it.

If you look at the main statistics that YouTube gives us, this channel was created on November 17, 2014. He is already a tremendous success among the younger generation.

It is very difficult to answer this question; I think that only her parents know the exact amount. But we will try to figure it out and find out, at least approximately, what is there.

And so, as of 2016, the channel already has 2 million 300 thousand subscribers.

Katie's latest videos get a million views, which is a lot. They can easily compete with such YouTube monsters as Ivangay, Katya Klep and so on. True, the children's theme is not so profitable.

Judging by the topic, this channel earns about 20-30 thousand rubles per day. It turns out to be quite a decent amount of money per month, and considering that the parents also have a channel, it doesn’t turn out too bad.

But here it is necessary to note the enormous experience and great work of parents who do everything competently. The videos are very high quality and good resolution, come out often. All videos contain key queries, both in Russian and English, so they have a lot of traffic, and as a result, there are also many subscribers.

It turns out that the channel earns from 600 thousand rubles per month, but some bloggers write that they earn much more and this figure varies from $50,000 per month. It’s difficult to say who is right, I’m leaning towards the first option, but who knows. If you are in Odessa and see them, you can ask, then write to me in the comments.

And this is where I will end, I hope you liked this post, I will write more soon. Thank you, have a nice day.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

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