What is cellular communication definition. What is mobile communication? Reasons for the rise in communication prices

08/25/2017, Fri, 17:19, Moscow time, Text: Valeria Shmyrova

cellular in Russia has risen significantly in price since October 2016, and the communication availability index for the country as a whole increased from 6.5 to 6.8. The growth of the index is partly due to the slow increase in incomes of Russians. Communications are becoming more expensive due to the upcoming abolition of intranet roaming, the use of foreign technology by operators and the increased consumption of mobile Internet.

Glycosylated extracellular molecule that recognizes and fixes a molecule, transmembrane, membrane-anchored, intracellular, responsible for biochemical events. Each informative molecule corresponds to a receiver, but an informative molecule can have multiple receivers. We define receiver families. This is due to three types of responses, allowing us to distinguish three main types of receivers.

Ion receivers

Ion channel receivers that reduce the signal itself; enzyme receptors that transduce the signal itself; receptors in combination with various effectors, requiring the intervention of other proteins for signal transmission. These are hetero-oligomeric transmembrane proteins with a region of hydrophobic anchorage in the membrane, this region forms a central pore, separated by subunits, where ions pass when the receptor is activated, open. ion channels - dual function of recognizing signals and effectors. Informative molecules of ion channel receptors are neurotransmitters, and therefore their receptors are localized in nerve networks: synapses and motor plates.

Communications are becoming more expensive in Russia

Cellular communications in Russia are becoming less affordable: according to the results of the first half of 2017, the monthly fee for the cheapest tariff amounted to an average of 268.5 rubles across different operators. per month, which is 15% more expensive than in October 2016. We are talking about a minimum package of services, which includes voice communications and 1 GB of Internet traffic. Such conclusions were reached by the information and analytical agency Content Review, which, together with the VimpelCom company, studied the tariffs of Russian cellular operators.

Activating receptor: nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

If it is cations that pass through, depolarization will occur and therefore activation. If anions pass through, polarization and therefore inhibition will occur. It is localized on the motor plates of the neuromuscular junction. Its agonist is nicotine, its antagonist is curare.

These are α subunits that contain acetylcholine binding sites. The basic structure is similar to that of the nicotinic receptor: five protein subunits, each of which has four transmembrane segments, but unlike nicotinic receptors it has seven types of subunits. possible units: α, β, γ, δ, π, ρ, ε, where there is a very large variety of receivers. These transmembrane proteins exist in the form of monomers, dimers and tetramers. They have the dual function of signal and effector recognition.

To calculate the average subscription fee, the researchers analyzed Smart tariffs mini and Smart from the MTS operator, “Vseshechka” and “All 1” from Beeline, Turn On. Write from Megafon and “My Conversation” from Tele2. The tariffs of the Crimean operators K-Mobile, Volna Mobile, Crimea Telecom and SevMobile were also taken into account.

Communication Availability Index

Based on the average subscription fee and the average salary of citizens, the researchers calculated the communication accessibility index for each region of Russia for 2017. For the country as a whole, this indicator is 6.8, while in 2016 it was 6.5. The higher the index, the less accessible cellular communications are to the country's population. Even with the increased index, Russia is still among the countries with the cheapest mobile communications.

Receptor tyrosine kinase activity

According to the enzymatic activity of their cellular region, three families are distinguished. Tyrosine kinase activity receptors, serine-threonine kinase activity receptors, guanylate cyclase activity receptors. Two examples are known: the receptor for several growth factors and the insulin receptor. These receptors do not have a dual function; they do not lead to an electrophysiological response. The insulin receptor is a tetratramine compound. of two αβ-linked heterodimers linked by two disulfide bridges, with two different subunits α and β themselves linked to a disulfide bridge.

In Russia, cellular communications are becoming more expensive and the index of its availability is growing

The region with the cheapest communications was the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Here the communication accessibility index is 3.3. It showed an increase compared to 2016, when it was 2.8. The second place in terms of cheapness of communications is occupied by Moscow, where the index has not changed since 2016 and is equal to 4.0. Also in the top five are the Tyumen region with an index of 4.3, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug with an index of 4.4 and the Magadan region, where the index is 4.5.

The two heterodimers are associated with α subunits, extramembrane subunits that allow insulin binding. The transmembrane β subunit contains a domain with tyrosine kinase activity in the intracellular domain responsible for message transduction. When insulin binds to the α subunits, a spatial conformational change occurs that activates the kinase domain of the two β subunits. The β-subunit tyrosines are then phosphorylated by the opposing β-subunit, and the phosphoryl receptor then recruits the receptor substrate protein to the membrane to phosphorylate it in turn and thus trigger a cascade of events. biochemical substances leading to an adaptive response.

Residents of the Bryansk region and the Republic of Dagestan pay the most for cellular communications - in both regions the affordability index is 13.3, while in 2016 it was 12.0. Also in the top 5 for the high cost of communication are the Ivanovo and Kirov regions with an index of 12.4 and the Saratov region with an index of 12.2.

According to the head of Content Review Sergei Polovnikov, in some regions the sharp increase in the index is not caused by the rise in communication prices itself, but by the fact that household incomes are increasing more slowly than tariffs are growing. This situation has developed in the Ivanovo region and Altai region. At the same time, communications have become much more accessible in the Volgograd, Novosibirsk regions and Kamchatka.

Receptors with serine-threonine kinase activity

This is a quick response after the transcript. In addition, tetramine is formed from four transmembrane subunits, each of which has serine-threonine kinase activity. The same phenomenon of autophosphorylation of intracellular regions is observed, followed by phosphorylation of protein transcription factors.

Receptors with guanylate cyclase activity

Receptors with guanylate cyclase activity are receptors for natriuretic peptides. It is a homodimeric transmembrane.

Receivers connected to individual effectors

They perform only a signal receiving function and will require the action of other proteins to transmit the signal.

Reasons for the rise in communication prices

Content Review attributes rising mobile phone prices to several reasons. During construction cellular networks Foreign equipment is used, the purchase of which becomes more expensive the weaker the position of the ruble in relation to world currencies. In addition, tariff increases continued in 2017, partly because operators were able to contain the sharp rise in prices in 2014.

They correspond to indirect receptor-enzyme bonds and are also called serpentine receptors. These numerous receptors allow information to be transmitted. It consists of three membrane-anchored subunits α, β, γ, α and β. It then activates the enzymatic effector protein. Adenylate cyclase is an integral membrane protein with 12 transmembrane segments. Enzymatic activity is carried out on two imported intracellular domains. It activates protein kinase A, which is also a serine-threonine kinase.

Also, the increase in tariffs is spurred by the possibility of an early abolition of intranet roaming, which the Federal Antimonopoly Commission (FAS) is seeking. The FAS's struggle with mobile operators on this issue has recently reached a decisive stage. However, even before this, companies began to prepare for the possible abolition of roaming, gradually increasing tariffs by evenly distributing roaming surcharges to all subscribers. For example, in the “All” tariff group of the Beeline operator there is no surcharge for intranet roaming in Russia. This surcharge is provided only in Crimea - it ranges from 1.5 rubles per minute.

Phospholipase C is attached to the inner surface of the membrane. It allows hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bond of phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-bisphosphate, producing two second messengers: inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate, released in the cytosol, and diacylglycerol, which remains attached to the membrane.

Tyrosine kinase-related receptors

The receptor is a monomer bound intracellularly to an enzymatic protein with tyrosine kinase activity. When the messenger molecule binds, the receptor becomes dimmed and then allows cross-phosphorylation of intracellular domains. The phosphorylated receptor is then recruited to the membrane of protein substrates to be phosphorylated in turn by tyrosine kinase. These proteins are transcription factors.

In addition, Content Review notes that the pattern of consumption of communication services has changed for Russian subscribers - they began to require more mobile traffic. In this regard, operators have changed service packages, expanding the volume of traffic provided. This has led to higher prices for service packages.

Communications may soon become more expensive. The government wants to increase fees from operators to the universal service reserve, where they currently contribute 1.2% of revenue from communication services. As RBC writes, this is one of the options for fulfilling the order to support Crimea and the Kaliningrad region, for which it is necessary to find 165 billion rubles.

They interfere with the modulation of gene transcription. They are soluble proteins activated by the binding of an information molecule. They are usually localized in the nucleus, with the exception of the glucocorticoid receptor, which is located in the cytosol. They have three main areas.

Inter- and intracellular communication. It is estimated that 2 billion years passed between the appearance of the first single-celled organisms and the subsequent establishment of multicellular organisms and that this time was greatly facilitated by the development of communication mechanisms that allow the coordination of the actions of individual human cells. Cell-to-cell communication occurs both through direct cellular interaction and through signaling that is produced in a part of the body and influences the behavior of target cells in other areas.

Last year, the reserve amounted to almost 14 billion rubles - a similar amount is budgeted annually for 2017-2019. Following a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, the relevant ministries were instructed to work on the issue of increasing operator contributions.

Denis Kuskov, CEO of the information and analytical agency TelecomDaily:

Individual cells in a higher organism are so dependent on signals from other cells that in their absence they are unable to survive. This is because in the absence of direct cellular interaction or lack of signals as growth factors, cells activate programmed cell death called “apoptosis.”

The cells of a complex animal depend on specific signals coming from the outside even to be fed, because the expression on the cell surface of nutritional conveyors such as amino acids, glucose, etc. Regulated by the action of growth factors. even when the programmed death process is inhibited, for example by removing genes required for apoptosis, private growth factor cells experience progressive atrophy due to energy deficiency, although nutrients are present in the middle that surrounds them.

“As for the government’s idea to increase fees for universal communication services from operators, it seems to me that the government’s ideology is clear - in principle, there is no place else to take it from, because in many areas taxes are collected more than once. Cellular operators they work quite well, cellular telephone Everyone has it, so taxes can be collected well, unlike, perhaps, some other taxes on property, transport, which are not always paid on time.

The first distinction between cellular communication mechanisms can be made based on the chemical properties of the molecules responsible for carrying the message. In the case of water-soluble molecules such as growth factors, peptides and transmitters, they cannot cross the cytoplasmic membrane, and the first component of the transduction system is a surface receptor that couples the signal to its extracellular portion and variously initiates a cascade of events within the cell. If, on the other hand, the chemical messenger is lipid-soluble, as in the case of steroid hormones, it is able to cross the cell membrane and bind to a cytoplasmic receptor.

But you need to understand that the cellular market, thanks to its competition and such, let’s say, non-interference of the state, has recently been actively coping with all the crises that have occurred in our country, and this increase, it seems to me, is completely wrong. Especially against the backdrop of the Yarovaya Law, adopted last year and still not in force, which also imposes a certain burden on operators.

Such receptors are also transcriptional regulators and, upon binding to their ligand, translocate to the nucleus where they modulate gene expression. Therefore, in the case of lipid-soluble hormones, signal transduction is more direct. Once an external signal is detected by a target cell through the activation of one or more receptors, it must be correctly interpreted to trigger an appropriate intracellular response. Signal transduction or intracellular communication refers to a set of molecular mechanisms that are capable of generating a specific response to an extracellular signal.

All this can once again lead to an increase in the price of cellular communication services, which, unlike other areas of business, such as, say, buckwheat or other food products, have never increased several times, but increased by 2-3% from year to year. "

How much can communications become more expensive after an increase in fees from operators? Opinion of leading analyst of Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin:

In a narrow sense, signal transduction is considered to refer to a messenger, which is significant because they may be a growth factor or cytokine that leads to the formation of a target cell. Generally speaking, we are talking about signal transmission even when specialized cells respond to external stimuli such as light or pressure.

Communication through receptors with tyrosine kinase activity. Cell adhesion as a communication mechanism. Transmembrane domain receptors □ Bibliography. A special case of intercellular communication is the nervous system, a specialized structure for collecting, transmitting and processing information. In this case, cellular communication occurs at specialized joints of cells called synapses. differentiation and can be modified by the same nerve transmission. This phenomenon, known as “synaptic plasticity,” is the basis for the acquisition of information, that is, memory and learning.

— Operators have only one way to find money - take it from subscribers. In essence, this means an increase in tariffs. Rising tariffs slow down the development of networks and slow down the development of the economy. This is the last thing you need to do in Russia.

— How much can they increase fees, and, accordingly, how much can our communications become more expensive?
— Today we are talking about the fact that in 2017, communications prices will rise by about 25% on average. In 2018, the price increase will be up to 20%. If this fee is increased, today we can say that it will even be up to a 5% increase in tariffs. This is from what I voiced.

Understanding the mechanisms of inter- and intracellular communication requires identifying the components of the system and the rules by which they are related to each other. Although significant progress has been made in recent years in cataloging the various proteins involved in cellular communication, the identification of their interaction networks is still at a preliminary stage. Considering that total number human genes is just over a thousand and that about 60% of them have a recognized function, this means that just under 30% of the human genome is dedicated to inter- and intracellular communication.

Gasoline prices will also rise. The Cabinet of Ministers approved an increase in excise taxes on fuel by 50 kopecks from January 1 and July 1, 2018. Additional budget revenues from this measure will amount to 55-60 billion rubles, experts say. Due to the increase in excise taxes, a liter of gasoline at retail may rise in price by 1.5%, or 60 kopecks.

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