Launching android application optimization is not enabled. Optimizing Android devices without using third-party programs. Factory reset

Every owner of an Android smartphone has repeatedly encountered the device slowing down. This applies to budget and mid-priced gadgets. The article offers 7 effective methods and proven ways to optimize your Android smartphone.

Optimizing your smartphone using third-party software

The Play Market offers thousands of programs to improve the performance of your smartphone. However, few of them can actually help solve the problem. Below are the utilities recognized, according to user reviews and ratings, as the best and most effective.

The well-known PC program has proven itself for the mobile platform. With its help, you can easily find any files, clean your smartphone from unnecessary garbage and unused applications. It is possible to produce full check gadget for files clogging the RAM.

To improve the operation of your device, go to the application and click on “Trash”, the program will quickly scan the drive and delete what is unnecessary.

Multifunctional utility, has the most important settings. Once you enter the program, you will find not only a garbage cleaner, but also a memory booster with an antivirus. The options are free, the developers have left only the most necessary, making the program useful for weak Android devices.

To clear garbage or speed up memory, you just need to go to the appropriate tabs and click on the “Speed ​​up” or “Clean” icon. The same must be done if the device needs to be scanned for viruses. An option that many users love is battery saving.

It is worth knowing that such methods also apply to people who have an Android tablet, everything is absolutely the same.

A good option for people who want to keep their phone tidy and clean. The developers have made a serious effort and claim that sometimes optimization with their program increases the speed of the device by 60%. Undoubtedly - a very good result. There is a mode that allows you to optimize games, thanks to which you can play and enjoy new releases for a longer time.

To increase performance, go to the application and select the Accelerator and Trash Cleaner tabs. To extend the life of the battery, click on Battery Saver.

Important: These applications work perfectly on Android versions 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 5.0, 5.0.2, 5.1, 5.1.1, 6.01 and higher.

This launcher is perfect for phone users than tablet users. Quite large icons, the ability to change the size grid and set your own background to your liking will really appeal to those who like to customize everything. CM Launcher is perfectly optimized; the developers have made the interface pleasing to the eye and very fast.

There are 9 desktops at your disposal, you can fully use them, create folders. The dock bar allows you to assign 4 icons to suit your needs. We were looking not only for optimization programs, but also for a full-fledged launcher - this one will do just fine.

It has the same capabilities as most accelerators. Great feature– create blacklists for applications. You can put into it those programs whose running in the background significantly consumes the smartphone’s resources. This utility It just won't let them open automatically. It’s very convenient, you don’t have to spend time on it yourself every time.

The main problems in the operation of a smartphone, especially when it comes to standard applications, is associated with RAM. Over time, it becomes clogged and begins to slow down the entire system. Apus Booster eliminates these types of problems.

To effectively and quickly remove unnecessary items from your device, you should pay attention to Go Speed. The utility displays all downloaded and installed files- makes their removal easier and faster.

It is possible to track background processes and display all unused programs. The Black Hole function can optimize the device by 50%.

Improve productivity using Task Manager

Android smartphones with versions Ice Cream Sandwich and higher have a task management center. It is necessary for quickly moving from one application to another. The more programs are in this manager, the greater the load on the gadget. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the number background processes. Open the task manager and close those applications that are hanging in the background. This clears the RAM and makes it easier for the device to run programs. This is especially true for those people who use a large number of applications throughout the day.

Working with animation

The latest versions of Android are overloaded with a lot of animation. Over time, it begins to tremble and becomes an eyesore, especially when watching this dozens of times a day. This problem affects devices in almost any price category.

To reduce its speed or turn it off, you need to access the “For Developers” settings item. The procedure is done as follows:

  1. Go to settings, scroll down and see the inscription “About the device”.
  2. Click on it.
  3. We are looking for “Build number”.
  4. We press quickly 7 times and see a message that we have become a developer.
  5. Scroll back and find the “For Developers” menu.
  6. Go to the “Window: Scale”, “Transition: Scale” and “Animation Speed” tabs.

All that remains is to choose the appropriate value. Usually users set it to 0.5 – the phone visually speeds up, however, the original smoothness is lost. We completely disable animation - the device will open programs much faster, but not everyone will like the aesthetics.

In this case, you just have to experiment and adjust everything to suit yourself. Undoubtedly, the less animation on your smartphone, the less the processor is loaded.

Speed ​​up your phone manually

Already have an optimization program installed? You can increase productivity even further manually. To do this, carefully review which applications you hardly use. Some of them can be very voluminous and not only take up space, but also overuse resources, which negatively affects work. After removing a couple of such programs, you will already begin to notice improvements. Transfer most of your photos and videos to your computer or virtual storage, this way you will save extra space on your device.

Do not forget to periodically reboot the device, preferably at night, and set the power saving mode during sleep. Many smartphones have a “Night mode”, which can be configured individually. You can configure and set what time you sleep, and the gadget will turn off all communication modules, and turn it on automatically the next morning (at the hour you set).

Important! Using the above methods together, the result will be much more noticeable, and your device will be much better able to cope with everyday tasks.

No matter how sophisticated a smartphone is, not everyone is able to survive until the evening even with an average load. The battery greatly affects the operation of the device as a whole, because poorly optimized programs can eat up the charge right before your eyes, causing heating and stuttering of the entire system. To extend the life of your battery, you should listen to the following tips:

  • Do not use your smartphone during severe frosts; many gadgets lose charge in a few minutes, some even turn off at minus 5;
  • Excessive heat will also not do any good. The operating temperature of the smartphone is from 0 to +30. In such conditions, overheating or cooling is almost impossible unless you play heavy 3D games;
  • Try to keep the charge between 30 and 80%. This way you won't use up the charge/discharge cycle completely, which will be very good for the battery.


The listed methods are good, even if you do not use them together. However, if you notice that the phone no longer holds a charge, does not work well with standard programs and constantly freezes, then use all the methods at once. So, to achieve the desired result, you need to take the following steps:

  • Download any application described above;
  • Periodically clean the memory with the task manager;
  • Increase animation speed/remove it altogether;
  • Protect the battery from high/low temperatures, keep the charge at 30–80%;
  • Reboot your smartphone occasionally.

If the speed of your mobile device has decreased, do not rush to buy a new device. Optimizing Android will increase its performance. We will offer you several effective options for solving the problem and share simple tips. By following them, you will avoid reducing the performance of your mobile gadget in the future.

Some methods involve changing settings and parameters, others involve using third party programs, third - following simple recommendations, and fourth - regular cleaning. It is best to restore order comprehensively. This is the only way to return the device to “factory” performance and take advantage of all the benefits. operating system Android of your smartphone or tablet.

This item can be found in the device Menu. If you don't find it there, turn on the mode using a simple algorithm. In order to activate it, go to “Settings”, and then to the “About device” section (about a smartphone, tablet). Find the “Build number” item and click on it 7-10 (!) times. A mode designed for more flexible settings is enabled!

In the “engineering” menu we are interested in three items. First, we must activate "Force Render". This will speed up the work GPU and will take the load off the main one. Secondly, we activate the “Disable hardware overlay” item. Thirdly, we will reduce the number of “Background processes” to three. This will increase productivity, but will not reduce multitasking. And the last settings are related to animation. If the device cannot boast powerful characteristics, it's best to turn off the animation. Do not activate anything else in this mode unless you have sufficient knowledge!

This was the first way to optimize Android in which we changed the settings. Go ahead.

Updating Android

Changing the firmware of a mobile device is important. And this is not a whim of the developers, but a necessity. After all, with each new version The OS is being improved: problems, shortcomings, and bugs are being fixed. To check if your software is up to date, open Settings and find About Phone. Next, go to the manufacturer’s website and search updated version firmware. How to update the firmware - read the corresponding article on

Use Clean Master or any other Android cleaning master

Cleaning Wizard is an excellent tool that is rightfully considered the No. 1 tool for optimizing Android. By using free application You will not only “put things in order” in your mobile device. You will increase security and data confidentiality thanks to online anti-virus protection, save battery power and significantly speed up the operation of the operating system.

Clean Master cleans the device of unnecessary files, deletes or blocks notifications and applications, frees up RAM, speeds up work. It also reduces the temperature of the processor and battery, saves energy, and manages background processes. And this is an incomplete list of the functions of the “cleaning wizard”!

Resetting the settings

If neither cleaning with a third-party app nor updating the software did anything, restore your device. To do this, you need to reset its settings to the original factory settings. This method will help you not only optimize your gadget, but also find out the reason for the decrease in performance. If you download the content again after a while, it will be easier to determine what exactly led to the slow operation of your phone or tablet. In any case, it is not recommended to overload the device with information. And if it doesn’t work out any other way, then from time to time you should delete unnecessary, outdated data.

Attention! Before optimizing Android in this way, do not forget to do backup personal information!

We use flash memory

Buy volume and high speed microSD card, store the bulk of the content on it, freeing up the internal memory of the device. This is a great option for those users who have a lot of games, applications, music, and graphics. After all, the more free memory, the faster it completes tasks software mobile gadget. Also try to minimize the use of download managers, such as BitTorrent.

Removing visual effects: widgets and live wallpapers

The first ones are always active and work in background, and the latter not only quickly drains the battery, but also hinders high performance. Yes, widgets help us perceive information better and more easily - weather, news, traffic jams, etc. It’s not possible to completely abandon them, but reducing their number is very desirable. For example, enable satellite system navigation or certain settings are possible through the menu. It’s the same with live wallpapers: it pleases the eye, but reduces the performance of the phone.

Remove unnecessary programs

The longer we use a mobile device, the more applications are stored in its memory. However, some of them are absolutely not used. Conduct an audit and remove all unnecessary things - things you haven’t played for a long time, things you haven’t used for a long time. And even if after a while you need some kind of application, you can always download it from Play Store or other source.

So, Android optimization has been completed. Now check how efficiently and quickly the mobile operating system works. Are you happy with the result?

It does not matter how many cores a mobile device processor contains, and what volume random access memory is in the gadget, you always need to be prepared for the moment when its performance ceases to be optimal. Many users complain that smartphones and tablets released several years ago no longer meet the requirements of modern operating systems and applications. As a result, everyone comes to the same decision - optimizing Android will help. You can learn how to do this from this article.

Optimization methods

Firstly, I would like to mention that users and developers create a large number of programs and utilities every day, which, according to the authors, will help speed up the performance of the device. In fact, no more than 5-10% of such applications are effective. The most effective ones will be listed below.

In addition, there are a number of ways to achieve better optimization"Android". These methods are just detailed configuration of the system through developer tools. Android is an open operating system, which is why anyone can make changes.

"Android": optimization using third-party programs

So, we sorted it out with the dispatcher. It's time to talk about speeding up your device using third-party programs. As mentioned above, only up to 10% of optimization applications are effective. The fact is that most often such utilities simply “clean up” the task manager, and that’s where the functionality ends. There are also more radical means that, for example, can clean the OS of “garbage” that has accumulated as a result of working on the Internet and with unknown sources. To choose such a utility correctly, analyze the ratings of applications in the Play Market. A program for optimizing Android with the best indicators of the number of downloads, ratings and user reviews is what you need.

"Task Manager"

Any device running Android OS, starting with version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, has a so-called “Task Manager” or “Desktop Window Manager”. It exists to quickly switch between applications that were previously running on the Android device. Device optimization, as many argue, directly depends on the location of “windows” in a given application. The point is this: if you “clean” the dispatcher from the applications located in it, the device will start working faster. In fact, there is only part of the truth in this statement.

The fact is that the “Task Manager” indicates those applications that were previously used on the device, but were minimized or closed. If the “Home” button on the device was pressed, the OS will try to “minimize” the application. If the gadget has enough RAM, then the program or game will actually be minimized, leaving running exactly the moment at which it was minimized. In this case, “Android” optimization directly depends on “throwing out” this application from the dispatcher. The program is closed - the RAM is freed, the device “thinks” less.

It's another matter when the device does not have enough RAM to keep the application running in the background. It is then that what can be seen in the task manager are just references to programs and games that were previously running on the device. "Throwing away" similar windows will not speed up the performance of a smartphone or tablet.

Background process limit

From the previous method it becomes clear that best program to optimize Android - the operating system itself with its built-in tools. This method will be optimal for those who have a large amount of RAM, but do not want to “butt” with the application manager. So, a brief description of the method:

  1. Go to the device settings, at the very bottom select “About device”.
  2. IN open menu find the line “Build number” (less often - “MIUI version” or other shell used on the device).
  3. Quickly click on this item seven times in a row, after which the message “You have become a developer!” will appear.
  4. Return to the main settings menu, in which select “For Developers”.
  5. Select the “Background Process Limit” tab, in which you should indicate the maximum allowed number of running background processes.

If you select the “No background processes” option, the device will no longer be able to save data about what stage the application was at before closing, as a result, each program or game will have to be launched again, wasting time.

Working with animation

Any device running Android is primarily configured to work using animation and beautiful effects transitions between different menus. But these processes waste precious moments of time even on powerful devices, not to mention budget devices. As a result, you can try disabling or speeding up the animation to find a compromise. In order to do this, you need to follow a couple of simple steps:

  1. Access the developer menu (described in the previous paragraph).
  2. In the “For Developers” menu, find the sub-items “Window: scale”, “Transition: scale” and “Animation speed”.

If you need to disable absolutely all transition effects, then you should select a value of 0 in each item, and if the desired result is optimization of Android without disabling the effects, then you can select a value of 0.5 and speed up the drawing of the animation.

It is very difficult to understand how complex the Android system is. Optimizing it is a separate question, the answer to which cannot always be obtained only by downloading the utility or disabling transition animation. Much depends on little things that are almost invisible to the eye.

Here are some professional tips that can help speed up your device:

  1. You should not use “live” wallpapers, they literally kill performance and energy saving.
  2. You should avoid using widgets or, as a last resort, disable those that are rarely used.
  3. Disabling cached processes and applications that are running by the system (you should be careful not to disrupt the operation of Android as a system as a whole).
  4. Don't litter file system unnecessary files and information, if possible, remove “garbage” and unused applications.

Result tracking

In order to understand whether any of the selected actions helped, you should turn to special utilities. These utilities are called benchmarks and can be downloaded from Play apps Market. Most often they are free.

The principle of operation of benchmarks is to evaluate the speed of execution of certain processes by a device in numerical form. That is, the higher the rating number, the faster the device works and the less it freezes. Accordingly, before you start “dancing with a tambourine” on your device, you should download the benchmark and evaluate the performance of the device. After any of the actions described above, you should run the test again and see if this action result. The information received will always come in handy when purchasing a new device.

I would like to note that optimizing an Android phone is not the most difficult process; almost anyone can take it on themselves. That is why, before swearing at the device manufacturer and saying that “I wouldn’t wish such a device on my enemy,” you should think about trying to fix everything yourself.

Smartphones and tablets with operating system Google Android have long enjoyed deserved popularity. The ease of use and versatility of these devices allows you to perform a wide variety of tasks on them, turning an ordinary small phone into a full-fledged one. mobile computer. But have you ever noticed how over time the quality of your mobile pet running the Android operating system may decline? The speed of launching applications decreases, the smartphone slows down in those tasks in which it used to fly, and the battery begins to discharge so quickly, as if it had been replaced?

All these unpleasant phenomena may be due to the fact that the operating system of your device is gradually becoming clogged with fragments of old programs, various garbage, some applications running in the background constantly “eat up” battery power, etc. In order for your phone or tablet to work for a long time, the so-called optimization of the operating system and its programs is necessary, that is, cleaning it of all unnecessary things and speeding up its operation.

Android OS optimization can be carried out different ways and act at different levels of the system. And today we’ll talk about how to optimize the performance of your mobile device and how to speed up Android.

How to Optimize Android OS by Customizing Applications

In general, the slowdown of your Android smartphone can very often be due to the fact that due to the installation of many programs, the system gradually becomes clogged, applications clog up their cache, constantly surf the Internet, loading ads that you don’t need, etc. Before optimizing your mobile friend, it would be a good idea to find out what resources are being spent on what by installing a system monitoring application. A good option among similar ones seems to us to be the SystemPanel App / Task Manager program, but you can use any other with similar functionality. Knowing what exactly consumes the system resources the most, it will be easier to deal with this phenomenon in the future.

There are several simple recipes, keeping your mobile assistant in its peak performance state after you start using it. To achieve stability and speed up the operation of your mobile device, follow simple tips for optimizing it:

1. Install on your phone or tablet only those applications that you really need. If you don't know exactly why you need specific application- it’s better not to install it. There is no need to litter your mobile device with things you don’t understand why you downloaded from the market. Google Play applications or games, just to see what it is. Frequent installation and subsequent deletion of applications will certainly litter the cache of your Android device;

2. Disable auto-download of unnecessary applications. Many applications are loaded when the system starts and hang in RAM, taking up its resources and consuming processor power, even without the user’s knowledge. Install an application that analyzes your startup list, and disable in it those applications that should not start with Android. One application that allows you to do this is free program Autorun Manager.

3. Remove applications built into the firmware that you do not intend to use. Very often, mobile device manufacturers add to their firmware a number of proprietary applications designed to work with the manufacturer’s services, or simply perform an advertising function. Typically, such applications are completely useless for the user, and some of them can be quite heavy, and even take a bite out of the RAM of the phone or tablet. Remove everything you can. You can find out what is safe to clean and what is better not to touch on specialized forums, in the thread dedicated to your device. In most cases, deleting applications built into the firmware is only possible on devices with root rights, but Superuser rights are a useful thing in any case, so now is the time to get them. And how exactly this is done, you can read in this article in our knowledge base:

4. If possible, transfer applications to a flash cardmicro-SD. Transfer installed applications to a micro-SD memory card frees up space in the main memory for other applications. If desired, you can transfer even those programs that cannot be transferred using standard tools. To do this, however, you will have to use third-party software, for example, Titanium backup. More information about transferring applications to a memory card can be found in our FAQ article

6. Prevent applications from freely accessing the Internet. If you suspect that some application is constantly surfing the Internet, transmitting incomprehensible information and consuming traffic, but you do not want to delete the application due to its usefulness, you can simply block it from accessing the network using a firewall program. One of the simple and free similar programs is DroidWall - Android Firewall.

How to speed up Android by clearing the cache

In addition to all of the above, it is recommended to regularly clean the operating system from accumulated garbage. This will both speed up the operation of your smartphone or tablet and free up memory space necessary for the user’s needs. Garbage in the Android OS mainly consists of the cache, that is, temporary files that applications create to suit their needs. The cache of each application can be cleared manually, but this is time-consuming and inconvenient. It is much wiser to use specialized applications, of which a sufficient number have been created, and they are also free. A good option among them looks, for example, .

You can learn more about how to optimize and how to speed up Android by clearing the cache in the article from our website:.

How to speed up Android by overclocking the processor

Another way to optimize performance, making your phone or tablet work noticeably faster, is increasing processor frequency, or, simply put, its acceleration. This operation is on mobile processors is not as popular as on their desktop counterparts, but it will not hurt to know about this opportunity to speed up the operation of your mobile device. For outdated devices with weak processors, overclocking can be quite relevant.

Be careful! Interfering with the frequency of the processor can negatively affect its stability due to overheating, and such an operation can completely damage your smartphone or tablet. You perform all actions to overclock the processor on Android solely at your own peril and risk.

Before overclocking your processor, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the results of such overclocking from owners of mobile devices similar to yours in order to understand the safe limits of the maximum frequency and be aware of possible problems. In addition, keep in mind that increasing the processor frequency will certainly lead to an increase in the power consumption of your smartphone or tablet and, accordingly, to a decrease in time battery life. Here you need to look for a reasonable balance between increasing productivity and reducing device autonomy.

Overclocking the processor on Android using special programs. One of the most popular among them is AnTuTu CPU Master, which can be downloaded for free from the Google Play market. The program requires root rights, but we hope you have already obtained them by following the above recommendations for optimizing Android.

Sometimes in custom firmware for mobile devices, the processor frequency has already been increased to a level that is considered acceptable by the authors of the firmware, or the user is given the opportunity to choose the frequency increase limit himself. Just look for the appropriate firmware with this optimization.

How to optimize the battery life of an Android mobile phone

Your phone or tablet can become a real “airplane” after performing the above optimizations. But any acceleration of your mobile device will not leave you satisfied if the device discharges too quickly. Battery Optimization onAndroid is quite important stage general optimization of the operating system.

In order for the battery of your new smartphone or tablet to reach its maximum capacity, and then maintain it for a long time, the battery needs to be pumped up. To do this, the new battery must be discharged to zero, and then charged to full capacity, leaving Charger connected for some more time after the “Charged” message appears on the charge indicator. This operation must be repeated three times, after which the battery calibrated in this way will operate at the peak of its power. If you frequently and chaotically charge your mobile device, it is recommended to carry out this battery calibration operation regularly.

In addition, turn off wireless interfaces whenever you do not need them, use energy-saving device profiles, and enable automatic brightness adjustment so that the screen does not work at maximum all the time. To radically influence the battery life, you can reduce the frequency of the processor according to the recipe from the previous section.

There are several programs specifically designed to fine-tune the power consumption of mobile devices running the Android operating system. Snapdragon BatteryGuru and Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) are the most popular among them, but there are others like them that are easily found on the Google Play Store.

Optimizing battery performance in the operating room Android system- very extensive and interesting topic, and if you decide to become seriously interested in it, we recommend that you carefully read the following article in our knowledge base:

How to optimize Android OS, other methods

There are other ways to speed up Android OS. For example, in the settings menu of your device, in the "For Developers" item, check the box " Speed ​​up the GPU", which can slightly increase graphics rendering performance. You can disable synchronization of your device with servicesGoogle, if you don't need it. If you installed it on your desktop live wallpaper Android, also disable them, because this is a very resource-intensive OS feature. In addition, every widget that is present on desktops hangs in the RAM of your device, and if you do not use a widget, delete it and thereby free up the resources of your phone or tablet.

As you can see, optimizing Android is a complex issue, and before speeding up Android, the user needs to do some preparation. But, believe us, the skin is definitely worth the candle. After carrying out at least some of the operations listed in the article, the increased speed of your operating system and its applications, as well as the overall responsiveness of your smartphone or tablet, will be noticeable naked eye. So try it, and good luck to you!


No matter how many cores a mobile device processor contains, or how much RAM the gadget has, you always need to be prepared for the moment when its performance is no longer optimal. Many users complain that smartphones and tablets released several years ago no longer meet the requirements of modern operating systems and applications. As a result, everyone comes to the same decision - optimizing Android will help. You can learn how to do this from this article.

Click the "Not Optimized" button and click "All Applications" to display all the services represented by twelve care. Finally, select the tools that you don't want to be affected by the power mode and check the "Don't optimize" checkbox. Apply the setting to "Done" and you're done!

Unoptimized apps can run background processes, which inevitably consumes battery even when the phone is not in use. Submitting services marked as an exception, again for Twelve's performance, is simple: repeat the above procedure and open the "Not Optimized" tab. Click on the listed application and check the Optimize box.

Optimization methods

Firstly, I would like to mention that users and developers create a large number of programs and utilities every day, which, according to the authors, will help speed up the performance of the device. In fact, no more than 5-10% of such applications are effective. The most effective ones will be listed below.

Multitasking manager or background processes?

But, in the end, how can you close processes that are running in the background, free up memory, and thereby improve device performance? Tools that force you to close applications can be loaded to bursts, that's true. When applications are closed via the multitasking tab, the cached data also "disappears". As an emergency solution, this alternative may work; Ultimately, however, stopping processes in the background may be an ideal alternative.

In addition, there are a number of ways in which better optimization of Android will be achieved. These methods are just detailed configuration of the system through developer tools. Android is an open operating system, which is why anyone can make changes.

"Android": optimization using third-party programs

So, we sorted it out with the dispatcher. It's time to talk about speeding up your device using third-party programs. As mentioned above, only up to 10% of optimization applications are effective. The fact is that most often such utilities simply “clean up” the task manager, and that’s where the functionality ends. There are also more radical means that, for example, can clean the OS of “garbage” that has accumulated as a result of working on the Internet and with. To choose such a utility correctly, analyze the rating of applications in the Play Market. A program for optimizing Android with the best indicators of the number of downloads, ratings and user reviews is what you need.

Closing applications with a multitasking manager is a relatively effective alternative. However, identifying the services that break the system most of the time and then terminating them is simple. To access this you must enable Developer Options.

Close hungry apps that run in the background

Then open the About Phone tab. Developer privileges are required to access system reports. In Developer Options, reopen Settings and click Developer or Developer Options to view system reports. Now simply select the applications that are affecting the system the most and click Stop to end the processes!

"Task Manager"

Any device running Android OS, starting with version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, has a so-called “Task Manager” or “Desktop Window Manager”. It exists to quickly switch between applications that were previously running on the Android device. Device optimization, as many argue, directly depends on the location of “windows” in a given application. The point is this: if you “clean” the dispatcher from the applications located in it, the device will start working faster. In fact, there is only part of the truth in this statement.

The battery does not last 24 hours! This type of complaint is common among users who had a regular mobile phone, whose battery lasted the entire week and bought a smartphone. Know where your battery ends. Just by referring to this information, you already have a good idea of ​​who this villain is by killing his precious energy.

When you click on one of these options, a window with is displayed. Many times the button in this area is options that help us fix or optimize a feature to suit your needs. You don't need such a shiny screen!

The fact is that the “Task Manager” indicates those applications that were previously used on the device, but were minimized or closed. If the “Home” button on the device was pressed, the OS will try to “minimize” the application. If the gadget has enough RAM, then the program or game will actually be minimized, leaving running exactly the moment at which it was minimized. In this case, “Android” optimization directly depends on “throwing out” this application from the dispatcher. The program is closed - the RAM is freed, the device “thinks” less.

At first glance, we noticed who the big killer was. In most cases, the screen is the number one enemy of its duration. To access display settings, we can reduce the brightness, the number of animations that will be used while navigating on your mobile phone, and the time the screen will take to erase after you have stopped fiddling with your smartphone.

Be careful not to disable the option automatic rotation screen. Many apps need this feature to function, and also to simply view content better. Disable data connections you don't use. But not all the time, right? In this sequence, go to Link and Portable Hotspot and make sure the two options are cleared. If you don't use this feature, you don't need to leave it enabled. If your mobile phone doesn't have this option, don't worry.

It's another matter when the device does not have enough RAM to keep the application running in the background. It is then that what can be seen in the task manager are just references to programs and games that were previously running on the device. “Throwing away” such windows will not speed up the performance of your smartphone or tablet.

Return to the previous screen and go to the "Mobile networks" section. Here we can disable the "Data Included" option and this will be enough to prevent you from touching others, no need. If you don't have a data package with your service provider, you can leave this option turned off all the time.

Make friends with the energy widget. Reduce the frequency of app updates. There is no correct formula and this setting will depend on your use of the device. Basically what needs to be said is: reduce the refresh rate and sync of your apps.

Background process limit

From the previous method, it becomes clear that the best program for optimizing Android is the operating system itself with its built-in tools. This method will be optimal for those who have a large amount of RAM, but do not want to “butt” with the application manager. So, a brief description of the method:

Many of them allow you to configure the frequency of program updates. Of course, if you depend on email to work and usually check them on your smartphone, you should leave this update more often. The place to go when you need to find it! Many widgets access this feature to get your location and provide you with a personalized or more accurate experience. But this is not always necessary.

Be economical in the number of installed applications and widgets. Many of them are programs that are truly worth keeping on your system, but others are completely disposable or only useful at a certain point. Incredibly, this helps save battery power! Multiple applications connect to the Internet without the need for user authorization or multiple searches for changes. Carry out a small battery, but waste it.

  1. Go to the device settings, at the very bottom select “About device”.
  2. In the open menu, find the line “Build number” (less often - “MIUI version” or other shell used on the device).
  3. Quickly click on this item seven times in a row, after which the message “You have become a developer!” will appear.
  4. Return to the main settings menu, in which select “For Developers”.
  5. Select the “Background process limit” tab, in which you should indicate the maximum allowed number of running background processes.

And many applications, spending a little battery each, can compromise the life of your mobile phone during the day. Uninstall apps you don't use and clear the cache of apps you do use. This frees up your phone's storage space and prevents unused programs from using up battery that could be better used.

The same goes for widgets on your home screen. If you don't use them, they're not worth it. They often consume more battery power than the program they are associated with and will not allow your phone's battery to last more than a day. Disable animated wallpaper.

If you select the “No background processes” option, the device will no longer be able to save data about what stage the application was at before closing, as a result, each program or game will have to be launched again, wasting time.

Working with animation

Any device running Android is primarily configured to work using animation and beautiful transition effects between different menus. But these processes waste precious moments of time even on powerful devices, not to mention budget devices. As a result, you can try disabling or speeding up the animation to find a compromise. In order to do this, you need to follow a couple of simple steps:

Animated wallpapers use more battery power than static wallpapers and will get sick after a while. Use static images, which, in addition to being very beautiful, do not consume unnecessary battery. Don't let your phone get hot. Many people don't know, but the energy that powers your phone is the result of a chemical reaction. And with heat this reaction happens faster! Do not leave your smartphone in the sun, in a car or near heaters. Heat battery consumption won't show up in your operating system consumption list, but it will certainly have a significant impact on your phone's life.

  1. Access the developer menu (described in the previous paragraph).
  2. In the “For Developers” menu, find the sub-items “Window: scale”, “Transition: scale” and “Animation speed”.

If you need to disable absolutely all transition effects, then you should select a value of 0 in each item, and if the desired result is optimization of Android without disabling the effects, then you can select a value of 0.5 and speed up the drawing of the animation.

Of course, because of this detail, phone batteries tend to be smaller in hot cities and slightly larger in cold cities. But if you live in the north or northeast, don't worry: with the other tips you see here, you can get the most out of your device!

By the way, how does your device's battery perform? If this command is set, your social media locations cannot be updated. The thing is, turning off the location feature also saves energy. Under Settings, scroll down and tap Location. Turn off the selector and switch!

It is very difficult to understand how complex the Android system is. Optimizing it is a separate question, the answer to which cannot always be obtained only by downloading the utility or disabling transition animation. Much depends on little things that are almost invisible to the eye.

Here are some professional tips that can help speed up your device:

But disabling this feature and saving battery life is very simple. Open the virtual store app and then click the sandwich icon to the left of the title. Updating your apps will need to be done manually after this option.

Scroll down the page and open the Settings option. In the Automatically update apps section, select Don't automatically update apps. Once this is done, all updates will need to be downloaded manually. Vibrating alert and rotating motor activation when using the keyboard are truly useful features for users who value discretion. But someone who jumps over messengers can compromise the battery.

  1. You should not use “live” wallpapers, they literally kill performance and energy saving.
  2. You should avoid using widgets or, as a last resort, disable those that are rarely used.
  3. Disabling cached processes and applications that are running by the system (you should be careful not to disrupt the operation of Android as a system as a whole).
  4. Do not clutter the file system with unnecessary files and information; if possible, remove “garbage” and unused applications.

Result tracking

In order to understand whether any of the selected actions helped, you should turn to special utilities. These utilities are called benchmarks and can be downloaded from the Play Market application. Most often they are free.

To turn off vibration notifications, go to Sound & Notification and tap the “Also vibrate for calls” switch. Simply turn off the switch to turn off vibration for calls. If you want to turn off vibration when using the keyboard, go back to the Settings screen and open Language & Text.

Select the keyboard you use to turn off vibration, then. To complete the process, go back to Settings, open the Sound & Notification box again, and tap More Sounds. Finally, turn off the Touch Sounds and Vibrate on Touch options. Don't forget to go back to "Other sounds" and turn off the "Touch sounds" and "Vibrate on playback" options.

The principle of operation of benchmarks is to evaluate the speed of execution of certain processes by a device in numerical form. That is, the higher the rating number, the faster the device works and the less it freezes. Accordingly, before you start “dancing with a tambourine” on your device, you should download the benchmark and evaluate the performance of the device. After any of the actions described above, you should run the test again and see if this action gave a result. The information received will always come in handy when purchasing a new device.

You can determine the types of alerts you receive from each service's settings, so we recommend turning on silent notifications. Tap an app to view energy consumption details. This will display information about the total remaining load and a report that brings data related to the power consumption of applications. Click on any of the services to view battery usage information and, if possible, close processes.

On the screen that opens, tap the switch and then activate the function. Activating the Eco mode limits some functions. Attention. Enabling the standard power saving mode limits certain features, such as reduced performance and limited vibration, location, and background control features. Some apps, such as email and instant messaging, also cannot be updated.

I would like to note that optimizing an Android phone is not the most difficult process; almost anyone can take it on themselves. That is why, before swearing at the device manufacturer and saying that “I wouldn’t wish such a device on my enemy,” you should think about trying to fix everything yourself.

Android users often notice that their devices become slower over time. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, but one of the most common is the running of currently unused applications in the background. Here we will look at how you can disable automatic startup and what to do if the application annoyingly tries to start again and again.

Optimizing the energy use of applications can also be done from the Battery options. Click again on the three dots to the right of the title and open Battery Optimization. Under Not Optimized, select All Apps and wait for the list to load, which will show all installed services.

To save even more battery life, data synchronization between user accounts can be stopped. To do this, open the “Customize” option and then click on “Accounts”. Your account details will no longer be updated on your mobile phone.

Why disable automatic start?

Everything running on your device affects the available memory, processor, and battery power. For the most part, this isn't a problem since Android is designed to always have apps in RAM so you can use them quickly. If performance begins to decline, the system itself begins to close the least used ones in order to maintain speed. For this reason, it may be counterproductive to kill applications with third-party task killers, since Android prefers to run in its own environment.

But if one of your installed apps insists on launching even when you don't need it, and then sits in the background, you may find that your device starts to feel sluggish or the battery drains noticeably faster. In this case, it is necessary to check the operation of all unauthorized applications. Sometimes the problem arises due to poor coding or obvious software “bugs”. Battery life may be reduced if the application uses GPS or other location-based features.

A good rule of thumb is to keep only what Google provides on your device. The exception is various applications from Google Play (books, movies and TV, press and music), each of which can be stopped without causing any system failures. Android protects itself quite well, so even if you carelessly try to terminate some important process on your device, the system itself will correct you, preventing catastrophic consequences. This is useful to know.

The sad truth is that if an application has an auto-run feature, it can be quite difficult to rein it in. Let's look at the different options.

How to disable auto-start applications: if you have Marshmallow installed

If you notice problems with your device's performance, you need to look at what apps are running. The procedure is slightly different depending on which version of Android you are using. If you upgraded to (Android 6.0.1), you need to enable developer mode before you can access the information.

To do this, go to “Settings> About Phone” and click on the “Build Number” section several times until the message “You are now a developer!” appears. (You are now a Developer!). After that, return to “Settings”, where a new section “Developer options” will appear.

Open this section and select “Running services”. You will see a detailed list of active applications, indicating how long they have been running since launch and their impact on system operation.

Select any of them and you will be given the option to stop the application or get a report. If you click Stop, the program should close. In some cases, it is necessary to stop several different processes running by the same application, after which the program will safely close.

Sometimes it happens that after closing the application automatically starts again. Therefore, it is worth checking this section periodically. If this happens, it may be best to remove it completely, as preventing AutoPlay apps from restarting can be a challenge.

How to disable auto-start applications: Doze function

The Doze feature in Android Marshmallow allows you to minimize the impact of background applications. Essentially, it “freezes” the launch of applications when the smartphone is in your pocket, lying on a table or in a bag, and, in general, when it is not connected anywhere and the screen is off.

To check if Doze is enabled for your smart apps, go to Settings > Battery and tap the three dots in the top right corner. After this, additional options will appear, including “Battery Saver” and “Battery Optimization”. Select the latter and you'll see a list of apps that haven't been optimized. If you find your “naughty” application there, tap on it, select “Optimize” and click “Done”. Now Android will control it more tightly throughout the day.

In addition to the settings described, there are other ways to stop automatic start There are practically no applications, unless you use solutions from third-party developers ( task killer). However, this is not the best solution, as these programs interfere with Android in many ways. Therefore, if the application does not want to obey you, you should delete it and find a more acceptable alternative. Fortunately, their choice is huge.

How to disable autorun applications: if you are using outdated versions of Android

In Android 4.0 and above, there are a couple of different options for killing an application. To find out which ones are sucking up your resources, go to Settings > Applications and scroll down to the Running section. Find the application you are looking for there, select it and simply click the “Force Stop” button. The same result can be achieved by “tapping” the “Recent Apps” button on the home screen (the square usually located to the right of the Home button) and then using a finger movement (“swipe”) to remove the unnecessary program.

Unfortunately, none of these methods will prevent the application from restarting on its own. Therefore, if you really need it and want to keep it on your smartphone, you will have to use a third-party task manager to disable autorun.

How to disable autorun applications: third-party solutions

The most popular task managers/killers are Greenify, Purify and Doze, each of which works on the same principle as the Doze function in Android Marshmallow, i.e. Pauses applications when you are not using the device. Each of listed programs has many additional features, but they usually require root access, which is an additional headache. Rooting your smartphone gives you a deeper level of control over it, but it comes with risks. Therefore, if you are not confident in your technical abilities, it is better not to resort to this option.

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